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<br /> �,..; .
<br /> 1 . . - � � - lf.. - . - .
<br /> ' , � �, " .. J� " " .. ., _ •.�..��. .
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<br /> .. � ,.. .. - ,. .� . ,. ._. . .... ."'"
<br /> . -� _ �. .. ....._..... ..
<br /> • . . . .. ..... ..� ._"..
<br /> . , �9° �e���� � �
<br /> B.All Nture advances from Beneficinry to Tmstvr or other future obliBntions of Trustor to Beneficiary under any
<br /> , . „ promissory note,contract,guuranty,or other evidence of debt executed by Truator in favor of Beneficiary executed
<br /> • nfter this Security Instrument whecher or na thle Security Inettument ia apeciftcally referenced. If more thnn one
<br /> psrson yiIIns this Secnrity Inscruinent, each'H'rustor aBrees thnt thia Securiry Inatrumsnt will secure all futute
<br /> advances and future obligations that ure given to or i�icureed by any onc ur mon Trustor,or any one or more Trustor
<br /> And othera. All ft�tucs advances aad other fmurc obligations are secured by this Secudry Inatrulnent evan though ull •
<br /> . , ' orpart may not yet be advanNo�;ntlinuihis�udryslnatdtvmeeit ehall co Institutenacommitmcnt oimu�ke additiona�or ��,:�' �,-:
<br /> , "_ -a, of this Security Instrument 8
<br /> , future loans or advances in any�uno►uu•Any sach commitment must be agreed to in A separate writing. 5•,
<br /> � .. �� C.Alt no�t�limited to�liRbilittea ornoverdreAs hrelntimnQ to�any ideposttha coaru IIce menbitbetwyeenW'��stordian� � „
<br /> bu �
<br /> Benaficiazy.
<br /> D.All additionnl suma advanced and expenses Incurted by Beneficiary for Insudng,pt�eserving or othenv tse protect Q �' k_,.:
<br /> the Properiy and ita vafua and any othor suma mdvanced and expenses incurred by 8enoficiary under the terras of thia }..
<br /> . Securiry Inatrument. ��?
<br /> ' Thia SQCUrity Instrument will not secure any otker debt if Beneficiary fails to give uny required notice of the tlght of . ,'.
<br /> . '�. retacias[oa. ^ �
<br /> } g, pAYM�NT3•T�uator agrees that all payments under thv Secured Debt witl be puid when due and in ar.cordance with the „ . �ry;�
<br /> • •• terms of the Secured Aebt and thts S�x:urlty Instrumc�t. �, ��.
<br /> 6. VyAAAAIV''Y'Y OF TITLE. Trustor warrancs that Trustor is or will be lawfully seized ,or�th�e in��stnw�Y�power�of � •,
<br /> '�;,�°''s Securiry Inatniment and has the dght to irrevocssbly�rant, convey,and sell the Properry
<br /> �"'� �'' ' sale.Trustor also warranta that the 1�roperty is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of recard. .,
<br /> .,• 'j..,r.f -.
<br /> �ir�:l�'.�f�p . .
<br />- ;;,�,� , • ment or other lien ":-N
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECURITY AVTEptFST3. With regard to an other mortgage,deed of trust, securlty agree
<br /> � ��`;;���;.;. 4 document that created a pdor securiry interest orencumbiance 9n the Properry.Truator agrees: '`'.;�;
<br /> .,•�`s{ � A.To make all payments when due aad to perfomn or comply wlth all covenunta.
<br /> 8,To prompdy del�ver to Beneficiary any notkes that Tcustor receives from the holder. ,
<br /> , -;��:��t` C.Not to ullow any modification or exteasian bf,nor to request any future advences undcr any note or agreement
<br /> " ' •'��' �'� secured by the lien document without Beneficiary's pdor wdtten consent. :��'
<br /> � 8. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Tn,st�r wiU pay dl t Whesn due 9Benef�ciiaiv may equire Tcuator to provide�toTBe�aeflciary =
<br /> utilitiea. and utuc�thacgts rclatlag so the Pre�t_.�ty
<br /> ' :�`��';�" � copiea of ali notices that sueh amounts are due end the receipts evidencing Trustor's paymenc. Trusivr witi d�t'e3it!821t!o = '
<br /> ,, ti,�:; gn
<br /> ,,,..,41,(;�, - the Property against any cla�ms that would imp�,claims�or d�fenses Tr�usto�i m ythave against�pa�rties who supply labor �`�`�"'
<br /> Henefic� . asreq uested by Bcneficiary.any righ
<br /> � �`'�'` . ' or materi�a to maintFdn or improve tho Property
<br /> ,.,,:,�'
<br /> � �\.;;�i �, y. IDUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Seneficiary may,at its option,dectare the entire balance of the Secured Debt to �
<br /> be immediately due s+ad payable u on tbe creatfon of,or conuact Tor the creation of,Any liea,encumbtance.trnnsfer or
<br /> � :�,�, �5t� �r. salo o f t he Prope r e y. T h i s r i h t f s s u b j e c t t o t h e re s u i c t i o n a i m p o sed b y federal law(12 C.F.R.S91). as upplicablo. Thia __
<br /> "`' ;; o u v e n a a t s h a l l r u n w t t h t h e�r o pe rt y and shall rcca�aln in effect until the 5ecsred Debt is p a t d in t W l an d t h is S$c u r i t y �_
<br /> • Instrnment is released. ___
<br /> � in good condition
<br /> 10. PROPEItTY CONDITION� ALTERATIONS AND I�13PE�TYON. Tnistor wiq keep the Ptoperty ---
<br /> ' and make all cepaira chac ��coi will k�theyProporcy free of noxiou�weedsrand grassn�.Tr�ustor�agre�that the
<br /> detor[oration of the Proper+y �P
<br /> '��,x:'.'�. n�tare of the occupancy and use wHl not substaptlaliy change without Be�eRcituy s pdor written consent.Trustot wfll uot
<br /> • '�'��" "�'• peraait any change in any license.restdctive covenant or eatement without Beneficiury's pdor wdtten consent.Truator wiil __
<br /> - �'' nodfy Beneficiary of alt demands, proceeding�,claims.nnd actions ag�inst Trustor, and of nny Ioss or dam�►ge to the
<br /> P���. �
<br /> � at any rcasonable time for the purpose `=
<br /> ° Beneftcl�r or Beneticiary's agents may, at Bencficiary's option,enter the Property �
<br /> � � � of ina pectin 8 the ProPert3'. Scneficiary shall glve Trusar nottce ut the ttme of or before an inspEction spe�i$,'iaS n �'T'.
