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<br /> B.. Nu1wi1hG(lutd11t�.imy��!'th��1nn�unIIe cqnta1ii�d"I�,thia Dezsi of Tr�st to tha contrary.the terms of this secdon shn�l �4^
<br /> � aurviv�nny fi►rcclo9uc���c n:ulnlitctlutt uf thio Da:d of Trust re�tudlr�ss of any passage of title to Ben�ficiary or any t
<br /> �llrpunitlou by Itcttellcinry nf nny or ull af the Froperty.Any cic►ima nnd defensea to the contrnry are hereby waived. +��,`
<br /> 4:.
<br /> �' �0.(:tDI�U�'st�i�lA'l'It)N.'Pturtov wIU aive Iicneflclnry prompt noticc of any uctton, real or threatened, by prtvate or public
<br /> entfUc9 tu pttrchn�:u ur tt�Ku ta�y�r nll af the Pruperty,iucludlna a�ry casemcnu►,tluough condemnation, eminent domein,
<br /> ��_�
<br /> � .` �ir nny i�ther numL+. 'I'ru!�tnt tUnher n�rcca to notify Benoticiary of any proceedinSa inatituted for the establiahmeat of any
<br /> �ewcr. wntcr. �1ti1�A'PVi1tIl11h �lltcN. drnlnnBc,or�ther dlstHat relating to or bindina upon the Property or uny part of it. e�;.�_,.
<br /> �;ti�a,�" 'i'n�et�r nutiiurlrxs[icneiiclury tn interve�ie in Truutor'u nwne in uny of ths above described actions or claime and to collect �;1�__
<br /> � ,: mid rexeivu ull e�uiu�ceul�lna trum the nctian ar claim.Tnistor asslana to�enaficiary che proceeda of any award or claim �4Y_,.
<br /> � � for dcuita�rs connsctcd wilh a cc►ndemnatlon or other u+kinQ of all nr any part af the Propeity. Such proceeds �ha11 bs �.:•,,,,,;
<br /> � cunAiderc�d pnynuntx nncl wUl be nyplicd as provided ln thin Dced of Truat.Tdia assigrsment of praceeds la subJect to the :t,,,:__�,
<br /> tcrms uf imy prlu�nc�urlty i��;rcemcnt. -=
<br /> 'S. .�-:___.
<br /> 21.INfiURANCt��'I'cuetur opre�:e tu ntaintnin insurw►cc w►foltowa: _ __
<br /> � ' A. Truetar ehnll keep the ProPertY Insured nQainat loss by tir�,th�fc and other hazards and ris?cs reasanabiy assoctated �;;__
<br /> � wttii tho Praperty auu to tte type urtd locntton.Othar hazarde und�uske may include,far example,wvernge agatase �•�
<br /> tosa duQ ta Qood� at flaodir�B. 'I'hls inaurnnce shnll ba mainu►inad ia the amounts attd for the pedods tbat �.:__
<br /> . ,::;;_. ,.�'�'. &nvflclnry requlreA. The lnsutance cturler providing the ineurance ahatl be chosen by Trustor subject to �
<br /> ' ' • Beneflclary's upproval, which ahall not be tu�reasonably withheld. If Truator fa11s ta maintain the coverage �n_
<br /> , desceitud abave. Bcne(Ictary muy� at Beneficiary's opdon,obtnin coverage to prutect Beneficiary's right;. in tke �_;:
<br /> .:,:�� Property accotding to the temns of thie Deed of Truat. —
<br /> ,. :;�
<br /> .:,��.�.;;:,
<br /> All ineurance pa8cics and rtnewals shnll be acceptuble to Benaficiary sind shall include a scandnrd "nzortgagc ��.-
<br /> .:������ clause"and. whcre ttpplicable. "bcnoficiary loss payee clause." Tcuator hall immediately natify Beneflclary of _
<br /> „+� cancelladon or terminedon of the insurance. Beneficlary shall have thQ right to hold the policies end mnewals. If �.},__
<br /> ;''�•� Beneflclnry requircs. Trueror siisll Inunediatcly give to Bensftcinry all recetpts of paid premiuins end renewal �+--_-
<br /> ,-��.�;i�;,�i� nottces.Upon loss, Tastor shall give immediate nottce to the tnsur�nee carrier end Beneficiary. BeneRclary may _
<br /> .`�'`.'� mnke proof of losa if not mnde immediately by Trustor, _
<br /> �;; —
<br /> � s Unlesa Beneflainry cu�d Truator athecwise ngree in wrltia�g, iusu�ance proceeda shall be applicd to msrorutioa or
<br /> repair of the Property dnmaged if thc resroration or repnir Is econ4mlanlly feeslbla und Beneflalnry�8&CCt1IIt}�IB AOI
<br /> _ . ° � ` lessenai. Ii tnc icst�iattan ar st�s:tlt!s stt�t e='n�.r'-"�cnlly feasibta or Benaficlari's secudty would be lessened,the
