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'�•�f.� .. ! <br /> .. ��) � <br /> ' . . .• 1) ' ., .. - . <br /> � • d�98-190� �� -�' ���D O�Y�U�7 � Paga 6 <br /> . . C�99 �����.�� <br /> ' � Laan No 0�J2043 (Continu�d) <br /> '--.-=--_==---.-:�-:.r-==�-=___:_�:.:-:_—_-_--,__-.�..__..�-_----._._._�=-=--=_-.._.—�------�----�-------.� <br /> posao�ton ot iha Property or lho coi!ocuon,rcccipt and nppltcaf�on of ronts, Issuo2 or protit3, Tru�tc�rn Londor chntl ba QntitS�d to <br /> . axcrcisn ovcry nOM prov►dod lor tn Ino Noto oT Iho Rcintod Documont�or by lnw upon Iho occurronco ot nny ovont of dolaull,Includlrtg tho <br /> npht to auoretso Ino povrar of aalo: • <br /> � (b) Commonco nn nctlon to brecto:.n Ihls Daod of Truat ns n moRgago,appolnt a rccolvor a opcc►flcalry onlorcu ony of Ih�cavonnnis . <br /> hC�oat;�nA �A ' .. <br /> ' '" " (o) OCUVar to 7ruatco n wn�lon dcclaroAOn ot dCfpuit nnd d�mnnA for ast�nnA n vrtltten not�co uf defautl nnd otxtian to rduso Trustor8 �t,� , _ <br /> ' ^ Intorost in Iho PrcTsoAy to bo aold,whtch nottc+o Trustoo ohntt causo to bo dul!�ft:od fo��ocord In lho appropiu►te ofitws of Ino County i� <br /> tyhtGh�ho ProACtty ts bCatad;and � � <br /> ,. ,. . :� (d) Wilh rospflct to M ot any paA of 11m Poraonal Proparty.Londcr shail huvo nll iho dphts nntl romadlos ot n casurod paAy undor tho�� r.' <br /> Nabraskn UNform Comrt►orelat Codo. !. '� <br /> ' FarCCiouuro By Powur of 8flle. It Londar clCeb to toroclosfl bY oxercfso of lho PowCt of Sst�h�roln contninod,Lor�dor elw�noNfy T�uslen nnd :; <br /> nhnll doposlt wllh Truatoa lhis Oood of Tr:rst nnd Ihe Noto nnd suoh�cafpb nnd ovldonco ot oxpondituros mndo nnd cosurad by Ihis Dnud o <br /> . 7ruat as Yrustao mny requiro. y <br /> •' (a) Upon rocctA►c!suah nolico trom londor,Trustoa shail oauao lo bo racordod,pubtishad end do1►vurad to Trustor auch t�ouoo at DotauQ <br /> " pnd Nottea of Sato as thun roquua0 by L�w nnd by thls Doc�d o1 Trust. Tructoo shall,v�llhout dompnd on TruStor,ctiter s�cD dr�so us mny ;^, <br /> thon bo roquirAd by Inw and nttcr rocordntlon ot suoh Nottoo ot Ootnull and nRer IVottco ot Suto huving beon pivon us roquirod by t3w,scU <br /> the Properry at tAe Ume and place of snls(ixed by It In euch Not�o of&ato,elther as o vihotu,or in separnto tob or pareds er itams ua <br /> Trusteo shatl desm oxpesftont,und m sucn oram as�t rnc�y dotermin�,ut Hub�lo auoUOn lo Ihs highosl bfdde� lo�Cash In lflwlul money ot _ <br /> n <br /> ihe Unitod SlBtes pIIynble at the time ot sttto. Trustoa ahatl dsliver to such purchusEU ot purchnsers thnreot Its gocd ttnd sufifdant doud or ;:.: <br /> � hus u <br /> �• ,� � deeds conveying tAe propeity so sold,bul wtihout nny covennM or warrt►oty,oxpress or Implted. TAe recitals in such doed of any mutte�s ��; <br /> , .; or tacts stu►��be conclusive proof ot the truthlutness thereof. Any persan,inctudinp v�ithout Ilmitatfon Trustor,Trustea. or Londct�,rnay <br /> purchase e1 such sale. ' <br /> 1; �p� As mey b0 R�ed by�►w,aHer deductlnp NI