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<br /> TUQETHP.R WITH r�ll ih�:impcovementa no�v on c�rcafta�r eractc�d an the property, and all easemema,Ap�urtenancca, and � ,��•
<br /> � � fixtutes noe� on c�rcaRcP n pnrt of the progcrty. All repla�m�mo and nddttians ahAtl nlso bc c�vored by this Security �� •
<br /> , Instrument.All af thc farc�ain�iir�fcrccd to in this 3�curity Insuument jss thc 'Arapcny." tl ';-
<br /> „`� BORI30E*!�R Cf1VFNAMTSt?�m Bottov+or is InwNlly aslsed of tite est�te hereby conveyrd nnd hsia the right to�rant and � .,•
<br /> convey thw Property nnd thnt t6te Pe�openy is unencu�nbered, except far encumbranccs of recArd. Bonowor warrams and wiU � ;;. ,,;
<br /> . defeaid genernliy the Utle ta the Pro�Eny aaafnst all c(nims:md dem�nde,aubSect ro any encumbrances of recard. � � v,
<br /> THIS SECUFi1TY INSTRUM�NT combines uniform oovennnte for national use and non•uniform cavenan[s with timited ,�=-•-.�.
<br /> . varintiuns by jurisdictian to wns�Nu�c a un l for��►bccur(ty Instntn�t�m cavc r�n�m a!p r o p e r ry. �.-�
<br /> UNI�ORM COV6NANTS.Bartower nnd I.ender covenant and ubn:e as fallowa: � `-==•
<br /> _.-�-� 1. Pnyrrtent oP Prl�cctpaf an�i Intcecst; Prepnym�t�t cuid I.Ate Char�es. �orrower shnli promptly pay when due the '�;,:
<br /> �'^r^�NS principal of and interest on the debt Qvidenced by the Nota uncl an��ptr.payment�uu! Inte churges due under the Note. ,�.:`
<br /> ���.. 2. �nds eor Tmces nnd Yns�er�nae.Subjncc ta appliaahlt�law or tA a wrttten wuiver by Lsnder. 8orro�ver shail pay eo `'."`-
<br /> Lender on the duy monthly pnyan�ats are duo und�rr Ata Nota,untii thn Alpta is pnid in full.u sum("Funds")for;(a)yenrly taxes ��'�r';
<br /> � aud assessrneuts which may attriinpriodty over thir.Sc�carit_�Inr�rumcnt as a lien on the Property;(b)yca►rly le�sehold payments r�.*;-
<br /> � or ground renta on the Property.if any;(c)yearly harArd�r pmparq�insurance premiums;(d)ycarly fload insurance premiums. �--�=-
<br /> • if uny; (e)yearly mortgage inauronr.e premiums, If an�^,a�td�t��ny sums payuble by Bonawer to Lender, In accordnnce with �::'v_.
<br /> ' �,...
<br /> � _,;. tlie provisiona of paragcaph 8, in lleu of the pnyment of mvtt�{�po ingurance premiums.These icems are cntled'Fs.crow �tems." a:�__-
<br /> n�::--
<br /> l.ender may. at uny dme. collea and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed thc maximum amount a Iender for a federally ;s._-.
<br /> • � ` related mortgnge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Proceduces Act of ��;?-
<br /> ,tf �, 1974 as amended from titne ro dm�. l2 U.S.C.Section 260I et seq.("n-�3AA'). unless another taw thut applies to the Funds ='--
<br /> sets n lesser amount. If sa,Le:ndut may� at aay time.collect and hotd �unds lu a�►a�iiaunt not to execccl the lesser amoeuit. ����``-�
<br /> i�•;�::.
<br /> ., .0� Lender may estlmate tbe amount of Furtds due on the basia nf current data and reasonablc estimatcs of eapendituces of furure �-��_�
<br /> Escmw Items or o2herwise in s�ccordance�vith c+pplicablo lu�v.
<br /> ;.; The Funds shall be held In an institutian �•.Aose deposfts are insuced by a federal ageacy. i�strumentality, ar entity ��_r:
<br /> • � (fnclud'wg l.ender.if Lertdcr is sn�h au instituttoui or in any Federal Home Loan Hank. Lender shall a}�ply the Funds to pay the --
<br /> u
<br /> ��' ;Eseroiv Items.L.ender may not diarge Borro�ver for holding�nd applying the Funds,annually analyzi�g ihe escrow account,or �_,�:�.
