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<br /> 5. N�n•r.ard or ProperlY InSUrmtcc. Q��rruwcr .r•hidl lcccp tlic i►npravcni�idR now cxisting an c�rcuftcr crcctcd �m thc _C,�,.-_,:-,,-
<br /> �. .�
<br /> � Pr�sperly insurcd°IIfc r�vldch l.cncicr�rcquires intiuru n�wThiti li�ur unc shuil'l e�nu►intulnrJMin tl L„►un�ntnth andjfi r4ti cnperi�uls p�r�'.:..
<br /> 1lceod�or Qu�idinB. I�iat't��
<br /> . �hnt lxnder rcquires.nrcu����hli�f�wlthl cidt U�H�►arovcrl fnilr;qu,n�inu in covcrugc dc c�rlhc�l�ubovel�tAn Icr nuy�ut IAracr'x � �;,;.::
<br /> . which tihntl not bc u Y �"`��-
<br /> optian.ubtnin c�vcruQc to protcct Lendcr'w riphtc+ in thc{'n�pcny in uccorduncc w�ih puro�uipi►7.
<br /> . Ait insurance �x�licfev imd renewAle shuU b�occeptnble w I.ender und hhcdl include u qtand��e���Tl�i•n ier!II rec tpt aaf � "
<br /> �� �
<br /> . �I� shall have thc right ta hald the pnlicics und renewule.If Lender�equireti, Bu�ruw�cr tii�att pramptly g , �__
<br /> ' paid premiunls and renewn! nodcex.In the event af loss.Banawer ahuU give prc�n�pt �iotice to the insurunce carrier und I.endca �
<br /> . � � Lender may make praof af loss if not mnde pmmptty by Horrower. ��
<br /> ;:;,r::�-��o Unl�w.q I.ender nnd Bnrrower otherwise agree in wdtfng,Insurance proceecieehull be upplied ta restorattan or repair af the -_
<br /> -•�•�"'''��` Property damaged.if the restomtion ar repair is econamically fc.�stble nnd I.ender's security is nat lessened. If the r2storntion or o.�;�
<br /> � i rcpair 1s nat economically feasible ar l.ender's sewdty would be Iessened.the imurnnce proceccls shall be applied to tho sums �a��_
<br /> :, secured by this Security Instrument. wheths�A notice fromdl.cnder ha he insurance cane r has affered co 4 ttle u claim, then
<br /> Property,or doe.g not anawer within 30 duy
<br /> •� � '��� 1L.ender may collect thc insurance p�ucecds• L.�nder may use the Proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> � secured by thjs Security lnstrument.whether or not then due.The 30-day pe�on jof beroceeds to principal ishall enot extend or
<br /> � �: Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvise agrce in writ���• a�►Y ePp p
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments referrcd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If
<br /> - �' �� under parn�ruph 2t the t'roperty is acquirecl by L-ender.Honower's ri�ht to any insumnce policies and praceeds resulUn� from Y-�
<br /> �r damage ta Ihe Property prior tu the acquiFition shail pass t�I.ender to the eatent of the sums securexi by this Sccudty Instrument �u
<br /> ���'' ;mmediately pdor to the acquisition. Borrowea's I.aan AppUa�tion;I.eASebx►�da• -_•:
<br /> 6.Occupancy,�'reservatton,Maintenonce a►►d Pratettion of the Pro(te�'tYi �:,_.::.
