.. . • , � ' .,,.,,�:r,;:
<br /> - ,� „ , ,, �T
<br /> ' � • ��° �.(����l�
<br /> 3. i. �� r��c;y�,, Trua�os ahall kGOp thQ Proporty in good ��.y�
<br /> � aondition ancJl rep�tK �nd shall not commit u��sto ox p�rmit
<br /> • . i.mpairmen� ox detexic��^�tion o� �ho Proporty und ahall cnmply wfth �
<br /> tho provinions of any 1��ASO iE this Qeod o� Txuat is an a. „
<br /> . loaaahold. No imgar.ovem�t.nt nc��r or he�:eati:�r oroc�od upox� 2he „
<br /> . , PraPerty �shall be aJ.Cexec�p rom�ved or demo].iahod without the
<br /> - '.R^,'Ny`:i-'�� prior c�vri�t�n consen.� a� �on�ficiary. Truator shall complotio or _
<br /> � ' restorQ promptly andl in g�od wor3ananlika mannor any i.mpxovomont _
<br /> • � on the Property uh�ch m�.y� be damagad or dostroyed and Pay, e�hen -
<br /> • •• due, all claima fos lah�r. performed and materials furnishod ---
<br /> �� .. � �� thexe£ore a�.d far any a1��xations thereof.
<br /> ' �, --
<br /> q . �amnJ�tamre �,���,h x�a. Trustor shall comply 1�1th a].1 �;;;
<br /> � �� . lacas, ordinances, r�c�ul�tions, covenants, candi�ions and �'-
<br /> �
<br /> restrictions a�f�ctinc� �ho Property and not corrimit, �uf fer, ar �'�
<br /> ° permit an� act to �e don� in or upon tho Property fn violation of _ _
<br /> �. � any law, oaclina.nce, r�c�v.��.�i�ti, covenant, con@i�ion or �-� --
<br /> . �� "� restriction. '�'
<br /> � :� � 5. �n�urcanr.. Trustor, at its exper�se, will maintain wit9a
<br /> � -
<br /> „ � insuroxs a��p+rovec� kry� Beneficiary, insurance with respect to thE
<br />; � � Impron�me�.�s and Farsonal progerty, constituting the Prog�rty, � --
<br /> agains� las� b�y* fire, lightning, tornada, and okher perils and o•:
<br /> h�.�a.rds cov�xec'l lyd standard Qxtenc�ed covPrage endoraement, in an '�
<br /> ' ;;�,i�;,�� am��ant equal tc� a�. least one hundlxed percent (100$) of the full __
<br /> �"� rep�acem�nt value ti�ereof and insurance against such other
<br /> � _ -�. haz�r�s ��d in a�_+�-h amoun�s a� is custom�rily carried by owners -
<br /> � : ��:,� : � and oF�ra.�o�s of similar ��coperties or as Beneficiary may zequire = �
<br /> , ,.,,,.��f;'rt =
<br /> ,,��.,,«<t � fer i�s protectia�. Trustor will comply with such other
<br /> � requirements as Benc�ficiary may from time to timo request for the
<br /> �' . ° pratecticase by 3nsurance o� the interests of the respectiv�
<br />_ ,; . parties. r,.Zl inauzance policies maintain�d pursuant to ��a.s Dsod
<br /> of Trust shall name Trustor and Beneficiaxy as inaurads, �s �heir
<br /> �• , .=.�. �i respective intexvsts may appear, and prov�ds that there shall bo
<br />.l��y� �� �� no cancellation or modification unless at least fifteen (15) d�ys –.
<br />�; " , ;,.,.��. �' prior writt�n not�.fication thoreof 3s actually deliv�red to _=
<br />�;;c�._,�.� �� Trustee and Beneficiary. fia the evont any policy here�and�e�r is _..
<br />�''`���'`"`��� not r�newed on or before �ci�teen (15) days prior to its
<br />=-;.r` ���^ �' e�grfrati�n date, fixustee or Bone�i�iary may proc�ar� such
<br /> .�:;--��,�• . --
<br />�:�"?'`:"'�,.• `� ain�urance in accc�u�2�nca with the �xovisions of Paragraph 7
<br />- :•;.�,.....,. . __ .
<br />;�X:.:�.. r. -
<br /> -� hereo€. Trustor shall del�iver �o Boneficiary the arigina __
<br />="'_' pol3cie� .�of insurance anc�• nenewals thereaf or memo copies of such
<br />-:_.�.,,�:'� . _
<br /> -`—" "'•:��'�-•� ' p��'icies and renewals thereof. Failure to furnish such insuranc� , „ _
<br /> � ��t�� b y Trustor, or rc�newala as requi�c�d hereunder shall, at thQ -
<br />- ...��.�L i!)Cx.`[� --_.
<br />�-;;�Y;;;� option of 8eneficiary, constitute a default. �
<br /> — - �,c,s.:�., €-._
<br /> ..���N-fi-hYw`�: . ___
<br /> �"`� "_�' ' 6. Taxe Aas��s�m�� t and c'„� xc.�Qa. Trustor shall pay all , �__
<br /> --- � %��'���I� taxea, asaessmen�s and other c.harges, including, without
<br /> ��i .A�,'�?"�.�.,� •• .. �,
<br />° :� ti�;�,r<•',. . ' limitation, finos anci impositiosr,a attributable ta the Property, _
<br /> �- � ;•: � � artd le,asehald pa�ments or groun�l re�ats, if any, befoze the same _
<br /> � � � ,,�1� becom� �elincpxent. Tru�Qox shall promptly furni�h to Beneficfary _-
<br /> . . r., � R;:
<br />= , ;`�r��;:;t}( ��+ 3 �',.:'
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