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a��r.�m� ,. a,.�,a+.r .. <br /> i �' <br /> '_� - . �.. � -. <br /> U I) <br /> . I� . K C'w ' __...� . <br /> � 1 /� <br /> I <br /> �Nr M <br /> � iM . ._._. - . ._ -- - <br /> . — " __ _ _ " " "_. .""_..'.'_".�.�....__��� <br /> . 1 <br /> _ - - 93�io�si� 93-i�s <br /> - — --- s. }Iwrd o� prop�'�y �p�uranoe. Born►wer �Itall kap the impravement� naw eaictinR ar hera�tier erocted an tho <br /> — Pmperty insurod a�inst lasa by firc. IwTardi iocludod wilhin the term'ealended cmemge' un�l uny c�ther Iwu��da. includin� <br /> �% fiads or Oooding, far which l.ender reyui�i�sumni:e. Thi�inwrakc stwll t�e maintuined in�he um�wnta and fbr the pe�i�ds <br /> �het Lender roquires.The inrum�.-c carrier pmviding ihe inxurtuxc�hall hc rh�ren by B�m►w•or subjrr��u I.C11dC���A�f/1VpI � <br /> _ ,;.; f- - _ - which chall not 6o unm,s�sombly wllhheW. li&►m�wer fuilr ta awintAin roveruge de.crihed ulwve.l.ende�muy, ut lxnder'K <br /> �'.:�'. option.obtain c�verage to pr+atxt I.ender's�ight�in the Pmpehy in urcurdance with paragr�M�7. <br /> „ All insurnm�c palicies cud renewalc+ siwll bc acceptable �o l.ender und shull incluJe a titanduN nx�rtguge cluu�:c. L.endcr <br /> - ea und renewals. If I.ender i�es.B c►m nwer s h a l l pmmp l ly give��L.e n d er o l l rece i p tR af <br /> aht►il heve Ihe riRht to Iwld Ihe pt�licl ►�q� � <br /> paid prcmiunu unJ renewal ndice�.ln�f��event��f losti. 8unuw�r siwU 41ve prompt nutice tu the in�curatue carrier uncl l.end�r. �- - <br /> Lender may mAke prnof of bss if not mude pramptly by Borrowcr. <br /> � �' Unless Lender and Bnrrower whenvise agree in writing. insurance procceds shall be applied�a restnrutfon or repuir of Ihe <br />. - Property dsunaged.if the�estoratian�x nep�ir is ecortomically fea.�iWe and l.ender's re�:urity is not lessened. If the restitoration or <br />��'��• • ' �is not ec�►mical0y feusible or lerdee's�eruritX would be lessenedi.the inw�rance proc�ds shall be Applied to Ihe su�: <br /> w� <br />�=�°.1;...�C� •"°'` '����- I� <br /> ' , �`,�z �� secu�+ed by this Securily In4tntmrnt, whether or trx �hen�ue, wi�h r�ny excess paid to Borrawer. li' 8orrowee abeu�donc the <br />�—, �� �b, FcvpertY,ur cia�es nw ar�werr within 30 d�qys m�wtice i'rom �.ender thaa ttee insur.uxe currier i�ais offered to senle�a claim, then ___._ <br /> � .��;':.,,;'�� . <br /> . � � k�".,. I.ender may coitect the insurancr p�o��r�ds. Q.ender may uose the pccx'ae�s to �paic or restore tC�e Propeety oc w pay sums <br /> "K�� ���4�'��s�i��}� secured by thic Secu�ity Iav�rument,whether or not theo due.'Rie 30-cYay perio�will begin w•hen the natice iK given. — <br />,'Lf�..;l._, y r ' ['U'•�¢y�'t,`�'��� �� -_-- <br /> •�._.�j;. �•(z�� t���h���,>��+ UIIINSS L.CqdO! i111II HOITUWCl p1I10TWISC AgfCC II1 writing, any applicution of praceeds to principal shall not extend or __ _ <br />=:�;;�:;; ;��Y'��I�:Y�k U �4 r Y P Y P B 1� R P Y =-__: <br /> } 3�,�;�j,� ���' poslpone the due date of the momhl u ments refeRed to in am �a s 1 and 2 ar chnn e the Amount of Ihe a ments. If <br /> ;��` �`;��'�F � "*S's{ under parngraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, BoROwer s right to nny insurance policies su►d praceeds resultinF from =: <br /> ^�'� �+'f�t'� ��� � `�7 ��' damage to the Prapeny priar to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrume�t �F �"` <br /> i"F, i�;' �, ,a�"'� ��- <br /> ;� rr"ti3 �1,��,��' y� �; <br /> ,, iy��y {�,,4 #r�, ;,, immediately prior to the acquisition. ��.:.