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:j�; � 1 ;7( ��,,��/�,�i,'Y��'yi����t`;�n :.. i��l i, -: .1. , .J s•;"' _ <br /> P <br /> � t;;• i '�� ,•'•A,/'it ����;if ' �r �1a7 , <br /> ��'• , � 't'1 Ff i• ry�" , - ._ <br /> 'l� � <br /> "' � i � • _ — --- — ---- <br /> -_— ��. .:_�.� --� <br /> -�f�� �_ <br /> '� � <br /> ,� • <br /> =_-- - �3� �.o��m► � <br /> r . <br /> lf I.cnder �quirod mortpgc in�ur�noe�s a coaditian of makinQ the Iwn�ocu�ed by thia Sxurity Inurumrnb — <br /> 8orrower chdl r►ay the pmniums roqulred to mRintdn the inaurance in eflect until such time w the�equirement for the _ <br /> A, inwrance IermMptes ie acoordanoe with Borrowcr's and I.a�da's writtrn a4reert�ent or�pplicabie law. =__- <br /> ;�,� 8. InQpoaliai. Lender or itc�gent may make re�wnable ent�ies upem artd fmpections of�ha ProJ�erty. Lenda _ <br /> " � �p Qive BoROaer notice�t the ame oior prior to an inrpoction cpecifyiog reaconable cause for the inspection. • _ <br /> 9. Con�nn�tion. The praceeds of�ny award or cldm for d�m�ges,diact or oon�eyuenti�l,in cannection w8h <br /> ey <br /> - . ;� �ny condemnwtbn or other taking of any put of tha Propeny.or for convey�nce i�lia of condemn�tion,a� hcreby =- <br /> - ;`� �ai�ned�nd sludl he p�id to i.ender. �: <br /> —�—' In the event of a total tpking of the Property.thc proceads shdl bc applied to the sum�sacurod by this Securi�y ��: <br /> ,-�:; , � <br /> �� ��T ;,`,��1 u� Gutn�mcnt,wh�ther or not then due.with ar�y e�pAid to Barrower.!n thc event of A panial t�lcing oP the Properry, -� <br /> __� �.-•,:._ � ,.6. u�kss Borrower�d 1.endcr othervvise�groc in writing.t6e sums secured by this Secudty Instrumcnt shdl be raduood by �'�� <br /> tha amount of the procoods multc�died by the Pdbwlag irnction:(r�)the total unounet o�f the sums secured immediately �''� <br /> --- -- — beiore ihe t4kia�.dividod by(b)tWe fai�muket value of the PropeRy immedi�kly befar�tdr takia�.Any b�alanoc st�Wl be �-.� <br /> .�, • paid to 8amaarr. .'�;:' <br /> ;�.-+'; >' .. '��4 lf thc Q*ro�+crry b abandoned by Horrower.or iP.atie�twtice by Q.eti4cr to Borrower thsN tlie o�emnor otl'crs to <br /> , - <br />�:�:*".�.`' L�c rwithin30da saftertd�oedatethenwicea <br />.,,.._ ';;i.:5�:-: make an awar�i ar sattk a elAim Por damag�s,I3orrower fauls ta nspond ta de Y •-- <br /> I�..� ' s'•:.}'s, •� . Rivu+,:Lendrr is anihorized to oollact and apply Ihe its option.�auher to restoration or repai�of the Prope�ty a <br /> to tt►r surr�s Fccured by lhis Securiry Inurument.whethv or�+ot�t,en due. �� <br />-- - Uokss I.ct�der and Borrower otherwisc aQree in writia�g.any apAlir�lion of proceecis to pdncipal shall not extc.�,cf a �� <br /> .��-�: - _- poFtpone ihe�eue c�ate M'the monthlY payments r�ferred te�n paragragefi��aad 2 or c�wnge the�ttuunl uf sucL�raa�c�its. <br />- � -�,. l0. B�•o�wer NM Ittk�seds Forbeara�ce By IRnder Nat a '�'�iver. Factension of the time for payfa�e�o a <br /> - ' ' '���,",=� � modidication ot'amoAizauon of the sums socured by tbis Security Inssv�oment grAnted by L.ender to any successor in <br /> . � intercst of Borrower shall aot aperate to rclass the li�bility c►P the ori�inal Horrower 4�r�ower's snccessors ia buer.�•rat. <br /> �w:''.,�.�*a�-.�4�`u%;��� ,k lxncier shall not be required to commrnce proceedings ugainst any successor in io��a��t or refus�to extm�Quaae fa <br /> . �'"�`�� � � payment or otherw�ise modiPy amortiution of tfie sums secue�d by this 9¢curity Instrurnent by r�n of any demand made �� <br /> ;��i,� by Ihe original Barrower or BorrowePs successurs in interes¢.Aey farb�ara�ce by Lender in exercisinF a�y ri�ht or rm�edy �� <br />_" �� �""k►.��i;��� shaU not be a waiver of or pr+eclude the exerclse af any tight o�r r�y. � <br /> '='+�:t�,�.