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,:: . <br /> ... <br /> t <br /> � <, <br /> ............._._----- � <br /> . , ....��.... . � . <br /> . . , <br /> � y��j�oG� <br /> ' 1. ��alJf�fif��A� <br /> - • �l.l:vents of IDePault. The fulioaing shall canstitute an Evettt oP Dcfault wider thia Deed aP Truet: �� . , <br /> (u)Ft�luro to puy nny instnlin�ent cf princlpal or intcrest oP miy ather necured itereby when due; <br /> (b)A brcuch of or dafnuit under any proviaton conwined!n thc Nnte,thfa Dced u�f TruAt, nny of the Loz►n Instrumenta,or <br /> any other lien or encumbrnnce upon the Pn►pertY; ' <br /> ^ ' (c)A writ oY execudan or auuchment ar nny eimflnr proceRS sht►11 he entered againat Tcustar���hich ahnll becomc a licn on <br /> thc Prc�erry or any portlun thereof or interest therein; , • <br /> (d)There shnil t+e filed by or apoinat Truntor or Hurro«er an ncUan under nny present or flrture federal, stata ar ather <br /> smNw,lar�ot raBuladoa relatlug to bankrupicY.inso►vency ar mher reliet for debtore;ue �heee she{1 bc:}ppalated nny uustee, ;, <br /> receiver or liqutdntor of Tcustor or Barrower ar of nli ar any pntt of the Prapany, or tho rente, issues or profite thereof,or <br /> � Ttustur or�onower shaU mnke uny generul nsslBnment for the benefit oY creditors; , <br /> - -�� (e)The enle, uansfer. leaso, uaslanment. canveyance or fLtthcr encumbrnnca of ull or any purt of or uny intereat in the <br /> . �t , �rmlaed to eaecutenleasely of tha�Pr pettyyd►nt�doss�at con�tnrin un p n to purchnse and the perm of ahicd does not exce d <br /> , Pe <br /> . one yenr; ;' ' ;; <br /> (� Abaudownent of the Pro{�arty;or ��•,��• <br /> u <br /> ' ' (g)If Ttuswr ts not tua iadivtdusl. the lssuanca.sate, transfar.esslgnment,canveyunae or encumbrance of rt[ore thua(if n �{.�_.,_,; <br /> co�poration)a total of_ rrin percent of ita lasu�d und out�ssWading stock,ar(if a pacutorship)a totnl of N/A gerceat Y4., ,' <br /> ercent of the limited linbiUry corapany Interests ,.;,..`;•' <br /> � of partaership intesesta,or(if u Umited liability wuipauy)u wwl of p �^: <br /> •• �.�, or vodng d�hta during the pedod this Deed of T�ust remains n Nen on e Property. ' : <br /> � (q)If the obligmiva seaured hereby is guaranteed in whote ar in pmct by the Farmera Hame Admiaisandou�burmwer tt�rther •,,,_,. <br /> �''�'�,.�'`.. ' agrees that the loau(s)secured by this insuument wlll be in dafault should nuy lona proceeds be used far n puRwse ti�at wlii �' �w` <br /> ''�'����� • coatribute w excessive �rosion afhighly erodible land or to the canversinn of wetlaad to produce or w meke possible tite ,� :,j��� <br /> , •:t�; <br /> ,,',.,, , <br /> � producdon of un agrlcnitural commodity,as f�er explained ia 7 CNit Pncc 1940.Subpart 8.F.xt�Glt M. ;,;,��:;.: <br /> i <br /> 12.Idemedtes;Acceleration UpoA 1letaul� In the event of aay 6veat of Dcfault Lender may. withouc nodee except as requtred :,:;`._ <br /> ; , y? ., . <br /> � � by law, declare all indebtedQess secured hereby 10 be due aud payable aad tho snme shnil thereupon brcome due aad payabls <br /> • �•"�" ' # aithoutany presenqnent,dewand,proteat or notice of apy klnd. 