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<br /> af �ora�wor'rs xuvenanta nnd ngreemenia under thln�ecudty Ir�ntsument und tho Nme. Foe this pucgose. 8orrower ��
<br /> �. ' le�voat��ly Branie and couveys to rhe Trusteo. ln tcuat, with gawor of aule,the followlnn descdhed property loctited
<br /> . in HALL Cewnty. Nebrastw:
<br /> '• -� Tt�F CgTY G'�� GMND TSd.AND, NllLL �OU�TY, NEORASKA.
<br /> � ..K'' •
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<br /> � w�alae b�,n d�rs naaross of�40 NORTH �ARR AVEIUU�,GRAND T SLAND ��'"°�,,ctryi, .
<br /> ,' . � N�sbraoke 68803 (zip coAol ("�'cnpeily Ad�drtss'):
<br /> �. �`��.' TL1��'i'EIBR W1TH a11 the improvemeuta aowr or hereafter erected oa the property, und oIl ensementa�
<br /> +; ��},•':��'� apputusnnnnce and fbctures aow or hereufter a part af the property. Alt replacements and uddidoas ah�ill alna be J;-
<br /> n
<br /> :.'.,�:;, '� �. cavo�d by thie Ss�ccuriry IInstrument.All of the faregoinR is tefePSed to in this Securicy Insteument a�the°FKtiparty.' � ,..�,
<br /> ���;�. ar
<br /> '`;:,�;;:;,ty.,•i.;��;. , .. y.
<br /> ��!°'��`''��'�;";, Q�t.b:OWBR COV�NANTS that Bo:rower ia la�,vlW1y seized of the esutto 1�ereby coaveyed And has tlTe dg�t ro ;;.:'
<br /> ��. ,•�>;G�;���;:='�t;'1�4;:a. ','
<br /> ��:;t,;�;;a���.r�r�;.:-... IIraat and convey ths Property and thae the Property is uaencumbered.except for enourabraaces of recarcl. Borrawor ;,�:`
<br /> ' ��rr{�:;; wura�at�� aad wUl defend generally the title to the Propesty agniast all clatms and demnnds, subjsct to nny ��;`
<br /> ' . ' ; S' enaumbtuaces of record. ..:-
<br /> ;t.--
<br /> ',' `��� 'rI�dB ��Ct3kIZ'Y II::STRUMF.1�?T s��!�cs unife*x cQVen�ntA Par natlonal use aad non-uaifornn covennnta � ;�}�;
<br /> ,::.;;:, _ N �,!�-
<br /> '-: +�:;:; � w�id�litnitud vArIadons by)urisdlctioa to conetitute a unfYorm e�curity inatsument coverIng real propertY.
<br /> .. ''ti'' . . � 7.'_:_:.
<br /> �'�ur�wer oad Lender oovenant and rigrce a8 followa: F"'=
<br /> .-,,:;,_: . � UPl•ffORM COVBNANT3. _ --
<br /> ;:.�, . f. Ul►yuuent of Priacipul, In3erFSt eud Ls�to CAttYgs. Borrowor ehnU p�y when due the prinotpttl of. nnd -'�=-
<br /> �. .
<br /> � • laain�sY an,the debt evidenced by the Note and late chargea due undor tho NotQ. ��''`-°`
<br /> rex,:
<br /> � R. tltl�n�ltly Payment of Tnxcs. Iav�n¢co oud Otleer Ghaeges. B�rrower shall include in each monthly :,=
<br /> � �Saymuat�tqgcther with the principal and interest as set forth ia thc Note and any late cbsugQS,a sura f�r{a)taxes nnd _.--
<br /> ''� sgecial Asaer,�menta levled or to be IevieA aBninst Wo Property. (b) leaEehold puyments ar IIround renta on �ho �__-
<br /> ^ �" i+tvpc�+,aud(c)premiums for iRSUruace requice�undar parngraph 4. In uay ye�►r in which the Ixnder munt pay u
<br /> °�N'
<br />- ��,. ma�ago inauraace premtum to the SECretacy of Houain�ru�d Urban Daveldpment("SecretarY").ox in aay year iu :�.._
<br /> . t� wJbinh such pmmlum woul�t have becn tequtred it I�ender stW held the Securlty Instcum�►�e�h m°nt�1y payment
<br /> • � ahatl alao iaclude either:(i)u suan for the annunl mortgage inaut�ace p�mium to be paid by Leudor to tho Secnetary. __
<br />- o aa��S)u awnWly charge instead of a mortgoge imsuraace premium if tk�ie Sec.usity Inshumant is held by tha Secrctary. �.�.-:.
<br />- �ci u reasonnble�ouat to ba determiaed by the Secrewry. Hxcept for the a.on¢l�ly aburge by tha Sece�wcY► ehose �.c.;
<br /> wr- � �' itcmu ru�called"Bscrow Items'aad t}►e sums p�id to Lender are catlod"Escraw 4�unds.° �;��-
<br /> . tu �...r..
<br /> � Lender may.at aay tima,caAect aad hold amounts for Bsc�ow Items in en aBB�Ba���t Qot w wcaeed the ��•
<br /> • °��. mnxi�um timount that may be cequic�d for Borrower's esemw�cauat under the Real Eatate Settlement Prooedunts �:;=.'-
<br />- „ ; Act of 1974� 12 U.S.C. Section ?.601 et seq. and implementlag regulutIoais,24 CFR Patt 3500, cia thoy ratiy be �__
<br />. - . �r omended from dme to Ume t'�rA"). exccpt Wat tt►e cu:�lon or reserve perm}Ked by RPSPA fer�mnndeipated � ,_-
<br /> diabursementa or dtabvrsements before the B�orrawer's paymaats nre nvnilable in the accouat muy noc tse based on -"��_
<br /> amonnte due for the mortgoge innurance psemiura. ' �'L
<br /> .t:, �� � oroosmo n,m�+ ,-,'_-,_'
<br /> �_,:.;!.}; . �4AtNE1�oaoa�.o� ���.
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