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<br /> � .
<br /> .. ,y, ,.,,qq.Hy..f„_, ._ . .. .. . "
<br /> ��•�ECQ�0�0 �C$9 4 ,
<br /> . 02-1"�+°99Cfl ��o���EL9� ���� ��`�����
<br /> . Loor�No Ofl�fl4� tco�,a��►us�� ��m ����45r - --,^ -,
<br /> �--�------ —
<br /> ---- - --- ---- �.. -
<br /> pnymonts on tho Indabtcdnu:,�euaurod Dy this typo of 0�d ot Trust; (o)o tox on ihis typo of Oaod ot Trust chflrQ�Sbt�ng�inst tho Land�r ot
<br /> , I�io hdd�r ot tho Noto:nnd (ay o sPr.dltc�nx on ull or any�►oAlon o1 tha Ind�btodrtass or on pnymonts ot princtput ond Inlorost mado by ..
<br />. . Truslm. '
<br /> iiubaCquta4 Texae. �}n�Y�to whleh tAls Goatton appllas i�onactod euDsoquanl to tho dnto o!thtg Oocd ot Y�us6 tP�is ovant 4P�Nt h�v�iho
<br /> tnrmo offcct aD un Evont of Dolautl(no doilnndh�`o i+b�o 0�ilbecom�9 d;11��nQu�1 ot�(b)Cont st�tPtontnx no pravtd'drnbo oV/n th�Taeza3tnnd ���'�
<br /> ^ provfdad bclow una;s Rwta cithcr Ia)pnYs
<br /> Uons s¢ction nnd d:postb wlth londar cush or a suHtctant eorporato suraty bontl er othur w^curlly sali�Qnctory tc►LunC:.r.
<br /> gg�Up�yy AGpgEp'iENT;FINANCIHG 87ATE�lic'Ff4ti.Tho tollowing provislons rolnUrtp to thb Dood ot Trust n3 n soaudty c�IIrel�ment are e paA ot 'k�.�us__
<br /> . lh;s Oood ot Ttw� `' :,
<br /> -' � 8�curity AIIretssnEf�t. This Instrumont ahult con:ututo a socudty a9roomont to tha oxtont nny of thn Ptopnrty consUtuta�1bct�tres at °1he► .,:4•;-�='
<br /> Y •J.��•�'� pcsrsonul prapariy,nnd Londor ohnu haw afi ot thp rights o9 a soouresd paAy undar lho Unitorm CemmaretN Codo at3 arrtondod 4rom tlmo to �.r'.
<br /> A•Ir`
<br /> ' dmo. °'=r-
<br /> � 8tcuriiy Uttcres4 Upon ropuest by Londer,Trustor shati oxr.outo flnunc!rtfl attltomontn nnd tak�vihntovar olhor ncUon ts rtsquostad by LAndar ���^�.-
<br /> to pedoct and conUnuo londor's sacudly interost In tho Rents and Poraonnt PropMy. In addiUbn to rocording thts Qoud ot tnttst in lR4 reut u,•��_-
<br /> properly records,Lender may,at e►�y time and w�thout turth0r nulhorfraUon hom Trustor,f.o axoCUtad counterpurts,coples or mProduCttans of
<br /> t}t!..ct
<br /> this Ooad of Trust as a���d�statement. Trustor shalt reiimbu�so Lender tor ntt oxponsa3 fn�ttttcid�n portctCling or ContlnunH ihx s�cudty Qi^n'^F�
<br /> ' ' + mterost. Upon dotauSt.Trusta shnll nssembta the Parsonni PropoAy�n u manner and ot a ptac3 roosonnbty convonlont to Truito�nnd lcndot �,_,-,_.
