. .t' �
<br /> � .
<br /> �i�A .' .. . ' , .
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<br /> �/. .,i�� ' ' .� . ' i .. .. � .. . .. -. .. . . . . ......_..__._.w....��
<br /> �� � �'w-.1'4Y:Y/.._ •:"___'.""_'__' .
<br /> -._u3�...... __......'._..-_"_"".
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<br /> ., • ��W�a��� �
<br /> 1q, fie�nblllL�tEo� H�nan I#�:�ment. Fiono�vsr ahnll tLlQli oll of Bonower'a obliBntiona under uny homo "
<br /> rebnbilttntion. Improvemcnt. ¢epntr or other lonn ngreemEnt cvhich Sorrower entcrs inco with i.ender. Lendes. nt }..
<br /> �� i,ender'u ogtlon.may�qnire Borrnwer to oAecuto and deltver to Lender.in n lorm ncceptnble to Lender.nn assiBnment �
<br /> o{�yy�ygpts,elairns�or dcfem:a v�hicu Boi-ec�wce may bavc agalnst p�ctles r�ho supply labor, mnterinis or aervices in
<br /> � connrctlon with lmprovements made to tho Pr�nperty. '--.;"��
<br /> . ;--T-' IS. 7leans?er of t[to Y'ro�ertY or A B�netIcf�l IntcarsY In Barrnwcr,Assumpiion. It uU or aay purt of tho Propetty
<br /> or nuy interest Itt lt ia sold or transferred(or If n beneRcial iaterest in Borrower la sold or transferred und Borrower is �
<br /> ' not u naturnl pe�son)withaut Lender's pdor wtltten consent�LettdeT mny�nt LeAder's option.foe uny reuson,declare R _ -
<br /> ' ull ehe�wns secured by this Deed of Tniat to Ea immediately due aad puyablo. However. thls option ahuU not be �::T^`
<br /> '� ., exzYCised by Lender if eatrcise la prohtbited by Fedeml IA�v ns oi the dnte of this Deed of Trust. �,��-
<br /> ° :i� It Lender exercises this opdon,Lender ehull Qive Borrower notloe of axclemtion. The aottce shull pmvide u perlad j�i:,:,�
<br /> ±� ot not tess thun 30 d�ys from the dnte tke notice is deltvered or mnited withfn wWch Borrower must puy�ill sums secured �-u�:,
<br /> " by this Deed of Tcust. U Bflirower futls to puy in fu11 these aums Prlor to tho e.xpiradon of tUis period.Lender muy �°°
<br /> in�oyQ any reinedies permitted by this Bexd of Tzust withnut l�sther aotioe or demand on 8orrower. �:.
<br /> �
<br /> ° 'lhis Deed of Tn�st may not bo ct:sumed by a purchaser without the Le�tder•o wnsent. If ttn assumption ia nilowed.the �;��
<br /> . Lendsr may ch�rga�►assumpdon fee snd requlte the persan(s)asswtting the loun w pay uddittoaal chnrges os authoriECQ ��
<br /> _ � by law. '"'__.�,`
<br /> �. ;, AIaTICLE II �Y_``=
<br /> y,:� - -
<br /> . . . ., -_
<br /> "��� �� �. NON-Ui+i�QKM�OVTiNAN't`S. 8°n'°wer und Lender further covennnt nnd ngree us followa: y,=.
<br /> y:• 5_`_:.._
<br />' . 3�' w'.-
<br /> , fri�i. = 16. ��ocelerntton;Remedies. �J�aa Bore+ower's brPacb of ue►y coveaant or egreeaien4 oi Bora�owea in Wts Deed --
<br /> ,,c,��t'r' of�i fiu�s4,tncludin8 w[tROUt ii��tution i�ae eoa�eauuio u;�,u�wt�s��;��'l..�N�'�.."��y et►ia . _
<br /> " 'n`•:y;{•t —--
<br /> fr.�. .. ; S p�}op�. Lr�tder.nt Lender'e optfon.subjed to the fofIowL�senlence,aaay declae�c all oi the sums secure� ___
<br /> ,, py�S peed of'AYv,st W be immediately due aad puyable without d�s�nd or ceoltos wtd may invoke thR power
<br /> �, ot sal¢,and unY otteer r�u►ed1e+Permitted by uppAatble law. IMo�to reonrding enY notloa oi ddeult I.ender sholl
<br /> , . . t. g►�e ID�rrower uottoe of deisult os requtrcd by law and�in t�►e evcnt oi o defautt co�ist[ag onty of Borin�'s ,:
<br /> ': ia3Il�Qo�eke o requfred l�ayment�Bore�ower shap oa�rh+�Pmvlded by taw.lwv�t►��ty(20)doYs atter sad�
<br /> .. , �� not[ce is gtv¢a to cure sucb defaWt by teudertag the nmount due nt ttte tlmo oi the ten�ler.wlthnut eaxleration, —
<br /> . t� pla�s anY unPuEd chei'Bes. After eCCOrdln�A notloe of de�nult.Lender chalE 6$entitled to col1�in caeh Dmceedin8 --
