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<br /> • Tt3d�TN�R WITH ntl thc improvemsntx now ar hemufter erectcd on the prop�rty,nnd uil cusements.appuncnunces,and �f
<br /> , � Cxtures now or herei►Rer c� {rart of the praperty. All replacements and c�dditians ehull idxa be cavcred hy this Secueity E-
<br /> �� Dnstrument.All oP the fare�oing is refcrrcd to in this Security lnstrument as die'Pn�pcny" _
<br /> ' ° � BOREtOWHR COVBI�fANTS that Hormwcr ix InwtLpy gclscJ nY thc cstotc hcrcby cunvcycd und hn�thc ri�ht to amnt artd !
<br /> • "' convey the Pruperty i►nd dim tl�e Prap2ety la unencunthe�rd. exccpt fi�r encunibeuncca uf rccord. IioProw�r wurrnnix nnJ wlll � ue.
<br /> dcfcnd�encrnlly thc titic to thc Pmperty against all�Inim.w atd dcmandK.nuhJcct tu nny cncumbranrca ot mcuni.
<br /> ° T!!IS SECUItSTY INSTRUMF.NT comhinev imlfiwm coventnux fi�r nutianui use und non•unifurm cuvcnn�ilR with limitut j� �_
<br /> ". ' . " � vnrintion�by jud�dtctinn ro constimte a uniform Reauriry inhtrumcnt covedn�renl p7��rty. • _.
<br /> UNIF'ORM COVBNANTS. Borrower nnd l.ender covennnt und n�rco ns tnilaws: I� �°_
<br /> � • r. � 1. Puyment of Prlacipul und Interest; Prepayment art� I,ata ChUrgcs. Borrower shull pramptty pny whcn due 1he C� =-
<br /> y��;�., principui of ortd interPSt on tho debt evidenced by the Note rued any prepayment and late r,harges due under trie Nate. � _
<br /> �:�,,,_,�r�-� 2. Fua�ds for Taxes csnd Insurnnce. Sub}ect to appli�.ablo law or to a�vritten waiver by I.ender,Botrower shall pay to � c
<br /> *'• ' Lentier on the day monthly paymenta are due under the Note,untll the Note is paid in full.a sum("Funda") for: (a)ycarly taxes
<br /> " . ;• and s�ssessrnents which muy atwin priority over i h is Secu r iry Instrument as n l ien on t he Prope n y;(b)y e a r l y l e a.gchold pa yments =
<br /> � or ground rents on the Propsrty, if any;(c)yearly ha�ard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurAnce premiums. --
<br /> � G, if any;(e)ycarly mortgage insuruice premlums, If s�ny; and(� any sums payable by Borrower to Lender.in acmrdance with _
<br /> ..,,,.,;i+� the provisIons of psuagraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called "Escrow Itcros." ___
<br /> � Lender may, ut any time, collece and hold Funds fn an stmount not co excc�l the mcucimum amaunt a lender for u federally =
<br /> • �� related moxtgage toan may require fur Barrower's escrow uccount under the federel Real Fstate Settlement Pracodures Act of
<br /> . ` • : .�� t974 us sur�endal frum tinie to tiiue, 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2fiQ1 et seq. ("RFSFA"?,��s another!aw that applies t�the Funds __
<br /> .�. " sets a lesser amount. If so� I.endPr msiy, at any ttme, collect and hold Funda In en amount not to exceed the lesser amaunt. _
<br /> � r�•�� � L.endar may esttmata the umount of Puruts due on the basis of curmnt deta a��d reasonable estimates of expenditur�s of future _
<br /> '•�``' Escroa Items or atherwiFe in accordunce with applicuble luw. °_`
<br /> • � . • �'�� The Funds shnll be held in an lnstltution whusc deposits are insor�d by a federel agency, in�trumenttility, or entity -
<br /> (including Lender,if L.ender ls such an institutian)or in any Federal Home l,oan Benlc.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay thc _
<br /> - � Escrow Items. I.ender nuy not charge Borrawer for holdin�und applying tlae Funds, annually analyzfng the escrow account,or -
<br /> ;;�fy . , .` verifying tha�scrow Items. unless Lender pays Bc�rrower interest on the Funda and applicable law permits I.ender to�mlce such —
<br /> "-�-�`�' , a chnrge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u onc-ftlmc charge for an indepandent real estate tex reporting servlce —
<br /> ' . used by Lender in connection with this laun. unless Applfcable law provldes athvrwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> �`._. ` ' ,; '� applicable law requires intemst to be paid, I.ender shall not be required to pAy B�rrower any interest ar earnings on tha Funds.
<br /> , .,:;�,�; ::� �rr�wer an� ;,c�cr ma� a� in�.�xfsir.g,hews�er.that fnte�cr chall lr �,nkl on the Funds. L.ender shall Rive t�Borrower.
<br /> -���:�����`�°�' wtthout eharge, an unnuui Accaunting af the Funds, showing credlta s�nd debits to the Funds nnd the puspose for which each
<br /> `'���`"'r';',,' debi[to the Funds was mad�.The Funds nre pledged ns uddittonai securiry for ell sums tecured by this Sccudty Instrument.
<br /> .'`�'"�'.f�`•�;ty� . If the Funda held by L.cndcr excee�the tunounts permitted to be hcld by upplicablc law,Lencler shall account to Borrower
<br /> '�,y,,,` .
<br /> ��'' y for the oxcess Funda in nococdunce with tho rcquirements of npplicable law.]f the amount of the Funds held by Lendcr nt any -
<br /> %,-•���u��.'�i time is not suffictent to pay tha Escrow Items when duo.Lender may so notify Borrower In wrfting,and,in such cuse Borrower
<br /> �"��;`��:i;"�'r`:. shnit pay to L.ender the urnount necessary to make up thc deficiency. Aorrawer shall make up the defic[ency in no mose than
<br /> _:.;�;;:^'�?�ti"
<br /> .•.�.: twelve monthly payments.at I.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> "�'•"�'����� Upon payment Ic�futl of all sums sewrc;d by this Security instrnment,I..ender shall promptly refund to gorrower any
<br /> '�`"-=�="'� Funds held by Lender.If.undcr ptuagruph 21.Lender shnll ucquire or scll thc Property,L,ender,prlor to thc ucquisitlon or sule
<br /> .:�..�::.,.�,,,
<br />�`"��Y��s� of tho Property.shall apply any Furtd�held by Lender at the d�xce af ucquisidon ur snle as u credit uguinst the sums secur y
<br /> — _-_° this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> - :=.=--!r+.� 3.APpflcntton of Puymente.Unless applicuble lnw provides othcrwise,all paymenkq eeceived by l.ender undcr paragtupha _
<br /> --=_=���+�'-�� 1 and 2 shnll be applied: Rrat,to uny prepayment chFUAes due under the Note;semrtd,to nmounts paynble under purngraph 2;
<br />--------__---- third,to interest due;fourth,to pdncIpnl due:and lust,to any late charges due under tha Note.
<br />----=--=�___�= 4.Chs�gess�.ica�s•Horro�ver shatl puy ull taxes,agsessmente,charg�.s,fines and impositlons attribumble to the Property
<br /> --� -
<br />