. ii . . . r'l'`�����Y1jt}`'�
<br /> � .� ; . . ' t� t.t�
<br /> , „ .. .�` " � /)r� .
<br /> �� ,.7 � - • ' - . �1 }`,i 4
<br /> , i:, I ;;�nit�Jr :rt�., � � � - tif`1�4•
<br /> .. '` , 'tp': r } - .'._ . ; � 4.. �<�: {;,i
<br /> ., . �:,�� � .. ., , . r4 � } J �.A�i((l{ � , .�5
<br /> . , � . . .. . " u .� , . .... �..i. ..__ '«�....�71�iti7r.! _'_ . . ...lu�� !Y�.L�.�.:..�""+ ,
<br /> .. _._.. . . .-'-.�._...__.._..,.."'...........-'-- •- . .. , , - - �
<br /> � . ��������
<br /> • At thc aptton of IIcnctidinry, nil ar t►ny pnrt�it Ihc:nbr��rl feeu und chntQce. accrued iateres►and principal shall become
<br /> immediately due nnd pnyttble,aRer aivina nuticu IY�cqulreA hy Inw.upan the occurrence of adefault or anytime thereafcer. �.
<br /> � „ � jp Q�1�10A�Beneticinry ehall be entiticd to nll tho rcmedtes pruvlded by law,the Evidence of Debt,othcr evidences of debt, �
<br /> ,. this Decd of Truat und any rclnt��l�iod��mente{ncludina�dlthout UmttaNan,the power to sell tl�e Property.
<br /> "' � if there l�a d�fault.Ttustee ahall,ln addidan ta nny aiher�armU►cd remc�dy,at tbe request of the aeneficiary,advertise and ,�;�_
<br /> � sell the 1'ropeny ns u�vholc or in scparate pnrcele«t public nuction to the highest bidder for cash and convey absalute title `- .,,,
<br /> _�;...4.
<br /> '--�-:.-� free and clear af u!1 dght,title und interest at Trustar nt such time nnd placi:ax Trustee desi�nates.Truste�eha11 give notice ,� ,..
<br /> � �� . -. of esle including the time,terms nnd pinie of ente nad a deecriptlon of the property to be soid as required by the applicablc ��
<br /> law in effect ut the time of the proposed s�le.
<br /> '`.�,�'
<br /> Upon enle of the property and to the eatent.not prohibiccd by law,'Truetee shall make�nd dcllver a deed to the Praperty sold __
<br /> �'�� which wnveya absolute dtle to the purchi�cYr. nnd Aflcr tirst poying all fees,charges and cosu, sball pay to Heneficlary all y^___
<br /> : :,:��'r;'; ��.
<br /> ;.,;5:,�;.,.,.; moneya advanced for repaira, taxea. insurancQ, licns, nssesamenta nnd prior encumbrences end inierest thereon, and the : '..W
<br /> , , -��.,,; ,�•.;. princlpal and interest on the Secured Debt. pnyina tho r?utplus, If uny, to Trustor.Beneficiary rnay purchnse the Property. . _�
<br /> •-.,,,�,�:,�,:.,' � The recltala in any deed of con:�eyunce ehi�ll b�s prtmafnuicuvidcncc of the facts set forth thercin. ;- +
<br /> ,..:
<br /> �". �;,.:. A U rem e d i e s a r e d i a d a c t,c u m u l a d v e a n d n o t c x c l u d v e. a n d.t h e Ben�ficl a ry is entiticd to al�r�meclies Providecl at law or S��'L_
<br /> (��:�. t or nrt ia l s t on t he hr.��
<br /> .. ':�:'.:;�ry:'' equity,wbether eapressly set fatth ar not.The ncceplance by Beneflsiary of ony sum in paymem p P Y� , .x.�:-;;
<br /> � '�`'"``° Secured Debt after tbe balence la due or ie uccelarnted or aRer foreclosure proceedlnBs nra fj��d shuU not conatitute a waiver , �,a�.,
<br /> :y;:'r,,..
<br /> �"'�`���:;k<':j of Beneficiary's dght to require full and complete cure af any existing default. By aat ox�scisiaig aay remedY on 7Yustor's
<br /> ;,'.:�,;:� �... �
<br /> ' '``'�`'`�'`"��'� defnult,Heneficiary does not w�ive aeneficlary's el�ht to later conelder the event a default ig it continues or happens again.
<br /> '„;:{u,y;�?.rc,:, .:_-
<br /> .,�.dd.,irys,. r .
