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=,„--�: f..Y a �. �.- .. . <br /> 1" '��r�� � �1'l @ t F�xr`''�� . • - . <br /> ..'�!�:,�. yI •y � ,,. <br /> 'I' �..'I'' '��I •���, • a µ ( 5 1' -{ .' . .- <br /> ��� ��.". • �I �p r f x��•.�.�if/`��... <br /> .. ._�.'J.i`�•:� ' '��f�j41f�"")'�5�'(t� � �.`�L����� • . <br /> �� 1' �.2,'� - - �._ <br /> ��' . ..., - _ - - .._Y -- - <br /> �, , _�! ' � 93=-�.ot��4 _ <br /> �. <br /> � �7,T�ter oPthe Property or a Renoflctpl intere�t in Bot�rower. Of WI nr any puh of the Pr�erty nr any intcrkwt in it <br /> ��_�:_�•-n°:,;=4�� is sol�c!or�rancferred(or if u beneijciol interesl in BoR�wer i�enld or t�artsfemed w�J 8ormwcr i�MN u nulu�ul pcn�+nl wilhuut � <br /> _ — Il.ender'c g�rior �v�itten consent. I.endcr may, ut i1H aptinn. reyuire lmn�iiate puymen� in full nl'All hum� �aurcd hy Ihie <br /> ---- -°- - = • Snarii}a�n�nemem.Hawever,thic aplion ahail nu�I�ex�rcir�by l�.nder if cxcrcisc is pmhibnec!hy federal law e�af�hr Ja�e <br /> .� of Ihi,S�cw�i[y Invtrumcnt. <br /> -� `' �'° df ixndcr exer�ises�his optinn,l.ender bhall givc Borrower nu�ire of acceleratian.The txuice ahull rc►vide �c�ind�f n�►t <br /> �?;j �•`'°'�"o-' lcss [han 3�D�1ays from the dAte the nai��e i�delivered ar mnilod withM whfch fi�►miwer mu�� p•ry ulP+�um� Mru�uJ hy Ihin = <br /> ' ��� • :Sccurity�nsirument.If AoROwer fuils to pay these xums prinr to thc�xpfru�inn��f�hia perial, lxmlcr mu�- invukc uny rcm�rlie� �:�;; <br /> •• ��:;�:=,� pem�itcrd by thi:S�curity Instrument without further nouce�r demand on�rr�wer. --° <br /> : �a�:'"::..�,�.._:., !8. �arn�oa�er`s Ri�ht to Reinatptc. If &►rmwcr meets certufn crnidi�inn�, Borruwer .hull Iwvr �hc righl la huvc � <br /> :' �`:e . enf���}_+n�ni o9'this Secu�ity Instrument dfrscontinued ot any timc p�i�r�o �he eurlier of: (L) S llAys I�x +uch uihu�pen�d uti � <br /> + � �'''��`�•' ,~ uppl;�le la��� msy specify for rcinclatement) befare s�le of Ihe Pmperly pu�suunt to uny pnwer �f wle cuntuined in Ihi�► --- <br />_.,:��,;:� , ,;.'�' ` `"��` ' Srcuri�y ]nslrument;or(b)erqry of a Judgment enforcing this Ser.ur�ty In�trumern.Those ronditiuns ure ihut�►rr��wer:(o)pu yF <br /> _ ,:. ., �� <br /> , � • �+�+r�:s ;� •. at n dcr n U sum.w hic h t he n w o u l d b e d u e u n d e r t h i s S e c u�i t y I n s t n i m e n t u n d t h e N�n e u s i f m�m c e l e r u l i o n b u d�x c u n e d;I b l �_. <br /> �M-�'�""I�`�•"�. "' cum�.any det'AUIt of any othe�rnverwnts or Agreements: (c) pays�II expen�ex inrurntil in enforcing thi�: Srcu�Uy InKtrontenl. �;:� <br /> ms _ <br /> � .���.