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<br /> �. Ho�ue� or �'rogP�4y In9urance. Honower ahuil kcep the fmprovemcnts now exletinB or herentler crcxteel on the
<br /> �� Feopzray lnseued ogainee loss by flre,ha�nrds included within the term 'extended coveraBe' and cury ather ha�.arda, includinB
<br /> floads ar IlaadinB,far which Lender requims insur�nce. Thts ineurnnca ahNl De maintnined in the umounts and for the periocis
<br /> � dtat Lender requlres. Th� inaurance ccurier providing the insurunce shall bs choscn by Borrower aubject w l.ender's nppra�val
<br /> ' ���hich shnll nat be unrensonnbly withhold. It 8orrower fails to mnintain coverAIIe describe�f above, Lender may,at L.ender's
<br /> � � •, optlon. obtc�tn covemge co protect 1 ender's dghts in the Peoperty in accordnnce�vith pruogriph 7.
<br /> � All lnsumnce polictes and renew�la Rh�ll be acceptablo to Lender nnd ahall inclucfe u stmidard mon�Age claus�.Lender
<br /> . shall dave the daht to hold the policies�@ event of loss. Horrowe cshull�gH e prompthnot ce toPthe nsurnnce curtier a d Lendert ".
<br /> puid premlums na�d renew�l noticca. In ch .
<br /> ::i L,ender may malcc proof of loss if nut mndc promptly by Borrowor. �„
<br /> � �� `' Unless Lender and Bocrowor othenvise u�ree in wrltinp, tnsurance proceeds sbell be AppHed to restoration or repair of the
<br /> �' Fmpetty dumnged,if the rearoration or repair�ia economicupy feasible nnd i..ender'c security is not lea�ened. If t�ied�°t�he suius �
<br /> � mpair la not econo m i c a l ly feusible or Lender a secudry y+ould be lessened. the irtsurance praceeds shall be upP
<br /> ' • ° secured by thfa Sccurlry Iastiument, whether or not then due. aith any enscss pAid to Eorrower. If Borcower abandons the
<br /> Froperty,or does aot answer v�ithin 30 daya u aottce from l.ender�hat the insurunce cArrier has offered to settle a claim, then
<br /> L,ender may collxt the insw�assssce praceeda• Lender muy use the proceeds ro repnir or rearore the Propeny or to pay sums ;.
<br /> a
<br /> secured by thia Securiry lnstrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day pertod will begin�vhen the nodce is given.
<br /> Uniess Le�der and Bonower othervuise agree in writing. anY applicF►tion of pmce�s to principal aball not ¢ateQd or ��
<br /> ��. .� postpone the dux d�,te of the monthly paymencs referred to[n paragraphs 1 und 2 or chwnge the Amount of the paymenuts•if ..
<br /> , uader Psragrap�a 11 ehe Property is acquired by l.ender. Horrower's dght to any insurance polict�and proceeds resulting fmm :,'�'i.
<br /> „ . damage to tbe Property pdor to the acquisltion ahall pass to l.ender co ihe exteut oP the sums sccured bY thla Securiry�?�strument _�'
<br /> ., .. � ia�me3iateQy pr�or to tho acquisition. ��?'
<br /> 6. �r,c��^..nsw. PreServndon� Maintentince and Pralectlon aQ tlae Propetty; BorroWer''8 Loac� APPI���on;
<br /> .. ��' L,easettolds.Borro�ver ahall occupy,establish,and use t�e Property as Bonrower's princtpal residence within sixty days after the � �_�.
<br /> as Borrower's princl al residence for at lenst oae �*
<br /> ' ' execueion of this Seehtdty Insttumeat and shall contlaue to occupy the Property P ,:+�;;�..
<br /> ;,�... ., ;
<br /> ,;:;..; .� , ' j�, year r�fter the date of occupancy.audess I.ender otherwise agrees in wrltiag,wbich cons�nt shall nat be unreasonably withhel . ,�:,;::.--
<br /> .�...:.f� :, ,,
<br /> �,,,�,. , or wuas eatenuetl�ag ctrcumssanv�exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shatl aot desuoy.damage or impair �;:i;;':°:�
<br /> .��',�-.
<br /> � ' the Pxnperty,afllo�v �ba Pmperty to detedorate,or commit waste on the Property.Borrower shall be in default if aay forfeiture ��
<br /> action or proce¢din:�,whether civil or crlminal. is begun that in 1.ender's good feith judgment could ceaWt ia forfelturc of the ��,_�
<br /> . � Prope�ty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrun►ettt or I.euder's acxurity interest. Borrower may �-.__.
