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<br /> Tlic Funds shnll bc hcld in :►n instltution whosc depnslts arc fnsurcd by u fedcrul ugency, instrumentutity, or entity "
<br /> (inclusiing Lender, if l.�:nder is such un institutiou)or in any Federul Home I.�mn Bank.L.ender shall upply the Fund.c ta puy the
<br /> Escraw Itemy. i.ender muy not chur�c Bnno�ver f'or holding und applying thc Funcls,annually analyzin�the escraw nrcount,ur �r.�
<br /> "' verifyin�the Escrow ltems,unless I.ender payti Borro�ver interest��n the Fund�,nnd upplicuble!aw permits l.ender to make such
<br /> � u churgc. Howcvcr. Lender muy rcqulrc 8nrro�vrr to puy u one-timc chargc for un indepc�dent rcal cstute t+u� reportinQ scrvicc
<br /> used by l.ender in connecdon with this lnan, unles� upplir.�bie luw provides othcrw�se. Unless un iigrcrmcnt is made or •`�
<br /> � applicuble lnw requires interc.r•t to be paid,I.ender shu�l not be rcquired ta pay Borrower uny interest or earnin�s on the Funds. _'._�..'t:
<br /> 8arrowcr and Lcncler may nIIrec:!n writing,hawever, that intere�t �hull be puid on thc Funds. L.end�r shall givo to Bonawer, °�,.
<br /> widtout char�;e, uu u���iuul uccuuntiu�;uf th:.runds, sho�s�ing crodiGti and dcbits to the Funds tmd the purpne for whirh each . __
<br /> ' debit ro the Funds wus made.The Funds uro plvdged as addilianni securfty for nll sums securc�!by this Sc�curlty Instrument. ;��..,
<br /> If the Funds hcld by Lender exceed the uniounts pennittcd to bc held by upplicable luw,l.ender shull accomit ta B+�tru�ver � :.,
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordunce with the�.quirements uf uppitcuble inw. If thc umount oP thu Funds hcid by[.ender at uny
<br /> �=��:� time is not sufficient to pay thc Escrow Items whcn due, l.endcr muy nn notify Borrnwer in wdting,und, in sunc�ii�c B��rr�nvur !:.r�;:
<br /> ' ,�. shall pny to Lender the amount neccsw�Y to mukc up thc deficicncy. Bnrrrnvcr shull mukc up the defic�ency in nn more thuu :=�r°�,
<br /> - twclvc manthly payments.ut Lcndcr'ti xtlC(IISCIYlII�il. ;-
<br /> Upon pUymane In fuH of iill xuniti sccum.�l by thih Security It�.+trument. ��,a����,,,n r�„�„�tiy rrfund ta llora�wcr nny �:=-._
<br /> ` Funds hcld by I.cndcr.lf.undcr nrugriipb 21. l.en dcr K tud i urNu trc nr sctl thc Propcny, lAndcr,prior t�►tl+c ur quinhi�m or sulr _.
<br /> ��f thc prapeny,shull npply uny �widw t�cld hy Ixn�lcr i►1 Ihc ti�nc uf urquisitiun ur+ulu n�u rre�Ht uguinyi the tium��crurid hy �.�
<br /> thiti Srcurlty In+trument. __
<br /> . 3.AppPicutlm�of[°aynicnty.UIIICtiti Q�1(1I�1'llI1IC Ii1W pruvidc,��tiicrwi,e.ull puytncntti reccivrd I�y Iwitder uudrr puri��truphti _
<br /> 1 nnd 2 Khull bc iipppcd: ftrst. to uny pr�paymcnt charEtc+duc andcr ihc Nutc: ticcund,tu wnuunt,puyut►Ic undr�•p+�ra}u�uph 2: --
<br /> :' thini.to intcrcxt t1uc:fi�urih,t�principul due: umi lu�t,a►uny liac chnrgc.r duc undcr tirc Nutc. �
<br /> '� 4.Chnt�rsi atcny. Borra�vQr shuU pay all tuxcs,i►ssc.r•smcnt�,churgcr. Ilncti nnd imp��wlduns nttributublc ta thc pr��perty ._-
<br /> •- ' �* which mtty nttuin prinr�ty�vcr diin StxUtlly (fiSUitiil�iS[� flrid tcn�c:hnld paymcnta ar graund renls, ff w�y.l��►rrnwer �tudl puy ��u-_
<br /> thcsc obligutions in the manner providcd in puru�ruph 2,ar iP�wt puld in thut munner,Burrmvcr shall puy them on tim�directly �5;;�.-
<br />-,--_— `�� ta i�c peraun owa!�symcst. �rmWPr ah��l�r��m�+tly iLrnirh to l�ndo�all natices of amounts to bc paid undcr thiti puru�!ruph. --
<br /> If eormwer makes these pnyments dircxtly,Borrower shnll promptly furnith t��1»vnder receipts evidencing the puyments.
