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=� ;_'..�. tAir:i. u. . .��)�1:�r.?�:i�'-i[��� .�``'` .P .V1:�:"(�7F.. ,in..,.. <br /> P � •.�:� <br /> . . .�-' ; ; +,,r,�; ., � , . . . . . :, �.. , <br /> �a n .".,tM'.'? r .�.:�7+1' . -- - - --.,.._� i.s <br /> .� .� <br /> �_93- �.o���� -- _ _ _ .. <br /> -��� _--�� pAymonte m�y n��I�mper he royuirai.A�thc option af I.ende�.if mangage insurance rnverngc(in the umount And for the perlod - <br /> s Ihwt i.ender �uire�l pruvidal hy Wn insurc�wppmv�d by Lcnder A�ain bccomrs uvailable and is abtainal.Rc�rn►wer shpll pay <br /> - the p�cmium�:rcyuirall��n�uin�uin m�utRWpa intiurnncc in ef�ect,or ta provide a lass re.r•crve,until tt�requiroment Por mort�a�e <br /> = it�ttt�m,�p¢tN!!�in u�v.r►niwm.w wlth wny wrioun rgroement bciween Borrowcr v�d Lender o�applicable law. ^. ._ <br /> m <br /> _ 9. InrpeclkNt. I.�n�lvr ur itw ugem mwy muko neasanable ent�fes up��n and inspectinns af�he Properiy. L.ender�hwll givo _ <br /> Barrower n�Ni��c ul�hr linw id�w prinr t�� wt inrpection spociEjring rea�nable cause for�he inspectian. -- <br /> �p, l'on�lentnp�lat, Ti�e pnw�YVl� uf uny uwnrd or cta�im Par dumuges, direct ur r.ansequential, in con�ectic►n with uny �` <br /> - _ iv�irmna�Gm ur udxt�wkN��uf�uy�wtt��'Ilw far c�nvuypnce in lieu oF candem�wtian. are heneby assis�ed and °:`� . <br /> { ���� shal! Ik��id lu Ix��ler. �" ° <br /> � � ,.,. _ <br /> In Ihu ovant��f u t�N�l Iwkmp�d'Ihe f'ru�xny.�ha proceeds shAll be upplieJ ta�hr a�wn.+r.�ur�xl by thin Secu�ity Instrun�cnt. � • <br />�^� •, whethrr ur uut�duu duu, wilh Wny c�c:r.ti puiJ a►&�m�wer. In che event of u purtiul taking of the Property in which tha fnir -_E,�--'�'?" <br /> � '��.t'' �••z market vultn.� uf thc 1'ra h in3nk�liui�l hefi►rc�hc lukfng is equa!to ar greuter thun the nmount of the sums secured by thia <br /> - � Ix Y y �:_: <br /> ' ' F{4 ,:r'.t: '. c, <br />^«�" �rF.,,�c:;.�.;.,-,,.��;, Sccu�iiy In��nmxnt hnmaliutrly hct:�rr dk�uking.unless&�rrower znd Leiwler otherwise agree in w�iting,Ihe sum.9 secured by s <br />�,;;; ��'�`�x`:`' . .. lhix Scrurl�y In*t�umem tihull I+r r�due.�l by Ihe umi�um uf�he prucceds multiplied by �he following frnction: (A) the �otal �-��• <br /> �..;:;;;� ami►um uf�I��r��ur�Yl imnxdiu�vly lutiKC dic luking, divided by 161 the fair mArk�t vulue af thr 1'raperty immediately �;:.. <br /> �,..,.,, het��ro thv iuking. Any hulunce +I►ull 1+� puid 1�► li��rmw�r. (n Ihe event af�punial taking��f ihe Praperty in which the fair � -= <br /> — �;,:; ._�.' ";;�, marke� vuluo uC thu Pn+��ny imnwdiu�cly Inli�re�ho�uking is leti.