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<br /> ' • .g� �nz�rd or �'ropzt4y Is��rance. Borrower ehull kcep the improvementa notiv �xiateng or hercaftcr erccted an thc ry;
<br /> � � progsriy insuxed n�ninat loss by flee, har.ard�included within the term "cxtertded cuvern�e'ond any other hnznrds, includinQ T
<br /> �:
<br /> tloods or flaa�ding,for�vhich l.ender requlres inauraatce.This insumnce shntl be mnintnined In the umaunta nnd for the periads
<br /> thnt Lender eequirea. The insuev►co cauder providin�the insuriutce shall bo chosen by�rtower uubJcct to Lender's approvcd � �
<br /> •� which shull not hc unreasonably withhcld. lf Borro�ver fuils to maintain caven+gc dcscrtb�d r�tro�c. 1.�ndcr may, at l..endcr's �
<br /> " option,obtnin covemIIc to protect L.cnder's rig'nts in the Propeay in arcordnnce with parag raph 7, e cluuse. I.ender � ' :�
<br /> pil insueanx Folictes nnd renewnis ahali be acoeptnble ta l.ertdcr and shalt includ6:a Ftandardc o��er nll receipte of � •
<br /> shn11 hnve the dgt►t tp hold tha{solicies sued renewuta• If L.ender mquires. Clorro�ver shull p�anpily g ,____.
<br /> , .-,i pald prernturms ond renewul notices.in the event of loss,Borrower ehnll Bive prompt nodce to the lnanrance cnrder ond l.ender. � '�o .c
<br /> "����'' Lender moy makc proaf of loss if not made promptly by Borrou+er. � _
<br /> � Unless Lender nnd 0orrower othenvise n g�i A�i tt�a8.f�b����ahslecuritys�not lessened.�If thcrresporati n or �:�',R-
<br /> . . property dnmaIIed,if thc restoration or tepair Y _
<br /> , e2patr is not economicaQy fesisible ar Lender's security�vould he IessQned.the insurance proceeds shnll ba applicd to thc sums _J-
<br /> ,• " secured by �is Sacudry Insccument. whethar or not then due. with nnY exces.g Paid to UOn'awer. If Bflrrowet �bandona the ; `�Y�
<br /> ° properry.or does not angwer within 30 duya a nottce from Lender th�t the insurnnce car�rler hus offered to fettl T t�claia 'ums __
<br /> : ;�. Lcnder may coflect the insurs►nce proceeds. Lender may use the pmceedR to repair or ratoro the Pro�sarty P Y �-�._.
<br /> � secured by thia S�curity Instnunent.whether or uot chen due.1`he 30-deY Pi�on iof prois�tdset princi al jshallenot extend or ���-�y
<br /> Unless Lendor and Borrower othervrlse agreE in writ�►g. anY PP ���.':
<br /> • r�.;� postpone the due date of tliP monthly payments mferred to in paragrupha 1 and 2 or cfnange the amaunt of the�u ni►nn fmm =_.
<br /> '�• under parugtaph 21 the Propetty is acquire�!by L�d��.I�3�rr�war's ri�ht to tuty insutattcepolicles actd proceeds 8 =_—
<br /> 3� �ge�o tE�e pcup�rty prdor to the ncquisiti�a�s shall p�3�Il.e�der to che extent of the aum+secured by this Sccu�ity i�►smimene -
<br /> '�'` licntian;
<br /> .;:!;;•� immediately pr¢ar to the ar,qua�ition.
<br />-„� ,��.�'` , 6. Or.�upurtei+. Pces�re�aStoa, Mrstnta�nrtce a�� IPmotection of the Hopertyi �lorro��er's La�n l�pA
<br />,:,�;,. • ,',`;:i Lemseholds.Bonower shall o��py,�blish.and use the Property as Borrower's princip�i residence�vlthin ai�ry days after the ��'�~'
<br /> • ` ;%;t,�:�� eAecution of this Security 1naus�ment aa�s5�11 contlnue to exupy the Pcopecty us Borrower's principal residence for at least one
<br /> u�
<br /> '<< ycar aRer the date uf occupaacY.unless i�nflcr otherwise agrees in�wdting,which consent sh�tl not be unrcasonably�vithhel .
