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� � a i �-r,�i�, •_�r+T-r•, _�,�,.r�r .. <br /> .;�j � 1 —{ �.i`�p.•• :��`� r-� .n, <br /> � I`���. <br /> ��� .���'�� ' r'o <br /> �. , y � _ -- <br /> � ... <br /> .-- ' Jw r.iR:... <br /> —'_ ______ '__ 1 ��•� <br /> ___._�.,�_ S. 11wrd ar Ptap�ty I�ua�oe. Bomnwcr st�all kap 1he imprnvcnteiur row�� un c��Rer e�a�tod on tha <br /> PrapeNY ia�curod �aird kxs by fi�r. haranls inciwlod within Ihe ternt 'exleMt�d c.iserrFe' und any Mher harar�. i�kiwiin�} - <br /> _ _ ^ floods or Oa+diqg,for whkh L.rnde�roquircs ittwmnes.Thia insunaicc,hull he n�im�l�xtl in Ihe am�w�Ns wx1 fi►r 1he periadx <br /> - ��"� titW T�ter�vyuin�. 'tTw iswirittc�:uri�e��vWl�g thc inwrao��::hall he ch�ti�n fiy 8t�rt�m�cr +uhjrc�t tu lrnder'y�+val <br /> which sluiil od he un�w��bly wi�hbeW. If Bumnarr fAil�to nwintaio��nvers�c JexriAcd dwve. l.cnder rrwy. �t LcMer's <br /> . oplion,oMain ooverago to pmt�ct l.awier'r rights in�he Pmp�erly in�:�vmiuoue wilh pu�graph 7. <br /> _ All inwran�e poUcies and m�cw•alc sholl be aoocptable to l.emler u�xi siwll inrludc u Mumianl m�xtgage rlausc. Lcnder <br /> . ���I i afmH h�vve the ri�ht ta hald!he policieg e�M rcncwels. !i Lc+Mer n�qoirec,Rnrnnwer+�twll rnwnp�ly pjve�o Imder All roecipts�ai _ <br /> - paid premiums And renewAl naticcs. !n tt�e even[of lors.Rorrower shalt II{ve pmmpt notia to the i�urnrke carrier and Lender. - <br /> ,_�; l.cndc�mny t�lce pronf of lass if not made promptly by Bormwcr. <br /> - �� Unkss Lc�lcr and Borrower othenvi6a ag�e in�urs�ce procoeds xhull be Apptiod to re.�orwion�r rcpair af thc <br />" • -- Pnopeny damaged.if tl�e neswraticx�or repair is ooaamically feaaiMe�nd I.cnder's�ecu�ity is nnt Ic�sened.lf�he restoratian or <br /> .,¢ � -- � repaic i€ua aaotamically kasible or Lealer'a so�wi�y would be lessened. thc iosuronce prrx�eeds shull bc appliod to�hc sums <br /> — - -- - secuned b�r this Security Iost�ument. whdNer or nw �hen due. with �ny excess pnid�o Bormwer. If Borrower�bandonc the <br /> = Prnp�erty.or does Qot answer within 30 days a n�tice from l.e�der U�t the insurunce cunier has ofiered tu settle a c4une.�l�en <br /> Ix�dier may c�ollect �t�e in�urance pro�roeds. l.ender rmy uce �he pr+ooeais to repoir or r�t��re �he Propnty or to pay smns <br />�; ..: socurod by lhis Security Instn�ment.whethtr or nol theo due.The 30day period will begin when the rotioe is given. <br /> . .,. Unless Leirkr aM Bornower otherwise agree in writing. �ny application of proceals w priociQal slwll not extend or <br /> _'�'" , pos�pupe the due dale of the monthlY paYments refcrned to in par.�geaphs 1 and 2 or chang�the amoum af the payments. If <br />'::�.: urMlrr paragr,�ph 21 the Property is acqui�ed by[xnder.Barmwer's�ight to aay i�uranee policies:url proceeds resulting from <br /> ;;,.,;;,' dan�ge to the Propeny Prior to the acquisition slwll pass to l.ender w the eateat oi the sums secured by this Secu�ty Inctniment <br /> _:�;i:,;�'�_ � immediuely prior to�he aoquLsition. <br />-�r�,� � ;( R.Oocupa�ocy.Pe�eaa�vatioo,Mwintenance aad Prot�ctiva oi We Hroperty;Rorrower's l.oaa AppBcalloa;l.e�butdv. <br />-M`��� �c�'�`t-��' &,tmnW�tr shWl accupy,establi,h,:ud use Ihe Propeny as��a�r,,,tier's princippl recidenre within sixty days after�he ex��udnn of <br />•„�.,k.