<br /> c nnd mako lt avetlu@!�io Lender wifhln throe(3)days utter rseQipt ot wdtten demsnd hom Lender. R�,__._
<br /> grantoed�h 08Bd�tJPT�ItSidmAy D obtnfn d(o Ch1Eis�required by th95Utiito mpCom�me�c�at CodeA are��e��teo w�t�'°�st o�°°try'ts�oesa► 0
<br /> .. �, �.. i. Otih'.� - --
<br /> � ol T�us
<br /> rrfaci ara a p v�,,--
<br /> i� �T�pgg�p(��:AT4yR;U;rA-lGi�FACT. The tollowin�provi•�lans rsintlrtg to fuAhfu ctssumnco9 and attomoy� �:�Q`-
<br /> ;�•.�i OtfOd ot Trust. y wI0 Cflus9 t0 b9 - u
<br /> „ � FurH�er Aaurante�. A1 erty ume,and hom tlmo to dme,upon rcaquost a!LQncCar.7nistor vltl mako,o�coc�e��d�d��dced,mfita0,o► � `
<br /> mu de,e x e e u t e d a d d.N m e d,t a l onder or to Lende�s dostgnee,nnd�vhen esquustad by Lendor. �,__::,::
<br /> �oroco r d e d,n s t h e caso mny trn.at auch flmes nnd in suc9�af��dnd piea�s+�s L en d e r may d e a m a p p r o p r�i a t e,a n y a n d a 0 such��
<br /> daeds of trust.security desds.aac�'MY agroomonts,flnandng sttf,'emortts.cont►nunUan sta t e m n n t s,t n stntmords ef twthe►tustua�t�,aBAlt�at { r_
<br /> ...�'�' and Whor dor�monts t►s mnY.�ln N+e sote opinlon ot Wnder.bn�wcassary or desirnble In tr��dErr W etfcctunte,complato,Psaf2t't.cartinuo,w �:y`,_t;:
<br /> ,•�• preserve (a)t ho e b tigs U O n s a 1 Y:+rstor under the Nota,th�Oeed of Trust,ond the Reluted Oncutmmts,end (b)the itons and 5sr.ur�/�nterests
<br /> ^ ��,¢e ybby��on�n�writ rtg,TnutoPsh llrofmbu�se Lender�to ral cos�nd�e�br curced In onnr,citorn hwith th�ymnttors�Bd ro in ���._
<br /> F,'---
<br /> this Oa►a9tePh- h Lont4or may do so tee antl S1 the�ame o! r-
<br /> � AKpmeyan-Feel, !f Trustor tni�to do sny of Ihe thinps mt�m�d to In!he procoding paragrap . __
<br /> �� T�uslpr und at 7ru5to�e oxporttm. For auch purposes.TruatOr h�i�rstb�����YO6o n noau�erl►ot dDSirabb�ln l�OndMe e�1D OPlnl�on,�teo -
<br /> , ,.,� pt mAking,eX6CUling�OetiY6ri�7�Pi"a��ioi.�Clts��a:sd�e.�(._ , ,.
<br /> ' � naomplish the msKe�s refarred to In tho preced�n9 P�9tt►A •
<br /> • •;,};; p
<br /> mpased upo ATrusta undor this hepad of Trusl,Lendet shull extlC edand dES����B aq e�fGi tuil reCOm.'tryanCe��nd 6h���a d -
<br /> '��1-;2��:'; �e o�at Propot►hi SMY lraconveyann�otrequlrod by aw s at bo p��fl yy7nrstw,if ftpetmltted by eP8�Isw.��iMeresl in ita�tRenis and
<br /> �e�.
<br /> O�At�.Y. Esch of lho tollowing,at fho optlon ot Lendor,shail co�utr:ttt�an avent ot dohtutt('��or�9 s��etuulrl undor Ihls Daed ot Tr�LS� -
<br /> � Q�siault on lsr�ntsdness. Failuro ot Trustor to make any payment when duo nn tho Indabtednes5.
<br /> .'. Datanft on Other Paymtnta. Fniture ot Trustor with�n the Ume requlred by this Oced of Trust to mnke any paYmaz+t tor fAxaa or insumnoo,ar
<br /> - ary other payment oucessar/to Prevent(ittng ot or to eifoct discharge ot any t!on.
