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202302402, <br />Master Deed as a part of the condominium regime. <br />c. "General Common Elements" shall include: the land on which the buildings <br />stand, including all of the surrounding lands embraced within the legal <br />descriptions of the Involved Property, the foundations and main walls including <br />the exterior surfaces of all buildings and garages except for the screening, window <br />glass, exterior doors and garage doors; and including exterior water taps which <br />may be used by the Association for watering and maintenance of common areas <br />and yards and gardens; drives; walks; parking areas; utility buildings, and all parts <br />of the property and improvements which are not located within the Villas or <br />denoted as "limited common elements" as shown on the plan as previous filed <br />with the Regime I Declaration and Regime II Declaration. General common <br />elements shall also include all installations and the space necessary therefore for <br />all central services to be provided up to each suite or garage including electric <br />wiring, plumbing, telephone wiring and flues. <br />III. Description of the Regime: This condominium consists of the Description of the Regime <br />as set forth in the Regime I Declaration and the Regime II Declaration. <br />IV. Values: The values stated in this article are for the sole purpose of apportioning voting <br />control and the allocation of common expenses. These values mean that each Villa has <br />one vote, and each pays an equal share of the common expenses. The basic value of each <br />Villa and garage separately with the percentage which each villa shall share in the <br />expenses of, and the rights in, the common elements are as set forth in the Regime I <br />Declarations and the Regime II Declarations. Each villa shall pay one -eleventh (1/11) of <br />the expenses incurred by the Regime. <br />V. Repairs, Architectural and Landscaping Control: <br />Section 1. No building, fence, wall, or other structure shall be commenced, erected, or <br />maintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be <br />made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, material, exterior <br />color scheme, and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to <br />harmony of external design, preservation of views of the golf course, and location in relation to <br />surrounding structures and topography by an Architectural Committee composed of three (3) or more <br />representatives appointed by the Board of Directors of the Association ("Architectural Committee") <br />or by the Board of Directors of the Association, which shall perform the duties hereunder of the <br />Architectural Committee if no Architectural Committee is appointed. In the event the Architectural <br />Committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within ninety (90) days after said <br />plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required, and this Article will <br />be deemed to have been fully complied with. The Association shall be responsible for all roof <br />maintenance and for painting, repair, maintenance, and replacement of all exterior siding. Each <br />Owner shall be responsible for all necessary repairs from water intrusion within each Villa, including <br />but not limited to water intrusion originating from or caused by any enclosed or exposed patio. Each <br />Owner shall be responsible for any maintenance necessary on any enclosed or exposed patio. Each <br />Owner shall be responsible for the maintenance, replacement or repair of the doors, garage doors and <br />mechanical operators thereof, and all windows glass and screening. <br />Section 2. No landscaping which has the potential to impede or obstruct any Owner's <br />view of the golf course shall be permitted until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, <br />and location of such landscaping has been submitted to and approved a Grounds Committee <br />composed of three (3) or more representatives appointed by the Board of Directors ("Grounds <br />Committee") or by the Board of Directors of the Association, which shall perform the duties <br />hereunder of the Grounds Committee if no Grounds Committee is appointed. In the event the Grounds <br />Committee fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within ninety (90) days after said <br />plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required, and this Article will <br />be deemed to have been fully complied with. <br />Section 3. It shall be permissible for an Owner to serve as a member of the Architectural <br />Committee and the Grounds Committee simultaneously. <br />2 <br />