�,�;�;:±��� 11. Swccesson a�d Asdpa BoaM1i Jolnt�d Several Lia6iU��j'4 Co-si@�en. The covenants and pgreErr��nrs oP <br /> J_ .y ': <br /> ' this S�cu�ity Instrument shall bind and benest the successors.nnd assi�ns of Lender and Borcowu.subjecs to the prmv+y��as <br /> v� '� ��''� of'yuragraph 17,Hormwer's covenants and agrcements aPaadO he jait�t aox!uveral.Any Borrower who co-signs this�ecurity �' <br />,,;•�.:.� <br /> :%�:,- :;� '...-...;,:.::_• ,:, Ins�nanenl i��oxs noi exa:uie tiK Nota:tA j ii C.O-51$iilil�2�i75�'Ci:7iey',:�trume:st only!a nsortgage,grnnt nnd cenvey —_- <br /> :.;�:+?� �'�"• <��; that Borrower's ic.�:erest in the Property undcr Ihe terms oPS�is Secuady 7.nstrument;(b)is not persona l ly o b liget e d io pay ! <br />.:, .+,.,F, �"��.:,.,;. . ';,, �;,' <br />. .,;:.;;,� ,S•�:_;,;'r'•. ;� the sums seeuceit'�r this Securit y Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lencl�r and any other Burrower mey agra to extend, • <br />�,;�' . " ,, , ��:�,. madiiy.forbea�or make any accommadationc with regerd to the terms of thia Security Instrument or the Note ui�hout ,1�: <br />- :r,`.���;,1 . : �iu�t Borrower's consent. <br /> •' � '� +�'``' 12. I.wn�es. If thc loan secured by this Security Iqstrument is subject to a law which sets maxd�eurn lu�n _ <br /> `' �°1�`,°`"`� ..;,;�'�'�;�?;, charges, ond that law is flnally mterprete� s�that the interest or other loan charges collected�r ta be coQectod in ,�a�: <br /> � � cannection with the loan eacad the pern�itved limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be redu:�d by the amount ��. <br /> :, , _,:�... ,. <br />_' , �b;�.. � ,�,i necessary to red�ce the eharge to the permitted limit and(b)any sums ulready collected from Borrower which excaded <br /> ':: ,<. ,'..w��'���.' pera�ittad limits will be refunded to Borrower.Lender m�y choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed <br /> � ,,v, �+,r�. ` ;: <br /> ,;�,_; �,,}w/ • under the Note or by making a dircct payment to Borroaer.If a rcPund reduces principal.lhe reduction will be created a�to <br /> �1:��. Y '.V a'f��i1�'.. .. , <br /> ,:�;�}�. ,•. partial prepayment aithout any prcpayment charge underthe Note. <br /> j• ::;� � . '�,�,: ;,�?.a�;��+- 13. I.egtsbdon ARecNag 4nder'� RiQbts. If enactment or expira�ion of applicable laws hes the eiPect of <br />- ! :i':. �,r.�.,�:a! ...,�. �,° <br /> �, . )t� : ,ti�•� •• • rendering any pravision of the Note or this Security instrument unrnforceable according to its terms,Lender,at its option, <br /> '�'' ` ' � �` ��•�".. .' may require immediate poyment in full of all sums secured by thix Security Instrument and may invoke any remali�s . <br /> '•,�+�r�. ! permoued by paragraph 19.IP Lender exercices this option,i.ender shall take t6e steps speciHed in tlu sa;ond paragr�ph oP !'�•�': <br /> �, � ,,';;l'�i":v,'Y' .,{,�' patagraph 17. ga , <br /> �' '� '� '��'�`"��"''' • 14. Noticee. Any notice to Borrowcr providrd for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring i1 or by �;�•; <br /> ��•t°. �'�•�• d;.;, <br />,-. , � �-;,,�s.`tri ' r�°� '� meiling it by Rrst class mail unless applicable law requir�.s use of anothe� methad. The notice shall he direeted to the -- <br /> �i�'. �• • ,�:�. , ,w. <br />:-`;�^,J'��� '5�����. ' "���'.1` Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to I.ender shell be gaven by <br />=s: ',}.+ �..�: <br />_ •- �, �^:-�;�•;��•, �' �flrst cla.�.a mail to Lender's address stated herein or any Mhe r address i.ender designates by notice to Borrower.Any�otix ;:; <br />';=.?f'`''.; '�'jei;r;",. .,., +•• roviiletl Pur in this Securit Instrumem shall be deemed to have been given to 8orrower or Lender when given sis pco�•ided es'._; <br />_z'�:;v,1{l�, r.�,.�.