<br /> .�•r!?`'�'�,�.,'f�• 18.EXPENBFS;ADVANCES ON COYENAlVT3i A17'ORN�Y3'FB�51;COLLEC'PiON COS'TS.Except whet►proh9bited �
<br /> . .,;�.�,t�;� ---
<br /> �'���{n���; by law.Trustor agrees to pay all of Beneficlnry's expensce jf Truscar bmnches any covenantla thia Deed af Trust.Tivatur ,_;•_..:
<br /> � •r'`t�� will also pay on demead alt of Benef{clury'x expensea lncurred!n collecttng,insuting.preseNing or protecting tho Prapetty _
<br /> or in aay iavenwria, audits.inepectimis or nthcr caaminntion by Beneticiary in resg�ct to�de Progerty. Truator�rees to :'�
<br /> �' pa y all costs and expen�es incurrc�by Beneficiary in c:nforc;ing or protecdnQ BeneFiclary's d�bts and r�medies undes this `,.Y::
<br /> � ''' Dced of Trust,includiiig,but not limitcd to.uttomcya' fees,w u rt c o s t s,n n d�t h e r l e g u l e x p e a s e s.O m c e t h e Se�ured Deht is ,,
<br /> �`l''; fully aad finally paid, Beneficiary ugreee to relense�ht�Deed of Teust ond Trustor ugrees to pay for Aay secordatioa coats. E �-
<br /> :.;:;t s.ti+-�" Ali such amou,it6 are Cuc ass slem�!��'!���"-'a!�nuerest from th�s Nme af tYie ndvtance at the highest sate in effect,from � --
<br /> •� °�.,•%,g;` tiiue to time.as provlded In the Evidence of Debt t+nd as per�ttvsd by Inw• _„
<br /> ,;:�i):��� s:_..__
<br /> �:<?;'�;i,'�. 19.ENVIRONMENTAL LAW3 AND HAZARD0�13 SUB�"1'AIVGES. As u�ed In tl�is sectbn,(1) "Environmetttal Law"
<br /> � �`; �� meaas, wlthout timttation, the Comprehensive Envlronmentel Response. CompcnRation und i..tabiltry Act (CBRCLA,42
<br /> ,. ��:.';�}r�.`.�('r,,�j':.
<br /> �'•.: :�.i�{ U.S.C.9601 et seq.). ail other federal.state end lacd taws. regulatione,ordinanceo. court ordere,aaomey general op�aione
<br /> �i:�;,:�:';��, ar interpretive letters concen►ing tt►e pubtic t�eaitb, sefety, wetfAre, envlranment or A II[iZf1IdOU8 SUI)AI9RCL'; and (2)
<br /> ��:;sii,,',,.,,, -
<br /> •,,.�,; ,y,;,,, "Hazacdous Sbbstance" meana anY toxic. rudioactive ot hazardous mnterlal. wnste.polltN�n:or coatatuinant which Y==�
<br /> � '�;���� �* cuaractedstics which render the substauce dengerous or potentialty dunQeeous to the public hetslth. safety, weltnre or
<br /> ,��,�:�:'E .'` environment. 'Ihe term includes� witlsont limitation, any suUstances defined ua"h�rdous material," "wxic eubsteuices." Y_
<br /> ;',,•••� „ „ ,� ��
<br /> . ���. .
<br /> �,,�, hezssrrdous waste or hazardoua substance" under any Envimnmental Lnw. Truetor rcpresents.wantutte and agrees at.
<br /> ��"''�``•�- exeept as previousty dioclosed and acknowledged in writiug:
<br />��°�� • E!. No Ha�ardoue Substanccs hns been. is.or wlll b�locuted, uancporte�. mw►ufncturc:d,treated.refincd.or hnndted by
<br />''-"'°`'�' ` any person on. uadrr or about tha Property,except in chu ord{nary course�f businas r�nd in stdct compliaace with --
<br />. ..��,�, �,� , ull applicablc Environmentul[aw. --
<br /> .;, ,,� - B. Trustor Qas not nnd will not cause.conuibute tu,or pemiic tho celeuse of any Ha•r,ardous Substunce oa the Property. __
<br /> C. Trustor wiil imraediately aottfy Bsneficiary if(1)s release or thrcutcned releose of Hazard�Subswnce occt�ra on. •
<br /> � ' .:i;{' ' under or about the Properiy or migrates or threatens to n�igrnte from nearby prapot;rty O there is n vialadoa ef __ -
<br /> �st;;"'"� -
<br /> ,., ;,,,y,(y;`.� any Enviraumental I.aw coaceming theProperey.Ia sueh an event,Traetor wtU takenll necessary remedtal actlon in ;:^
<br />- ;;.�"t,.; accordaucewithEnvironmentat Law• ndln or threatened investigation, cluitn, or v=�
<br />- •� ::.`:'�„;t: D. Truator has no knowledge of or reason to beAeve there is any pe B =_
<br />_yu ° .��;���.;; proceeding of any kiad mlating a(i)any Ha�ardous Substwux Iutatcd ott. under or�l�eut the Pre�wrty;or l21�uY �-_
<br /> � ` �''""'" violadon by Trustor or any tenant of any Bnvironmental Law.Truator wlll hnmcdlately notify Beneficlary Ui writing
<br /> :...,,,....; ___.
