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�`?.,;. .�;l ;�� .. � _ . ��7Y:;: r•.- .1:... . ','.��. <br /> r:.:4.�t�� _ . �.5�.' . � �� ; R��r,'�eti:%;�:i� `1 <br /> i., � , �,r . �•t.. �-��;j. :'lj��:. <br /> ,.t:,- ' . 't' ( �1�.�� <br /> ', , . . �.t'�S.�% ��_ ...]•'is6: ., <br /> � �f' � <br /> � <br /> I q .. <br /> J � �. .....�.�..�y...._ . <br /> .. ---"'--. ._. .....__.._-----__...-----•-•--•'_•-'•_--'--^---'-'-_ <br /> .........,------° • <br /> . . ..�.� -�,��hr+f�=16}+'�...:. __........_---' <br /> ' su�sstantiall�• equjvnl�nt mortgage insurance cavera�e is not uvailuble, Borrower shull puy to l..ender each month a smn equul to � <br /> � one-twcxitth of the yearly martBA�c insurnnce premium being paid by Ho►•��otver when the insurm�cc coveruge Inp�ed or ceuse�f ta <br /> n <br /> bc in effect. I.ender will�ucept,use nnd retnin thcfie payments as u loss reservc in lieu of mortguge tnxuruncc. I,uss rescrvc <br /> »uyments•may no longer bereq uired,ne the optlon nf[:ender,if mortgu�e Insurunce coveru�c(in the umuunt und for the ped�zil <br /> � tly�t I.endor rcq«ires)providai by an insurer upproved by Lendcr uguin ix:comes avuiluble und is obtuined. Ba�rower shall pay � <br /> ' '. �`� the premium.�rcquired ta maintuin mattgu�e insurance in cffect,or ta provide A I��s reserve,unt�l the mqu�min�nt fi�r mortBuge � �. <br /> `'� i�u;usnnce e�tds ir►nccarduncc with nny written ngrcement bchvicen Bnrmwer and I.endcr or upplicuble luw. <br /> '�' ` 9. Inspation. I.ender or its ngom uiay muke reusanuble entries upnn and intipcctiuns of tUc Pn�perty. Lender shull give � �� <br /> Harrawcr notice ut tho time of or prior to nn intipectf�tin specifying reu.tionuble cuuse far thc in�+pection. _ti <br /> 10.CCDiI(INT11tl8�IDL➢.Thc pmrceds n`��ny nws�rd i�r rimm for dwnages, direct or c�mtiequcndid. in runncction with iuiy <br /> " " ', ramdemnminn or ather t u l c ing o f nny p u n o f t h e F'r o p e n y. a r f o r c o nv e yunce in lieit of condemnutinn, ure 1�errby i+.tii�u�J aisd � �,=. <br /> �� ' xhall hc pafd tu l.endcr. � � - <br /> In thc cvcnt ol'i►tatcd takin�c►f dic Propeny,the prucccds tihuU bc uppiicd to thc sumy�crured hy thiti Securlty Imtrumcnt, <br /> :'_-��� w h e t h c r o r o«a t h en du�:. wiQti i►n y cxres.r puid t�►8urro�vcr.1��thc evcnt of u pnrtiad tnkinII of tiu 1'rupeny in wNirh thc fuir �..=' <br /> , ''"��,,,���:, nmrket vidue nf the Praperty immediutcly hefi�re the tnkin�i�equu l ta��r greater t han t he u��u u m o f t h e e;u n i s c;c c u r c d h y tt�iR � E:_ <br /> Scrudty in+tNment ium�cdiutcty befi�rc Il�e tukinII,untt�w Hnrr�wer und Lcndcr ntiiinvi,e iigrcc in writing.thc,ums ti�cumel�y - <br /> ` thiy Sccm�ity tnti tru m c��t y t�u t l d c r c d u c c c l M y d u: u n w u n t a f t h c peuccedR multi plicJ by tltc fi�U��wie�g frucN�ur lut thc t��tul � �,:'.`` <br /> } umount at th�sums sccurcd hnmc�iiutaly bcforc the tukii�g,dtvidcx!by (b) thc fuir mur kct vniuo of�h�Frup�rty imm a c f ia to ly �.- <br /> � bcforc thc taking. Any balisncc shnll bu pnld ta 8urn�wcr. In thc cvcnt of n pi�niut tuking of Uio Pmperty in which thu fuir �, <br /> � ' i nturket valuo of thc pin�erty immediittaly befi►m the tukin�i+Iey�than the umnunt of the rums securcd imme.