<br />- . T�nabwUl ln�o wav re l�eon Henefieiary's inap�ot�A°,n o f t h e P r o p e rt y e h a l l b e e n tirel y for Bene�ici a ry a bcnetit aad h�-::
<br /> �� Tn�stor . Y ��`�''
<br />-.,. �� � � Y TO PERFORM.If Trostor falla to perform any dury or any of the covenants coatai iR�i�nefici��a�.g -
<br /> 11. AUTHORIT
<br /> -- Instrument, 8euef►ciacy may. witLout noNce. perform or c�nce them to be�e rformed. Trustor a�po �Y
<br /> � � • � � attorney in fact to siga Trustor's name or pay eny amount necessary for perforn�ance• l3eaeficiary s rlght toperfun�i for _
<br /> �i�4�ti;- �. Trustor shall not crente an obligudon to perform, and 9enefictary s failure to perform wtll not preclude Beneficiary from _
<br /> , .tr;i„n,
<br /> ,. tf exerclainB any of Beneficinry's other dghts under the taw ur this Secudry Instrument. If any construction on the Prop�srty _
<br /> = .j� is discon;nte�t innth�e Pr�o�e�i'tynincluding earnpletion of the const�ionY��e all steps necesstu'y to pmte�t&mot7ctary s ;;Y,'
<br /> secudty E`-`>-
<br /> , .a� F;,.;
<br /> �,.� 12. AS3IGNMENT OF LEASFS AND R�N'CS.Trvstor tn�evacably granta, conveys and selis to Ttustee. in trust for the
<br /> ' � � benefit of Beaoficiary,as addittonul security �II t13c dgQ�t,title and Interest tn and to aay nnd all eaisting or ti�tuie�luding� ,
<br /> � aublea�es,and any other wr{tten or verbal agreem�nts for the use And occupuncy of any lp�ion of the Ptoperty. S
<br /> �' any eatenaiona renowals.modificatlons or substitudons of such agreementa(all teferred to as"I�a.ces`)and reuta, issues
<br /> and profits (alf mfern� to as "Reats'). Trva�or wUi promptiy provide Beneficlary with truo and correct cop!as of nil
<br /> „ existing arcd Nture i.eases.Trustor may collect,recetve,enjoy and uae the Reata sc�1on�as Tcu�tor is not in deFault under
<br /> �� the terms of thia Securiry Instrurnent. •:
<br /> ' ' ' Ttustor nclutowledges that this assignment is pergected upan the recording of this peed of Tcust and that Beneflciary [s •
<br /> '� � ent[tled to notify any of'frustnr's tenants to m�ke payment of Rents due or to becomo duo to Beneficiary. However �°�;:
<br /> -_-=----=� _�_�_ ua�,�:..�or., sor�s �t,ac oniv un detauit wi11 B;az:.ficiary notify Truss�s AnTTrnat�►r�s�ten�w aod���din�e�nefct ri
<br /> � -----_--- ; -----------. �--
<br /> facure Rents be patd direcdy� to BeneTciary. a.mte:ceiving nveicc oi uc�a�« .�a�...• ..•••.».....•--------- -- �-
<br /> ' � any paymont of Rents in Trust�r's possession end wi11 receive any Rents�n trust for geneficiary and will not comminIIfe
<br /> � " the Rents wtth any other funds. Any amounts coliwtcd will be applted a�provided in this Secudty Instrument. Tcustor.
<br /> wnerants thnt no defuult eafsts uader the ixasaor any applicuble Iandlord/ecnant law. Truscor also ngrees to maintain and=•"
<br /> require nny tetwnt to comply w i t h t he terms o t t he L E a s e s n n d n P p l t c u b l e I nw. . ; ,
<br /> " » ° 13. LEASEHULDS; CONDOMINP(JMS; PLANI�ED UNIT D�'VELOFMEIVTS. Truator agrees to comply with thc
<br /> „ pmvisions of any leuse if this Sccuriri Instrument is on a leasehold. If the Properry includes n unit in n condominlum or u
<br /> ' � p�nd minium ore1lnpiu►ed�u it developme t�����of Trustor's dutfes under the covennnts.by-lawa�or re�ulatfons of the
<br /> co P
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