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'"_�' ` ,::�. ,::,'q�'�;��.y' i :; . : . <br /> - ,. - �¢� .�.,.. . <br /> �.� ,, . . r �,��.,,. :r_r 3't" �.Y,�",�... , . <br /> � <br /> _-.-�.--_ -- .�I �83- 14�r�J <br /> UNIFORM G�ovsN�raTS. fbROwe�Rnd Lender ooven�nt and sgrcn r�falbw.• <br /> - I 1. P�yweNt ot PriRClp�l�nd btereqs Prq�ywe�t�d I.�te Ch�ry�es. &►rraw•c��hall prumpdY paY wh.:n duu <br /> _°j t�e pr�acipwl af wnd in�er�st on Ihe dcbt evldencod by thc Ncaewod�ny Pre�wYmcm rnd Iwtr chp�gc�d��r undrr�he Nu�c. - -_ <br /> " �. I�1�{It�OrTA1IM�M 1KM��CQ. Subjxi lo appliraible luw or to A written wa��e�by I.endrr,A��n��w•er�hwll�wy <br /> - -- 4, - - ta L.estdcr on the do�y monthly pas�mtnt9 are duc urldrr�he Nnte,until the NcNC i+paid tn t1it1,a�um("r•u��a:')cyuai tu �- <br /> _ • � dirtwdllh of: (�l Yady t�xes and assacmem� whiah muy auwin priority over thu S.�.urity In+.��umem: lb) yrurly <br /> : lasefiold �ymerrl�or gmund rents oo Ihe Pri►pony. if uny; (c) yea�ly hu�.urd inaur�nce �nmium+�: and (d1 yrurly <br /> �4`�� • " rnort�o incun�nce prcmiums,iP�ny.Thesc itemc are�:alled"escmw i�cm*"l.cnder may estima�c�he Fund►due an the <br /> br�ia afcurnnt d�l��nd ro�cnn�hk euime�eR c+f fi�turr e�crow i�em� ___ <br /> - `- - - "=,`:,-=".;,.:..;�, 7'Fte Funds shall be held in an institution the depnsits or ttccouMs of which are invur�d ur guarrnle�Y1 My o fe�eral ar � <br /> t�t�te�gency(including I.ender iP l.mder is suah An instilutionl.�nder s�hall Apply the Fund�to pny�he e+cruw i�em�. -��- <br /> --=.ti; " �•„�.�� �,:'J r� I.rnder m�y not ch�rge for haldin��d applying tho Fund�,an�lyzing�he account or v��ifying thr eK:row itrm+�. unlr++ ,, <br /> "��:..,,.r i°` I.a�der pays flarmwer interat on the Funds and applicable Iww pet'mits Lender�o make such a uhurge. IMrrower und �• <br /> "'`-'� i,a�der m�y�groe in w�iliog thet interest shdl be psid on Ihe Fundc. Unlecs an agramei►t iF mude or appliruble luw �r,z <br /> ,a�. p:�.sF;.;.,� ,,., . <br /> •�'R:u:�-,,��,:�", `�" �+ ti-equires interest 1�be psid,l.ender sh�ll not be requirrd ta p�y Rorrower ony inle�ect ar curningr.nn the Funds. Ixndcr =- <br /> slull vr to Bnrrower.w�thaul cha e,an Annusl accounling of the Funds shawing cred�is and debils ta the�unds and thr z <br /> �� �:� � ;:.'' ��• purpo e for which each debit to Ihe Funds was m�de.The Funds u�c pledqed as additianal securily far�he sums securcd by _--���_--=� <br /> � :3 ;';���;_' tt�s Sec^rity Instroment. �'" <br /> �,N:�� <br /> ,,w� �.�y;,.:�_,��:s.,�s �,; If the amount otthe Fundc held by�der.rogether with the fliwrc manthly paymcnts af Funds puyable priur to ps=-- <br />'-:�,��� ,��,.r•�' the due dates ot�he escrow items,shall excaed ihe Amount required to pay Ihe escrow items when due,the excess shall be, ..�..� <br /> r�••'��=. �-� � • - at Borrower's o tion,dther mm tl re d to Borrowcr or credited to 8orrawer on manthly p�ymcnts of Funds.if the '"`°_- <br /> �i>" � °`' 'ry', amount of the Funda hcld by Ixnder�s na�t auRicicnt to pay tne escrow items when duc, ��_ <br /> .