�iiutely befom the ___ <br /> " . � � takiug. unless Bcirruwer und[.�:nder atherwise ugrce in writing or unless iipplicuble luw othenvise pmvides,the pmceeds shuQ _- <br /> - be upp l ic d tc i t h o s u m s s c x u t t'd b y t h i ti S e c u r i t y I n x t r u ntent whcther ar not the sums urc thcn duc. <br /> If the Propeny is ubundoned by Burrowcr,or if,uftcr noticc by l.ender to Borruwcr thut thc cun dem nu r u f fc r+t o m u k c u n <br /> � uward or settle a clulm for dnmages. Bonower fails to respand to L.ender wlthin 30 dey9 ufter the dute the notire!s �tven, <br /> �� "� �'� is au t horiux l t o c o U c c t A n d u p p l y t h e p r o reeiis,nt its o ption.either to restoration or repair af the Property or�o the sums <br /> " secured by this Secudty Insavment,whethor or not then due. lication of rocxeds to rinci nl shap nat eatend or = <br />_ ____ ���t�;,;�;��r��3 g••me�er�rhanvise a�ree in writing, uny upp P P P � <br /> , �„` postpnne ttie due date of the monthly payments refernd to in parngrupns i anc�i u� �t���g:.thc amount ef G��rh�nymenta. - <br /> " 11.Borrower Not Releaseal;IForbeuraicce�ly Y.en�¢r Alot u Waiver.Extension of the time far payment or modifcotion ��`• <br /> �� � ;� , af a►rtnrtization of the sums secured by d►is Security Instrument�ranted by Lender to any successot in interest of Barrower shall <br /> �.� not operate to releuse the liubility of ths originnl Borrower or h3orrower's successors in�nter,est. Lender shall not be requireii to ___ <br /> ! commence proceec![nEs Agu�nst uny successor in interest or reY'a�ce Yo extend time for payment or otherwise modify am�rtizution _ <br /> • , '• of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by reason af any demand made by the original Bottower or Borrowcr's � <br /> sueoessurs in lntere�t. Any forbzarance by I.ender in e�crcisi�g uny right or mme�ly shall not 6e n �vaiver of or preclude thc <br /> � � exercise of Any right or remedy. - <br /> �� 12.Suxessurx and Asslgns Baund; Joint and Severs�ll I.iubllity; Casigners. Thc covenantg and agreements of this <br /> ' � '�, Secu�i9y Instn►ment shall bind and benefit the successors and �wSSigns of Lender and Horrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> -� . ��:��• psragraph Ii. Burn;wer's :,csvss�ts �ssd aSrP°mFnr� �hali he ioint nnd several. Any Borrower who co-si�ns this Securiry <br /> � •" Inwtrument but do�s not e Pro te th under thc terms of�this Securlty Instrament�b)is not per nall�obl�Ated o�ay'th�ums <br /> '? ' �'`" Borrower's interest In th p rtY <br />=:;�.,.;��':;;,°� scx�tt�d by this Security lnstrument;and(c)agrces that C.ender und tsr►y other Borrower may a�ree to extend,modi ,forbenr or <br />_� ��y::!�-�,. make uny aaommodations with re6urd to the terms of ttds Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. <br />- '� ;3,Lonn Cherg�.If the laun secu[ed by this Security�nsurument is subject ro u law whlch nccs ma�cimum lonn charges, <br />=t�'�!h';'4�•:'�.; nnd thut law is finally Interpreted 9a that the interest or ather lonn charges wllected or to be collected in connectiun zvith the <br /> �:,.::..,.:.. .:., loan exceed tl►e pom�itted limits,then:(a}nny such loan chargc Khall be reciuca! by tho nmount nec:essary to reduce the cha�ge <br />_,,,,,«, .,`..