<br /> � � cwe such a default and reinatate.as provided In paragrapb 1R.,by causing the c�cction or proceeding to be ctismissed with a ruling �a,.__
<br /> ,� . thnt. in L.ender's good faith det�rminauon. Precludes ia�ieiiu�a �f t�s Eatrau.tt'� ir.tcr�i st the Prn;+�aty or oth�sr materlal
<br /> � „�
<br /> ' ' impairment of t�e �ien created by thia Securiry InsnvmEnt or Lender's securtty interest. Bornower shall also be!n dofuult if �,R�i i�:;
<br /> n ___
<br /> 4,� Borrower. duroa�g tne loan applicadon process,gave matedally false or inascurat�Information or etatements to Lender(or falled —
<br /> : ��-t4;:,., ��f`.�'- to provlde I.eader with any aaaterlal informadon)ia cannectlan with the loan evideacc�by the Note,iacluding, but na limitcd _ s
<br /> .r.i'...c.J�.:' ;!�.��
<br /> �,;}�.,}:.,:?ti�;. •.1,, to,representutioaa concemiug�oTrawer's occupanry of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Insmun�znt s an a �.,::
<br /> .•�'�+;,;t�`: leasehold. Borrower ahall comply wIW all the provisions of the lease. If Borrow�r acquires fee titla to tbe Pn�perty. the �`sz::
<br /> ` p�"; leasehold and the fec dtld ehall noi merge unless Lendee agre�s to tl�e merger In writtng. _
<br /> � 7.Proteciton of Lender's Righta in tlee IP�perty If Borrower fnils to�urform the covenanu+aad u�reomenw c:ontained in
<br /> i thls Stcuriry Inapument.'or there is a legal pmceedln8 that may sigaificaiuly affect Lender's righta tn the Property (auch es o
<br /> � '� pracee�►ing fn baalcmptcy,probnte,for condemnatton ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulationa).then Lender may do and .----
<br /> pay for whatevcr is necessary co protcct the value of ffie Propesty as:d Y.ender's dt;t►ta 1n the ProPertY• Lender's acdons may
<br /> include paying eay suma secured by a lien wh{ch hms pdorlty over this Securtty Instnunent, appenring in coutl, P�Y�B
<br /> � ressonable attdmeys'fees nad entering on the Property to malce repaira.Although i.ender mny take a�ian under tbis pacagraph
<br /> �' '•`� 7,Lendor does not have to do so.
<br /> ,<<� " pny ammwts dfsbursed by I.ender under this paragrt�ph 7 ahall becoiae additional debt of Borrower secused by this ___::
<br /> t%:��{;;;; �F��iry Instrument.Ualess�orrawer and Leader agree to oth�r terms of payment. these amouats ehult bear intcrest fcom the �_�.,,,
<br /> "'���iFF�'�`. � ` date ot disburseiaent at the Note rate nad shall be pay�ble. wich iatcrest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �
<br /> , . . , paymeat. °-_
<br /> ' 8.Mort�;o$e Hnsurnnce.If Lender required mortgage insurance as�wnditlon of makinB the 1oan eecured by ttiis Secur[ty
<br /> ., . Ina2run�ent,Sottower shall �ay ihe premiums required to inaintain the mortgage insurance ia effect. If. for any reason,the __
<br /> � mongage inauracce coveraga r,eciu�red by Lendsr lapses ur c�:�u�s w t�L i�cffcct,Gorrower sh�l!pay the premium9 reqnired to ,—
<br /> uz
<br />'.•';rY" . .'� �,, obtnin covcm�e enbstnntlally eqaiv�lent to the mort�uge insurance ppeviauslY i�►effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the _ ---
<br /> • ��"'��' wst to Borrmever nt the mortgage insuraacE prevtou�ly in effect, from An altemate mortgage insuc�er appmved by I.endet. If _
<br /> .r.t;��� _�:_
<br /> - aubstmdally equivaient rnortguge inswnnce ooverage is not avuilable.Borrower shall pay to Lende3�each month a cum equal co _
<br />. .. , � one-twelfth of the yearly mortIIuge insurance premium being paid by Bor�ower when the Iasurance coverage lapsed orceased to '��_..
<br /> T be ia�effect.Y..eader will zsca�t.use su►d retnin these payments os a loss i�eserve in lieu of mortgage i�isurance. Lou resecve v :,
<br /> , " �' Fam 3026 8IS0 « �•�
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