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' ..r--�,.,�Y �.� �ai� :�.".i:�_'.:ru'�'.�r.% ,n:E r;,�'��,/,Nf�Yjl�}.'ir`i1 . . _ <br /> .`iR7! <br /> �� � ��� � ���� � <br /> � YW <br /> � -:h.' _-.' ._—_r�.�.. . <br /> _r.::,-:::� R��RECORDEd193-1Ot161� g3�io�es ; <br /> - p�ymems may nc�Innge�be roquirod.�thc option of l.endcr, if mahguge in�urw�ce��►veruge 1 in the anxwnt and for tbc pe�lad <br /> that Lcnder roquircs)providod by an insurcr approval by l.cndcr again hecome�Avuilwble wKl iR�toined. &�rn�wcr xhAll p�y _ <br /> =;t, the prcmiums requirod to maint�in mangAgc insurance in to providc a Inc�re.serve,unt11 the rcquinemem far martRye <br /> inwmnca cnd9 in acoo�nc�e wilh wny w�ittcn t+�rccment betwcen Bormwer urxi l.ender or sipplicAble Ipw. <br /> . - - 9. IncpecNoa. I.ender ar its agent may meke rcasonable ent�c�upnn and inspectiun�ot'the P�ehy. I.eoder�hall Qivo .--.. <br /> "s� �;.,�T,, Borrower notice at�he tinte of or prlor to a�s inFpectiun specifying rearunable caune for�he iospec�ion. � <br /> _ �, � 10. Condentnwtlon. The pmceeds af any Awur+d nr claim for dpnwge�, direct or conseyuentiul, in connection with any _ <br /> ,:,� candemnutian ar aher takin�of any pu�t oithe P►opehy,or Par rnnveyw�re in Ifeu af candemnotion. a►e hercby acaigned wid <br />_ _ `.,""",.•-.�.,'".'".. -- stwll be paid to Lender. �'__ <br /> ��{ In the event af a twa!teking af thc Propcny.the pm�.�ceds shall be applied w the sums serured by this Security InstnimeM, �-� <br /> - ` � whether ar nat t[�r�ec►due, witl� any excess paid to Borrower. In the evem oi�pc�tial mking of the Property in whkh Ihe fAir �" <br />'��' �� '���'�.Dli��:.' r,°7:, <br /> °� V � •. � �arl�et value of eRe Pcuperxy immod.iateLy Defcxe tbe talcing is¢ or greaeer cL'ran ttre a¢c�our�of clse surm s�ocvred by this .w, <br /> - � �ac,.s�';`k�....�.;�,. .F�.,. <br /> =-a�� ,.� y }r• Security[�strument immectiately before tPue taktng.ucrtess�xcx�wer and[.ende�ottierwise ARree in writing.tlte�ser.-ured�by �_.5 <br /> '�"�� i`+� Ihis Securiry Insnrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muhiplied by the follnwio� fraction: (ai the total �,��- <br /> ���:,;�'�'`%• <br /> „��,w�., <br />- _ ,�t� : umnunt of the sums secu�ed immaliacel before the takin ,divided b (b)the fuir ma�ket value of the Pro �mmediatcl <br /> _'. ' r ��,,�;•-es' Y R Y PenY � Y �;;::: <br /> �_ '1 �yi',�� b�;. t+efore the tukin�. Any balunce shall be paid ta Borrowcr. b� the event of a paniul tuking nf the Prapeny in which the fuir ��. <br /> ...��_S_: � 1r K�..; ' re ' i- <br /> - � n.``�t,�;�,�°�f - market value af the Property immediptely before the�aking is lesc than the umount af the sums securecl immediutcly before�he <br /> ���� r����x�a�_ �s�: <br /> ?