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<br /> � ' 3. Ha�urd or i'roperty lnsurt�nce. Burruwer shali kecp thc improvcmcnts now existin�or hercuftcr enctcd an the ��
<br />' Property insured u�;ainst bss by fire, hu�.utdx iacluJed wlthin the term "extended cuver�ge" and any nther h:u.�rds, includin� �r_
<br /> fluuds or fla�ding. for which l.ender re�uims In�urunce.7'liiy insurunce shuil be maintuined in the amnunts and for the peri��d� ��
<br /> � thut Lender requires.Tlie i�itiurunce currier providing the insumnce shall bc chotien by 9arruwer subject to l.ender's�ipprcwid �.�u
<br /> � N�hich ahull not bc unrea�orn►bly withheld. If Borrowcr failc:tn muintain cnvcrugc dexcribed abovc. Lcndcr miry, iu l.Andcr'F �.-_
<br /> �� aption,abtai�r cavernac topr�tcct[,endcr's ri�htv in thc Property in uccnrdancc with paragrc►ph 7. �,:_-
<br /> a'. • ? All insumnce policics und renewuls�hall be ucceptuble to l.ender und shall includc :►stundnrd mortgc►�e clausc. I.cnder �
<br /> vhntl hnve thc right to haW the palicies mid renewals. ]f Lender requires,Borrower shall pmmptly gfve ta l,,ender nU receipth oF � �_;
<br /> .. ,.,�� puid premiums und rcnewni notices.in the event of loss,Bonawer shall give prompt nuti��e io th�insuruncc c:►rrie�•and L,cnder. � __
<br /> L.ender muy makc proof of loss If not rnade promptly by Banawer. � ___
<br /> ,;s;c:��.'� Unless Lendcr and Borrowcr otherwisc ngree in wdting.insurunce proceeds shall be upplied to restoratian or repuir af thc i
<br /> � +� � ��"�` Property dumaged. if the restoratian or repuir is econamicalty fcusible and L.cndcr's secudty is not Icssened.If the restoratian ar� —
<br /> _ repuir is not economically feasibte or i.ender's security u+autd be tessened.the insurance proceeda shull be�+pplicd ta the sums -
<br /> secumd by thls Security instmment, whether ar not then due, wlth any excess pnid to Borrower. If Borrower ubandons the� G
<br /> , property.or does not amwer within 30 duys a natice from Lender that the inaurnnce carrfer has offered to scttle a claim, then
<br /> .. l.cnder may collect the insumnce proceods. Lender muy use the��ne�s to repalr or restcre ihe Property or to puy sums
<br /> • . • Secut�ed by this Securlty Instn►ment,whether or not then due.The 30-day pedod will begin when the notice is�iven. �,
<br />� ' ' ^• Unless Lendet nnd Bomower otherwise agree in wr�ting. any applicatton of proceeds to principul shall not extend or �
<br /> � �• postpone the due date of the monthly puyments referrcd to in para�mphs ! and 2 or chungc the simount of the payments. If _-
<br /> � „ ' ' under puragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender,Borrower's right to any Insurance policies and procee�s resulting from -
<br /> demago ta the Pro�erty pdor to the acquisitian shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums seruttd by this Security Insuument
<br /> ' immedistely prior to the ecquisition. •��-�
<br /> , �,� : 6.Occupr,ncy,Preservation,Mnintennnce a�d 1'rotection of the I'roperSy:l&�rrnwer's Loan AppllcAtton;LeASehnlds.
<br /> �, Borrower shall occupy.atablish.and use the Property as Borrower's princfpal resi�l�nce within sixry days after the execution of �.-
<br /> " this Security instrument and shaU cflndnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at leASt�ne year uftcr
<br /> tF►e date of occupancy. unless I.ender otherwtse agrees in writing, which consent shnll not be unreasonably withheld,�r unless _
<br />-• � ' '' �� eatenuuting circumstanxs exist which are beyond �orrawer's controi. Horrower shatl nat datroy. damage or impair the _
<br /> ' • 7'toperty�allow the Property to deterloratc, or commet �vaste on the Propecty. Borrower shall be in defuult if any forfelture __
<br />� ,'I, action or procecding, whether civil or edminal.fs begun that in Lender's good faith judgment an�id mcult in forfelture of the _
<br /> - � Property or otherwiae macedally impair the lien created by this Securlry Insnument or Lender's s�cuttty lnterest.Borrower muy
<br /> .� - cure such a defnult end reinstate,ns provtded in paraIImph IS.by causln�the action or proceeding to be dIsmissed with a ruling
<br />- � _ -� �s� � i P�n�'c gncui fun�h determirmtion, precludes forfeiture of the Bomo�ver's �nterest in the Property or other mnterEal
<br /> � � impsirment of thcs Iten crepted by thia Secudty Instrument or I.ender's securdty jnterest. tsorrower shaii aiso ba in uafauIi if _
<br /> i._'_:^, '. -�:''.