� � �' � ` ' ,�E� �ncluding, t+ut not limited ta,reusnnable ultorneys' fees: and(d)tAkes wch oc�ion ur�l.cnder muy mu�anubly reyuin:�n nrsurc = <br /> � ' %'' tha{��h;lien of ihi.Snwrit} lnstn�ment, l.eodcr's righ�c m the Pruperty gnJ Borruwrr'v�►hligution t��pay Il�e�um� +ecur��d hy ( <br /> ��`�,,;�. <br /> —�����''°';�;� �• � this Security Anstrument shall rnntinue unchangeci. Upan rcin�tmement hy eorrower, this S��:urity h�+trum�m und the <br /> �_y <br /> �� �'���� T• obligalions�cumd hereby shaU rcmain fully�ffective n.ti ff na oeeelerution had �wcuuuJ. Hawever,thic ri�ht to�inMu�e shall R,: <br /> �,�:, .; � � no1 n�+ply in the ca�e oi acceleration under paragrUph 17. —� <br />— „ s�" �� -�•'a' °��� ]9. Safe aP �\ote; Change of l.aun Servicer. The Note or u puniul in�err�t in �hc Nute Itu�c�he�wilh thi� Srrurity <br /> F•�..:.,•• .r �i�; <br /> ' �� ,�� � • �n�rwmentl mn>^a uild onr or more times without p�o�notic��o Bnrrower.A wle nw�• n�uU in a chungc in the entily Iknuwn p--. <br />_ '� ,� �',. . ,`�i7� as�te� 'Loan Sen•icer"1 Ihat collectx monthly payments due under 11�Notr unJ thi.Srruriiy Insta,ment.There:�IM�m:►y t�e� <br /> �T��� ror m.��chahges of the[.onn Servicer unrelnted to u wle�f tfie Note. If th�:�c i�a cl�ai�gc.�f�hr L��n Sen�i�-er,&xrawcr will be ���- <br /> ' t�a.'s.:.�,. :�ti, �v�r� ��ritien not�ce of the chan e in uccordanre u•ith .uagra h 1�3 Abu�•e a�J a IicaMe law.Thr natice will+iate the nu��k mkl =_ <br /> .W;�,=.. F� ' 8 P' P PP - <br /> �i..,:• i — address ot ihe new• Lnan�erv�cer und the uuure�c t�,w�nich payments .houid Ix ma�e. Ihe nouce w�if vIM�conwm uny�►ti�er `-�; <br /> ! �� � • iniorrnatl�n requi�d bv applicablc law. = <br /> '���14t�, ;��::,.;:+�q�:.���Ly . , . � <br /> „ , , . ,`,�". 0 �iuzurdn•u,s Sul�tnnc�.w. 8cirrower shall not cuu�e nr prrniit thc presenre, utie, di+powl, titorugc, or relca+e of un}� �r;:, <br /> • 'j,r,, :,,� . '. ., ,. <br /> ,.t A�. .,•� H:�ardou� Su�+�tance� im or in thc Pro�+eny. Horrower shall n��t da. nor ullnw ;uiyone eltie to J�i, unyibing uffcrting 1he , <br /> ° �',;, �s:1.•,��'a F'roprny tt►at dc in violAtian ot'any Envirnnmental Law. The prcceding two!�nience.shull not upply to tBe pr��encr, uk, ar :' <br /> ' - ��;• slora•e nn the Pr•► eny ai small uantiti�s of Hazardous Subs�anres that ure enerull rcco nia.ed to he u ro riutr to iwmud ;a^ <br /> � ` +�r.; � � q F Y 8 PP p <br /> ti j,,:,,:•r:i�,w��j•�' resld�niinl uses nr«;lo maintenance of thc Prapen�•. •�:�'•�� <br /> Bc�rro«er sh::�l l pr�mptly �ive Lxnder writtcn nutice nf uny inve,tigation, claim,demand, luw�uit ar other uction hy uny v' <br /> � • :�o�,�"�� �,'•'•y�� uec�nmcntul ur re�uluton a ency or rivatc an inwil�in thc Pro rt arnl un Hurnrdnu+SuMrwrkc i►r Envinmmentul La�ti• �i".