• �c: ` . ,. �e .
<br /> �';}';' '' i . .
<br /> ti'. I
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<br /> - � " . . ' .. II
<br /> , ��° ������ .,
<br /> Lcnd4r �
<br /> If the eretfl��ata held by LAader for Esceoe� Itcros ox�red the amouata permitted to ba keld by ItESPA. .
<br /> � shall uccovue to Borrcn�er far the Essrow�Icems wb�!dm�1 fiLtmdercPmqyrn tity the�Orrower nnderequi 8odrro ver to
<br /> tl�ue are reot aufflalent to p y �� "��,.
<br /> ' mnke up tho ehortn,ge ns gertnitted by RHSPA. .,
<br /> --- 'i�e gscrow punds fuc plcdQed as uddidonal�cudry far ull suma securcd by thia Securtty instnuaent. If
<br /> � Bomower tendc�rs to Lender the tWl paycnent of ull sucA sum$,Bar�ower's account sh�ll be etedited�vith the b�lunce ; ,
<br /> remnWaB for sill iuotullment itcros(u).(b).nnd Cc)und any mArruuga iASUrnnce premium Inatnliment thnt l�snder has ,
<br /> �. not becomo obligsised tforeclQ ur�sale�o ths�IFtropsrty or iu►acquir tlanlby Lender�,Borrow e us�unc ahall ba ',,'��'�
<br /> . Imm�iuteiy prlor to u ���
<br /> . cre�ited wlth ony batunce mm��tor all insuaAa�rsta far itcnna(o)�(b),m�d(o).
<br /> "; 3.Applieutlo�oY Pnyres��a.A11 puYments a1n�c�c pr�t�hh�1 anci 2 ahnll be applied by L.eader as followa: ; h:',';
<br /> c�c
<br /> �;:.:.
<br /> g,�,co W.��9ngage lusurnuw premium co be p�id b���.ender to the Secr�etnry or to the monthly cuor�e by thQ ; ,,,,..
<br /> Secretary inste�d of tht monthly a�ortgage inswtwoe pmmium; �t•. �`�:
<br /> ,. . �,� S�nA. to�u►y ttnces�upecinl ussessmenta,leasehald ntsymeuta or qrotiu�d reuts�and tire,flaod und other h�rd •'
<br /> r.: _::
<br /> .��� � � iasurancePtemiums�os re4ulred; _
<br /> ' ;�-��4*° �. �,to inurest due undxr the Note; _ ,._
<br /> � `;',';{': wtth,to amortizasion oYthe priacipnl of theNa►ta;anct -
<br /> "i: � . a g�,to late ehurges due under the NoBa. ' °:V
<br /> , ..�,< ., ,whether ,, _�=
<br /> ' �,. , •,
<br /> };,�t:� A.�Y r e.klaod nad Otlier H�erd i�sn�nn�crce.�omower ahelt tasucn uU improvementa on the Frapzrty X
<br /> :r;,�::t, . '+
<br /> � '.;;�;$;;� '� now ia e�tstenoe or subsequently erected,uguin�t anl haz�a.��t ies.nn d coa t l n B e n c i e a,i a c l u d i n B fi re,f o r wAtch I =:
<br /> ng
<br /> ' ''�� inaurunce. '1This Losurdnoe ahall he m:Sntaitted in the �nouuta rand for the per3ods that Leader ,._...
<br /> .�,,::,i:�� . - I�nder tcquit�es '_,:,
<br /> ,. '.'" � t�qnires.Borrower slwll olso lasure oi1 iraprovomenm on at�a Pro�ext:r, w Le t 4er aa�v iLCC existence or subse quentty
<br /> ��+;:.:..
<br /> erected. e8ainsl loss by floods to thu eatent tequi�t! bp the 5ecretur,/. l+�I insun+ace ahall be curcl.e6 c�3th comp es ,,.,�.,;,.
<br /> 5 ,r.u.r,:�._:
<br /> T �`
<br /> ° : uppmve�ty Lender.The insurauce policies und an�� ron��v�la ahuit be u.e'ed by Len�ler and shutl in�lz�e loss puya e ';�t.1�1ic�
<br /> �� cl:►usrs in tovor of.s�d!n a foraa ncceptabl�to� Lc�t�tar. 'N'-'°
<br /> � � ndce b mail.Leader may make proof of lass iY not �`�
<br /> � �n We event of Ioss�Bo�+ei s�ati gfva L�sdes'.aum'�:�.�r_. y �-L`�
<br /> ";; mado promptlY by�arrower.Ench i n sumn�a comPnn Y anauen►ed ls hereby authorizQd and directed to mnfce payment °--�„5
<br /> ., , ;� for suctr loss diroctly to Leader. iai++tead of to Borrower und to L�e���r�u1at1Y. All or nny part mq tho insur�� �'=�.