<br /> • '• ;v�rifying the Escrow Items,ursles�I.ender pays Borrower Intarast on the Funds and applicuble law germ9tg l.ender to make s►xh _
<br /> ' ' . a charse.Howe�er,Lender may require Bomower to pay a ane-Nme charge for on independent real�tate tax regorcin�service -`-°'=
<br /> • used by i.ender in canaecdon �vlth ttiie loan, unless applicable Iaw provides otherwisc. Unless nn agrecment is made or ---
<br />- applicable law requires interest to b$paid,l.endar shall not be re�uired to pay Borrower any interest�r eamings on the Funds. -
<br /> ' ., � ' . . Borco�ver end Y,ender may agree tn wdting,however.that iaterest shall be paid an the �unds.Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> ' � • wtenaut chnrge. an annuai accowtang�t tac FUfI{�b� SYttl�v'��Q CL�tS s'iA��LYf�S'o LZ1 L�IE FLn�^ns!the gnrgc+�f�r which each
<br />• ,.;::;:��� , debit to the Funda wes made.'I'he Fands are pledged as addttional secucity for nll sums secumd by this Seeurity Iastcumtnt. ---
<br /> � ' , . If the Funds held by l.ender eaceed the zrf:az�nue pemiitted to be held by applicable law. Lender sYaall actount to Borroaur
<br /> ;';,•:.�t i� ,_ � for the excess Funds In acwrda�rce with d�c�;t�n��emants of applicnble law. if the amouat of the T'an�fs held by Lcnder at any
<br /> ' '�;;�f%..' � ti8cx e3 not suffictent to pay the�mw Items when due,Lender may sa notify Borrower in w►iting�anc1,im such case Borrower
<br /> • ;r:�s;+�G��;,� � sh.�l��y to l.ender the amount nc�sary to make up the�c�ieien�y. Borrower shnil inatce up tbe deficieney in xeo caore than
<br /> ,,::��;^`��`;;"��,� twel�•e manthly payments.at L.�;nd�7's solediscretion.
<br /> � � Upon paymant �n full o�dl sums secured by thta Securiry Instcumant, Lender �hal[ promptly aefusid to @orrm�ver any _
<br /> �x:,•..-•„�s.r " Fuada deld by Lendor.If.uaderparagraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seli the Propa�ty, Lender.pdor to the acquisltton or sale --
<br /> � '"'" of the Prop�rty.shull apply any Flands held by I.ender at tho time nf acquisltion or sale as a credit ogolnst the sums secuned by
<br /> =�.. ��`•�:'," this Security Instruraent.
<br /> -�=:'��L• °�� 3.Appltattion of P�nymenb. Unless applicabYe law provIdea othenvise�all paymencs recetved by Lender under�aregraphs
<br />�fMr6:Y11v4'y:
<br />-"-'�-'�='��r�'� 1 und 2 shall be appiied: flrat. ro any prepayment chcirges due under the Note;second.to umounts pa}rable uader patsigraph 2;
<br />==�'-`�r-�� third.to interest @sye:�ourth,to pdncipal due;aad last,to any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> r,a-.rv�^.,;t.._
<br />�'°�';' " ' A,Char�es;�J1ens. Borsower shNt pay all taxes,nssessments.charges. flpes and impositiony attributable to the perty __
<br />_;,..��.,� - —
<br />:ii., � —
<br />�Y;tl;��;.•��. whfciz may attaIn prindty ovea���s Secudty Instrument, anci leasehold payments or gr.�iind reats. if any. Borrower shall p�ty
<br />.:�- th�e ab7igation�in the raanne�r p:a•vided in paragraph 2,c+r�'F not paid in that manner,iftorrower shult pay them on time directly
<br /> . - ''�'' to thc person aved paymQnt. Bottower shatl promptly furnish so Lender t►il�ottces of tunounts to be paid under thia paragraph. � _
<br /> �;:;�i+� If Borrower makea these paya�en�s directiy,Borrower shall promptly fumish co Lender receipts evldeAOln�the payrnents. _
<br /> "_�'�'�M� Borrower sha�l'prornydy discharge uay lien v+hich das priodty ovor thia Secu�iry Insttument unle�.a 9orrower:(u)agrecs in , _-
<br />