� <br /> •�,.. <br /> 8 b R P P' Y 8 I� Y ' Y �;;'. <br /> � "• of ahich Borri�wcr hax aetuai i:�aowledge. If Bnrrower Ieam+, or is nc�titicd by uny govcmmental or regulutoiy authoriiy,�hat �;,,;-_„• <br />" ',. �.`1�,��`� ''� uny remnval or other remediatinn of uny Hazardnus Suhtitancc uffectin�!�hc Property i.n�Yeswry. &►rn�wcr shull promptly tuk�: Fi,.a_.:: <br /> Y �,f �+�' �� all nece.�.san temer�ial�u�ions in uccardance��ith Enviror�tnemal Ls�w. F <br /> __ i5ta.a.�ur�..��,.1.,_'� As,� in thi.naraera�h 20. "Hnrardi�us Substances" are thou:suBtitance�defineJ a,tuxic�r hawnlou��ub�iunre+ by �� �° <br /> �'' ` �nvi�onmental L;��r: and tht follawing �ub�tanres: gur�ilinc. kcrou:�e, uther tlummuble or toxir petroleum pr�xlucts, roxir �'t " <br /> � _ „y,� _ ! '"^�- pc,�i�idex und 'hecbirides. «,latile solvcnts. m•ricriol.cuntaining uzbcs���,ur fnrmuldchyJc.anJ rudi��activc nwteriuls. A,uscd in �;�`�, <br /> °' ,r• �his para�raph :0. "Envi:.�i�mcntal Luw" meAn� fcJcrul luw, and luw,�►f tlk jurisJirtion whcrc thc Pn�pcny is I�xatcd that �•-�:�- <br /> �`, "'� '. ' �. 1'NIYIC l�)I1�LIlI9,sufct�or r�:�•irn:�memal pmtcr�i�m. `c•:: <br /> �i:�� <br />, �,� :�'�+'��_,-� -- NON-UIVIFOR}vt C4�'�:�;.aNTS.BarrowcrunJ IA�Hkr 1'unhcr ruvenunl u�xi agrcc a,fullow�: '(i'Ss=`- <br /> � 2L Accrleraxlon: Remed3��. Lrnder shall Rive nolke to Borrow•er prlur to accelemUnn follow•InR BurroMer'z breach �;:�;_ <br />-_ ` .'a, oP uny coveaaut •��:u�rrement in thls Serurity Instrument (but nM prlor to accelemtlon ueder paraqrnph 17 u�dess �jr<•., <br /> � :�••r� � .d�w� epplicable I�w pro�•id�t�ii�cr�sise). The nntice shall specify: la1 the deiault:(b)the actlnn reqoired tu cure the dePault: °`- <br /> , • •,�, , _,:.. e•;.,r, <br /> 3' , ����• :.\�,. (c1 u date.noi Ics.�than d(�da��from the dute the notin is given to&�rm�•cr. b�•w•hkh the default muat be curedt s�nd t�;;.,�.'. <br /> .,�� ••�.: �,.,,, <br /> , .i,v...,. (d1 th�t P�ilure ro cum thr dRfuult on or bef'i►m the dvte zpecificd in the nutke mey result in acceleralion of'the sums �,��.; <br /> �i'�'� .• ``'• ��%' riccured b,r thir 5ecurit�• in.trument a��tl sale oP the Prnpert�. The notice,hall PuMher InPorm Rorrnwer oP the riRht to '•;.;., <br /> °:�. ° �� ° reln+:tate after actir�crndnn and the rl�ht t�► I�rInR a cnurt actlnn tn ax+crt Ihe n�m-exiytence of u default nr uny other �;;: <br /> defense oP Borro�ycr t�►uccclerntion und sale. If the defauU i�; not cured on or bePore the dptc specifiecl In the notice. a��';'.