- <br /> �„`�,}r _ 6. Occetpunc}�,Prrrrrvutlass, '.1�Iaintenunre unc!Protectbn oi 1hp Pr.ry�eMy;Borrnwrr'v 1�nn Ap�rlloatiwn;I.e�ceholds. � <br /> '�ti#, }�t� ,, ,��::�,_, Borrower shall accupy,establish,and use the Propeny a,Bc�ROwer's prfncipal residencc wUhin sfxty duys aRer the executian of �i�` <br /> w; r.�,... <br /> ,,�{�;,�r�f-��=•.:. this Secu�ity Instn�ment and shall mntinue to occupy the Property os Bcirrower's principal residcnre for at leust one yeur ufter �.� <br /> '�'"�'�'�'.'�� . the date of occupancy,unless I.ender athenviae ngrees in writing,which consent shall nM be unrea.u�nubly withheld, ar unl�ss <br /> �- <br /> ' ., a�.�,�;�,,�;,':.�;:,,K,�,' extenuoting circumstances eaist which Are Neyond Bnrrower'� cantrol. Barrowe� shull niit detitn►y, dumuge ur impnir the <br /> � �: ���,� Propeny, Allow the Propeny to deterinrnte, or commit wua:te on the Pmperty. &�rmwcr shull I+c in defoutt ii'uny fort'eiture <br /> ' ' ' �`•�''� action or proceeding, whether civil ar criminul.ix t►egun thut in l.ender'� g�x1 fui�h juJgment r�wld resul� in fiirfeiwrc af�he ��� <br /> � ,,,.,,�. �•. <br /> ' '�'•+ Pmpeny or othenvire ma�er�ally irnpair the lien creuted by this Se�v�ity Ins�Nmem��r l.ender'�.recuri�y imere�t. AoRnwer muy �;' <br /> � �'�� � � ��' '��;':•� cure curh u default and reinstate,u�p�ovided in purugruph I8,by cuwing thr ard��n or pnk��xling�o he di,mi�wei with u ruling ,� <br /> �.� <br />-�, � ;���,�;�� �ho�, in l.endcr's g�xxl fuith Jctern�in�iun, precludes farfeiwre of the Born►wer'� int�n�s� in �hr Pn+pcny ur �Nlx�r mutc�iul `r <br />. `' - --:+;=;Y�"::t'{ impairn�em uf Ihe lien crcatcd by �hu�caun�y imuument or[.e n dcr'.xxvrity inic m i. S�nivarr aia i i u iw►i�i�i �fou i l i f =�. <br /> �; � • " ��+'�- Burniwcr,Juring the I��an uppliratiim pnx�e+.,guve nwteriully ful�+c o�inuavr,�te iniornwtian ur�Uitementh ta I.enJe�lor fuiled � <br /> ;,r. ., <br /> °_� � ' to provide l.en�ier wilh uny mate�iAl infi�rnmtionl in ronnection with the loan evidencexl by�he Note,including,but n�►�limiie�l <br /> - � � . '��: ` to, rcpre�entatiom conceming&innwer'ti�krupanry i►f the Pmpeny u.+a prinr.ipal residence. If thi�Security Intitnmient in on a _` <br /> {� r a;� •• .• , . .•; IeasehoW, Bimower +hall ccimply wi�h ull thc provision. ot the leu.tic. If&�rc��wer acyuireti fee �iUe to thc Pn�peAy, �he J' <br /> - ••.;; �. . . � lea.gehold ond the fee tide shull not mergr unle.s Lender agrees a�the merger in writing. ..:.' <br /> • '•�.���„F;;,:• J 7•Prnte►Nan of Lender's RigMs in the Property. If Bormwcr Fail�to perform the covenunts unJ agreements rontui�ed in � ,. <br /> j:;;:j�;���;�,; :, : , this Securiry Instrument, or there is u Ie�!al pr�xeeding thut m•ry significun�ly ufl'ect l.ender'� rights in �he Prapeny (such us u ,'. . <br /> _- �;r�' �:;�. r� proceedin� in bankruptcy,probute,fur amdemnution or forfeiwrr or tu enforce luws or regulations),then I.ender may do und .�.; <br /> �M'-- .�' � pay for whatever is necessary to protcct thc vnlue of thc Property and Lender's rights in�he Propeny. l.ender's uctions muy ;•:.' <br />.� . �.�i„;,: .