<br /> � Borrower shnll promptty d�scharge tu�y lian whicli hui prior ry nver this S�ur[ty instrument unless Bomnver:t+�)ugrees in
<br /> wdtin ta the u ment of the obligation securcd by tha lian in a munncr acceptublu to I.ender,(b)contestti in�ood fuith thc Hen �� ,
<br /> ,; ,,;jp by, ogdefendg aguinst enforcement of the Iten in, I�gnl pmccedings which in the Lendcr's opinton operatc to prcvcnt thc �__�__
<br /> '`� enforcement of tho lien; or(c)secures from the hnlder af the tien An agrcement satisfactory to I.ender subardtnating the lien to -
<br /> this Security Ingtrument. If i.ender determines thAt any putt of tlie Property fu subject to a itan which muy nttntn priority over �N
<br /> t this Security Instrument. Lender muy give Bo�rower a nnti�o identifyin�thc lien. 6anowcr shall sutisfy the licn or tuke on�or -
<br /> ;� ., more of the actions+et forth above within 10 dnys of tho giving of notire. _
<br /> 5. Ht�zzaard or Proptr�y Insurnnce. Borrower shutl keep the impruvemenc:: now existing ar hareufter erecteci �n the __
<br /> H ___
<br />,y;' Propciry insucrd against lass by fire,hazurcls includad within ths torm "eatondc.�f a�vcr�gc"and any othcr h:uards. lncludinB =-
<br /> '• .�.
<br /> °` ., , tioods ar Tioociing. for whici�I.cudc< <eyu��zs tasuran:ti.Thls insrara;���':«:I�Ie:T1.°..iS2�RIS1�S!1 t�l�?}��fll�tllA Alt or� e ger s --
<br /> " that Lender requires.The inaurance camer providing tha insurunoe stanll Ue c�io�en by Bnrrower subject to I.ender's upprovnl
<br /> -• whtch shall nat be unreasanably withheld. If Borrowor fuils to maintain c���cru�e deacribed above. Lender muy, ut I.ender's
<br /> �:��� �. option,obtain cavernge to protect I.ender's rlshte in tho Property in accordunaa wxd��ansBraph 7. -
<br /> `°• AI! insurance policies and renewuls shall be acceptablu to I..ender and sl�l�ll r'.��clude u standard moctgage clnuse. I.ender _�
<br />»:;:�`. shall huve the dght to hold thc policies and renewals.If Lendar requires,Bo�mw�r s'hu;l promptly give ta Lender ull receipte of _
<br /> { pAid premiums and renewa!notices. In the event of loss,HnROwer shall gier prornpt notice to the�nsurnnce currier and Lender. �
<br /> ,.. �,,„ I.nnder muy make proof af loss if not made promptly by Borrower. --
<br />= �� Unlces Lender and Borrower athcrwise agre�in writing. lnsurnnoe proor�s fihaii 6e nppftod tn restoration or repnir af thc
<br />-j� r� :�' . D�ro�rty damuged.if the restoratton or repoir is econnmicslly foasible snd Lendor s s�curity is not lessened.If the restorutfon or
<br /> ;,, „ , .,,.�., � repnir Is not economicnlly fe�►sible or L.ender's securfty would be lassened. thti in�lrnnce proaxcis shuil b�s upplied ta the sums 61=-.
<br /> - . , seeured by this Security Instcument, whether or nat tht�n duc�,with any �xc.�ss�said to Borrower. If Borrower abandans the �±?`
<br />_',:,=: ..�,,+' Property.or daes not answer within 30 duys a notice from Lendor tht�t the inivrance cnrrier has offered ro settle a claim.then �'�`
<br />�_::=�..�i Lender muy collect the inaurance proceeds. Lender muy uso thts pmo�e3s so cepuir or.restorc tha Prnperty ox to pay sums
<br /> °�m''�'°�•`_""�i secured by tt�is Securlty lnatcumtnt.whether or not then duo.Tha 3b•d�:?�neiEad wi11 begin when tho notice is slven.
<br />_- ` Unless l.ender and enrrower othe�wise a�reP In writin�, ctny applic�:ion of proceeds to principal shull not exwml or __
<br />��� C
<br /> �;°_�___- � postpone the due date of the monthly paym.nts r�fonad to in Qarngrnphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of the puymenw. If �`1;
<br />�'��`�'-" u n d e r p a ra g r a p h 2 1 t L e P r o p e rt y i s n c q u i r e d b y L e n d o r.B o r r o w e r's ri g h t t o u n y insurance policies and proceeds reaultm�froni �;;..
<br />"�''�'-�'� i damaIIe to the Prope pdor to the acqwisitlon shnll pr.ss to 1.ender to sho extent of the surns secum,i 6y this Security Instrument %�`
<br /> a;:_;,,..,,
<br /> immedintely prior to e acquisition.
<br />-�;�:;.�{;�.;;'':.:, � 6.Oacupancy,Pre�ervntion,AMintennnaz And Protectton oPthe F�mpersy;IIurrower's I.oan A�pitcution;i.e�sedeolds. __ .
