.; . • ' . _.. ... . .'.:._.:.___ .
<br /> , .... ..... �
<br /> � er ���`�°�1�
<br /> �� �� T.Truator wiU be in default If nny pnrty obliBated on the Sec�fr�Debt Pnila to cnake paynient when dueA forethc
<br /> aa, ��,r�v�,
<br /> ' will be in default if a breach acura under the terms of tt►ia Securlty Inatrument or un uther dacument executc
<br /> tneticiary thnt Benelicia at nn
<br /> puepose oP creadng securin�or�uarc�►tyina the Secured Debt. f�good faith betlef by 7 Y
<br /> tim�i�sue of the Pto�rtgp s lr�pa�ed shall�!o co Yt u cIIan cv ent o defnu'i d Qebt or thnt the praspect of nny poyment ar
<br /> the P Y
<br /> lg, �EI1�UElES ON D��A.UL'1�.In some inssunces, fedcrul s+nd atate law will require Heneficinry to provldc Trustor with
<br /> ,,, . notice of the right to cute or other not►cea und mey establish time schedules for foreclosure uctions. Sublect to thesc
<br /> •- limltationa, if any. Bunatiainry may accelernt� the Secured Debt and forecic�se tht� Securtty Instrument jn n mAnaer
<br /> ' provided by law if Trustor is in dnfault. �. :
<br /> At the option of Bcsnaficiary all or any part of the a reed foes and charges, accrucd interest and princi al shrsli becomc ,
<br /> " ;mmediatoly due and pflyub�o, after giving notice i�required by law, upon tba occu�e erms of the Secuxed Debt, �� .t
<br /> thcreafter. ln addition, Qanc�ticiary shall bc entitled to all the remedies pravided by lav�, , ..:,.
<br /> thia Securihj Instrument and �ny related documenu,including without limication,the power to sell the Propeny. , , ,;.,-�
<br /> ,i�.". If thet�2 is a default. Trustee shNi,in addition to any other permltted remedy. at the request of the Beneficiary,udventse .,:.�:
<br /> ��,�f: and sell th�Froperty es a wholo or in separate paceels at publle uuction to the highest bidder for cash and convey absolute .,
<br />:_°'� � titlo free and cienr of all rtIIht,title and Interest of 1'rustor at such time and pince as Truatee desIgnates.Trustee shall give ",'�,:'-
<br /> �,i�' � applic ble8 awjin etf��cII��thei mctof t�he prop s��ale.�e and a descriptlon af the property to be sold as cequired by the ;.���-
<br /> ��•'''.:;.,..
<br /> � Upon sale af the property and to the extent not prohibited by law Truscee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property ,::;,;,`
<br /> � sald which conveys absolute title to the purchaser, and after tirst paying all fees, charges and costs, gh�� pntereat �; � ��
<br /> ' Benefcciary all moneya advanced for repairs, taaes. insurance. liens. nssessments and pdor encumbrances and i ' ,.,..
<br /> �`` thereon, and the principnl and interest on the 5ecured Debt, paying the sur}�lus, if any, to Trustor. Benefciary may ., ,;•
<br /> i'.�'�F��� �1,�:1 r '
<br /> .�,,� ,, purchase the Property.The recitals in any deed of canveyance shall be prima facie evtdenccs of the facts set forth therefn. •;'<;;�, ,
<br /> ', . ' '��"�'���
<br /> ' • �``i A11 remedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive, xnd the Beneficiary ia entiticd to all remedie3 provided at law or
<br /> �:°•��, equity,whether or not expres�ly set forth.The acceptance by BeneBciary of any sum in payment or parcial payment on the .l, ,
<br /> I proceedin s are flled ahall not conatimte u •�.
<br /> Secured Debt after the balaace is due or is accelerated or after forec osure g
<br /> ' ��ti�� walver of Beneficisiry's ri�tit ro require complete cure of any existing default. By not exercising any remedy on Trustor's :
<br /> • .;�k�; default.Beneficiary does nat waive Beneficiary's ri�ht to later consider the event a default if it continues or happens again. �.;,,,+� :-
<br /> �'�,_
<br /> , •'s•�:�� 16. EXPENSFS; ADVANCES oN e:uV�NAivcS; ATTt3R'.'�}'a ��; �QLLF�Tl4N CncTC. Except when � `�5'�!� _
<br /> :,..,::.,r� r r ;:;;��,.,,,.
<br /> • • • ti•i prohibited b law. Trusror agrees to pay a11 of Bencfici 's ex ensea lf Trustor breaches an covenant in this S�irity ;;f;•;:y�;-
<br /> ,�.; :• ;;a;�Y: ` ���.,.,�
<br /> ,,,. Instrument. �rustor wili alsopay on demand any acnount ncurred by�Beneficiary for lnsurinB, inspectinQ, preserving ar �<<;.�;.
<br /> �",���,' otherwlse protect{ug the Property and Benefictary's secudry interest.These expenses wtll bear Interest from the dute of tt�c ;�:�',,,�2�_'
<br /> • payment undt paid in fuil at the highest interest rate in effect as provided tn the terms of the Secured Debt.Trusto:agreea �,.;.;?�:;,!„
<br /> ' to pay ull costs and expenses incurred by Beneficiary in collectin�. enforcinII or protecting Beneficiary's rlghts and +'r,?;,%�,��
<br /> • � ;. : remedies under this Secuhls Securimc lnetrument shatl reymnin ine effectsuntil�ireleased.Tru oi agrees o p y for'a�i�y F~�k��j�.��
<br /> ot�er leg�l expenses. T �Y [��;
<br /> ' " recordauan costs of such release. �.. .