<br /> �` x"�'���� as soon as Trustor has reason to believe there is any such pendinQ or threntened investigntlon,claim�or prooe�ling. --
<br />,'��_ ��..;,..:,..� . --
<br /> .,;..:.,�:�;:: . —
<br />_ . �...,,;,,;;� ln suoh cu�event,Beneficicuy has the right.but not the obliIIation,to pt�ttripnte in ony auch pmceeding includtng e __
<br /> '�' .����'��� riIIht to receive coples of any documenta relatiYag to such proceedings, _
<br /> ,. ' .,,�;�,;� ==_..
<br /> B. Truator and every tenant have been,sue and�VS�a�l1dumps or o en w 1's ocute.dton or r.pder the P opertynand no ch �;,��
<br /> �. P. There are no undergrowed storage tenka. p P _:,_-
<br /> , �, tank,dump or well wf11 be added unless Beneflcinry ffrst wnsente fn writing.
<br /> ' G. Trustor will regularly inspect che Propeny,nzonitor iha acttvities nnd operatlons an tho Froperty, and confirm chAt =;;,;,
<br /> . a11 pem�ite,licenses or approvals required by any appltcnblo Bnvlconmcntnl Lnw turoobtnln��d nnd complied wltli• �,
<br /> ���°���'�;;� H, 'Trustor witl permit, or cause any tenant to petmtt, i3etnoflcinry ar Hcneflctttry't agent to enter and ins�sect tho ��l;�
<br />- '"�, :`..:'`'`�"'":'� Pro ert end revicw all recorde at any reasonabl� time to dctctmtnc(1) the exitucrts:r,losntion and nature of any , �;,{;
<br /> . .. ��..,�,.,.,
<br /> '''"��"�'��'s!'��' Ha ardoua Substance on, under or about the Pre•perty; (2) t�o exiatenee. locatioa, nmuc�,nnd magnitude of ony �
<br />,v.,".:�... . ,�,�.
<br /> ;i�:,;,�:,:.:icc�.: .,. ,:
<br /> � N :.
<br /> .;....� .,:,.•,�;i.,ti,� � Haxardous 5ubsuu►ce that has bc�en re1eased on,under or about thn Pcoperty;or (31 whcther or not stor an Any r
<br /> ::._:t�,.,.,.: ....:,.,�_. tenant are fn comi�liance wlth applir.able Envieanntentttl Ln�v. ..`._. �.e o �,. �,nong� A auslifled ��;:
<br /> ''��'���`�;'�',''' I. Upon Seaeficinry's requrst and at nny time� 'Ituator agcccs� ai �..+�,a. v ::,:•�:�. •- g��;:
<br /> �:'�l,y:t,.;r;;i;,.:• �
<br /> ?.:�:_«���•_`______1 Pn.,tr�nr,rntnl ennincer to prepare an environmental nudlt of thc Froperty and h��ub�nit t1�e resulce af such nudit to Y,,`
<br /> ..v..�.lt. 1.. .J�i.r.t tn Ai•!1L•t�CjIIlV 8 -
<br /> ��1;,�+� Beneficiary. 'The�choice of tho environmentat en�tneer wfia wiii pc�,,,..—.������a�+�• •� �""✓--• •- --- - 1'
<br /> �,.<<,.::�:.: �.� sFFm�ai �:'
<br /> ���,.. ..;,,. J. BeneCciary has the ri�tht, but not the obli�atlon. to pertorm any oi'i�ruator'e aS'�ilgatl�ssso under th4e ��tion at
<br /> ` ',.;;,:>t,;: . Trustor's expense. :
<br /> ��, ;��%�'',- IC. As a consequence of any breach of any reprr�sentation. wurrnnty ur pro�niRC ntceda In�hln 5�etiun, (1)'lYustor will ;
<br /> �•�,<�:,�r;•;- lndemnlfy�d hold Beneilciary and Benelictury's aua;o:ssnre ar ussla��s harmlceca trom an�!,i�tui�i�t idi losscs.ciuims,
<br /> ' ' demanda,liabilities, damagea. cieanup. rea{sonse nnd nmcdfatiu�i caato. pcimlt►cj nnd en�mnscs, Including wlthout ;'
<br /> ° timitation all wsts nf litigat[on and attorneys'fcce,wl�tch Bcecfictnry nnd 1lcnu0cic�ry'n nucccssc�re nr nseign»muy �
<br /> ' austain; and (2) at Beneflctary's discretion, BcneFtclary mny reicuso�itie �c��1 ol'1'n�st cm� h�retum Trustor will
<br /> ' provtde Beneficiary wtth collateral of at least equni vnlue to the Nroperty r,c6urc�l hy th!�I3crd ot'1'ruet without
<br /> . prejudtce to any of Beneflciary's dQhts under thta Dc�d uf TroKt.
<br /> �npo 4 nl B
<br /> '�:`'�1;.. � . , • { . . . ._,.....
<br /> �,��,•,,,, 0188380nkor�STatOm1.��C...t.C�oud,MN11•000•�97•Za411FOSmAp/CODt�N@ 10�90/Ot
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