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<br /> . �� , �111 of tho Porog�ing o�t�atQ, propexty and interos� horoby ';
<br /> " convoyod to Tru�ted horoin coiloceivoly roft�xrod to aa tho
<br /> , ��Proporf.y��o _�_
<br /> � ,� (a) 1'he p�ayment of indeb�edneso evidcanced by Truator'� noto ,-
<br /> � � ���"'�` of even date hescea.rith in the principal sum of EIGHTY-TVIO 1HOUSANO -
<br /> . � FIVE HUNfqRED ANp NO/100 DOLLAR3 ($92,SOQ.00), togather wi�h _
<br /> � �" interout at the r�te or rate� provided therein, thorein, togvthox -
<br /> � r�ith any and all renQwala, modifica�ions, and exxen3lana thoreof, �;
<br /> � roferrced to as the "Note") both prin�ipal and inter@st on the �-
<br /> NotQ beinq payable in accordance with �ho terms oet forth
<br /> .. � . �heroin, refer�nce to which is hereby mado, tho final p�ymont of =_
<br /> � � . ��� princi.pal and interest, if not sooner paid and if no renewAls, _
<br />� . �� modiEic�tion� or ex�ensions are made, due and payable on March 9,
<br /> ' ° �� 2007; and -
<br />-;:..;,..: ' �;
<br /> - �� (b) The performance of each agreement and covQnant of P�
<br />'�� '� •" �' Trustar horein containeds and
<br />_*:•,::%.
<br /> [•�:
<br /> ;' (c) The paymsnt �!f any additiona2, sum or suma of money with
<br />-�i : , inter�st therQOn which may be hereafter paid ox advancQd under
<br /> <,...; : the terms of thia Deed of Trusts and
<br />_`�c_-����,^ "- .,, .!_� (d) The payment of any future advances necessary to protect
<br /> . .�s;.=�-.,�i� -=�y� the ascuri�ya and
<br /> '"�:�;, . ,..�'; p�yment of an
<br />- .,,,,.; •.�;,.� � � (e) The y future advance m�do at the option of
<br /> i�''«;�u�;';`•" ` the p�rtiesi an�l
<br />�;��f�yh�r`; ,,
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<br /> �:...
<br /> -;��-�M-•� fi named in this Trust Deed to a benefiaiary.
<br /> _ __.._.`�'�'"�q�',�,
<br /> u�';b''�'��` "?� � HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREE5 AS FOLLO��1�: �
<br /> y _ ,l��I
<br /> -.,�--�..'_-��e.'A
<br /> ....-�;=,;,;y��:r 1. PF��i1Pnt a£ Px�.ncipa]. an Tntexc�s�. Tsustos shall
<br />;.�,;;;;��s�s ��"�',��� promptly pay �n�t��n du� the pr3s-xcipal of and intorest on tho
<br />=-��`�"=°��ti� indebtedness evidenced by th� �'I��te, and all other charg�e3 and --
<br /> ---__�:,,:�,.���� ,
<br /> � _ � fees as provided in the Note, and the p�incipal of and interost
<br />--����r; cn any �utura Advances secux�d by this D�ed of Trust.
<br /> - :� -
<br /> �'-"�� �.���f 2. Snla �.c�y of Title. Truator is lawfully s�ized and
<br /> _-_��.�. _
<br /> -�=j po�sESSed v� �flad and indefeasible title and estate to �he -
<br /> .�ri�.�s�,=�1 Prope�t�� hr��c��y canveyed and has the �aqht to qrant and canvey `
<br /> — ���"��"� the Propertys ,the Property ia free and �lear of all liens and
<br /> ����"'`'=�� � +�ncwnbrance� �p�cept liens no+a of reaord; and Trur�tor wi.11 wasrant -
<br /> �-��"��"��' � and dofend tho tit1Q to the Ps�a,perty against all claim3 and -�
<br /> -�:f•_ ..,:=�` t -
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