<br /> - 17, �[�r�priMENTAL LA�YS AND HAZAPtDOUS 3iJBSTANCES. Aa used in this sectton, �1) En��lroamental Law ����;.
<br /> � meana. without limltatlon. the Comprehensive Environmental Respouse, Compenencion and Liubility Rct(CERCLA. 42 a,��,..
<br /> � U.S.C. 4601 et seq.). aad all othec federal, state and locul lawa, regulatior.s.ordtnancea.court orders. attorney general _-_____
<br /> opinioas or interpretive letters concerning the publtc henith,safety,wetfare,environment or a hozardoua substance•sad<2) _-__ -
<br /> Hnzardous Substnnce meana any toxic. rudioacttve or hez�srdoua material, waste, pollutent or contaminant wfiich has �_���_
<br /> chernctedsttcs which reader thc subswnce dangemus or potenttully danBerous to thc public health, safery. welfere o� �_�,,,�,,,a,
<br /> .a�� envimnment.The terra includes,wlthout limitation, any substances deMed tis'hausrdous materiul," "toxic substances. �..�r�;
<br /> ` � "hozardoua waste"or"hazardous substance'under any Environmental Law. !:-_- .-
<br /> �. --_-
<br /> � �''°_�.
<br /> Trusror represenGg,warrants and agrees that: �
<br /> ,� „ P..Fa�cept as previoualy disclosed aad acknowtedged in wrlting to Beneficiary,no Hezardous Substa�nce is or will be � ,�`
<br /> ° located, stored or celeased on or in the Property. 'fhls restdctton daes not apply to amall qunndties of Nazardous _
<br /> Substances that are�enerally recognized to be appropriate for the norcnnl use and maintenance of the Property. ��:-_.
<br /> � � B.Bxce t as previoualy disctosed Auud acknowledged in writing to Beneficiary,Trustor und every teaant havo been, ate+ ;�;,:_.__°�
<br /> and sRa11 remain fn full compltance wtth any upplicable Envimnment�l Law. r k�a��-
<br /> � .# C.Trustor ahnit immedia�ely notify�3eneficiary if a�c{ease�r thrcatenecl retc,lse nf a Hn�ardaus Subsc�r�ce occurs on, �
<br /> under or about the Property or there is a vlolation of any F.nvimnmental Law wnceming the Propercy. in such tm , �-.=
<br /> " ,,. � event.Tiustor shall tnke all necessary remedial action in accordaace with any Environmental Lnw. `�����!�'
<br /> D.Tnistor ahall immediately notitjr Beneficiary in wrtting as soon as Tr�stor has reason to believe tliere is any pendtng - r1::;�;
<br /> , = or ttueatened inveaNgatioa, claim, or proceeding rclating to the mlease or threatened mlease of any Haznrdous ,.,FK,"�,�..
<br /> ° •' Substance or the vlolatlon of�ny Envjronmental Law. '.°'r�'°A.
<br /> ' � r�vate or public ����t�-'`'�
<br /> � �� 18. CO1�IDIEMNATION.Trustor wtll II{ve Heneficiary prompc notice of az►y pending or threatened action.by p , ..
<br /> entities to p�urchrise or tnke aay or all of the Property throuBh condenunation, �miqent domain,or any other tneaas. Trustor
<br /> se
<br /> : uuthorizes BeneSciary to iatervene In Truator's name in any of the abovc descdbed actiAna or ciaims. Truatot assigna to
<br /> Hencficiary ttte pmceeds of any uward or claian for domages conaected w'�th fl wndemnatlon or other tAking of WI or any �., '.`
<br /> ` pnrt of the Property. Such proceeds shall Ge conaidered payments and w111 be applied as provided �n this 5eeurity ,;,,�„
<br />°;,'1•S�, �
<br /> .• tnsuument.This assignment of proc�ds is subJect to the terms of any prior mortgage,deed of trust,security agreement or �>��;,�_
<br /> other lien document. ����' '
<br /> � 19. INSURANCE.Trustor shall keep Property insured against loss by fire,tlood.theft and other huzards and risks teasonably •
<br /> • ' � associated with thn Property due t�ts�iyperand lonanien�n ov dina the in urancec hull bo h osen banTn�storsub ect�to . .
<br /> — - Y j _,�_, .�,.
<br /> —— • -�-- �
<br /> - — -- - pc rioas uiu► oc,�a�n.�d� :
<br /> Benoficiary's upproval, wh�ch sha11 not be unreasonably'withheld. If Tcustor faiis to matntain «►e coveragc uc�i;���+w -�r�;;;.
<br /> � above.Beneficiuy may, at Beneftciary's option,obtain coverage tu protect �eneflcitvy's rl�hts in tho Properry aceording ��^
<br /> to the terms of this Sccurity Instrument.
<br /> All inaurancepotictes and renewals shall be ucceptable to Beneficiary and shall inelude a standard"mortgage clause' and, '
<br /> whcre applicable. "loss payee clause." Trustor shall immediately notify Beneficiary of cancellatton or termiTurusto.�shall ,�;:.,�
<br /> � insurance. Beneficiary sY�all have the �ight to hold the poHcies and renewals. If Beneficiary requlres. , .
<br />`� immediately �ive to Beneflciary uli receipts of paid premiums and renewul notices. Upon loss, 'I'rustor shall give y�,;,,..•
<br /> ' immediate notice to thc insurance cnrri�r and Beneftctary.Beneficis�ry mny make proof of loss if not mude immediateiy by ,.. �
<br /> • " Trustnr.
<br /> rpogo 3 0!ai „
<br /> �+ AtAD40ankartSYSleme.Ine..S�Ctaq.MN U•BOOJ973�41) FamitE-0��NE t0127197 .. -
<br /> 1
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