�hun�he umount ai the sum�secured immeciiately betare the <br /> ; ; ' ' � ;� :;�,+.;; toking, unle�s��rro�vor uixl l.eixler�dlknviM uy�rw in wrftiog��r unle+s upplicable law otherwise provides,ti�e praceedti shaU � • <br />- _•' � �n'��,, ,, bB applied to�hc�ums tiecunrl hy thir Sccuri�y In*tnmlent whclhcr�x nm the sums nre the�due. �'�.��-: <br />:.. ;., . � <br />:;��1'� • ";,:..•,�. "..• <br /> � ::;,:;. �, if the Pmperty ir�ubandon�xl hy&�rn�v►rr,ur it',uttc�nutfc�hy Lender ta Barmwer that the condemnor offers ta make un �'r�-`� <br /> X�r n���;;,�R .• �, uwurd or�etde u cluim fi�r dumuger. Hcxr�►wcr 1'uil�1�► rc�nxl to L.erxler within 3Q dnys aftcr the date �he notire ls�iven, � <br />�`;:��:�?�siyr I.ender i+.Authn�lzod tu rnllect und upply �hc prrx��etlx.ut ilw�liu�i,ai ther lo re.ecvra�i��n or repair of Ihe Propeny or to the�suana � ` <br />�':" —� ••••'-'��.��```��� r,�cured by Ihix Secu�ity Instrumcnt. whr�ikr ur iHN�hcn Juc. i . <br />�.''�� � ��•��>;'��' Unlesx l.encier AnJ B�►rn►wer otherwi+K u n�. in wrilin un u plicution �nff rcx:eedx to rinci I shsill not r�tend ar <br /> _.. �+!;;::�:°��. , K S• 9 P P P PR . <br /> . ,. . <br />.^;;i ,}�''h�;.:� �. poxtpimc thc Juc dutr��f thc nwnthly pay nknt.roli�rn�l Iu in�ruu�uphs 1 and 2�c��angc ahc amnunt of such paymenox. <br />`,;; 4""'�� . .�: " I1. BorrowerNot ltcleASedt Forhe�nmcc By I,cnder Nut �Walver. Extensiao.�t thc tire�e far puymentor mod'+ficatinn <br /> ';��}•� �.:,�f', �:�; <br /> af urn�mizuti�m ai'the�um�+�wur�l hy�hi�S�tiurNy h��trmnenl gruiued by I.en�9�r tn uny succe•snr in interest eif Borrower xhaID <br /> �'�.�. �4)'{'.. . �1 '"�t <br /> , -;t3+#�•=,�.r,':'� �; MN��perutc tu relcu+c Ihr liuhilily�d'thr unkinul I��rn►wcr i�r��RUwer's successnss in intcrost. Lender shall not be reyuired to �.:,.� <br /> ' "�.�rg;:.: r .,.^� <br /> �°°��� �-sr; �ti�mn�encc prixa�Jingn ayuinsl uny .uccc.u�r in inler��1 ur rcl'u�tu extend time Po�payment or otfurwise modify umorti�ution � <br /> , x.�.,;;�y;;:'•r�• , , . <br /> ,,..r�,�, ;�r:�,;,.{�-�,;• of thc wms �un�d by thiti S�tiuri�y Indrunknl hy riuum ul' uny JcmunJ m•rdc 'hy the original Borrowcr or eorrower's <br /> . • '�'�� " r�ucce�w�n�fn fntere+t. Any fiirl+earunre hy l.cixl�r in cx��rci+�in� �ny right o�remccly �a�l not be a waiver of or prcclude zhe � :� <br /> .... . . .. ,c` �:���:.• <br />_ .., �• �� �� .; a•::, *-�' e�ercl�c of any right��r renk�ly. �'"�. <br /> �-� 12. Sueeessoe�c and A�.cl{�n� iWwndi Jolnl Nnd tieverWl I.Ipbillly: CagiRner�. The covetumts ond agreements�9 this {�� <br /> "f:� '��,-` •` '; S��:urity Instrumcat tihull hiixl uixl Menalii Uk .u�r��*��r,u��l u,�ignr uf lxnJer und &�rmwer, subject io the pra��is,ti�nc ot �;�,� <br /> .; ;i �:r..,. �• N •��,. puragrnph 17. &m��wer', ruvenunt� und uµr�nwnl. .bull Ix jaim mw! xverul. Any B�mower who co•ait�m� this Securi[c `�:,,,.,.. <br /> ;:,,r•; . '.