•:. •:;,:;, :,' <br /> , +•r include puying any sums secureci by u lien which hus priority over �hi+ Security Instrument, Appeuring in rnurt, paying <br /> ,k i�.�Q:.jj�;, t.�.��t.f.y.�� '�';;` <br /> y-- �,'.��..'I. .��n �(� <br />;��':: ,,,���y�� :�,;,,,;��r'-, rcasonable attorncys'fees anJ entering on thr Propeny to muke repairti.Although Lender may wke ec�iun under this parugraph �_.--` <br /> 'o.n . •. .�� (,7�r .n <br />:;•�. , ,����f��i.�:�� ��,,�fl�.�;, 7,l.ender dces not huve to do so. �;; <br /> _ , 'tt;:�.� , ,,,�, N <br />�`'�;;{ l�f:{,��,� ,.Ys��t;�,l; Any umounts disbursed by Lcnder undcr �hiti parugruph 7 shull t►�wome uJditiunal de6t of Borrowcr secured by this __ <br /> ��,� ,:>f���.� �, 'y,�17 � Security Intitrument. Unlesx &►rmwer ond l.cnJer ugree lo �ithcr tcmi�ut'paymcnt, thc.+c am�wntr� shull tieur interest from Ihe <br /> ,����� �, <br /> � � �� �����.�, t+��;:!. •�t � dute of disbursement At the Note rnte und �hull t� payaMe. with interc�t. upc►n �rotire frcxn Lender to gurrower requesdng • <br /> j,. ..�1`i (� ,.: .,,;,`,�� Pnyment. °: <br /> �,,��� ,.:��: <br /> :��•'' �`% :.c;,`�,"';' `� S.Mort�age insurance.lf l.emler reyuireJ murtgagr inwrun�r�a�•r rundition ut'making the loan secured by this Security ;. <br /> ��'�;� `�a_ 'T�� Instrument, Bormwer shall pay the premiwns n�uired ��� msiintuin thc murtguEe insurance in effect. IY, for any res�son, Ihe ' ' <br /> ,�';':.:+,��;;;n:� - <br />''•� {;� ��� ���:,..,:��f,f���7 mongage insurnnce coverage required hy l.cndcr lapus or c� t►c in effec�. &moa•cr xh,dl puy the premiums required to �; ��,: <br />- �;. .�y���:��� ot►tain mvernge subslantiully equivulent to the r►HingaEe intiurunre prcvinusly in�ffi�t.ut u a���subtituntiully cqulvulent to the <br /> � _ . �� �• cos� to Borrower of the mortg�ge insurvnce pre��iuu+ly in cl'fect, fmm an altemute mon�;uge insurer upproveJ hy I.endrr. If , , <br /> ; �� ' . : "�' '.';r:� subst�ntially cyuivulent mi►ngage insu�uncc covcragr ix noi t��•ailublc. &�rcua•er.hall pay io l.e�xler carh month�,um��yuul to <br /> ^...'.� <br /> � ' ,,,'i:,`�'` one-twelfth of the yeurly munguge insuranrr premium brin�paiJ hy Burrc»��er ahen�hc in.uranrc r�►veruge IupK.�l ur cea.��l to <br /> , �. '' . �. �,�"�=•t; be in effect. L.ender will uccept.u�e unJ retuin tl►e�c puyu�ent+us u loti, reservc in licu uf m��n�u�e in.urunce. Lu.� re.en�e .,. <br /> . _�,.. . E Form 3028 9190 <br /> • . ^x��.�ZC^ - � � � P�yt]M 6 �. <br /> 4 s. ..,,'� ;�.�� <br /> �'' �'i�!. <br />.. �. ' ' �i . �. • � . <br /> • r , <br /> . 3� .�rF1R`a.vm�.,�..rJA. ,�...�rn:+.-. . . . ..Mn nl:. . , . . r.e_1�M .� <br /> , � .. ' . . � i .� . . �.r,..�.. . . .•�"Y,� ':N a ��� �'!1�45�� <br /> �J <br /> .1,�'tY.-�_ �.�1:_'�.,,_�.st1[.?'_`tL_ . . , - . . . . . <br /> - ,�r� -.� . .. ._ . _.-.----.-._..'__ '. , , . <br /> C <br />. i' , <br /> i <br /> i" J� �i ! � '�. ' , <br />' �a � � - 1�?-���' 4 � lq�i� 1��f ��l }. . . ,I . . f �, - � � . <br /> �' ,1� (�f� �,� �t � �, �l • . �� '.(:l'i. �1, ` • . � . <br /> S � I�, � � -t- �l� !-3 ;,�� t ' i_ <br /> y r \� �1 A � � i <br />� y7 �S � • ��(� �n`+'�ih!'fy�7 �(`it+ li`� t . � • r i • �i ' , . ` � . <br /> 71- .� t/� .1� :� .1� �11 y j '{�• 1, �i , , � 1 . . � I . <br /> r '1. �� ��...�� t.. • 1 . .li�_ /., . . . , . 'I�S . .. 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