��.,r,��,�r:�����;�, taking, unless Bano�ver mid L.endcr athcrwise ugree in writing or unless Applicablc law othcnvise provide�,the praceeds shall =_-__ <br /> ��°'�" be Applied to thc sums sccu�ed by this Sccurity Ins�rument whcther o�nc�t the sums are Ihcn due. 1��� <br /> r, ��,� <br />__�.,�,,:;�;+� � � If the Property is abandoned by Horrower,or if.afler notice by Lender to Bc►rmwer that the condemnor offers to make un �� <br /> ,.�.�.r;�: 1��X <br />_�,;,;a:!, ► �r��t� awnrd or isetde u claim Por demages, Bom►wer fails to nespond to l.ender within 30 duyF ufter the dute the notice is given, ',,-� <br /> � � �r;�''�Y::�•`���� l.ender is authorizecl to callect uad apply the proceais,at its option.either�o res�oratian or repuir��f�he Prc►pehy or lo the sums �'� <br /> . _— ' ' :.ecured by tMs Security lnstrucmnt,whether�Tr not then dua �'`�` <br /> - " '��� Unless I.ender und BoROwer .itherwl�e agree in w�i�ing, uny opplicutiun��f pr�k�w�l� to prinripul .hull nut ex�cnd or <br /> ���'� s� nc the due dote of the m�mthl a rnentti mfcrn.tii�o in rn ru h� I un�l 2��r rhun � �hc unn►uiu af rurh u mcm+. <br /> •a.;'�,��. �m•:.��• P" P° Y P 9 Pa 8 P . �, . . P Y <br />. '�' i. '� � � �_`_ <br /> :z,; �.:,_�:��tg 11.Borrow•er NM Relea�ed�Rofiearancc Ry I.endt�N�d o WAI�•er.Fxl�n�iun ul �h��ink 1�r puynkm�r neKliliruli x� <br /> `."y'� of unxmi�.a�iun��f�he+um.�ureJ by�hi.Sccu�fty Immiment g�um�d hy Iw�ixler a�un��.urrr.s��r in Imerc.t�►1 I��rraw�cr�hull <br /> �,'� n. d"� '.f}�t�! � r.�: <br /> �. nc►t npernle to relru�e�he liahility��1'�he uriginol 13��rr��u•cr or li��rraw•cr'.ruccr�w��in in�rrr.�. Lri�lc�hhull n�N F+e nyuir.�l�o , <br /> *r° rommen�r pnx�ilnRn uaaincl any wr�r.K�r in inlcrr�ur rcl'u�c la eKlcnJ linK fur�ynknt��r�nhrn►�1M•uudil'y um�miiutiun "•t' <br /> • �� ����` ��f 1he wm� r�c�und by �hir� S�xurily Iml�un�cnt by rc��um ul'�ny druwml muJc My Ihc urigi�wl Fi��rry�wcr ur I��nuwcr'ti <br /> . �' •... <br /> � � s-': �ucar�sarn in intere�t. Any I'ort�earunrc by l.cnJrr in uKCrri�ing uny righl �K rem��iy�hull n��t tK u waiver��f or pmcludv Ilus ,.t, :: <br /> ?�M; �' exercfr�e of any right or rcmedy. ,_ <br /> :��: ��,: ;��.�{���-;-,.��,.-. l2. Su��rr.+wts ���d rlssig�K &wDdi Jo81t oitd:��rhri 1.iwiriliiys C�r�rigncn. 'i'iir cuvc�wol� uikl ug��w:u�cui� �it ihiti -- - <br /> • ^+. Scwurity In.rtrument .hall bind nnd henefit ihe�uccc�u►n und u�xiFn� ��f l.rnder und Ik►rn�wer, aub}ec� a� the pr�wiei��nx of <br /> °"" • . paragraph 17. Rormwer's covenunts ancl ugreementti �hull t►e jui�t utal reverul. Any Borcuwer whu r�r.ign� thiti Security . <br /> i ' � s�"� In.