�: • ro the permitted iimit; and(b)any sums alrendy callectc;d from Borroaer which exceeded permittai limits will Ue refundod to <br />�,�. Hoaower. Lender may choose to make this rofund by �educing the princip�1 owed under the Notc or by makin� u direct <br />";,�;•, •;,,,�,1 paymvnt to Bonower. lf a refund reduces prtncipul, the roduction will be treated as n pnrt1al prepayment without any <br /> preppymentcharge under the Note. <br />�"::�:��..-* 14.Natices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Secudt Instrument shsill be given by delivcring it ar by mailing <br /> ':� !-.uv1�. <br />�.���=~`_ `t it by firsc class mail unless appifcnble law requims use of another me od. The noticc shnll be directed to the Property Address <br /> or uny other address &+rrowcr desi�nntes by notice ta Lendcr. Any notice to Lender sh�ii bc given by ficst class mail to <br />,�z.::::L��q{:�.:'� i�ndor's address stated hemin or uny�ther uddress L.eader desi�nates by notice to Bonowcr. Any na4ico pmvided for in this <br /> ==��;%i�r;�' Security Instrument shall be dePmed to have been given to Barrower or Lender when�iven as provided in thIs paragrnph. <br /> r✓.;:CF:t',�:'r_ . . <br /> _.,_,,,.�,�'�� 15,Govemin� Lnwi �v�►'�is�jo�c.atedh In thc event�thfltynnynproviston or cluu c of bthisf Security Instrument or he Note <br /> �-����� judFdlctionin which tha Property <br />-ir,.ya.;r�.f <br /> ` .�,:;.:�,,�� �conflicts wlth applicable Iaw.such conflict shull not uffect other provtsions of this Security instrument or the Note whlch run e <br />�y;y.��,=4--{'� given effect without the conflicting provision. To ihis end the provisions oF this Secudty Instcument und the Note arc:declared <br /> -.�.'-� to be severable. <br /> -���"�""'''�� 16.lBorrower's Copy.Bncmwer shail be given one rnn4ormed copy of the Note mid of this Secudty InstcumEnt. <br />�'"1"�� �9,'7Ynns[er of the Pe+operty or a Beneftciat Inteaest in Borrowcr.If all or any patt of the Property or any intetc�t in it <br /> _„�� <br /> y...;�.=�,� is icc�ld or trunsferred(or if a beneficiut interest in Borruwer is eol�l ur trw�sfcrrai and Borrower is not n nnturul percnn)wi[hnut , <br /> - ��,,;,_�,;�: i.ender's pdor written consent. Lender mny, at its option. reµui�� immcdiute psymeot in f�2!! of st! sums crrnrFd fiy thiR � <br />-�-,.+�u�;,.' Secuziry Insmiment.Howcver.this option shali not be exercised by,l.cnder tf excrcise is pinhibited by fi�eral law us of the date <br />" �""" ` of this Secudty Instrument. <br /> .,�-,��,.� <br />�LL � ��!