costs,fees and expettses of Ttustoo and of thts 7rust,Irtdudlrtg cosfs ot evlfl�rtco ot ,_ <br /> ,� Utla tn connecUon Kuah saio,Trustee shatl appty tha proceeds ot sate lo pnyment af (f)aA sums expended undar ihe terms ot thls Oeed ot •.;,�: <br /> , � � Trust cr undor 1ho c�ms of Iho Note no1 ihen repnld,mcluOing bul eot hmited to accrut3d tnterest and Iuto chargos, (Iq ap alAer sums thon <br /> °t s°cured heroby,and(Itf)the rema�nder,it any,to tha person ar persons tepally enQGed lhareto. ,.�_ <br /> " (o) Trustee may m 1M+manner prov�ded by Iaw postpono satn ot ea or any portlon W tho Proporty. '' <br /> .s,,�: � ��". <br /> � Remedtea Not Extlusfvo. Trustee end Lender,and eacA of them,shntit be ontlUad to enforce payment nnd pertmmenco at eny fndubtednoss �� <br /> or obuguuons sacured by Ihis Ooad of Trust and to ox��iss ali rf�hts nnd powers under thls Oflod o}7nut,unde�the t�toto, undar any ot tho �r;_; <br /> . '�� Retated Documonts,or under any other agreemont or any Iaws now or t�ro�Het fn forca;nolwithstanding,somo ot att of auch IndaDtodness R�• <br /> 8nd obllgaUons socured by this DBed ot Trust may now or hereaRer bo olhorvuise ssaursd,whether by modgag3,docd W trust,ptedpe,lbn, �,,�,> <br /> • , assfgnmenl or othorwiso.Neither iho accoptenca of this Osed of T�ust nor its e�torcemont,whethar by court aCtlon or pttrsuant W the power of �v <br /> �� salo a other powere aonlained In thts Osod of Trust,shutt proludice or In uny manner ot(oct Trusteos or Lendera rtg�t to reoll�o upon or __ <br /> '�?'„ anforce nrry other secudry novi on c�treatter hsid by Trustee a Lendor,it bol��h�t�t T�tust��^�h��e d���eh�oy� -- <br /> -- :�..�.j;:; enUUed to enttuCO t1uS iJeed oi Trwii 6��3 8ry Litsat�rth;siC�'o!l��--fi�.--- -• _� <br /> . etther of them may�� hhefr abaolute discretlan dotermina. No romedy contarred upan or roserved to Trustve or Lsndor,fs Wentled to oe <br /> • � excluslve ot any othar r�emedy in thfs peed ot Trust or by Inw proviled or pa'milhad,but eaoh Shali bo cumuiativo antt Shafl toa N additton to _ <br /> !� every other romedy givan In this Oeed ot Trust or now or haroaftar exisdng at bw ar fn equity a by sfatute. Evary potivar or remed�Qtven 0r the <br /> , ,i!, � not�ar any of ihe Re181Bd Oxumams to Trusteo or Lender Qr to whicA olth0r ot them may be oth�twise unt(11pd,maY bO exerch,�ed, <br /> 1•_;.:-;� cqnsun�m►Y ar fndependontty,irom bma to tlme and as otten as mall po deemed expodtoM by TrustoE►or len�or,and eittaer o?t�em may — <br /> . ' :{:<.;�N,., <br /> �;;s•.� , purauA i:�orulsten!remedtes. Naffiir�9 ln this Dued ot Ttust sha31�a eonshuud ns prohlbiting Lender hom sookln8 u doTicten4l11�9�� <br /> . ��1�,Y� agatnst the Trustor to the extent such acdon b permltted by law. _ <br /> , �. Request For HotleO. Trustor,on beholf of Trusta snd Lendor,heroby roquosts Ihnt a copy ot nrry Notico of Dofautl Artd a coay ot Eny Notloe <br /> w ot 3aie under this Oesd of Trust be mailed to them at lho addre,ses set torth in tho flrut pamgreph ot this Deod ot Ttusl. �,t_ <br /> � �.