�• <br /> i' � � I.cndcr, at Its opt�ion, n+ay re�ulre lmmedlatc pa�•mcnl in full af ull sums xrured bv Ihis tiecurily lnstrument withuut =��� <br /> ,�' :'l�,r:: <br />- ' ,;� , fnrthcr drmend And m:i� incoke ihe po�ver of rulc and uny othcr rcmedics permiltcd N�� npplic�ble laa•. I.ender shall be :}�4:. <br /> � � � a�ntltled to co11ec1 AII r�penses nucurretl in pur�uinR the remedfes prnvided in Ihlx p�rLuruph 21,includlnR� hut not Umited 44,,?�` <br /> , � . to,rcusnnoblc�Ita�rne�s'fecs iu�d c�.ytx nP tllle evidenca ��:.'� <br /> _ � ,���� s If the �KCr of tiulr 15 Im•oked, Trusdee shull rar�rd a notice of dePault in cuch countv� in x•hkh uny pyrt of'the �. <br /> p� .�u <br /> • •= Pm�xrty i�I��cated and chnll mn11 cnpie� �+7'+uch notice In thc muroier prc+cribcd b�•upplicuhlc la��• Io Bom�we�and to �` <br />��, , Ihc other �x�mc prr+cr��aecl b}•appllcA�+lc lu�c.Af4cr thc time rcyuired bc s�pplicaMc laK.Tru�t�ti+h�ll Rivc puMic nutice �r. <br /> ^:;:., ,:' ��,N ', ° ' of w�le to the per�nti nnd 1»t��r manner prescribed b��uppUcuble lue•. Trutit�r. �rilhout demund ��n &�rroNrr.�hull yell _ <br /> _ , �. the Pr+�pert�•ut publlc auction to the hi�he!ct bidder ut Ihe time und pluce ond under Ihe terms deslgnuted in!he nntice ot' <br />, ' ��� wle in nne or more pnrce)s aa� in Ao� erclrr Truztec determine+. Trustn rnu� p��tp�ne xule ni aU or um purccl nf'the <br /> .�',,;,�',;,`,,, , Pmpt�rt�• b�• public annoancement :�t th� timc and plare uf an� previou�h uheduletl xulc. Lend�r or itx d�iumr �na� __ <br /> . �''f•�. . . purciwsN the�'rupert�•at�ny sale. �; <br /> ' : ``�, �, <br /> .. �� ;yr <br />• � form 5028 Sl/90 `trr�� <br /> - . Page f o1 3 {^�"-. <br /> . ��'J' <br /> . ,� �' �f, <br /> � ;�. �� . <br /> .�.. � ��.� , '.; �. .. . j� <br /> � .. �•„, _ --lr- <br /> . , ,- . .- <br /> ; .. . . � , ....,..... . ....�,.,..,,._..� ..�.. _ . ., ,,•, �.-�. �, ... s <br /> , a ,�. ... . -rr»w- . . r rr�h+ ';.9tF,,7;• ���.:�� :,�f:... ,�; ._ ..u° c�;,s�,;yt,�.° <br /> : ,.�, �� ,1 , . ��'�x. <br /> <, �•: � <br /> : ., • . <br /> � � � '. . . .. .'�r�.- ' ' 1�. � <br /> 1�� � , '' <br />.�r.l.-- ----- - - ---- .9.. _ _ . . . . . � i��� � ,.. • ' - . . <br /> `---_-_ ' � __-----i�� _-_-- . ' . . � '.` ` " �`. .,i � � � � , � . <br />-'1 l� �, .. -,1 �l' ' .'r:,,l <br /> . i� .. .. �,1 - ' •�, .. , . i <br /> i + ' '`- 1;;;1. � ��1�1. , ' � . <br /> ' � ' , <br /> t „ „- . ��1. . . . .. • <br /> � .. . ;i ���� ' � 1r. . . . � . <br /> • � � -�w1 � • n i:, � , <br /> • `�� 1 - - ��'� ' �.7�"���f�, - . <br /> � ',• ' ' � • 1��• i��i!: f�:�. . <br /> 'i-'- �:I'• . <br /> !. � . , 'f•:•�' • . , <br /> i <br /> . l � , � <br /> . <br /> �. � -. . __ . �.. . <br /> , . <br /> .�..a. . . � _ _ . . • • ' - ' . <br />