<br /> � � �mp«p��pe1�q, Failure a!Trustor to compry with any otner term,abligatfon,covonanl or condiUOn contNnod In thts Ooud 01 Tfus1.the
<br /> Nple or In any of thn Rulated Documants.
<br /> ,-+,•:..���
<br />�,:;.�,�..+,.., heSse Stot�trr..��tud Oacumonts is fal�or�mistoadln8 n�nny material respvct,tdlhet now o�at tho mm m�do or lumistwd.thts Ooad ot Trus�
<br /> -�l�'w�+�r�+i;.. '.
<br /> -- �-���!� pefective ColUteratintton. This Dced of Trust or any of the Rotntod Documords cc�uses to be in futt Mnx�und aHoc1 pnot�dl�W faGuro of any
<br /> :��;(��I%4�.,•:'�-• � coitaterai docurtanta to croab a vnit4 nnd pertectod socudly Interest or Iton)at unytlme and tor anY rea..on• m�_
<br /> � ,t F.t:,,•-•.• Th3 Goa t h o f T r u s t o r.t h o i n s o f v o n C y c 7?t u s t O r.t h o a P P o 1r►mwrd ct a�ceiver ta any pnrt af 7nntar's prcP e t t�r�g� ---
<br />-:;i��.,;�,�{�.. ,. Desth or tnaoirency. p/�Qi201 LYDfl011t�or tho eommonocmon4 of amr pr0000 d u i B un dar a n y b a n k r u p�o y `�
<br /> ��' as5ignmunl!oT tRd bonot'it ot aeditors,ony 1Ypo
<br /> -;i.., _,�'� In,Wsranoy Incas Dy or agnlnst Trustar. `-
<br /> ?• ,.��s;�e: Fpreclp.ure.Fateituro.otC. Commoncomont ot tart�closuro a farFeiturn prmaesidrtgs,whethcr by Jud!c�.N pr0000di�ts�o�i$��P���r�! _.
<br /> :.. ::.. '��� a any othar mothod,by any croditor ot Trusta ar by any govcrnmoafa►aganey�pN�st any of tho Propwly f
<br /> ' �pply tn tne avenl ot a goud faith dlsputo by 7NStor as lo t�o�il101ty ar reaSOnabSsness of tho etaim arhteh ks iha basis of tt�e toreetasunA�r
<br /> _-;y�,b„__. ��, taretctiluro proceed�ng,proddod thut Trustor groes�endor wrulon aoiico ot such ctalm nnd tumishe9 rAServas u o s�rc►ty Carag ta 1ho cletm �
<br /> �.���^'`^'.. ' satistactory to Lendor. -.""
<br /> �:,"'`. . �' with�i�ny 8 aoli p riod ProWd d�there nch�u inp with ut I mlfat�ion any n�semont eonaa Nn9 o y ndabt�e�s or othor obllgeUon ot Tn�1ar
<br /> c� •�_ � ' tq Lender,whoiht;r cixisttng now or luter. ---
<br /> xs
<br /> 'r;a"E': Events/UtLCllnp Quetantcr. AnY of tho pre�eding ovonis aoCUra rrith rospoct to uny(iunrardor of a�ry ot tho InQ�btodnoss or any Ciumanta —
<br /> _ «..:,�.�
<br /> ,,;:,,;n �. d,os or bocomes�ncomp�to�n,or revokos or dtsputos th3 vatid►k�ot,or ttabuity undor,any ds+n�My of tAa tndabtedr�oss. 4s�+dar.at[h op n,
<br /> . � � mannor snth inetory to Lo dcr.n d,In�dQ'rtg�o au�o ho Evar�o!Cctauttg.uma uncondiUonary 4ho obCgatlom nAsir►g urt2e�4'�n guarnntY tn a --
<br /> `. � Inseeudty. Landar In good tatth deems itsa111nsocure. =-
