i �
<br /> ,
<br /> !
<br /> � .
<br /> ��
<br /> ' '_ .. . � .. . . . .. . : . .. ._...... ..----�
<br /> TOCiETHEit WITH cdl the improvemente now ar her�after cr�zcteal on the prnperty,ruid nll easemeuts,appurtena�tces, and
<br /> ' � flxmres nav� or bereutter a ptut of the praperry. Atl replacem�n�e and uddltions ahall also be �overed by ttiis Securiry
<br /> U�strument.All af thc fore�oinII ia rofened to in thie��cu�iry Inscrument aathe'Property•" �
<br /> • " BORFtOW@R COV�NANTS thQt�orrawee!a la�vl�lly seisci! of t6�e estote hereby conveyed und lias the rinht to Bmnt und � ;'k
<br /> convey ths Property tmd th�t the Proparty is unencumbered, except far encumbrunces o9' record. Bo:rower warrnnes und wili
<br /> ' dofend aeneratly the title to the Pmperty ogaiast ull claims and demsmda. aubject ta uny encu�mbrnncea of cecord. � }
<br /> THIS SF.GURITY INS'I'RUMENT combines unttorm coventuns for nnttonal use and non-unlfarm covenas�ta with limited � �•''
<br /> , v a r f a t i o n a b y j u r i s d t e t i o n toconstitute aunifarm securtry instrumentcoNCCing real property. � ••'•.�`_
<br /> UNIFOAM COVBNANTS.Bormwer and Lendermeut at�d II.nte=Chnrges�Bonower ahall pramptly pay when due the ` �-
<br /> •.,,::�-��-` 1. Payment of Prfncipal and Enterrsti Pr+epaY a ment and lute char�es due under the Note. :;;;1'��
<br /> •• principul of nnd intereec on the debt evldenced by the Note and nny preR Y -
<br /> " 2. Ftinds Qor Tuxes nnd Yasurnnce. Subjrxt to applicable la�v or to a wdtccR waiver by Lender, Horrower shtsil pay to
<br /> l+ender on the duy manthly payments are due under the Noto,untll the IVae is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly taaes :,(?
<br /> nnd assessments which m�y nttain pdodty over tbis Securtry tnauumea¢ as a licn on the Property;(b)yenrly leasehald payments `.�`_.
<br /> or ground rents oa the Ptoperty.if any;(c)yearly hazard or propertf'insuranee premiums;(d)yearly flood insura�tce premiwns. ,
<br /> if any:(e)yearly mortgaBe insurance premiucus.if any; and(�any aums payable by Borrower to L,ender,in accordtu�ce with
<br /> :';�,,
<br /> the provisiona of paeagrnph 8�in lieu of the puyment af mortgAge Insuraace premiama•These�«ms u��11� ��crow Items." __
<br /> • Lendar may, at any time�coilect and hold Funds in an amount no►to exceed the raaximum amount a lender for n federally �
<br /> ' reluted raortQu�e loaa may require for�orrawer's escrow account under the federal Real Estute Settlement Procedures Act of ,r�, �:
<br /> 1974 as amended from tlme to tims, la U.S.C. Section 26t11 et seq. �"RESPA"),unless aaother law that applies to the Fuads �.,,:T_
<br /> seta a lesser amount.If so, Lender may, at any time,collect and 6oid Funds in an amount not to excxod thc tcsser amount. ;:;::„
<br /> � ,,: :
<br /> � � Lender may estimate the ainount of Funds due on thc basia of current data an�i aeasonable cstlmates of expenditw�es of future _.M1_
<br /> ,. Escrow Ieems or othenvtse in accordunae with applicable luw.
<br /> i Tke Fuada sh�ll be hetd in un institutiva�vhose dogosits are insured by a federai �gency, inatcumenu►lity, or �nt{ry �y.•.•:�
<br /> '' including Lender, if Leze�ier is such aa institutioa)or in aay Fede�l�Iome I.oan Hsuilc•I�endar shall appiy ci�e Fuads to pny the
<br /> . a; �
<br /> "" &crow Items. Lender anay not churge Borrower fos holding and apply ing the F�wda.annualiy analyzing t0►E�scrow accouat,or ,,��;�`;;
<br /> " verifyiag the Escrow Items,unless I.ender payc Burrower interest an clze Punds and agplicaUle law pecmi¢s LEnder to make such '�._L=--
<br /> • a charge.However. Lender may rec�utrr Borrower to pay u one-t�me charge for��erni eaeUnlesa �u ngrecme�is made jor � �`
<br /> . �; used by L.eadet ln cotuie�tion with this loan, ua1eAS F+Pplicabl�law provides oth _._'-°`
<br /> _, '� applicable law cequires interest to be puid, Lender sball aot be reqYlred to pay Horrower aay interest or earnin8s an the rwids. ��:_�-
<br /> :,
<br /> � .,� = gQ��,PT��f tender cnuy aaree in�vrltlnS,hawever,that iaterest eha11 be paid on the Fuads. Lender shnll give to Borrower� _.
