. ......_r : .
<br /> , .�
<br /> � , 99������ � . �
<br /> 7`hia Deed af'Trnst ehall securo(n)the puyment of tha principul sum nnd intercat evldenced by u promiss�ry note(s)or cr�tlit -
<br /> ' " ogrecmcns(sy na followa:
<br /> . �� Ortginul
<br /> Antc of . Principal Mnauity .,
<br /> N�te(s) Mniter(s)of Nute(R) Amouat(x) Dute(s)
<br /> 0�/10/99 Ll1RAY t:0IILL8R, R09i8 f40IILLRR 70,250.00 Ol/15/D9 "
<br /> 03/10/99 Idt12FlY N•OBLt.BR Y�t7D ROSIS FABLLRR 35,000.00 Ol/15/00
<br /> und.aay und ap modtficndon.g, extenstons and reneaule thereof or therew und any und ali fhdue advances aad reudvuaces ro
<br /> . Bariower(ar any af them if mora then one)hereundet pursunnt w one or more promissa�y noces or credit agreementa(herein called .. .
<br /> ._� "Note", whether one or more); (b)the pnyment of other sua�s ndvonced by L.ender to protect the securlty of tde Notc; (c) tha ,
<br /> ' performnncc of ull covenunts urtd ugreBmeata of Truator set forth herein;anJ(d)ult pr{�seae aud fudue indebt�daeas and obligudona
<br /> • of Bonower(or itny of Wem if moro than one)to l.ender�vhether direct, Indirect,absotute or condngeat aud whether nrIetng by
<br /> aous, guoranry. overdcaR or otherwise. The Note, thls Deed of Teust und any su►d ali other docuinents chat secure the Note or
<br /> ottterwiss eaecuted in counection therewith,ipetuding widtout limitation guaruatees,secudry agrcements:u�d assigaments of leases
<br /> nad reats.shall be refened to hereia as the"Loan Tnstrumants" �'�;
<br /> Trustor covemm�ta und agrees aith I.eader as folla�vs: ��;�±�,
<br /> 1. Paymeat oY Iadnbtedness. All indebtednesa secured hereby shull be p�id whea due. '� ��•'� _
<br /> 2. 'lYtlo. Trustor is Wa owner of the Pmpetry. has the right aad authortry co convey the Propeny.aad warrants Wnc the livn ,�:;�.,
<br /> ' - created hereUy ia o firat aad prlor lien on the Property. cxcept for liens aad ancumbraacea set forth by Truator in wridng and ==
<br /> delivereA u►I.ertder before execut[oa of t6ia Deed of Tmst,and�he executioa and deUvery of thts Deed of Tn�st does not vtolate any ` �_
<br /> �•' contract or other obllgaflon to whfch Trustor is subject. -���
<br /> 3. Taxes,Assessments. To pay before deliaquency all taxea,special assessmenu+and uli othes charges aqainst the Properry now �_�_.
<br /> ' or hereafter levI�d. '?=-
<br /> " 4. Iasurance. To keep the Ptopeny insured ngeirwt damage by fire, hazards iacluded wlthirt the term "extended coverage°.
<br /> , " and such other h�zerds As I.ender rany tequire, in acaounts and with compnnies acceptable w I.ander, akvnin8 LeAder us an �`.:.
<br /> ,, additlonal aamed insured.alth loss payuble to tha L.ender. In case of loss under such paliaies.�he Lender is authorfxed to adjust. ,1,,.
<br /> �p cnUect and comprou►ise.nll cleims thoreunder und shnll hnve the opdoa of npplying all or part of the Insivance prmceeds(i)W m►Y ;�`.:
<br /> • ittdebtedaeas secured hereby aad in such arder as l.eader rnny determine,(ii)w the Tnastor to be used for the repAir or restorndon _
<br /> •�`'- of the Property or(iiq for aay otber purpose or objec�sadsfacmry w L.eadar without nifccHng tke Ilen of thts Decd of Trust for the `,:::`
<br /> `t:.: � fi�U oatount secur�zd hereby befare such paymeat ever wok place. Aay Appl[cndda of proceeds w indebtedness shall not eatcnd or 5;�::
<br /> „ " � ��' po�tpone the due�nte of nay paymenta under the Note,or cure aay defnult thereueder or hereuader. ,°��"'�
<br /> • S. Tssrow. Upon wrltten demaad by I.eader,Tcuswr shall pay to I,ender.In such manner os Lender may deslgante.suifletent ° -
<br /> � �•. � _ r,uma m enable Lender w pay n�they become due one oc more of the following: (i)al!¢nxes,acsessmants and other churBee ngeinst '
<br /> ;;;�, the Pcoperty.(ii) the premlums on the property Insufr►nce required hereunder, aad(1ii)me premiums on umr morcgaga insur+� .' �g-
<br /> �;•;:,,:���;4, required by Lendor. �tor shaU keep the Pcoporty in gaod condidon aad r�epair; shnll
<br /> ;":.�:� 6. Nlointenauce� Roputrs and Compltuuee�vlth l�aws.