<br /> °� ,r�„y��, ' Bortower shull occupy. eatablish,und use th�Ptqpeny�ss Borrower's principel►��sidence wtthin sixty duya after the execution of _
<br /> t`_4-•-,�- � this 5ecurity Instrumenc and shall continuo to occu�}•tfl*ie 7�roperty us BotrowFr's principal residence for nt least oae yei+� after o;.,
<br /> = -_ •�-..._1 the date of accupuncy, nnless I.ender otherwisc+ugr��in writin�, which consem shall not be unreasanably withheld,or unless ':==-
<br />-- - u '�' extenuatEng circumatances exist which uro 6eyond H�n•uwce'� contral. Borrowcr st�all ilOt dGStTOjr. da►nage or impalr the �__
<br />�;�"'�"�;Y;'"i� Property, aUow ihe Property to detedarntv. or commic wnate on d►ti �'�a�xriy. Borrawcr shal! bc in dcfault if uny forfeiture R
<br /> �����r•x•• � action or praceeding,whether etvil or criminril, is begun that in Lender's goucl f�ith Judgment could result in fodeiture of the
<br /> a��-�.�:::�l:. � Propeny or adierwiso te�atedally impuir the lien created by this Socurity 1nstn.►ment or I.ender's security interest. Borrower may u..Y
<br /> cure xuch a default and reinstute,a�providai in parn�mph 18.by causing the action or proceeding to be diamtssed wtth u ruling
<br />- - � � that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes farfciture of the Borro�ver's intcrest in tho Property or other n�uteri�l �:'-
<br /> � impuirment of the licn creuted by this Sccurity Instrumenc or L.ender's security internst. Borrower shuli also be in default if
<br />: : j Borrawer,during tha loan applicndon p�ocess.guve mnterially fnise or innccurate informutian or stntemonts to Lender(or failed --���.
<br /> to providc Lender wfth c+ny mutcriui infc�rmation)in conncction with the loun evidencai by the Note. including,but not limiteci
<br /> - . � to.representutiona conccniing Horrower's orcupar.y o�the Properry us a pdnr,;pui residenca.If this Secu�ity�nat►vment is on a *,�y
<br /> ;. , ; I leusehold. Borrower shull comply with all the ptovisions of the lcase. If Barro�vcr ucyuires fee tittc to tt�c Propeny. the ��J__
<br /> J leusehold und the fee titic shall not merga unle.r•s Lendex egrces to the merger in writinII. _
<br /> ' � 7.Proteetton of Lender's ttigf�¢�;an the Propeety.If Borro�ver fnils to perform the covenunts und ugreements contnined in =
<br /> � , ' this Secudty Instrumont,or there is a tegal proc�cedinB thut may significuntly affect Lender'K dghts in thc Pmperty(such us u
<br /> . pmceeclin�in bnnkruptcy,probute. for condemnution or forfeiture or to enforce luws or regulutions). then Lender may do und m--
<br /> �._...✓ ray fnr whacevcr is necessurv to pratoct thc vulue of the Pmperty and L.cnder's rights in the PropFrty.Lender's uctions may �`�
<br /> �_sti. _ .�.i� ��....«�.. a.w�w.w�nn� nnrwurinu i�� �•�u��f. i�.iti�tiQ ��-�-
<br /> __�-_=_^i.o�-_-_. -1 . ..��
<br /> . .. tnetuae pay�ng uny sums secured Dr d IlClt WO{NI IIAi �twttt� v��.� uuo 4WM���� •...w......»... -cr�'^o "' '--. • . . _..
<br /> � ; rcusonublc nttomeys'fees und entering c,n thc Property to muhe repuirs.Although Lender may tuke uction undcr this para�rap�i
<br /> • �j 7, Lender does not liuve to do su. �
<br /> Any acnount�die;butseci by I.ender under this paragruph 7 shall become udditionol debt of Qotrower securcd by this
<br /> Security Instrumont.Unless Bc�rrowcr and L.cnder u�me a>othor terms of payment,thesc amountx shall bcar intorest from the
<br /> : ' dnte of disbursement nt thc Note rute and shull be payable. with intcrc�t. upon notice Crom Lendcr ro Borrower rcquesting
<br /> � ' puymcnt. �
<br /> ., � S.1Vlort�age[nsurnncc. If Lcnder n�quimd mortguIIe insurancc as u condittan of.malcing the IoAn saurecl by this 5crurity
<br /> ' Instrument, Borrawer shull pay the ptemiums required to muintain the mortgagc insuranrc in cffect. If, for nny rc:�son, the
<br /> � mor�gn�e insurfu►ce coverage requirr,i by LenJc�r lapses or ceascs to bc in effect, Borrowcr shall pay the pmmium�requireci to
<br /> nbtuin covernge subsUtntiully cquivulent to the mortguge insurancc previousiy in effect,ut u cost substuntially equivulent to the
<br /> • cost to Bw7uwer of tlic mortgnge insurnnoe previously in effect,from un ultenr+uto mnrtguge insurer appmved by Lcndcr. If
<br /> � Papo 4 h�d Fotm 3028 9I90
<br /> r
<br /> j .
<br />