� ,` Borrower sholl�wy to I.ender any ��- <br />- .j:n�,r�,•�•�' � amouat necessary ta make up the deflciency in one or more payments as rcquired by I.ender. --,_ <br /> c i.. �a r i. <br /> � ;•��•; ;':'-: Upan payment in full ot'all sums recured by lhes Security l�strumrnt,.Lende�shall pr�mpNy refi�nd to 8orrower =:f�k;�•, <br /> — y' �:�`�!� unv Fundas held by L�.mder.lf under pa�ugraph 19 ihc Praperty is sold or acqui�ed by Lender.Lender shAll apply,no luter �*,�;; <br /> :��. •�_ .i�a�;+;ti,{.,�; ;�:;�' tfwn immediately priar to the sale of thL Property ar its acquisitian by Lender.any hunds hcid by L.ender at thc amc d ;��:,. <br /> � `��i' �'�:.� �'���� application as a credit against the suma secured by this Security Instrument. ��''t��: <br />__ ' ` �yt'�y 3. Applkadoa af!'aynenh. Unlessapplicable law provides otherwise,all paymen�s roceived by l.ender undar �„ � <br /> ' �` ��;'S�i��t tn hs 1 and 2 shaq be a Inte cha�ges due under the Notc;sccond,to prepaymmt charges due under thc �`:;:�- <br /> • `, i '%�Y.',SF'S ... PA�B P PP �._ <br /> •� �Sj,f• . •..�-,; - Nae;lhird,ta amouuts payable under pnmgraph 2;faurth,to interest due;and Inst,ta princi due. <br /> ..... pal ,�,.%�-, <br />_''.''•}, .�� , .'i, : 4. CY� pay Wl tuces,assessmcnts,char es,flnes and im tions attributebk ro the L:. <br /> �,;�;: ; ! 'r e ,J � .*, arQe�Ueno. Borrower shall B P� <br /> <�:,•.„� Y`r �+ °:;--� ;��, which mxy attain �o�it over this Securit Inatrument. and leasehold yments or round rents, if aoy. ,�_ <br /> _�,�,�f.;,. .:,�.t'."r� s � � �P�Y P Y Y � g Bonowershall . <br /> ,�. ,�4;�, , Borroaer shnll pay these obligations en the monner providod in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in that nwnner. _ <br /> . ')� ��:^ . ! them on time directl lo thc rson owed P pt � <br />_�•":� ";/�l;;�t:�;;. , p�Y Y pe payment.Borrower shall rom ly furnish to Lender all notices of amoun�s 4 <br /> �s��;,�•k�.• w ., ';� Io be p�id under thiz pa�agraph.lf Borrower makea these payments dirccUy.Aarrowar sl�alf prnmpdy fumish to Lender ;,:�,. <br /> �L`�t` mtij+tR ew�dGnRiqg tlle;►nyments. ��� <br /> �ryi��kt�+ 'i 'Y�t�.� y r <br /> � �� �, � +4. Borrowe�shall pmmpNy discha�ge any lien which has priority over this Security Instwment unless Borrowcr.(a) � , <br /> � ' ��rj�t�,� � �, agrces in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to o..ender,(b)contests in good <br />:s. . x � �;,:�;.�� � f�i t h t h e l i e n b y,a r d e f e n d s a g a i n s t e n f orcement of thc lien in,le gal proceedin g s which in the i.ender's opinion opernte to �_._' <br /> ,j''�"ti'�' ,,•.rt�.i�•' �: == <br /> •..'.� : �,;rp�i����;1;: °r;;;�.`�,�-�,��fi prevent the enfotcctnent of tlie licn or forPeiturc of any pen of the Properly;or(c)xcures from the holder of the licn an �: <br /> f i;l��� ,�.:;��+°r>�;'� • sgreemrnt satisfactary ta i.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines thot uny part of �3 <br /> -�i 1�:.