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.. :� _,:,,,,`'iT;:;,'jtf�,. ._J . . <br /> ,S . r1,�;: : <br /> � � .awa. . . ' <br /> � �: " � .. . , .. • . ., �. <br /> � . ..,qiM1MrAi,�. <br /> - .._,w.--,�;.rf��nv�sr:- • . � .. _.'_'_"".'__'..`_..._...__.._...."'v�-'_.r.._...._"'._____ _ <br /> .. - .. ..._.. . .. . <br /> , . .....,_. .._...._..._,_._._�....--" -.. .... <br /> , ,.. }" <br /> �_ <br /> TOLiETHEFi W1TH ull ti►e impra�vemenW navd or hereaRer erect�on tt►e property,nnd uA ensements,appurtenances. und �_ <br /> fixture� na�v an c�reaRer a purt af the pmpeny. All replacements and additfons ahall ulso be cavered by this Security �. <br /> � Instrument.All of the foregoing iR refened to in thiF Securiry Insteument ug the"Praperty." -_ <br /> . ' BORROVk/ER COVENANTS that Honower is Inwfully scised of the cwtute hcrcby convcy� .�nd haw the right to grant und �. <br /> ' � convey thc Propeny nnd that the Pmperty is unencumbered. except fbr encumbttu�ces of record. Horrnwcr warrants und ��11! "` <br /> defend generally the title to ti�e Propsrty agninst ull clutma and demnnds,subject to uny cncumbninces of remrd. ���. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comb[nes unifarm�aven�nt� for nutianaJ use und non•unifarm covenantx with Iimlted = <br /> �� variatians by jurisJictiou to cunstiwte u unifurm sec:udty lnstrument coti�edn�renl�mperty. � `-_ <br /> ?� �. UNIFORM COVENANTS.8arrower and I.ender covenant and agree as follawa: <br /> 1. Poyment of Prtncipnl ond Interest= Prepnyment t+nd I.atc Chnr�es. Borrawer ahall prumptly pny when due the = <br /> w"�"°�t pdncipul of and interest on the debt evidenced by Yhe Noto and any prepayment and lure charges due under the Noto. � <br /> , .;.,�.� _ <br /> ?..FY�nds Por Taxes nnd Insurnnce. Subject to upplicable law�r to u wrttten wniver by l..ertder, Borrower sh�ll puy to _ <br /> Lender an the day monthly puyments nrc due under the Nate,undl the Note is pa�d in fult,u sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly tuxes � <br /> � � nnd ass�ments which may attaln priority over this Secudry Instrument as e lien on tha Prnperty: (b)ycurly leuschold paymenta � _ <br /> • � or scound cents on the Property,if any:(c)yearly hazurd ar property insuranre premfums;(d)yeurly fload insurunce prtmiums, � <br /> - '' if any;(e)yearly mortgage lnsumnce premioms. if any: and (�any swiu payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with � <br /> the provisians of paragmph�. in lieu uf the payment of mortgage Insurs+ncc premiums.These items are cullud"Essrow Items•" <br /> • ' IRnder muy. ut any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount n lender for a federnUy � <br /> related mortgu�e loan may requirc for Borrower's escrow eoeo�t under the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Procodums Act of i�► <br /> 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. S.ection 26i�!c�seq. ("RESPA").unless unother law that npplies to the Fuada <br /> �� sets u lesser amount. If so, I.end:r may. at a�iy time, callect and hoid Fuuds in an amount not to exc�ed the lesser nmount -- <br /> ' ;,�,It � I.ender may estimate the aatount af Funds due us�the basis of current clata und reasonable esdmates of expenditures of future - <br /> r�;•,;,+ F.scrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. _ <br /> ' ,�,;:;�,�� The Furtds shnll be held in an institution whose depusit� are insured by u federai ngency. instnimentality, or entity _ <br />- . � (includin�Lender,if Lender is such an institution)ar in any Federsl Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funda to puy the - <br /> Escrow Itema. Lender may not churge Borrower for holdlns and applying dta Funds,unnuatly nnalyzing the escrow account.or <br /> �� .,. verifying the Escrow items,unless I.ender pays�arrower interest on th�F4n�1s nnd applicuble law permits Lendcr to mnke such <br /> a che.