��� Wafver;Electioo o!RemCtllea. A walver by any party of 8 breach of o provi5lon of thfs Deod ot Trust shalt not con4Gtuto n weiver ot or �:;; <br /> ' v- preJudlee Iho parys d9hts othenvtso to demand stdct compliance wilh that provislon or ttny other provislon. Elocttan by Lendsx to pursuo any � __ <br /> �, ��r= remedy pravidsd In this Dood of Trusf,the Note,In any Retatad Documsnt,or providCd by Iaw shalt not excludo purst�lt of anyo'�ear cemudy. , <br /> and an okcqon to make expenditures or to take actlon to peAorm nn obltgatlon of Tn�stor under thts Oood of Tnist oRa fapure aa?Yci'sior to <br /> pertam snn11 not aNect Lenders rlght to declnro a detault and to Wcerctse anY o!Its remSGtes. <br /> n . AttOrrteys'Fee3:Ex�enSes� ���ender Institutas any suit or aCilon to entoroo nny ot tho torm9 of this Qoed of Ttust,LondOr sh01 bo otRUled to <br /> Invo1vo48ellh0ASOn8ble expen5es nCUrtod by Le denwi Ch n Lende s'op n ont�1 unn��at nny tlme tOr th0 prOteCtlon O!b IntBtest at lhe <br /> �<:!�'% ontwc�ment ot Its d8hts Bhail bseome a part ot lhe Indebtadn�s paJabla on dumEind and ahall bsuu inlarost at iho Noto tate hom th�dato of ---- <br /> 4yi;; expenditure untfl ropnid. Expensas covored by this pareg►nph incluCa,wilhout UmitnUon,hov�owr aubJect to en Ilmit3 undar epylloeble Iaw, — <br /> Lender's attornoys'i�t whothet or not there Is a IawsuN,Inciudlr►g attorneys'toas fot bankruptay preeeedings�InclueWnA otiab tq modiry a <br /> �� vaeoto any automnUa alay cx InJuruUOn),appaols ond nny nntlefpated posF�udemont coiloctlon sorvioos, it�o cast W so�rehi records, <br /> u � <br />- obtalning til�o roporis (Inctudtnp Ior�Gosure ropo�.$),survoyors'repores,apprn�sa�toos,GUo insucano9,and tooa�9ar iRo TrttStoo,to Ao oxtant ___ <br /> .,. - permittod by upp�icsble iaw• Trustar Wso wiA pey any cou�t costs,in addiUon to M otlror Qums ptovidtsd by Iaw. � <br /> �,��� pighit�ut TruGlC3.T�usts3 shaR hava nll of the rlghts ar.d duHes ot lender as sAt torth in this saction. <br /> `L.?.t:{...�. . c-.-:. <br /> _ .. �5..�•El. <br /> f. �. POWHRS AND OBLIQATIt)tl'3 O}Tq�IJ57�E. Ti�n tuAowing pravislon;,rot�tlng to!ho pottCrs end obllgstbn9 0�Tru.qtee ere patt ot this o0 0 - <br /> Trust. ---- <br /> "';.• • . '"° Powcre ot Truatca. in addttton to aA powors of T�ustee adsing t�s u matter of taw,Tnistoo shatl hnve the pow�r 90 tiiko tho IaEawir�q ecBOns _ <br /> a <br /> ' .!'��;;;�.� wilh respect to tho Pr�porly upon the wrftlen roquast ot Londor and Trustor. (a)joM in prc3partng und(dinp a map or platot thoRt� . �°�� <br /> ` {'�����' inttuding lRO dudlcatlon of streets ar olhor dphts to ihe publlo; (b)Join in flmnUng any a�emont or cre88ng nny rtsstricdon on tho Roat Propedy: � <br /> ' `�r r� un�(c)pin In any subadtnatfon cr olhAr agroement aHecting thts Daed of Trust or tho Interest ot Lender undor lhts Oaad ot T'rust. <br /> ,�.,;,.,, �::. <br /> •,i�'���;r.. =: . <br /> . .,f,;f,,. � <br /> ,,t�. . 