<br /> ,;;;ti;..�, � inspruace proceeds sha11 be upplicd to the Secuced Debt, whethor or not then due,with any excesa paid to Tiuscor• _
<br />- -�.:�y„'„ If Truator nbnadons the Property. or doca not answer within 3U daye a aotIcc from Beneflciary that che ins�tence _
<br /> "'�;��- cnrrier hus offered co settlo u cinlm,then Beneficiary may callect thu lasurunce praceeds. Seneticiary snay use the
<br /> �� .: proc.eeds to repair or mstote d�e Pmperiy or ro pay t�e Secured Debt�vhether ur not then due.T7►e 30-day pedod
<br /> • •� will begtn when the noflce 1a glvcn.
<br /> • ''`•'`'#''� i: Unisss Beneficiery and Trustor othenviso ngree in wdUn�q,any appltcatfon of proceeda to principal ehall nat extend
<br /> .. }:.'$y`.
<br /> %?�,�-�} ' or poatpone the due date of schcdulcd pnymcnts or chnn�c thes um:ount of the paymenta.If the Proparty is acquired
<br />.�,� .�;;;��' by Beneflctary.Trustor's right to any insuraace policies and proaeeds reautting from daraage to the Property before �
<br /> tbe acquisition ahnil pess to Beneficinry to the extent ot the Secvrrd Debe icermedfately before the acquisition. _
<br /> ,�, , . B. Truetor a L�� ble ro Bcneficlnryn insurging Bain6b'claylmsa eriaiag f�rom�yEaccideni or occurrence in or onaclse
<br /> .�,. ' an amoua P
<br /> '��-;..�-�-:,_ Property
<br /> ::;:�:.p��c•,���
<br />-" - - ��-.t:.°= C. 'IYusror agrees to malatnin rentel loss or buefncsa inurcuptlon insuranas.�ss requleod by 8eneficiary� ln an araount
<br />-°'--"��:- equal to at least covernge of ane year's debt service,and requlred escrow account daposits(if a�reed to r�eparately
<br /> -�+r.`F���"LL' �
<br />_.,..�,.;�,; ,,,,F: in writing).under u farm of policy acceptuble w BeneQciury. —
<br /> _—.c !.-L...1'.
<br />�..;i:::rxr.��:.:
<br />;. , �:�: Z2.NO ESCROW FOR'CAXI�8 AND INSURE►IVCE.Uniesa othenvise provided in a separate agraement,Trustor wil ant
<br />= , - be required to pay to Beneficlnry tl�nds for tnxes cutd Inaurunce in cscrow. m
<br /> = �.�':,,...��...
<br /> � �'�;�':'..-. 23.FINANCIAI.RGPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCI11ViBM!'B.Tiustor will providc to 8eneflclary upon reayuest,any
<br /> financial statcmeat ur intomwtion Benct�ctwy ►►�,y dcsm ner°ssnry. '!'Ramr warranes chnc �11 flnencial statemen�s�d �
<br /> .-_=-i�,;�, information Trustor pmv[des to Beneftciary are. ar svill be, accur�►te. correct. und com�►lete. Trustor agrees to s.�,
<br /> ._,.,., <�,.,.,.' deliver. and tile as Henefclary ma�reasonnbly ri.�quest any addlEionnl documents or certificutiuna that Beaefcciary may
<br /> .x*a;�.<�°: , conslder necessary to perfect,contlnue,und pn:serve Tmstot's obllgattone under this Deed of Trust aad Becxficiary's lien
<br /> � µ=�r,:--• ' status on the Property.If'i'rustor fntts to da so, Beneflcinry mqy slgn.deliver. urtd file such documcnt�or oertificatea in --
<br /> ` � Tnu+wr's anme aad TNStor hereby lrrevocably appoints �cnef7cinry or Beneflciary's oBent oa uttamey in fact to do Wc _
<br /> �I�p$8�CC�96&Lyi�O COI1lj1Iy lYIlll�lts section. _-
<br /> ��� � 24.JOIIVT AND INDIVIDUAI.LIABILITYi C(?-.51t(iNI:IItBt S�ICCGSS01�4 AND A65IGN3 BOUND.A11 duttes under _�
<br /> ��;;i :
<br /> . ��.F:�.:., �� thia Deed of Trust are joint and lrtdtvidual. If Trustor einne thle Dec�cl of Trust but doea not s!gn thc Evidencc>of Debt, �
<br /> ��'•���% 'Tniswr da�a so oniy to mortguIIa'I'rustor'e intcrest in the Prap�ny to Recucc{�uyment of the Se�ured Debt and Tn�stor
<br /> to thia Decd of ��--�
<br /> ' �� -�. does not agre�to Ue personelly Ifabte on the Secured 1H:b6 Trustot �nrcca that Beneflclury tu�d any pacty �_,.