�ge. However. Lender may tequire Barrower to pay A un�-time charBe for an lndependent mut estute tnx reportinII service - <br /> +. • used Tay L,ender in wnnection with this lonn, unless app➢icnble law provides otherwise. Unless en agrcement Is made ar <br />- � „::. appllcaDle law requires��iterest to be paid.Lender shatl not 2�e required to pay Borrower uny interest or eamings on the Funds. <br />_ � Horrower and L.ender may agree in wciting, ho�vever, that interest shall be paid on the Funds,L.en�tar shall give to 8orr�wcr. <br />_ - ., :' ; s` without charge. an annunl accouncing of ihe rud��a,ef�o�3�g cr�it� a�d dr.bit�ta she Fus�ls a-*�.�°'�=r»�+^�for which euch <br /> ' ' - debit to the Funda wus mnde.The Funds are pledged tts atlditianal secadty for nll sums secured b�this Secudty Instrument. <br />;;." ... <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exccxd the emounts perm�zted Lo be held by applicable Inw,Lender shall account to BorrowQr <br /> � �" for the excess Fnnds in uaordanoe with the requiremeni.c of appllcable law. if the umaunt oF the Funds held by Lendet nt any <br />_��._:n�,�..,.4r. . <br /> : , � Wne is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Itcros when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wdtin�,und. in such case Horro�ver <br /> ..;�;�:; :".;r� shall pay to Lendea the ainount necessary to m��c�up the deficiency. �orrower s6nll make up the d�8clency in no more than <br />-•=.,�,.,«.w�a twelva monthly pnyanents,nt I.ender's sole diecne�ian. <br />�;�.,,,�::;s„�, ` Yl�on payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shull prompdy rofund to Bomower uny <br /> - -•= Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.L.ender shall Acquire or sell the Property,I.ender. prlor to the ncquisition or salo <br /> �-° ;"`�%y� of the Propecty.shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or snle us a credtt�uinst the sums secured by <br />=Ti�:.�-.-.: <br /> �°•�"�'��,.=;` this Securiry Instru¢a�ent. <br /> ��-`-.=.-� 3.AppltcnHom of Poyments.Untess applucabie luw provides otherwise.ail payment�received by l.ender under para�uphs <br /> s�'��v� 1 und 2 shull be wny prepayment charges due under the Note:seoond,to amounts pay�ablc under parngruph 2: _ <br /> r:•�'Y��'°�� interest due; principal due;und Inst. to any Inte char6es due urtder tht N�te. . - <br />_--""=s";"'°'�'" 4,Chct�est E,iens.Borrower shall pny al1 tnxcs. asscssmenu, charges.fines and impositians uttrtbutable to the Property <br /> �;�;�- <br /> y,�,�.'!�':��tl�1 <br /> --,,,?---= which mny attnin gsriority over this Sec:urity Instrument,und leasehoid pnyments ar ground renu. if nny. Botrower shull pay ' <br />������a,�`-`� these obligutIons in the manner provided in pnr�►graph 2.or if not paid in th�t munner.Borrower shnil pay them on time directiy' <br /> _�;� to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lertder cili notfces of amouma to be paid under thia parugraph. <br /> �,=-�.��� If Bormwer makes these payments directly.[3orrower shall�romptiy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing tl:e puyments. <br /> - ``�_-�T� Bonower s6a11 promptiy dischnrgc nny lien whtch has prieriry over this Secudry Instrument unless Bocrowcr:(u)u�rees in � <br />�.��:�� writing to the paymen�uf A�e obligatton ar.curcd by the lien in n manner Aoceptnble to l,ender;(b)contests in good fnith the Ifen <br />�'"���� by. or defends uguinst enforcement of tho llen in, legul proceedin�s wh�ch in the i.ender's opinion operatc to prevent th� � <br />���""��`k� enforcement of the lien:or(c)secure3 from the hotder of the lien nn agreement sadsfactory to Lertder�subordinattng the l[en to <br />-�'J'""""��°^°`"� this Secudry Instniment.If L.ender determines that any part of the Property ia subjcx:t to u lier+ which mny uttuin pdoriry over <br /> ti'..L:�l'�i:..' . <br /> '_-4"-���'": ' this Sscudty instcument.l.endcr may give Borrowcr a notice identifyinB the lien.Borrower shsilt sat�sfy the lien or tn e one or <br /> �� ,"��''"'` more of the sctions set furth above�vithin 10 days of the�ivin�of notice. <br /> ' � Fo�m saae erem <br />- :�� <br /> � ' Papo 4 of 6 <br />_, ,r <br /> . 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