<br /> � � alA ea�rnses af fora:losure►tueluding, but Qot limtted to. t+�uonable uttotu�ys' [�es �r�tvstee's and oosts ot ;; _
<br /> • ' ' . � doc�cnwrY�w[denee.abste�c�s and title e+eports. u
<br />�=t: :,, , , If the power of sEile is invoked. ,Tiustee sha11 cecord a notloe of dtffwlt In each oounty in Whicfi�any paK of the Prapexty
<br />�;;...:,.-. -.-'. ►s located aud ehall ma�1 oogies of such notice in the manner presc�ibed by applicuble law to Bnrrower aud co the other
<br /> __ ;._;;, p��prescribed by nppl�cuble luw. ARer tha ttaee rPquired by applicable law.Tcustee sh�ll glve publie notia of sale
<br />_ . . .. ::. to the�sons und in ths mannet prescrlbed by c�pplicable law. Tmstea�V1�t�W11t QEID�Ad OII B01'tbWBI�shall selt the _
<br />-.t � • -
<br /> . , .' : , pco;p�.�ray at publia aucdou to tkE l�ighest bidder at the ttme und place and under the tem�s deslgnatal ia the notice of sAle
<br />' ' ia ona or more panels ead In u�;t�rder Tcustee detes�iaes. Tcustee may po$tpone snle of n11 or nny ptu+eel of ttte _._.._
<br /> '�`��� PropertY bY Publtc ainaouacement at ti►e time end place oi any prESViously ashedulod sate. Lender of its deslgu�may _
<br />�,�•� � purcLBSe t�he Property at oay sale. _
<br /> ; .. . ��� _�_--
<br /> "�,�`• ., ;��i�,�;'' • Tnatee ah�tl eppiy t6e aele prr�eds.Rret.to ths wsts and eapenses of exerciaing the power of eale and of thu sate. =.-
<br />`.�•:"��'��'^�;��� iar,�udiag the paytas.at of the'I4z�ste.e'a teea�tually iaturnd aot to exce�fifteen percent(1S;�)of the grose sate priw, �._
<br />- . .. . . seeoad� to paym$nt of the obligation secured by thta Deed of Tiust. th9rd. to the pnyraent of junior aust de�d9. _
<br />_�i�^..: , � �,• m�rtgqges or other lienholdere. and the balance�if any� w the parsoa ar�srsona legully entid�therPto. _
<br /> ��� ., ` Il�. A�Igrameut of Reuts:APpoint�ent oI Receiver. As�ddltional securlry hereucder.Sorrov�er hereby assigas to �;_�
<br /> ." d�uflEi the c+enta of tho Pcop$zty.psevided that Bormwer a'�n91,prtor to ecoelerntEon uader psaagmph 16 h..n�of�r �.0
<br /> ' � ' abandonnaent of the Propeny,lutvo the rigtu to coltect nnd cewia such rents as they beoonte due and payable. ,�
<br /> , „ � -
<br />_ Upon¢ccelerat�on aw�er parngraph 16 hzrsator abaudonment of the Proptttay,9.ea�er sh�ll�e eatlticd to have a c�ecetver -�
<br /> ' nPPO��bY II 0011it t�eDt2i y1�'j�LA.wke possesalon of aad mana�e the Praperty nnd to caUect We rents oi the E�ra�tty �'_.��
<br /> ,,�i.�;,�; . i�ci¢dtnB thoss past d+��. l�il r�,a collaxed by the receiver sh�ll be applied Hrat to ps�;��t of the costs of maaag�me�.�t
<br /> ���;;; ot the prop�ity aud wllectioa�f'rents.iRCladinQ.but aaz limited to receivee's fees.g7su��nms on recetver's bands msd
<br /> c+easoaable attomeyn'fees,nnd then to t�e swns secured by this Dee�of Tivst. 'ltie receiver sinzil tgs Diable to acooant
<br /> _._._�......�...p...,s.,.,a �
<br /> ----- ',�- vui� ivi w'v�aw.n......�.y.�.•--• -
<br /> . Ig, I.ean Char�cs• It tue loan sacumd by thls Qeed ot Tevst is subjoct to u law which sets maximum tonn char6es�
<br /> :; ��� und tt�t Inw ia flnally inteipreted so t�t the interest or other loan charges wllected or to be callecteaf in oonnection�v€tb
<br /> �� tEee ioan exoeed��I{�����: (1)�Y��loan ch�es sLull be reduced by the umeant neaessury to redace
<br /> � the charQe to ehe pem�ttted iimit;aad(2)unY sums ah+eudy oollectcd from Hornower v�rhich exoeeded peimitted litnits
<br /> - wllt be refunded to Botrower. ..
<br /> _ � .
<br /> - , mm aur on ay.�r� rol�y nr N��
<br /> _ , •)
<br />