<br /> without charge,aa aunual accounting of the Funds,ehowing creAUS aad debics to tt�c Fands an�the F�F�.•"fQr w��ch each _ ___
<br /> � debit w the Fuuda was made.The Funds are pledged as addltional sec u r ity Far n 1 1�i�i���nde�esha�ll a*.tycou�n�t to BEOr.rower �-
<br /> � If the Ftinds held by I.ender exc.�ed cl�e amouau percn�tted to be held by app -
<br /> for the exaesa Funds in accordence with the requi�menta of ap�Ncable Iaw.If the aaiount of the Funds hetd by L�nder at rwy
<br /> � time Ia not sufficient to pA7►We Escrow ltems whea atuue,Lender rney so nodfy�orrower in wrlting.and.in snch case Bol'I°Wer
<br /> , shnll pay to Lende�th� nmount necessa�► to make up the doficieacy. Hnreower shali make up the defi�iency Ia no more thnn _
<br /> � twelve montWy payments,at Lender's sole discretion. _
<br /> L,ender shall promptly reti�nd to Borrower any
<br /> , Ugon p�yment Ia Nll of all sums secured by this Secuday Insttument, _---
<br />.� Funds held by Lender. If,uader paragraph 21.I.ender shall acquiro or selA the Property. Lendzr.prtor to the acquisition or sate
<br /> of the Pcoperty,ahall apply any Fuada held by Lender at the time of acquisltton or sale as a credit against tha sums secured by
<br /> -' this Security Instrument. -
<br />�+��'� °� ���- . 3. Appllsallon of Pnymente.Unless applicable law pmvideaotherwise,a11 paymenta received by Lena�er undur paragrap�
<br />-`?'"`` �� " 1 and 2 shnll 6e applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second, to amounta payable uader paragrap
<br />' V "" third.to intesest due;fourth.to princtpal dua; and last,to any latocharges due under the Note. _
<br />_ . ,•,�; 4.Chn�gcs. ]ldsa�s.Borcower shall pay nll u�xes. assesamenu, chu�e9, fiaes and impositions attrlbutable to the Q'r�apartY _-.
<br /> ' 1 *•.. which may attain �riority over thia Securl►Y Instnwent, and leasehold paymenta or ground renta. if uny. Borrower ehall pay --
<br /> these ablig�tioas in thc m�uuner provtded in patagraph 2.or if not paid fa thut mnnner,Borrowet sball pay them on timo directly
<br />-� � --
<br /> to the�TSOn owcd Qayment.Bonrower shnll pmmptly fumiah to I,eader alt notices of amounts to l�e paid undex thi�s pnragtaph• Y_
<br />_,�, �� r� If Borrower makes�ese p�ymen2s�lirecuY����'er shail pmmptly iluaish to Lender aeseipta evidencing the paymenta. �,-,.
<br />- .�-,�=..-�.�• Bermwer shall promptly disahar8e any liep wl�ich hus priorky over this Sccurlty Inatrumeni unless Bwrcower:(a)ugcees in �..
<br />- � ����� �.��� wciting to the payment of the obligation secured by�4e lien in a awu,�ei�:�aPtablc to I.ender;(t+)com��a in Aond faith the lien �-__
<br /> ����� ;' '� by, or defends a�ainst enforcement of the lieA in,legal pxoceedinga wbich ia tb.e Ixnder's opinion a�erace to prevent tao �'
<br /> , •,k,,;t , ; enfonemant ot the l�en:or(c)secures from tt►a hotd.er of the lien an a8reem istaub ectcw a lien whichamay ttain ���r'st�►over ��v�a
<br />_ ,. '7 this Securicy Instrument.If Lender determiiees that any pnrt of the YhoAereY j
<br /> R`iY°.
<br /> � ;}:. ch{o Securicy tnstrument,Lender may give Horco�ver a notice ideaQfi'jring the lien• Horro�ver eh�lt satisfy the lien or ta'��c one or �,...-
<br /> � � * more of the accions set forth above within 10 dsys otthe givin� otn�ilce. __
<br />- Feme 3D28 9/80 �`
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