<br /> `•.,,! Borrower.dudn�the loen applicadon process.gavs matedallY false or inaccurnte information ar statements to Lender(or fuiled -
<br /> Si, ,•• ;��,,:i'.:
<br />_�::°-�.,�-,;���j` to provtde➢.a:nder with any matedal information)in connection wtth the Soan ev�danced by the Note,includIng,but nut lemitod
<br /> ''�•�*+',�`� to.representations oonceming Bocrower's occupancy of the Property ag a pdncipal residence.If this Secudty Instxument is or►a
<br />.',-;;�'
<br />� °,`� '.' �', Icaschold, Borrower shnll comply wlth aU the provisians of the lease. If Harrowet acqulres fee dtle to the Froprrty. e
<br /> '7��J�`�����;��`� " leasehold nnd the fae tide shall not merge unless Lender Agrces to tha merger in writing. -
<br />-�''"�'•�� If Borrower fails to rforcn tha covwtauta und agreements contained in -•
<br /> �,'"'^":`'."""`.k• 7.Protectton of Lcnder's Ri�hts in the Praperty. Pe
<br />'•_"�"'r' '��:'E`�<: thts Secudty Ins�rum�nt,or there is a legal pmcecding that may significandy uffect Lender's aights in the Property(such as u
<br />;M�;:7,r,•,." pra;ee�ling!n bunlccuptry. probate. for coademnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Lender eaay do ond••; :
<br />�.J���•'�;�,r�� pay for whatever is necessnry to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's ncttons muy .
<br />;;�'� '" ' include paying any snms sesurad by a lien which has prloriry over this Security Instrument, appearing in court. payIng •
<br />=�±;�i*=*,±.s� reasonuble attomeys' fecs And entering on the i'roperty to muke repalrs. Although Lender may take actton under thia paragtaph
<br />���a�s�-;:��,�U� 7.Lender docs not have to do so.
<br />-�.°"���r Any amounta disburised by Lender under this paragraph 7 st►nll become additional debt of B�rrower secured by thla
<br /> � Security Inswinent. Unless Borrower tmd Lender a�ee to other tdrms of payment.these ncnounts �hall bear interest from the
<br />���.�---- dute of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be pnyable, with Interest, upon notice from I.ender to�vrrower requesbing F_.
<br />�""��'���w--'.a� --
<br /> payment. "'``
<br />-�;;s�sr'�"�?� 8.Mortgm�e Insurunce.If Lender required mortgage insurance us a condidon of makin;the loan secueed by tltis Seturtty �
<br />�..-i:tir.`?��.r/M;�.w.,
<br /> - - _-_�_�_•--, Instn�ment. Rorrower shall pav the premiums required W maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. for any m,uson. e �
<br />��,V�; v' �+� mortgage iasu[�nce cover�ge requtred by Lendsr lapses or ceases to be in effecc.Horrower shall pay the premiums required W
<br /> ��[� obtain covemge subswndc�liy equivulent to the mortg�ge insurnnce prevlously in effect,at a cost subswntially equlvalent to the
<br /> �,..�..,u--�'�-�' --
<br /> __--�,.��, cost to Borcower of the mortgage insurunce previously ln effect.'from on altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. I __
<br />������ substentiull uivalent mortIIege insurance coveraQe is not availuble,Borrower shutl pay to Lender e,3ch month n sum equQt to
<br /> 1..«F.N,_G{,�'~. 9�9
<br /> i=r'�:�-;°_;,t• one-twelRh of t�he yearly mort��e insurance premium befng paid by Borrower when the insurs�nce coverage laps�.d or ceased to
<br />- "�'.:::.o:i� ' be i�►effect.Lender will accept.use und retain these payments us s�loss reservc iu lieu of moctgage insurunce. Lass reserve
<br /> i�;:.� ._.��, Fomi 3028 fl/90
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