�F��.i,_rv.,;`s:,•;:.:� . <br />_-�.;. . ��,,, ��,�;r,.�.�:'�•'�,•. Instrument hui d�x� �Hn ez�wule 1hr No�r: lui i.ra-�iµninµ Ibi. ti��uri�y Imlrument cmly to rnortga�ze, gmnt and convey thut �::;�•; <br />(!wi}•r �.�;,�'..� ,��.. .. . <br />.'-.•..{ . n.n':�iS{1.1..�:.L.'��,.�.� &�rrawer's imerc,t in�hr Pn��xny uixlcr d����erm��►f Ihi,ti�ruri�y Inwrunknt: Ibl is not perscmu0l}•�bligateid tn pny the sums i;>`'s;+: <br /> � `�''%'"�'r . ° secured hy thi�Sccurity In+trunxnt: u�xl �ri u�tre�,�hul Lrn�l.t�nul un�u�h�r&�Ri�wer muy a�r�e tu e.��euS.unxli{'y.furbear ur '�1`'��'` <br /> '�` {'+.��lll•'���_. i <br />�_:._fw 1.��:� }1�J1,r:�!2� GJ�ei.,,. <br /> ,�,S� maku uny ucc��iunuxludun.with rrg�nl���di��erm��H Uil.tirrur�ly In���unknt ur the Nate wiahom that Borrawer's consent. n,.-�;.. <br />."7f�. ':T�!,'��ti:;`•5•�••� � '� l3. I.oan Chur�t�.w. If Ui� I�wn Kwumd Ny d�f� !kru�il� In+�ruokix i..uM��wt tu u law a•hich �etti maximum lonn chnr�es, �!'.ii: <br />-_� '�"� � `�,;��'`� u�xt thut luw ix linully imcrpret�Kl��►�ha�ihr intrrc.l or�Nl��r I�+uu rhury��rull�tit�xl or to b. collected in cunnectiun with the s>��- <br /> _ • ��,5 • <br /> , `'"`''�»'" . . :�;�;�;� Inan excccd the permin��l limih. Ihrn: �:�i un� ,urh I��in ch�upc .hal) he r�rlurcd by thc umourn necessary to reduce�he charFe �,,�, <br /> .:� ; : .ri.: �. :-. •.. -.\; <br /> � .,.�,.:�•;.• tu thc�xrmit�cd liiuit:uinl�hl un� .um. al��:uf� cull�w•�.J Irum li��ru�wcr whirh excccded perrnittcd limits will Ik refunded tn ,,� <br />,�: �; <br />.���i ;.:+ `- . � B��rrowrr. l..enJer muy rh�x�k tu nudr ihi. rrhuxl h� r..lurm} !h�• rr��k��r:�i ��w�ed unJer thc Note��r by mvking u direct <br /> ��`'' � �-�°n�'.' ' , paYnxnt �o �rruwcr. If u rcl'uial ntilurr. priikipul. �he r�.lw•�x►n w�ll tn �reu�cJ •r. u partiul prepnyment without any �;�-; <br />-''`'':, '��� <br />,:;�: ; s �= , .; . prepaynieM ch•r�se under thc Nul�. ='=- <br /> `:Sj� ''°A::•;�'►�:2�;:o^"-;�'E" ' l4. �otkes. Any nuticc tu&�rruN��r praval��l I��r�n th�,ti��:unt� lu�lrunxitl�hull tn�ivcn h��dclivering it�ir by mailing :f.., <br />_, y �..,;._, � , <br />'•`;'���: ''' Sl��:'��"s�r'.�:_:;-`• � it by firrl cluss muil unle.�upplicuhlr I:iW r�yu� ul;uN��her nwtlNkl 1'Ik nutire+hull tu dirrc�ed to the Pmpert}� Addresc � <br /> '�•_ ,:i�_,;� �ti';.:•.. <br />'•,,,�? , �i , or uay n�hcr :wWrc�, I�irruwcr Jr.ignut.� hy nu�irr ��� Lc�Hhr. Aoy iH.tire �u l.cnJrr .hull t►c gi�•cn by first class mnil to <br />-:::�i� 1 ,Z+t'. 1';:�. <br /> ,, ` ;��;,,�,,..,•• . Lendcr's aJJre., ,rrt��J hrrein�►r any �nlKr aJdre„ IxiNlrr dr.