� �•, i this Sccuriry lnstrument and Fioaf9�nntinue tu occupy tl►e Propeny as Bc�mnv►•er's principal residence for ut least���ce}��ar ufi�r <br />=__:�.:,��r� the date of a.-�cug�ancy,unless i.encter otheiwi�e agrees in writing, which�n�nsent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or un�ess <br />;�E+7ti��'+ extenuatfn cire�cn�st.�noes exist which arc �ir ond Borrower's crontrol. Bcircower shall iwt destro dama e nr im ir the <br /> ;, , '' �a � ' B Y Y• S Pa <br /> ��'•'�`� = ' Property. allaw the Prope�ty ta ldterloratc. or rnmmit waste on �he Property. Borrower shull be in default if a�ny furfciture <br />'::t�tt..: ^'-'.w r''�,��, action or proceedinF. whether ci�il or crimi�wl, is begun that in L.ender's good faith judement could result in fa�tei�tum af the <br /> � e <br /> ���'�4+� , � ' ' ` � � Property or otherw�ixe materially impair the lien created by this Security Instn�ment or l.c�ier's secu�ity�.ucower may <br />�'r!'i:u.,., <br /> `�:.'�•.• , .=•a. cure wch a default and reinF� provided in paraSraph causing the action or pr�x�eoding tc�O►;:dismissed with a ruling <br /> ,�':�i::�ce:, <br />,�,�.,:, <br /> � '` that, in Lender's goad feith determination, p�cludes forfeiwre of the Ek►rrower's interest in�he PQO�peny pv Mhtn material <br /> t`' � i ,�imirni ui�he iirn crca�ui by Ihia Sau�io inatrumcni or I.ender's aecurii intrrexi. 8orrower :muii ui�v�br en defauit if <br />�,'�.'�� �x�^:: .. '^ r�;��• Bcerrower,during the loan appliraiion praress,gave materoally�falx or inarcura e informution or sta�emrnas to Len�ter�or failed <br /> ,-•�r�:•, ,.�...�.- - <br />;;f��,1f -,�a-.�•�:: to pruvide Lender with any mat�ri>�1 infornwtioael in eona�eca;��rz a�th t6�Inan evidenced by the Note.ia�cluding, bu� r.ot limited - <br />•f;�;�:�:f .��:�,.,� -''`'�`n to.represenatian:+caocerning Borrower's a:s+��aa�ry af tiv�•Prapeny u:a p�imipal residence. If thiti Saturi�y Instn�ment is on a <br />..-�l�.lAe:� '�•ry <br /> a���," �� leasehold. BoROaer ;hall rnmply with oll at+� �+T�visions uf thc (eus:. dY Botmtt•er acqaires f.^r ti:2c ro thc Property, tlse _ <br /> _��,�+:,;. ,..'.��,.�a� +��;�.:1�� leasehold end the fee tiUe shall not merge unle��l.eixicr agree�to thc mc�r�er in wrning. - <br /> '• ��'.� '�,tl '� �� 7.Protection ot Ixader's Rip�hts in the Po+upe�ty.If Bormwer fails�a perform the cavenants und s�greementc contained ln - <br /> �.' �°'�5�•''� ' �". this 5ecurit Instrunknt,or�here ix a le nl mc��din Ihat mu si nificantl affect l.ender's ri hts in the Pro rt (such as e <br /> ' °'`~ Y B P s Y • 8 Y S Pe Y <br />--� `'��" praceeding in bankniptcy, probate, for condemnaaiun or forfeiture or to cnfarce luws ur rcgulatior+s),Ihen Lcnder muy do tind - <br />�`�w� ���+.,..:��*:� pay for whatever is necessary to pmtoct the ���9a::uf�he Property and Lender's rights in the Prcyerriy. l.ender'x actions muy <br /> �'` , ,&�i;,�.