<br /> � � Eristirtp lnOCbteQnoss�. A ct3t�u11 shNl oocur undor ony E.�stir�Indebtodrtass or undar uny Ir�SUUrtront en Eha P+'epath►soeurtng flny Ex;t}nF► �
<br /> � , � 1 debtodnora.a�aomrt�anco�sont of any suit a olhor acflnn to torc�cioso n�Y o�dstlng Ilon on th0 ProparlY. ��
<br /> ra'r
<br /> ' Ripnt to Cum. If such�fait�tro is curablo�nd it Trustor tus nQt btt�n givon o nottCO o!a broacA of tho ct►mo prov�tan oT ACBG Oot3d of T�us �_
<br /> � +' wilhM the p�eoedln8 twEilre(12)mOnths,ft may bo curod(and no Evon1 of Qofputt will hov3 ooCUrrttd)U Tntstor,aftor Lona3m sonds wditCn
<br /> ' i npt�ce damanding curo of such tniture: (a)curas tha fauuro within ton(10)days;or (b)It thv cure roquhos moro Ihnn ten(10)days,lmmodia4oly ,
<br /> __---.—_= •` ;r��M�,a cutttctnnt to curo the ta�lure nnd Iheranttor continues and cort►plotc�s nti►fnsonabfo nnd nocnssurp etoAB BufRe�nt to produa► 18=�'
<br /> __ T_.. .. �'.
<br /> . ,� ..,,..,woo�o na sean ns rctnsonpbty D�act�cnt.
<br /> -- — --- ' ��'1
<br /> _�-----..,�,�,wu,. �
<br /> - _ - - may oxere o uRny a oDo�moro ofCthFa t�o owing d8hts nnd romad:os,f In addiUan of n othar dphts or ion eQlotr 3 provtdod bY Mr: •.�•.,:•.•�.�-r-- � �
<br /> � _ aecete�aUen upoa Detautt; Add b otn�Qend of Yrust to bo duo a d payu�tt ro d t fl p6nmo shnlllM�ouAen bocamo du9 sed paY��wltAOUyt ,� ,:
<br /> � doclnro atI Indobtudnor.s securad Y LcenQ^J muy: .
<br /> . nny pror,ontmsnt,dem�nd,protr.st or oottco ot any kirtd. ThcrcaRa. ' ,or b�a��r�polMod by a couA Md wiihout
<br /> - ° � •� (n) Eithcr fn Dcraon a by agon9,w�th or witflout brtngirtg nny acUOn or pro�t!n(I � •
<br /> rogard to tho adoquaay at tt�soeudh.ontar upon and tako Pa'�oss�on o!tha P+ro�QnY.or n���b�oio�renmbwry at lghe a`�11b��
<br /> . of Tr�tco,and do nny nets wPUCh it Oainma rtaco".,.^,erY or da.�mbto to pr�orve t o ro��tho secuclty ot tiw RroQudr nrt0�th a�Yiihout
<br /> ' pt tha PropC�Y ar Intere�!in the Propolty�Irtaoa�c�the 1nCOme hOm Ihe i�ro¢8tty P
<br /> ° � ° taking po�ession o1 tteo Proacrty,auo tur or olhcwiso cauxt tho ronls,i�suos aR(�d�Rs etio°r�P%�e�'.to a y fn0ea�dn�a 6ocurod
<br /> ' unAutd,and aAD1y 1MO"omo��0�3�°r�and oxpan:�os ot aperat�on nnd ca'tDetton,
<br /> by tht3 Doed of T�ust,ntl In such ordar ns Londer m�y datermino. Tho antulrtg upon artd taking porscr�.�lon al tRO FroR�r►ri�hfl cd�t�i�on
<br /> .. . �rgnvalt0�to ony ct do u%itro ponso to�ucht�dot�►COr pure�uant t o ch no�ctd�nN�an0.�rotvn►hsLnR�:�tteo�con���In
<br /> 0
<br /> �� „ �.� � ' '
<br /> • • . �
<br /> • � .
<br />