��S1j,.e�;,';�: Q y <br />'uy..';,x.:, ` � w, .., ,�,, . . , i�thisparagraph. ` <br /> �:� !•'-.: �•• • :,';- - 15. Coverning Law;Sevenbility. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law s�nd the!nw of thc <br />-=��"%�r�:+: �''?'`I;�' �}'� urlsdiction ir.�ti•hich the Pro n is located.In the event that an rovision or dpuse of this Sscuri� Instrumen�or the � <br /> i�.,` : �. . j P� Y Y P y <br />_.•„•:i��-�? , <br /> ���;r;,�y• �b•: • ,,,°;:,,;;�� -��;:� :�iote conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not aftect other provisions of this Serurity lnstrument or t�e Note � <br /> = • 4 which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provision�of this Security Instrumcr�i aod the <br /> r,��r_:,,.,_ .� <br />;�;� ,�• rTote pre declared to be severable. <br />-_ .:�� '�.r'.�,:;='s_.:��_.��'��'' !6. BorroRee's Copy. Borro�+-er shal!be gircn cne eonformed copy oP thr Note and of this Seruril�•lnstrumem. , , <br /> "��•"'�`° !��`�� ' � 17. TrAnsfer of the Property or u l9e�eflcial Interest in Borrower. If aU ��r an�• part .�f the F'ro�ert� or ssny <br /> ;!`'�a. + .,r-: �. • � <br /> e `� <br /> ••;,•��j:;:; .,•�;� inteiesl in it is sold or Irnnsferred(or if a broefici�)interest in I�irrowrr iti�old ix trun�ferreci and H.�rr.�wer is not a natural <br />:���r+;'�S� '.�'��"f�'����Fr���• �~ pc w ed by hh titS cur t���lnst umcnlcHnu•ecer,ttii��punny+h:�lltn�►t�Mc�exer9�rJ hm I.e�i�idrr if ez rc tie�i�pmhii+l':d hy . <br />,''�!�{�i,;` ti ��`�rj����"u�.S: �� � _ fe3e�allaa asofthcdate nfth�tiSccurily Imtrument. <br />`;°��::_�}�.;; , If Len�ler��erc�,e+.t�i�option.Lendrr shall givc 8orrnwer nn�ice of arreleruliun.Thr nal�ce whull rrand�a peri�d <br />`"'�`'°�"''° � � ' � of n:,t lrss tfi�aa+3fl�ays from the da�e the na►tite is deliv2red or m�iled within whirh&►rrower mutit pay all sums secured by <br />:��if�:tt,�t�`,i.. f • ,. c.. •�. <br /> _,�,�L„` � ' this Security➢ns•trument.lf Borrower f'aiC�co pa>�the:+r surrew priur to the e�piration of�hi�peri��d. Len�ler may invoke any <br /> - ��` ``' remedies nermitted bv this Securitv Instrumen�with��nt PurRfi�er nntice or drmand.►n Borniwer. . y.;,; <br /> "'�r • � 18.Borrowe�'s Right to Reinsfate. lf Borrc�+er isr.��s certuin r�mdition..Brrr<�w�cr�hall havc thr ri�:tit i��hati� r!,' <br /> °. �" ° " -., enforcement of�hiti 5ecuri�y lm�rument di,conlinurd:+t ar;�•nme pri��r�c�thc carher��C 1 a15 da}ti Ia+r such othrr prncxi o� <br /> „ . �"� � 'ri applicable law may specify for reinstatemetetl befi�rc tiale iif thr 1'ro�xrt�•pur+uant t�un�•p��wcr cd.a1.cunla�ncd in this <br /> '• •,�.•- ''� Security Inslrumenl:or(bl entry uf a�udErreent enfcircing thi.Scrurity lnstrumrn�.7'hu.c r�.ndici.�:e•.:,re Ih:n B���n�a�er <br /> , ' •f,�,� " �y�j� (a)pays Lender uU�uma wh�ch then w•ould tx due unJcr �hi� Sc�urit�� Intiirumcnt and thr`uie bad no arccicrauan � <br /> �� , '1��':� ,�, occurred;(b1 curc�uny defautr uf uny c►ther ravenam.or agr��cmcn�.: lcl pa>'.all cxpcn.c�inrurrrd in cnf�c:ing thi� t <br /> � � 5ecurity Im�rument,includ�ng,but not limited to. rea�onuhlc auornryti fe�y:and 1�1)Iaketi �uch aru�m :+.1.<nc�;r ma� <br /> � ! ' . �•;,�., �• rensonnbly requ�re In ussure that thc lien of this Securny Imtrument, LrnJer'+righi� io thc 1'ru�xrl� and Hnr:.•a�r'� <br /> _;,, ,� • tw.; obligation to pay the sums u�ured My thi� S��urity In+trumrnt ,h�U r��nlinue wirhanKrJ. l'�x�n rem,4:�r.n��;,c hy � <br />;? �T;f�.'� Horrower,thiti Security Instrument und thr obligntiun.�cYUred hereb�,hnll rcmain full��cOcrtne a.�f nnea�cr.::��::^ had , <br />'' � a �° � occurred.Howevcr,this right to reinstate sht�ll not t�pply m t he rvse of accclrrul�on under�mrugrapb.I?ur i 7. , <br /> . , �o�u . :.'';� '`,;;,�.• ., C <br /> . � . 3 �� '� <br /> ; , , .. . ,,.: _ <br /> _ _ i�_ _ <br />