<br /> -. ., ; Trust may extend, madify or mnke aty change tn thc: terms of this Deed of Trust or the Evidence of Debt without �.
<br /> Trustor's consettt.Such a cdnnIIe wlil not relcace Tcustor iront the terms of this Deed of Tcuat.The duties and benetitn of �.
<br /> � � thia Deed ot Truat ahnll biad nnd benctit the sucr.��ssora cuid nss�gns of TruRtor nnd Benefictary. ��
<br /> - � -- - ..,... ��,
<br /> _ .
<br /> __ - ,_� —
<br /> - �� If thie Deed of Trust secures n Qunrnnty bet�vicen Henellc:inry nnG Trustor nnd do��s not dtrectly secure ene ooii�auvu w�«��► �.
<br /> __._. ..._..w____......Woc�e o.,.,�soti�o�nae nu,�nr�venc Henetictnrv from bringtng any nction or clnim eaninst
<br /> --.--�—-- 18 gUHIilltitCY� swo�va a8•v.v •.. .........»� ..o..—_._. .._,,, , -
<br /> � . ,� Trustor or nny ptuty indcbtcd under the abligatian including,Mut nat Ifmlted to,nnti•daftciency or onc-actton iawe. �-
<br /> tS.APP'LICABLE �.AW; SL�VERAL311.17'Yt INT{:R!'ttl:'I'ATIUN. 'IYtlo Q�v:d nf Tntat ie IIovemed b the la�vs of ttie
<br /> � jurisdiction in whtch BcncOcituy!e lucntcd.except tu th�:eKt�m othenvisc rcquirc�d by thQ lawa of the�urisdiction wiiere
<br /> • �e pmperty{e�ucnted.This Dccd of Ttuat is cumplctr and 1 i�lly inte!sratcd, 'Thla Occd of Trurt may not bc umende�or
<br /> modifted by oral a�ree�nent. Any sectton ur claure li� tt�b I)a:d of'1'runt, nttnchmenta,or nny aQreement related to the
<br /> — " Se�:ured Dcbt thnt canfli�ts with applt�able Inw wlli nat Im cffcctive. untces that lnw�;,�presaly or impltedly �crmfts thc
<br /> � vnrtations by written aBr��cmcnt.If nny sctitlutt ur clauttic u(ihfe!)rcd ciY 7'met cnnnot bc cnforced accordina to its tcrms.
<br /> that section or ct�usc will�c sevcrcd and wi11 nut ufl'��ci thc cnfnrccnbility oP thc nmutndcr of thls Da�d of'i'rust.
<br /> Wh��never used. thc einBulor sholl tncludc thc plurul utt�!�hc plural Qtc einuulnr. 'fhc captlane nnd hcudinas of thc eccttons
<br /> uY this D��cd of'Ccuat arc for c:anventcncc oniy nnd nrc not tn!m uecd to intcry�rct ur dcfl�ie tNe tctms nf thia Deed of Tntst.
<br /> ° " Timc is uY tl�e cs�ncc fn thls Dccd of�'cust. , p000 s o�Q
<br /> i,� in'• • �
<br /> . p 10p]Oankco 6Ytlomf,Mc�.U�CIauO.MN It 000 707 J7411 ic�m AOtiO 07!il�Q�'i091 •
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