<br /> a
<br /> y proce�ds muy be�,plied by Lender�nt ita opdon,eitUer(a)to Wo�uct�an of tlte indebtedn�s u�dPZ thu Note nnd v
<br /> �g��� h 3 and t4�x�to a t
<br /> ,; ,.sr.:,s:;:`� .� Insawnent.t3sst to nny deliaqucna umn�atp�3�4d in the or�et in parngrnp � P�P Y� __--
<br /> �;::�; � o��Y1nclpal. or (b) to the �toration or repnir of th� �±:�mag��pe�S'. �y ag�]ics�tion of tho proceeda to tha -- _
<br /> �y;�i?i�'t�� prlac�ptsl ahall not extend or poatpou�the duo dmo of ttts r�uonthly paymenta wWeh t►r�aajfernd to in purag�aPb 2.mI - _
<br /> . � change the a�nouut of such pnytrtents.Any exc��fnruauc8 procee��ver un amount required to pay WI outstanding __`_
<br /> ', •� indebteduess under the Note aad tLis Securiry Instn�rnent ahull ba p�id tU t3e endty legelly eatitled�that uleh� "=`
<br /> i�. Yn the eveat of foreclosuce of this Secudh�Ins�tument or°th�r t�fer of tttle to the Praperty e�B
<br /> � ., t�+e�ndebtod�tesa� Wi right, ttde ond iaterest at�r�rma�cr in und ro lnsurance poliaies in furce shnU pass to tho
<br /> • • pu�chastr. Borrower's Lopa Apgitentioa�
<br /> �:J . S. Occnpaacy�Preservntloa�Malatcvnn�a t�ud Peotec�ion of the Pcopedy:
<br /> ' �, I.ease4�alds. Bocrower ehall occupy.esuimlit�►�snd use tuo PcapertY us Borrower's princfpuA reeldonca vuttbia sixty �
<br /> � duys nfta thu execut�ea of thls Sscurity Wxaumast(er w ithin a l x t y d a Ys of a Inter anle or uarusfae a�tho Propercy) _
<br /> .,�<f�y� nnfl ahnll oant[nue to oocupy tho Property us �t�mrnvor's princlpal residence for at les�st one yenc a�ter the dato of
<br /> e
<br /> � ,. ,a�,�;� oa�upancy� unless Leader dstermines tha�m�tiit�znt anll cnu�e undue hnrQabip for Bon�ower�or unless eateauat3ng - -
<br /> -:.�.;�.,.:� . `
<br /> �',,,y;f��.:t•, esrc�unstancea exIat which uce b�Yonfl Sumo�rar's esantrol. Bon+ower ahNl natit�► Leader of any eatenu�trng
<br /> ,�' 's OY OlIOW W0 __
<br /> c�rcumsteucea.IDorrower sbnU aot oommit�vracuor desuroy.dumt►8e or aubstnntiolly change the Pio�urtY ia vacant
<br />;���,t�;j,i��?�,y, �, to dettrioratc.reasonnble we�r as►�ta�roxcepttd.Lender maY inspe�i the Propetsy iithe Property —
<br /> ,k�;...{a�.,,�., '�+ �P�Y
<br /> °.��,,.�i�;.;�;14 '� a�r atu�loned or the laaa Lg in defnvlt. tpnciarm�y¢�he raasonable uction to pmteCt und preseeve such vucant or �
<br /> ':.�,.T>'�_ r , —
<br /> . .. � —
<br /> � ��:
<br /> �. R_:_-.
<br /> �.�;•.� � �ooe�m o �,�J���$�, _
<br /> , .;�. „� :' { �AIt1EI roto��.o� ��.:
<br /> . . �
<br /> ,j�.�/1
<br /> �
<br /> :��
<br /> :j'
<br /> d, ,
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<br /> _ -_ rrc-^-.r..—^-'^_—^a:�.< ..�an � . .:�',r �'tdi . • '�'ti1
<br /> ..�. _. ..��
<br /> -_,�- � . ... _,,.,�� �— .. ' .�r�r..'- �.n
<br /> ., . -. • .. - - - .. �- , - � .. .' ,�" " .
<br /> • .. . . .. .. .. .� .. �� . .� .a . ' .
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