�Enair.h� iH�ticr �a&►rn�wcr. Any nutice pruvided for in ti�is �;.��-. <br /> ' 5erurity In.truuknl,hull h�J�tinx�l�n have t+crn Eiv.n lu(�nruKer��r I r�kkr ahen �i�•cn u� rovidcd in�Lis ura ra h. "y <br /> �„ � .s' c� ':;�.�� .�� �.� 6 p P 8 P � z;::, <br /> ���. L r� .. ,.,;�.;� 15.Governiog I.uw•: ticvcr�bllll��. TI►i. ti��.uri�� In�uu��kni •liull Ix E���.m�rl hy teder�l law and the lAw „(the yt�,. <br /> `,,.,,+ � t,r1 ' �' -�_ ..:, <br /> ��4•" �' ^ <br />;;:,,, : � jurit:Jiction io which thr Prn�xny i.I�k:��vl. In ilir .�����I Ih��l u��� pr���i,wu��r.•luu�r nl thi+ S�tiurity lnsuumern or the Nrne <br /> f,s•:6 "�'y. amtlir�.with a Ii.uMr luw. .urh rontli.�.h:dl nat all�:���th��r pru�i.N�o.ul d� In,trumcnt ��r thc Nnte whi�h ran hc , <br /> p;.-::° �:...�.. rr�• ,. <br /> 'y:;, ,` • -•-1qF'. • '',.:� given MTirt with.w� thr runQir�in� prur��iun. I'u thi�riKl Uk p����i.���o� ul �hi.4run�> ImtrwnciM •rncl �he Nut�are declared -��• <br /> _ ;r• °• •ti�r-+ <br />,;;.�, y,•�.. .., k�he•r�rr�hk. <br />- .;. s•� ���``� <br /> � ,, ` .,�! 16.Ibrrower'xCopy.H��rruwcr.l�ull F+c�tivru une.��ul�n�n.•d.up� ��I Ui� `ut..uNl ul�h�,5�tiuriry Instrument. '�;'.`:' <br /> `��i, y „�����,.. H t': . <br /> ;4;, ,N„ �5�+'.�:_ . , fwm 3028 9/�0 �.i�; <br /> :.���; �=�,��,��'� � r«r a..�r, 11:% <br /> .ti ! t.; "(,� '� �.T_. <br /> .'1;51 `'�:,�1t} ,,�. . �. 'o-r <br /> ..� �,; ��( `. .!f'�';�'i,';+' <br /> :;�,�. �• ��vt�:,�'.�, :���(i`E:� ��}'�`:.', <br />`;�,.',. r,� ::f� w ..,#,1 r` <br /> +_. ii J.• �qfr', f.�f 1: SI� ' �,r`;;-.. <br /> �. f��� E�°� .,'��F� • <br /> - �;I !� ,�`��t '}�+���,!�'�vi�7'?7T:]r1�:,'}:.�:' . . ..;�,�rJ,:�.•�w..,.........� . .... . ..... • . . . .�.�aaY' MNf�� .�1�.r,�• � ,��-y . <br />.���n!�7�i �y J.('� - ��i,. �. . . . ' � t:, ' ' _ ',Ii7+�TM'!�'.����(�' 'f. <br /> ��r.��� i .j�� <br />- ;`.;,4; , �..� � . ';l.,ti;��i; .. � . � ;:;;:, ,.�f�';��� . <br /> •'',.•.,}� y' �,� «��:.;. , �. • . . <br /> ..�t:taf7 i±,�it��•_�_ . . ' <br /> _.n yr }�{�''�—••�+ T_ -_ "'r " � - . -l.i �,�',•�f:';�t(•''�:��.`, ,�.. <br />. '�2.1 ',�r..,�; � - a , . . .,. ' <br /> r�• 1'`;. . , <br />-'<'�''�1`r, ,Y�";qfh7 . •i�� ��' � ; ' . .. �I. <br />--', ' �' �i;f:;��f%�`{t+y:'.:34'.�•. •ji{' . . <br /> ' �i .itii:,i;.,Tk 4�' i:• �,•+. <br /> ., �..•• � <br /> . .� i r �t:� . . <br /> '7')'. 1! �'�t�.� �� • <br /> :.•i ,�y1,af( .tl:�..; • + . , <br />. .F�.�� ..Jtlr��"�+'1^::{��j�,.I� ,,, .� .� ... . <br /> ,Mtil �� <br />. j' 'yf``,Ty :� . . <br /> � ;. <br /> .,.4 � <br /> . �.' , ` <br /> � <br /> . .., � 1 <br /> ' .i. � � . <br /> . . , � <br /> , �r„;.. <br /> . ....-'_'._. ..r.. .--- �--- -�--:.._� __. '!'�...__�._. <br />