•:a aL_.: .e..:. ��- f. <br />____�;,i-�•,, c`��"�,� j�._-- thc Properry is subJecl ta a iiru wbich �nuy aUuiu p�io�lly �ver this Sccurily Instrument,[.ender may give Borrower a - <br />•'�'���..": '�'p��':'� • notice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set farth above within 10 da�•s <br /> �:�••t•� s.,. .. . <br /> �•� ...' f ��r.,.: .,. . '� ;;',. �-. <br /> �-;-;, , , . ofthegivingofnotice. - � <br /> t1i:���; ,'`.,., V�`....: _. <br />•,ff::_ � ��� �w,�� .,�,,;,,,,, S. Hazwd insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements naw exisaing or hercaRer erccted on 1he Property� �,�_. <br /> � ";; �::t.�;���g;,. : �� .;� :,:�� incured against loss by fire,hazerds included within the term"extended caverage"And any othe�hazards for which[.rnder i`r,,.� <br /> t..�,�� �;,. <br /> , ,.� , , .. ' � requires insurance. This insurance shell be maintained in the amaumt+aT+r3 'far the periods that Lender requi�es.The }� <br /> insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be chosa�by 8kzrrav�•ee subj�ecd a��der'�ap�roval which ahall not be "'��� <br />�'��.r '� �i;��:�t}�! unrwsanubl wilhheld. '. " <br />_ �z. ':..�v:•:�� • '.';;,,{�. _,�t y , '. <br /> � '��. �:��}. All inaurance licies and renewals shaU be acce able t���.�nde�aatd sha97 inc1ude a stAndurd mortgage clause. ;"3 <br /> ��,��.., , <br />'`�.�. '' ' y'�;�s;? .� .,.{c,,�::•i r�.. <br /> .��, �r � � � Lender shall heve the igf+t to hold the policies and rcnewals.If l.errder requires,Borrowcr shall pramptly give to Lender ���r.,- <br /> '`"'• �f''��f�%;�'r<S ` �%n�' all receipts af paid premiums and renewal nolices.ln the event of loss.Burr,�u er�taall give prompt notice to the insurance #' � <br /> :; - , ,4,1t<<,h,.��, ��""'^• <br />_::, i;.' ��,jt"�;;'.,��„t,?,.. :.. cprrier and Lender.l.ender may make proof ot'loss if not made promptly by Bc�rm=�•er. ��. <br />- ';-�.�' • '°=" Unless I.ender and$orrawe�otherwise egree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied ro restorAtion or repair _-".- <br /> ,'=.+<;.��= '`i ' ��,���• �� oithe Prce en dama ed,if the restoration or re r is economicall feasible and I.ender's security is not Icssened.lf tBse °-- <br /> 1:ti�.._ ', P Y B P� Y `_'.`; <br /> •_:�''��ti;, 'ri. �.•� �•��, restoration or rcpair is nnt ecoqomkally feasible or 4ender's security would be tessened,the insurance proceeds shall be ° <br /> _ �,i�y ' <br /> r� . w.� i!'y��� : ti k'+sr. <br /> i...,•.,,�. �--� applied to the sums se�ared by ehis Secutfty Inst�wn�cnt,whether or not thea�diae,with�ny excess pnid to Botrower. If ,,. <br /> �7� ,,�',1,i.1'�'"'�'� Borrower abandons the�'ropeny.or daes not ansti��er within 30 days a notice trorn I.ender that the insavan.�:carrier has ,, _` <br /> •- ' �,���� , � olFered to settle a claim,then Lender�eeuy cotlect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the ptaceeds to repair nr restorc r �.' <br /> Y,.':rY ,•:.,... l`--, <br /> � ;,�•`•a° •, _'�t{.;?g_'��'';�±;I�n�j� the Property or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,w het her or not t h en due.�e 3 0-day pe r i o d w i l l b e gi n �_f, <br /> ' '� � �'•.'��;�:• � -' whm the notice is given. ��� ' <br /> t�'��, , i'`��';Y,'! 3+.r�•a ::. _*9 <br /> ., : , r.E._�y .