<br /> ;;;;,,:• Y -----
<br /> � �' �'" or unless extenuating circumsiaaces exist�'�hich are beyond Borrower's control. S��`ver shall bein default�if any fode�ture
<br /> •' ' ttte property.allow the Pt+�panry co deterioratt.or commit waste on thc PropeaY• �
<br /> ' 4 acdon or prnoecdtn8.Whether civil or criminal.ls begu.�shat in I.ender's good faith judgment could result in f�sQ'ein►re of the
<br /> ._�,��
<br /> �;,, properry or o�henvisc matedally iimpair the lien created by thls Secudry insuument or Lender's securiry interest.��wer[esy
<br /> - cur�such a dcf�nu ti an3 rc3s�t3te.as gr�Yt�!cxl in gar�greph IS.bY causing the action or proor,�dln�to be dIsmi NL����
<br /> � ��f' that, in Leades's good falth det�nninatton. Preeludes f�rfeiture of the Bomower's tnceasc in iuec�:�s"'i "' _
<br />.;�};:. ° irnpairment of the lien craated by this Se�uriry Iastnua��i r falsedor,inaccura e tnfomna►lon or stat m n�s�o ue.nder(or faited �Y_
<br />-�•:,t, :. ,.;;;; Horro w e r.d u r i n g t h e l o a n r�p l i c a t l o n p m c e s s.8 a v e Y = __
<br /> �1%""''"�.�'�;�r:,;,. to provide Leader with tuaY r�a�^�riat Iafonnation)in conmECtion wlth the loan ev i den c o d by t h e N o i e.i n c l u d t q r„6 u t a o t t i m i t e d �..-
<br />;:, ,�`��'` �o�rrpresentutnoas coneerain�Borrower'fl c�ccupancy of the Pcoperty�a principal resideaoe_ Ite�i.3 Sxudry Instrument is on a
<br /> . :.��:.,.
<br />--� -'IP�'.i
<br /> leasebold, Bocrotivor sbalt ammplY with a�►. r�e provisiona of the lease. If Sorrower aoquires fce titie to tbe Propert7+. e _
<br /> ' lcasehold And the fee dtie�h191 not rtcerge unless Lender a�ees to+ho mergcr in wrldng. v
<br /> . . °• 'l.Pasuiea.4ton af I.e��EV°�lEtighb In thc Pt+opEatY. Qf 19orrawer fnils to perfonn che covenaats and agreema�at�contatned in _ _
<br /> � ..� .�wiM14i 1 such as a
<br /> _ -�� this Securlty Instcument, or t�ere is n legt►I proceeding^:a,r.may significta►dy affect I.�n�r`s��►��en��'���ay do and -
<br /> prooeedin�in baz�kn�ptcy.probate,for candeau►ation oa forfeitu�+e ar to eni'orce lawa or re�vlations). �nder's actions m,�y
<br />-�`=';.:�t;^ pay for whatever is aexssat3►to pmtett the vnlue of the Property and Lender's dghts in tt►e P�°1��3'- in court. PaY�B --
<br />�"---"-�� iaclude pay�n8�Y � �� by a iien which has priodty over chis Sacurity �nstnunent, appearin8
<br /> ,;�..,;_�-.;- ,_
<br /> ,,,1�„ reasonnble attomeys'fees and entedng on the Property co matce repaira• Although Leader rciay tulce actian under this p�ragruP t r.
<br />�� 7.Lender docs not have t9 tlr�so. �';;:`�;
<br /> .�°"���'r.�� pny art�ounts disburscd by Lender under this p�cngraPh 7 shuil beaome addttiand debt of Borrower securul by this �
<br /> f: • �,`,,�aS�:'•
<br /> ,�a . ,+i���� Security Imsttosment.Unlesa�orrower a�¢�1.Pnder s�r�e to other terema of payment,these a�uounte�a11��terest fmm the
<br /> '"x". . ` date of disburss�nt m thx Atote rate aridJ sAuil be payabte. with imterest. upon nodce fnom I�eader ¢o Borrower r�questing
<br /> �!"'•',` ,.•_ , � �
<br />�isd'''�:::�v:.�., payment. ---
<br /> �+r•---�--�• p,N11ntt�mge 6tnoLr�'��e•If Lendcr nsquiced mor3��ge insurnnce as a aondition of msktng thc loan secun.�i Aluy th[B tY
<br /> �,��t . ,
<br /> m���s�;.. instvmen3,33orcower sha11 pay the premiums reiNue�i tu�naiacein d►c u►an�a�c Lwyu��.iu effect. If, for �ny reQS�+n. tUe • ,
<br />=��'"* `� - rtortgage an3uranee wverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to�in effect. Borcower sl�all pay tlhe premiums required to _
<br /> z'"'"�"""" + uivalent ta the mort,age insurance pteviously in effect.et a aosc substantially equiv�lent to th�e � _
<br /> ,��t�- .
<br />�,:_-�� ., s::... obuiln coverage substant.ali9 W .,
<br /> - �,�..•.� cast to Bottower of the mongage insurance previeusty in effect. from an altemate moRgage tnsurer c+pproved by Lender. I
<br /> �"` '�" ° substnntially equivalent mongege insurancc ooven��3a r�t avuilable.Bmrower shalt�ny to Lender each month a sum equal to _
<br />- •� "°` ' one-nvelflfi�o!the yearlY mon�n8e insurance premium beinB paid by Bflrro�ver when the insucance wvera�e Inpsed or ceased to
<br /> •� ;;� be In effc�z.�eader wtli acccpt,use an d reta in these p�►yments as a loss reserve In Ife�of mortgr�ge insurance. Loss reserve _.
<br /> Fam�30Z0 8/II0 -
<br /> . ...c._
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