�4`.'� . '�;� ir�lude paying any sums secured by o lien w•hich hus priority uver Ihis Security lastrument, uppearing in coun, paying <br />'?�� .: '� '"�'' ��easamable anome s'tces und enterin on the P to rn�ce re in.Althou h Lerukr ma �alce anion under this ara h = <br />_�„ Y B �nY P�� - B Y P S�P <br /> ';,:+f��; � '*1 �.e••,ltr d�'ilut Lave lo do So. _ <br /> '�'<-��� "�''`'�' An 3R104�A�5 disbursed b Lender under this ara rr h 7 shall bcx�xnc addUional debt �f �omower secured b this <br /> '• .,,,,�� Y Y P' B P Y _ <br />`�`-��•'`'��� ` •�L-r` �"'�'� SecuPi 9t�stroi�nens. l'nless Barnower anJ Lcnder a ree to other tem�s of inen�, these amaunt� s�zall t�ear imerest from tht <br />.T,,�;�5�•..�� •.. .� ��. =Y B PaY -. <br />_•+"�F� •��.i�a�i�' date of disbuQSerr3enY at the Note mte and shall be payablc. wi�h intere�t. upon notice from Leruk� io Bornowor requeuting <br /> � ;.,',ra`�+" w . . paynient. <br />-==�,;. n `�.�; ,�, 8.MoRpjage Insurance. If l.ender required mortgage insurnnce a�n condition�►f�rwking the lonn secured by this Security _ <br /> �,:w �„�. ,;�,;,;:` " Inslrumenl. Borcower shall p•ry the premium� reyuired lo maintuin the murlFoge in�urnnce in effect. If, for any r+eu�n, the <br />� .' �` � �""�:"'"� ° mortgage insurnncc rnverage rcquired by Lender lupses nr cea.,es a�ix in effert, &�rr��wer,hull pA}•the premiums requircd to <br /> - ��"�'' �' obtuin wvern e substuntiail uivulent tu the rr.ort a e insurume r�viau.l m rffect,at •r cust tiubstuntiall uivalent to the <br /> ',� �:• , 8 Y�I SR P ' � Y� Ye9 _ <br />_��°�, �•° •��y?, ��,: cos� to Borrower of the monFage insurance pre�•iously in effecl, I'rom un alternute n�ongage imurcr approv�td b�. !lxnder. If - <br /> ��� substantiall urv�lent mort a^e insurance cnvera e i.not •rvailable, &�rmwer tihall a� to l.ender ruch mont6e u uam <br /> ' ?"�- . :''� ,i � 9�I � 8 r �' P . Cyual lo = <br /> �� `` ,�`t'�"a r"�:' ,� , one-�welfth of the yearly monguge imuranre premium being paiJ by&�rrower w•hen th�inwranr�coveruge Iupsec0 or ceused to � <br /> •�`: �a=�'"=f�• be in effect.L.e�ed€r will accepi, ond retain these payment�u� L I�is� r..erve in lieu ot' m�mga�� in�urw�re. Losc rcsen�r <br /> •• •�;,, .'� <br /> ,:4, •l•�;l.J"" � <br />-� .. _ o FWWII�.�8 9�� _. <br /> - .` �'� P •3ofg _.. <br /> ��ti�M � <br /> •f :��E�r.' '4�x �l� � — <br /> !(, � �:1�. r�`�'��, <br />._ .,.' � r ) r ' ,. � 1 i.4����!"�RS�r,TiH .fNy�R�ri7� • �S .:��i,. +l �S�,. <br /> .' � . � � ��i� ''id�. . i ; � . . . �i ':' ,_ ��_� , .. ' , � . <br /> ti t ' i .. �} , 11 `1 , •,;�' .� �;•' s�,. v:. �,.s i �{a,. <br /> � .)_ ' �`' / �i <br />�.s�k .'. .'�/�•�i.�ry�.,�,�iK1M.e__. ' .- . , , r, �•:>+�r;�� . ° �,_. <br /> ;.h^ ��'' ,.e�. . .. . ._ . .. . ��"� - - 1�1 � =-S'.���� ^•t;/�L� . . s r• F���i. <br /> _-_',-,..,,:r�.� � . � . 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