'i'hereafter Lendet may: <br /> `'��'�: (fl)Demaud that Tcustee exercise Use POWER OF SAI.B granced herei�. and Trustee shall WereaRer cause Trustor's iaterest '�r:z�;. <br /> � :,,;;?1� t ; i u i i t e p r o p e r t y w b e s o l d a n d t h e p r o c e e d s t a b e d i aMbuted,all in the manner provlded in the Nebrnskn Tnist Aeedslact; ���. :. <br /> (b)Bxercise any and e1� rl�htx Pr�vided far in any of the Loan Instcuments or by faw upon occunence o f any B v e n t a 1 f �� <br /> ' • � Defstult;attd ..,'�--- <br /> (c)Commeace aa acdon w foreclose thia Deed of Trust es a mort8age,appoint a receiver. or speciticNly enforca any of tho �r�;','--, <br /> •��•� covenanta kereof. '-�`" <br /> No remedy hereia confecred upon ar resecved w Trustce or[,eader te intcaded w be cxclusive of any other remedy hereia,in the ��s`=_- <br /> . �! Loan Insuwnents or by laa provided or permiaed,but each ahull be cumulative�ehnil be in addidon to every ather remedy IIiven ___ <br /> ._ _ <br /> �... <br /> " � '� hereunder,itt tt18 W8A IOSRUInenia ur uu�l ut 2i�t'�,3�t t,:i�s3 lar.�nr In P�!i!y or by amtute.and awsr be exercised concurcently ` <br /> ' � iadepsadently or successively. ='°'"-'` <br /> ` � 13.'IYustec. Thc�'nustee may resign at any time aithout canse� ead Leader may at any dme fu►�f we�huut cunse appoInt a �.,.a.�n• <br /> % succes,sor or substiwte Tcustee• Tr�sue shaU a°t be liable to any partY. inoludiUB aithout limitatton LendE�o�rcower.Ttuswr or <br /> ',��,.•,. :_ :: any Qurshaser of the Property.for any loss or damage ualess due w recktess or�vUtNl misconduct.aad ahnl➢Aot be required w take . <br /> ':r,:.•; ;��.. <br /> �,.,,,;�,�.. .. . any acdan in connecdon atth ttia e�nfarcement of thls Deed of T:uat anless indemoified,In arlting,far all costs,compensadon or �; <br /> •4 expenses whiah mny be assooiamd zherewl Og�n�cke�snale of all o�r any porsioa of the Propecty�a lptov ded by laa;orsell�the ---- <br /> � uuder the power of sale grnnted herein):P cpo "-'°=`' <br /> � Propecty as n whale.or in separate parcc%Is or lots at Tcustee's disccedoa. �;:� <br /> ,� 14.k�ees and Pa�penses. Is►the�vent Truscee sells the Praperty by euercise of power of nale.Trustee shnll be enfltle�w epply �� <br /> ' �*--� a�ry sula proceods ficst to paycaeat ot all wsts and expenses ot exercising power of sale.inclnding all Trustee's fees.aad Lender's �'�'"�"'�` <br /> � � ° �z s�nd'['ruat�e s aaomey s fees.ucwaliy iacucred co extent peraaitted by appl able Inw. In thas evens.Henoaes or Tn�stor exereises �_�_. <br /> n <br /> nay riBht pmvided by laa to cure a��vent of Defctult, Leadea shall be dded'w'r�aov��'�'l�T°S f�����e�pL <br /> ' acawUy iacurred ns a resu:t of 1'n�scoT's defmat, including a►it�out limi dp n�M�1'. ` �'i'fu�dt�� �t�4.�1ey ____ <br /> . ' ., pecmitud bY W+Plioable laa. P �.___ <br /> tg.y'yit�u�e Adyaacw. Upon cequcst of Hunoaer. I.ender may, at Ita��op8on, muke�ndiildonal und Htpue advwtces aad � <br /> �;,;,' readvnnces to Borrower. Such advunces and readvuaces,�vlth interesc thereon.shall be secured by tl�ie Deed of Trwst. At ao time �� <br /> ��b.;�;,,:� �. shaU the priacipal amount of the indebte.daess secured bY thia Deed of Truat,not iacluding sums advanced to protect the Eecurity of �,...., <br /> ,,;�,..., � �rs,s,�• <br /> ttils Deed of'Pcust, exceed tlie agg[eguce of the original pdaclpal amounts scated herein. or S . _ <br /> `� c�htchtver ls greater. °� �. <br /> 16.Mtscelluaeons Provisiona �_ <br /> Y E�;,� <br /> � (u)gnrrower Not Iteieased. F�ueasion of the d�ae for payment or modiflcndon of mnortizadon of the sums��B'� !,Y <br /> Dsed of Tcust IIcanted by Lectder w eny suceessor in interest of Borrower shaU aot opemte oo celense. Y �- :,.�� <br /> _ - • , .�.^ liubiliiy uF the originai Darcowcr attd Barrocrer's successors te interest. T.ender ahnil not be►pquired ro commence proceediq8a �;- <br /> . -- , ., � �r againxt xuch successor ar rc�to extend tIme for paymeat or ot�erwisc mcxlitjr amoraizadon of tha sutps se�ured AY this Deed k_-"-:' <br /> ' of 7tust by reanon of any demt�ads msde by the odg�aal Bonaaer a+ad Bo�ower's successors in in� � �__ <br /> ;;. �•�. <br /> _: � . ro��nd�.e$powcrs, q►idrouc affecnng the Nabitiry of nny other persoa liuble for the payment of uny obilgudon herein <br /> aaeadoncd. and wishout atfecting the Itea or charge of this Deed o f'I'n u t uiw n a ny po r d o n of the Pro g e r t y aot then ot ;~�, <br /> � �: therewfore rele�sed As�xa►ri�r for dte Nll amount of all unpaid oblignHous,Lender may.feom time to dace aud wlth°nt aodce , •: <br />. ;,;�,:, ... (iii) amt►t other '.',:.ti; <br /> '��!