<br /> ,' "`'�� gorrower shall occupy,eatablish,ai►d nse the Property as Barn�Wer's principal naidenca within sixty duys aher the axecutian of
<br /> � tAta Security Instrument and ahall continue to occupy the PropercY cs.s Barrower's principal residence far at least one year after —
<br /> � �' the date af occupancy,unless Lendtr athenvise a8re�oaowetr's�control.cBortuwerashullt notud�Y fl dl�Sehordimpa�tl��
<br /> • • ' ' extenuAting efrcumscances exist which are beyand g��Wer shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ���r��� p�nperty, uliow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste an the Property
<br /> ,�•„�1, uction or proceed�inlg�n aterially impair the li n�created by�thisiSecuricyrInstns�ne��tto�L,ender'a securlty interest Hontowerfinay
<br /> S' �;� Property or ath
<br />_., ., :.;. �u���c�a d�fault�nd r$inst�*-"•a�provided in yara�reph 18,by causing the acdon or pmceEding to be d'esn�i��wt�th�li�ng
<br /> � ' thus. in I.ender's good faith determination,prc�ludes forfeit�re af the Horrower's i,�tc�zst In i.'�z Pr°F�Y
<br />''.�'`r`� '�`', impairment of the lien emnted by this Security Instrum�nt us I�ndPr's secuxiry interest. liorrower shell also be in default jf
<br />'';=�'::�13;
<br /> �-;�,:� Borrower,dudn�the loan upplication f���ion)in cann�ion wttl the oan aevidence�by the Notee nclad ng butenot limited
<br /> w,;M..'.i� ,{ to pmvide Lender with any matedal in �a dnc residence.If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> _`�-'�?;'�r=:,� to.representntions concerning Bonower's occupancy of the Properry P � _
<br /> ,-�:n��
<br />-..n::;„;.,'�`A��' leasehold. Borcower shall comply with all the provislons of the lease. If Borrowcr acquires fce t[tle to the Property+t e
<br /> "�'`�'=°"'°"�, Icasehold nnd the fee title ahall not merge uniess Lender ugcees to the merger in�vriting.
<br /> � .��r�.=;�',�r'.��� ��proyectlon ot Lender's Righta tn the Pr»pertY•If BorroWCr fnila to pcdarm the covens►nts and aIIreencents wntainod in
<br /> '�`��� this Securit inst�ument.or there is n le8ul Pro�rd�»g�A�may signifirandy effect Lender's dghts In the Pcaperty(such as a
<br />_:��Y�.�,.:,..�se�,. Y
<br />_;;�_;-�__—� � procec�ing fn bunkruptcy,probate. for condemnation or forFciture or�a�nder Ft riBhts in gheaProperty1eL.e der s cttons�muy
<br /> .--_--__ p a y f o r w h a t a v er is nece s�a ry ro Protect the value af the Property n 1n wurt. poying
<br /> __�=ars.,A�y include paying nny suens secured by v lten which hns p r lo r iry over t h i a S c c u ri t y t a s u u m e n t. u p� B
<br /> -�-�="� m.usonublo attorneys'fees nnd emedng an the Property to mnke repairs.A1tha�Eh Lender may tnke nctton undcr this pamgraph
<br /> ' 7.Lender does not huve to dq so.
<br />- ----�� Any cimount� disbursed by Lender under this paragmPh� Fh�� b�ome addt���o n�eh�l°bear inter� fram the
<br />-_____ -�� 5ecuriry Insttument.Unless Hotrower und i.endcr agree ble.with In erestp upon tn�tice from I.endcr to Borrower requesting
<br /> ��.�.� date of disbuesement at the Note rn¢e und ahail be pay _
<br /> �=f,�c�,� payment.
<br /> - __ --_--— i{.Mortgu�e Ynsurunoe.If�nd�re9�*'c��m°��o imaintain he mo gmge in.surancei n eff� If,ufor nny ireas n, the
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay P
<br /> . _ -_--��� mortgape insurnnee mvernge required by Lender rtP� ins�!r�ucce previiousa�i,it►�effcct.4at ascost snbstaMinlly equiv�enttto�tl►o
<br /> --��''��a;�sc obtain ooverege substantlnlly eguivnlent to the m �g
<br /> �-_��'� cost to Borrov++er of the rtiortgage insurnnce pre�iously in ef9ect. f'rom en alternate mongage Insurer upproved by I.cnder. If
<br />:�3�?'�f�� ' substantlally equivalent mortgage insurnnce rmveraIIe is not available. Borcower shaii pay to l.ender euch momh a sum equal to
<br /> =�'`°-"--�=`��`• one•twelfth of the yearly mortgoge insurance�pramium bein�paid by Borrower when the insurur►ce cnvemge lapsvd or ceaced to
<br /> s�n��p��:���Y'
<br /> •�•��� �� � be tn effect.Lender wlli accept,use and ret¢in these payme�n'is us a loss rescrve in �ieu of mortgage insurnn��s�s�e�B0
<br /> ;, �
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