7ruatee. Trustao shatt meet alt qualil�itions roqulrod for Trustoo under appilcabta Inw. �n uddlUan 4m Iho�Ighb and romodles 60!toRh abavo, <br /> ° with respect io at1 or any part ot the Proporty,lhe Tn�stee shel►huvo tne dght to forecloso by notico und sNa,and londor ahall huva ths►dgM to }_�-, <br /> lorsci0s3 by JudiG9 toreGOSUte,��uithor cnso in acCarEanoO wlfh tind to the full oxtont providod by applkabt0l]vt. . <br /> � $uCt@8,^,Ot TruotCe• tendor,at LonCOPs opUOn,mey Irom Ilm�fo Umu appoinl u succoasoi T�uyten tu any 7ru�icx�(� olntud Mraurtdo�Qy n� <br /> � �''�;�:��� u I�hument exocutod snd ackno�vt�tlged by Londor and recotdod in tho oifico of lho rocordar ot MAL�Connty,A`�D�b�m'trud pnt�U <br /> contaln,in nddttlon to�t othor rt�atlt+rs requlrod by stnto inw,tte�nsmos ot!ho orlginst Lttndar,Trystoa,and Tn�stot. �g <br /> �: �'• <br /> compufer systom referunoo)w►sora thb Deed ef Trust Is raeordo0.nnd tha nnmo nrtd addmss ot tho atxctr'".>.�ot ttesteo,eed t1�o�nstrumet►t tMn� <br /> be executod anC adcnowlodpe0 by aU the bortottdarlos under iho Dood ot Trust or thdr suooessots In Int�rest. 7tw aemoc��t Nt�!oo.v�►hovt �'� <br /> ,�_.`,,_ conveyana3 ot tho P�opoAy,sha11 suoceod to u11 tha tlUo,powor,and dutlos contcrrod upoo lho Trustoe in th(s Qe^.A ot Uust und by eppibahf� � <br /> --=--=---� In.�.Tists v���iu auh�tuNaa af tsisst�atia:i�nvarn t�Ihn oxeiusion of t�tl othar provistOns Mr �;- <br /> ..,. .....�e.eT�ac en�.�a����,enr tn�s O�d ot Trw1 shatl bo in wdti�,muy tro sont by takla�Imib(unto;,� � <br /> ___ — - NOTIGE$iv tnira��r. :�... ....r...._...�. . <br /> ' � piM�rw15B roqutrod by 4�w)�and 3hfltl be ettOCUw when tiduolly d0Uvt3ted,or whun dopositx►�wilh n natlonatly�cco�nuao ova�*+�O+nd��d to tho <br /> r <br /> " rtuiU�d,shutl ba doomod ot�ct►vo whe^depos�ted tn the UNtod Sfatas mn:l tlfst dnss.caAtttud or rogl3tcr�ad matf,gastegc►ProAatd <br /> addrossos ahown near tho bcginNn9 of thls Oecd ot Trust. Any paAy muy ehartgo Ib nddatss for nollcos undnr thts QQOO otTru^,tby pNtng tam�t <br /> 3 <br /> writton aoUCO to t�o olhor pMlo3,spocltyfn8 thnt fna purposfl ot tAO ncUCO Is to chanQa iho purNa addrers3. Ail copfos 9t no'JO�i oitor�dOStuO hcm <br /> For notdtco purpoyst�s.Trustor graos o kcCp londer and T StCe�1orm d nt�nil drttL�s of Trusto 9 Cutronn ddross.�g���ntng Ot!ks QoCd Ot TItt3L <br /> MISCEI�ANE�US PROV181pN8.Tho to�o►amg mtscoflanoous provlsi0�nro n PuA Of lhts Oeed of Trust: ; <br /> � Qmeadments. Th�s Ooad ot Trust.together with any Rolntod Doaumonls,constitutas tha onUro ur�d�rstandinp nn0 agroamonl ot tho pa�.bs as <br /> to tho mnttcrs snt lorth m this Dnod of Trust. No NtprnUOn ot or nmondmont to ihhs Oaad Ot Trusf Shall bo oitucilvo urtloss givon tn wrfUng and <br /> �' stgnod by th��aAY or parrios sought to be chnrgad or bound by tho aQcrution or Qit►ondmont. •� <br /> l�pltsaDla t.e�e►. TAls Dctd o!Trud hns Ot�en deitrettd to L�edUt ond eteeAtett DY�andet in tRO State af Netara.�•�e. Thla Qecd ot Tnic1 <br /> cRa1 bo�vemed by anA consiruMdn awr¢t�nce w�lA tRa I�aa at!Ra fitete o!NeDra�ce. <br /> � <br />