�.<„ . � (i)selease nny person so linb7e,(ii)c�ctend the mawrlry or alter c+ny of the tem�o'F any such obliBndona� ;_^.,;,., <br /> "'" ° indulgcncea,(iv)release or reconvey,or cnuse to be released or recomeyed ut uy dmE at Lender's opdon any pucccl.portion or :..,,,�,;.;;; <br /> ' " " � v taSce or retease any other or addldonal securiry for uny abl�gntFon hereia mentloned,or(v1) makc <br /> � e alt of the PcopertY. ( ) ,. <br /> • •• :' � composIdons ar other arran�ements vrith dcbtora iu reludon thereto. <br /> r� (c)Torbea�eaa by�en�er Nat a rJntver. Any fodsearnACe bY t�eAder in exercising a�ri8ht or remedy hereuader.or <br /> � "� otherwise afforded by upplicabte laa, sha11 not be a Gafver of or preclude tf►e exercise of any suc6 right ot remcdy. The , <br /> � ��i�;:::- procuremeat of inxurunce or the payment nf taxea or o8ier liens or chnrges by i.ectder shalt not be a aaiver of Lecedet's dglu to <br /> �;;>;��� ' . uccelernte the mncurlry uf the indebudness secuced bY Wa Dted of Tmst. <br /> (d)Suoces�ors and Asstgps Douadi Jotnt and Several LlabWty;CoPtEons. 'Ilte covenants and n�reementa herein contnined <br />- � eh�li bind,and the rtghta hereunder shatt inute w,the cespecdve succcssors and nssiBos of Leader nnd Tivatoz. Ail covenuatn <br /> .._ +....�.ti�o n�.±�p'�hoet n.w fnr <br /> - - " ' - _c rn__���f.�ft f.� �..iw�nM cwVa*at t OE CtIDIIUIi!8Wl LLi+^n��xn Vl UlG yu►naior.�.0.�• `--^_— <br /> '..-.;i;�t�'�`--:-�- ----- gIIp g${[CC[I[C[iii ut sarosv,m.u..o..,p.....�_-------- - � . . <br /> [L <br /> �� ;y;,:�.:��: conventence only and nre not to be used to int�rpret or define the provisIons heieof. <br /> _. ',,•;;-- (e)R¢ques![or No�tecs. 'Ihe parties heteby request thut n copy of nny notice of dofault hereunder artd n copy of any nottce , <br /> of sale hereunsler he muited w cach party co thia DPed oi Trust at the nddress set fonh nbove in the mnnaer pressribcd by <br />- ,�..�; applicnble taw. Tucept for nny other nodce requlred under appltcnbie!nw to be ivea in another mnnner.any notice provtded <br />- �.a� for in this Deed of Tcust shall bo aiven by mailiug such rtotice by certittcd mnil n�ressed m the other pactics, nt ttta n�dresa set <br />- fonh nbovc. My nodce pmvided for in thia B�eed nY Tnist shnll be etTecdve upon muilina tn the manner deaignatcd hcrotn. If <br />- Tnutor ta more than one Qerson,aodce sent to the addreas set forth nbavic ehnll be nudce to all such pc�sans. <br /> (fl Iaspection. Lender mny make nr causc ro be mude reusonable enuies upon und insptsttons oi tltc Prop�rty, provlded <br /> thnt Lertder shall Qive Tnistor notice prtor to nny such inspcction cpecifyinII ccnsonable cnusc thcrefor cclatcd to Lcades's <br /> _ interest in the Fcopeny. <br />- (�)Recoaveyance. Upon Qayment of oll sums secured by this D�ed ot Tmst,Le►tdes shall cequest Tcustcc w rcconvcy thc <br />-' ., Prop�rty aRd chall siurreader thi9 ET���out v�nnanry nnd aithout chn:Q ebo the�R rcon orb�cso»�tcgnlly c�tlUeJ �eew. <br /> Tcustee shnll reconvey tAe Pcoperty .� <br /> ' Tcustor shnll pay nil costs of rccordndon.if nny. <br /> {, emcumu�n a*o c...mRs <br /> - . �irsr�a+c�aen�.nd.�c+.+�,�.rma,t�n.►sb� <br /> � <br /> � — -- — ----•�,._�,..-..-,.,,._._...�.»......r-�_�- <br />