�trument bw dues not execute the Note: Iu► is cu-,ignin��hin Security Inunimen�unly �o mnrtguFc, grant und cunvey that <br /> � �''��'� � �`` �� `' &►rrower's interest in thc Pro n under the temis uf thin Securit Instrun�ent; (b) is not ni►null obli uted t�i u the xums <br /> • Y ...+'ra,',••.,,�;.: ,:,' . Pe Y Y ie Pe• Y 6 p Y <br /> t, ,wi:<_�_�:a. �ured hy thic Security Inxlrument: and�cl ugrecti�hat l.ender and uny�nhcr R�xr�.wer mny a�!rce�o cxtend. nx►�rbcur or � <br /> .�� • � ���:�.�c;'"`',�:� �:, <br /> . 1 ,,, ,�;�;��„�,� .� muke any uccommadations with reg�rd to the�crnis uf thiti Security Instrument�►r Ihe Nute wi�hout thut &�rrowe�s consent. <br /> ;.•' ; ;,,:'�;:�?'r;tir:�;��,,F` ,� t3.Iw�an Charg�. If the I��an secured by this Security Instrument i�subject tu a law which re�s muximum loan c6arges. ��.,:� <br /> -. • +�:"�+ � t �� <br />— � � '.� und�hut law is finully interpreted�o thut the imere�t ��r ulher loan chargc,r�,llcceed or tu be coltected in conuectioo with tt�ee , <br /> -�i'i�>'.� ���: loan exceed �he erniitted limi��,�hen: (u�un ,uch luan char e shull he reduceJ b�• �he urnnunt necessa m reduce�he chur e <br /> --;�:y '�.��m�-:;�� P Y � F rY R : . <br /> to thz rtnit�ed limit; unJ (b1 un tium.r ulreud �ollected frnm Bnrrow•cr whinc�xcceded '� �' <br /> '�;� +,,:;;'�,`�.�.�r a . , pe Y • Y ' perqiiltcd limits will t+�refunded in .iy:; <br /> �:� �J� �:�'�,•'° ' Bonotiver. lxpder nwy cha�se ta muke thi� refunJ h�• rcJuring the principal uwrJ under the Note o� b�� rss:�king a direct ,.'t:_;; <br /> =�:' . .^rv.iF';4��� .. " • ;:. <br /> ''+ '. ,;, •� =.. payment tu &�rrower. if a rrfund reduces principul, thc reJurtion will i+r treatecl as a partial prepuyment ��ithout :�ny <br />_'�,...� }�:.,;�.��i;a�. � ., `; <br /> 'r.;'�'• <br /> ,� _.�.' ��,�K�{:;��,'.,�,.��;,.;�;,�,�s prepaymentchurgeunJertheNi�tc. ;,,;5 <br /> _ � %;f, � ��,;� �4�' 14.Noticc.s.Any notice tu BorroNrr pmvidrd tiir in�hiti Sccurily In.trumrM shull he�iven b�J�livcring it or hy mailing :�. <br /> � �., f �.• ,;+il ��� it by tint rlu+s m•ril unler�upplicuble la�v require.utir al'unathcr meth�xl. Thr na�i:e�hai f he Jirec�eJ to the Propeny Addre+� � <br /> •"• ', . �:t�•,;n., i�„ �y <br /> ,.., ;4,�.��a. „ .,,.:.:t, or any othcr uJdre�� Bc�rri�wer designaler by n�nice tn Ixnder. Any notirc t.� L�r.dcr .hall lk given by 6rst clac� nwil to � <br /> :;:f�� H� �,��"(�Y ` "'�.`• L.ender's addrcss smted hercin or any othcr addres. l.cndcr dc�ignuteti h� n��ti�e t�� �orr������r. Any n�►ticc providcri fur in this t; <br /> ��� ', ' ��j��l d�. � I . <br /> :µ,�,��� { f� S , Security Inxtrumem shnll t►�:dermed to have been given�o&�rruµ•er or I.rnJrrµhrn gi�en as p�ocided in this parugruph. ,, ��;. <br /> • +•.