<br /> n � '-.�..
<br /> . . :•,yti;h��, pmmpdy r�pair. or replace any Improvement ahich may be damaged or desuoyed; sh�ll aot commlt or permit aay waste or _
<br /> daterioration of the Ptoperiy; shall not remove.demolish or aubstand�lly alter any of the itaprovementa on the Property: s6a11 noi _
<br />;'�, , ��" cammit,�uffer or permit any act to be done in or upon tha Pcoperty in vfoladon of any law.OfdIiL311G0,or regulndon;and ahalt pay —
<br />- •+� and prorapt�}►dlscheiBe at Truswr's cost aud enpense all Jiuns.encumbrancea uad chnrges levied,imposed or aasessed againss the
<br /> . ::":i; Propeny o:any psuc wercoe. �
<br /> � �•:� 7, F.mfaee�¢DAomaia. L,endar is hereby assigned nU compeasadoa,uwarda, dnmages and other poyments or reUef(hereinaft�r —
<br /> "Proceeds") Ia counocdon wlth condemna�an or other taking of the Property or putt thereof, or for conveyance in ileu of _ --
<br /> �� eoastemnntlon. Lender shnll be endtled at its opdua w commence. nppenr in aad prosscute la ite o�vn nnnte aay ucdoa or .—
<br />'.��• pzoceedinga,and shall also be endtled to meke aay compromise or sealement in connor.don witL such taking or dnmage. Ia dee � -_
<br /> � ev�nt any pordoa of the Pruperty is so mken or demaged,Loader sholl dave the opdou.in tts sole aad absolute discceHon.w npply ___
<br /> ': � all such Proceeds,eRer deducttng there&om all costs aud expenses iacurced by it ia conneatlon�vith such Proceeds. upon any —
<br /> indebtedness secured hereby aad in euch order as I.ender may detetmine,or o�upply all suc�Frocecds,ufter such deducdoaa,to thB o
<br /> ' • testoradon of tha Praperty upon auch condidons as Lender may deteraiine. Any applicadon of Proceeds w iadebtednesR ehall not ..
<br /> - ; extand or poatpoue the due dnte of aqy pa}rments undcr the Note,ur cure ony default ttaereunder or herevnder. Any unappUed ti�ads =__ _.
<br /> . ehnU ba patd Yo'I1rusWr. � -
<br /> ' " �' g, gea[ormance by Lender. Upon the accurcence of an Fvent of Default hereunder,or if a��y aet ia taken or legal proceeding =
<br /> , w�� <�. . commenced whlch materially at�'ecta 1.ender's int�rest la the Property.Lender mny in ita owa dlscredoa,but althout ubUgadon to �`.--
<br /> ,.�;:'�• "' do so,nud althout nodce to or demuad upon Trustor aad�vlthout rel�asing Truswr&om any obligatton.da aoy act wtilch TtusmT k_
<br /> ' ' .;;i.s`,:.; hns t�eed but �ails w do and may ulso do any other act {t deems necessary ro protect the eec;uity henof. Truator �.'L191, ��
<br />`° imraediately upon deraoud therefor by Leader� puy w Lender all coste and e�penn�se lacuned und sums expsnd�eid by Leadzr in �
<br /> , rau n
<br /> 3:"i �� coanecdon wtth the exarctse by I.endcr uf th� foregoing rights. together �vith intereat thereon at the defnult r�te provided in the -
<br /> �� "'�';?;'� Not�,�wl�tcu ahati ba added w dte iadebtedncss secutcd herehy. I,eader ahal!not iueur amf 4labillry becnt�se nf anything it may do oY _
<br /> . ����.,;, ��� omit to do hereuuder. • - __
<br /> � 9. H�r,nrdons Mate�lals. Tcustor sliafl�Ceep the Properry ia compllnnce with ali applicabie Inwa.ordinances and re8i►lation9 _
<br /> I'` � relatin�w industrlal hygieae ar envlronmental protecdon(collectively retmrred to herein us"Environmental Lnwa"). Tcnator shWl _�--