� ,, Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicatio�nf pr,nc�cds to principnl shall not extend or .'���; <br /> ;, ',1� �•' •f"�a`�; postpone the due date of the mont6ly payments rePerred to in pnragraphs I an�d 2 or change the amount oPthe payments.!f +',rr� <br /> ' :� �•,'.�Z r*� ;,.�_'•'� under paragraph 19 the Property is acquircd by Lender.Borrower's right to atag in�urance policits and proceeds resulting �� <br /> _�-,..• , ,-,:�: :,_ .:.. <br />-.�!•;; +�,:��------•-`..zd��°t f�om danrnage to the Property priur w the n�:quisi�iuu sl�r+ll peu to l.ender to thc cztent oPthe sums secured by this Secatity , <br /> ,f�;f;� ,{� t.'. ; ^ Instrume�a immediately prior to the acquisition. : <br /> "' '' ��'� " �� 6. 5'rc�tertntloa�nd Mointenance ot Property;I�holds. Bcirrower ahu1B not dntr�y,damage or substanliail!. <br /> .�'y�4,% <br /> : . +;�..,,. x <br /> ; ,�,.r" _ rhaaa;gr ehe�ra�perc�, aQ�rw� the P�operty to d�ttriiirate or commit wa�tr. If t'h��Srrurity Instrument i�c�n a lea�cha�'d, �,:' <br /> ` c , <br /> ,�:,:••�. <br /> �'��;�; � • r;�:�: � ,. Bo��xec 99�afa con:,rl� a�a3h the provisions of�hr d�aee,und if B�xruw�r acywcr.iee title t�Ihe�'m�ert}.t'hc!�asehold and � •�: <br /> r��, ;:�, ..� � ��r�%;. <br />;;.:'•;;f` ,r:,�,;';;"�,�• , fa lattit shall n�at r�crga u�less Lender a¢rees to nR:e tu:iger in w•ritinR. s.�, <br /> ••,l}tf'�'}� � ���'; � ;;����' ' �tort � e lnsurance. 9i' Borrnwer fails to rform �Fe <br />.�'•.,:'.1�4,, % 9;�`:,• '. T. Pratection ot Lender q Ntig�is i� tY+e �roperty: R R P� <br /> �'' , <br />'�; �, ,. . '� . cove.eanus and�greemene�contaiaaed iT t his Securiq�Instrument,or t here is a legal pr�xrr..:ins chat muy signiflcontly atL''�:c , ••• <br /> '�"t`�'.. � `S'� '� •� .,�, ';, . Lender s cdgPats in tP;e I°ra+p�eny(such as a prc�ceeding in bankruptry, proba�e,for condernr�ation or ta enforce lax•s or ;;� ' <br /> ittlil; .�. _�.. _e.�_n_ «.+r_„a.. ..�.,� 1.. <br /> --,'^. Y �',';._.e� ,;. . . ..ti RglllaliOnsj.tnen i.ea�ec may uo anu pdy iur wiuicvci i�uecc.wiy i.i j�i.;ic:i�w.c�o�uC....���..:,j.::t��............:�:.^.e..... <br /> �`` �''`•''' •• '''' 't', in the Pro rt Lee�a'.�c's aetions ma inelude a in nn �ums se�ured by a I�in which has riority over�his Securi�y i <br /> ; 'r}'�;:•„ ; , a Y• Y P Y B Y �' , <br /> , �:,., Instrumem,appeanaog ie court,paying reasonable�t�orney.s'fees und enlering on the Propeny tu m•rkc reppirs. Although <br /> . .�� � � ` Lende��:�y take action under this paragrnph 7.L,rnder does n��t hn��e ro do so. i <br /> � �� � __ .� Awy amounts disbursed by Lender under Ihis parugraph 7 ahall become additionnl debt of Burrower secured b�this <br /> , � .�:. � .,, Secun�y Ins�rumenl.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms uf payment.these s�moums shall br�r interest from <br /> tAe dale of d�sbursemrM at the Note ro�e and shall be payable, a•i�h imcre�t. upon notice from Lender ro Borroveer <br /> •• � '' :c:�ri•; , <br /> � '. �.� ieqleeSllnB PaYmtnt. <br /> .. I.+� 4 <br /> . $".-_ . t <br />. _ �, 1 . •;:��i��i : <br /> I I L ,�\ <br /> �! �,�Ye� • ; . <br /> I t ' : , :,�.J+ • , <br /> � ,, ' . <br />