> If L.ender exercises thts option.Lender shali give�orrower notice of accelerntion.The notice shnll provide a peri o nn� <br />_ - .. [eas than 30 days from the dnto the nottce ia delivered!or anaflod within which Borrower must pAy ull sums sxcured by this <br /> S e c u d t y I n s t r n ment. If Iiorrower fnils to pay these sums pdor to the cxpimtion uf this pedrni. I.ender may invoke uny remedics <br />��. ^ " ermitted by this Securtry Instrument wichout furt her notice or de m a n d o n B n r ro w c r. _ <br /> , �� p 18. Borrnwer's {ttght to Rettt�te. If Borrower meeta certain conditions, Bnrrower shull huvr the right tu havc <br /> ` � � enQorcemsnt of this Secudty Instrument discontinued at uAy time prior to the eurlier of: (u) S days(or such other period as _ <br /> M-� , �?� ` appl4cublo law muy spec fy ursuitnt to an owcr of snle rnnea�ned in thi� - <br /> f for reinsu+tament) before sai. af the Prope�ty p Y P - <br />�,,: ' I Securiry Instnrment;or(b)entry of n judgment enforcin�this Security Instrument.Those rnnditions nrc diat�orro��tr:(n)pays � <br /> � • �� ' I.ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Insttument nnd the Note�s if no accelerution ha�i oLCUrred:(b) <br /> cur�s uny default uf any other covenunts or ugreements;(c) pays ull expenses tncurred in enforcir�g this Security Instn�ment. <br />- �� includin�.but rtot iimited to. rcasonablc nttorne�.s' feeti;and(d)takes such�ct�on as I.endet muy reusonably require ta assure <br /> -- --- stlai th? �icn of this Securlty tnstrument, Lendir s.ri�htj iry the Propert�n�dha�we�r,seTb�t�fg�on�c°��i�y�nc�mment��nnd he <br /> - _ thib 5CCt1dIy lOS[rum�ni nuuu �VQttl�NY �..::.�.^'..a--. -r.. .--- <br /> _ ^..R �;• s ' dbligadnns secured hereby shull remnin fully etfective ns if tto arcelcaition h¢d accurrcd. However,this ri�h!to rCinsmte snnii <br /> _ , ' not upply in the cusc of uccelerntton under pan►Ba►ph t7. <br />-. • D9. Sale of Note; Chun�c of Loan Servimr. The Notc or u partiul intcrest in thc Notc (tagethcr with tt�iti Sc�urity <br /> � � Instnimern)m¢y be sold one or morc times without prior noticc to Borrawer.A wle may result in a change in thc entity(known <br /> - us thv'Luan Scrvioer"1 thut collccts monthly payments due under the Note nnd this Sccu�ity[nstrumxnt.'Thcrc ulso mny bc otte <br /> - �r� � or rnore chnnges of the Luan Servicer unrclated w u sule of thc Notc.If therc is u rhange of the Lnan Scrviccr,Sorrowcr will be <br /> � . ' �iven written noticc of the change i ndcthe udJress topxhich paym ntstl sho d be tmude�.'I'hc rtott e wili ulsn ca�nuin any a hcr <br /> -- u d d r e s s o f t h e n c w l.o a n 5 e r v i c e r a <br /> ,� information requircd by applicuble luw. <br /> T- 10. H�rdou��5ubstuncc.w. Borrower shall not causc�r permit the presen�ti.use,dispo�al. stnmgc,or relcase of nny <br /> "�� � Harardoui 5ubstanc�on or h� the properey Bo►ru�ver shnll not do. nor s�ilow anyone eise tu d��, unythinL ciffectin�the <br /> ' ° property that is in vtolution nf uny�nvironmen411 Ia.w.Thc precedin� two sentences tihull rsot c+ppty to t l�e presence,use.or <br /> - , starage on the Pmperty of smnil quuntitles of Hozurdnus 5ubstnnces thut �re�enerupy recogniaed ro be appn►priute tn nnmi:it <br /> = residential uses and t�maintcnance nf the Property. <br /> � v�o a a�e Form 30ae 9r30 <br />- r-.._,_._.. _...--- ..�Y �_'----��._ •. �,_.t�•�=--- • ,_ _ ._._�,,rR-�::.. <br /> r--�--'�' ; ,, , <br /> :�.. <br /> :r-- 1__-`-��— <br />