<br /> � � keep the Property fcee from nll substnnces deemed w he hazacdoua or roxic under aay Bavironmental Laae(collecdvely referced co '.'_
<br /> 'r� herein�s 'Haznrdoua Mntedals"). Tcustor hereby anrrants end mpreaents to Lender that there ure ao Hazardous Matedula on or -_:
<br /> " �•' under t�o Property. Truswr hereby agrees to lndemaify and hold harmless Lendor, lta direcwre,ofRcers,employees nnd ageats, ��3�•
<br /> J!� aad ac►y successora w Lcndor's interest, from andagainst any oad all cic+iros,damages,losses and ltabilides nrising in connecd�:ra ��:`
<br /> • with the prosence.use.dispas�l or unasport of nny N�t.antous Materials on,under.from or about the Property. TFffi FURECOiI�T�
<br /> te
<br /> . , lO.As�nment oi l8enta Ttwstor Heraby assigns co I�n�or.and grants Lendet a securiry Intere:st in, nll present. thtute a�d
<br /> � � ';.�� after.aeIeiu� rents. issues aad pmfita of tho PrapEaty: provided thnt Tnuwr shall, undl We occurtence of an Bvent of BeF�.�it
<br /> , ' •a hereitnder.hnve ttto rig6t to collect and r¢aila zvab reats.i�sues c�ud profits as they become du�aa8�ayable. tJpon the occur¢��se
<br /> __ �� . •.,_��. of an Bvent oY I)cfnul� Lender may. eitUes in peraon or by agent. vdth or without bringing any ac�ion or praceeding,or D�r a
<br /> ..O.L. A____�
<br /> � ceceiver nppointed by n court a�id witttout ngutd to mo u�equnry or i�s secuci�y.CtCOt u{ruu ntni iesc�n►aweaivi��n uav r avpca�j�;.: - ---
<br /> " any pnct tlteteaf. in ita o�vn name ot in tho name of tho Ttus:�e. �td do any acts�ch it deema necess�iry or dx:�uabie to preserve
<br /> ' the value.mnrketability ar renmAiiiry of the Property,or any part thereof or interest¢hetein,or to irtcreasES thc ir,.to�e therefrom or ;
<br /> "� � ptotect tha cecurtry hereof and.with or afthout takic�possession of the Pmpersy.sue for or otherwiae co1(cct the renta.isaues aad
<br /> pmftta theceof. includinB thosfl past duo und unpaid.by notityinII tenants co make paymente to Ixrtder. Lender may nppiy rents,
<br /> " issues and pm8ts.less costa nnd expenses of operndon t►nd collecdon includiva auor¢eya'fees.to ni►,y indebtedness cscuc�ed haceby,
<br /> • .- cill M sucb ordor as Lender may detcrmine. The entedng upon nnd u�Cing poss�.sslon of the Propeny.the coliecdon of such cents,
<br /> issuea und profita,nnd the appltcndon thereof as uforesntd, shnil not cure or wnive any defuult or notice of default hereuader or
<br /> � involidute any act done in response to such default or parsuant to such nodce of defautt and. notwithstand3ng the condnuance in
<br /> - poasess:on of the Fcoperty nr the collecdon,receipt und applicndon of reats.Issues or profits,Tcuscee nnd Lertder shnit be eadded to ,
<br /> eaetcise evety rinht pmvided fnr in any of t�e I.oan Instrumentn or by laa upon oacurrence oi nny Bvent of Defuult.incl�tGinB
<br /> • - � � withont limimdon t�e dpht to exercise the power of sale. �Lrther, l�ender's r��t►ts and remedies under t�la par�rnph shall be
<br /> cumulndve with. and in no wny a limitadon on, Lender's riBhts and cemedies>>nder any assignment of leases und rents recorded
<br /> , '" a�alnst the Propetty. Lertder.'Ccustee and the receiver sha{i be fiobie w account only for those renta actualty received.
<br /> rcxseno��veo�n ra o��
<br /> - 1�'Clttnad Q�A�1r�ctT[m ttl4r1�V AtateYU tlsuha Y.chrls
<br /> � �
<br />