�'�s� ' � '• 15.Governing�; Sevcrability. Thi� Scrurity Inctrumcnt shall Me gnv.:rn�J b} fe�tcral lau and the law of the :�� <br /> . � ., Y <br /> ��'"�.1�'s ,, _•�.� , jurisdicti�m in which the Property iy kx•rted. In the c��cnt �hat un�- pravi.i�m ��r rla��.e��f thi. Scrurit}• Ins��um�nt or the Nute ;.,. <br /> ''•, " .�;;F�;,,,- •�' con0irts with applicable luw,surh mntlict,hull nat al7crt ather thi�Scrurii} In.�tument or th�ti,�tc whinc�an Ne �'��`�r'•� <br /> ) ��•, ,,;..�. <br />��/� ��lL � . l. Slf' l <br /> - _ ;,. iQ�i;;�i�.. '�`"�s�t given etTixt with�iut thc ronllictinF provisiun. Tu thi�cnJ Ihe pravi.iun�o!ihi,Sar4ruy Onstrument utul ahe Vute are declared :�.�;;. <br /> � • �., ,,�k,,.;;�;i;1��, to be u�veruble. <br /> };,., .: �, r,•1:,.�;. <br /> ' j �:;,^'�: : .' 16.fioriv�w•er's Cnp�•.Burruwcr shall hc gi�•rn anc runli�rn�rJ ropy af the h.He:�nd��I�hi.5.•curit� In.trumcm. <br /> !�. S_ � . <br /> . t�__,._' T � Form3028 8190 <br /> .: � � Ppa4u1R g. <br /> ^ 1J �1�^ �1� � • <br />._.'`� i j...... . .. ' .. , � .f <br /> , . t.�. .` .. <br />;i.''•,_ , , �w[•lt�.�;.•as 7:,^:.:.:. .. .•,�.,•,. .. �., . . �. � . . . . . , ,•�+,,raw , trMw+a.i7��`t'�S�(�(b`!�M:ffV/� <br />,r1�, r. �r'� W. � �. <br /> . ; • . <br />�r r�i�-h^!�__ _ _ <br />�� - _�4 — __ _ �'_'.- . .. . .. <br /> � � �If��'�.;,�},'��:.��' . -� 7�1 .� �' .. <br /> �J:�. [� ! Y <br /> � ' �-t ��' l tP�4 ,r .'� ,t .3.� �. - ��� - ,�� <br /> ,.•�.:, �:t�j�i f�: �� 4� � ,?�` j . �, • ;,' . <br /> ��j'�. 'i �'Sit''l�j� '- ;�� � -. ., '.rr' � � . - • • -, . - _ . . ' <br /> f� {'� �ttJ�t,;��t�}�•.�j;;., , ',� ;:�.�� .�;� ,,;... ,� ' -�� , , , .. , � . <br /> y{A� Y'�i� ��li7ti�'K�F'���i_I'-'t. �S ,�, •t;•1,,� '�: l�1�� � 1 -/.� �,'� . • ' . � �''. � - . � � - , - .. <br /> ib� alat���.I.�ESrt n, i fJ�•'�,_I��-�� :1�� � i � ..� . . � ' .. . . <br /> :, '�' � +'� ', t��f�<<�rS'1. ���f5\1 ,J .� 'r f "'�;�1�',�,�.' 1 i.�'i � <br /> � t� .' ,s'��� �i i�` 1 �}�Y�tt�,� 04 .� 1���1 �.i'.t.� �� ��}, �! ( �- � �� .. , � -'_ . . �� ��,.1� . t ' . <br /> � �4ir ,'����"[+� 11!fJ��/ l Y .� r:{,r ' f.?�}�� ��.?�!� 11\4�i1 ' . � . . .''. �y i � :l '�• <br /> y I , `1f ,��,1 �1,I�,,t,1�Ij+S.i��' • ��. ,.1 .1.s 1!,1 '�1 . - ., I . t . - . . <br />� J �:?,, f;;� n)I'{"�{�1� \ yk ,� i J!/�1 � � 1 ' .�: . � ; . � . .. , . .. '. <br /> E � / 7-}�•r' r•.f� , �:. <br /> ��„ < <�, �,11r �sr•t� � � � 4 '; .. ��'r ��.. �..; <br /> ��l�:r� '���cj �3�, ��?���,q�j��lE 1 ,��Ij i� ��` �it .�� , ' . . ., . <br /> �!.",C '`1 n ,�• I. ! <br /> �'� :�1,'14�t' ' � . . . � <br /> . . � <br />