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. _ � • , .,�il,�:,y,.;ii4`.i <br /> .. ' � . �S���r'�': <br /> � � , �;.��a. ! <br /> .. _ " .6' ii � - . . .. <br /> . .. . .. - . .. _ <br /> ' ..�w+�. - � _..._�--� . <br /> _.... . • , <br /> . n��o pF�wu�� gg.�����,� �mse a ` <br /> oa-24-1999 <br /> , Loon No 8S930a (Continued) <br /> . � <br /> � Rlaht To Contest. Trustor may withhold puyment of any tas,assossroont,Or clalm In connootlon wlth n eo0tl falth di3pute ovar tho ob!lgatlon <br /> to long t3s Lendor'8 interest In Ihe PropeAy ts not Jaopnrdined. If u Iton ndsos or Is Nud as a rosult ot nonpaymont,Trusto�8hs11 vAlhin <br /> IlftoRn(16)days ailor tha Ilon arisos or,if n tton la filod,wtthin fittettn(16)days uflctr Truata has nottcp Ot th0 filing,eoouro ihu dl3chsUgo ot iho <br /> � Iton,or M roquostod by�ondar,dept,slt wilh Londcr cosh or u auNtclont corporato suroty bond or othar Qacudty eaUstactory to�onder in an �:; <br /> , amount aumctont to d►schare�tho Iton ptus ony costs nnd nttornays'loos or othor ehar{�s Ihnt eoutd uCCruo ati u�o3utt ot a torcctosuro or ealo �. <br /> undor tho It�n. In nny cantest,Truator ehntl debnd itsotf and Lendor end shalt satisry any advmco Jud0mnnl betae entorcemont agnlnsl th� <br /> � Propo+fy Trustur ohntl nnmo Londor os an ctdditfonnl abligeo undor nny uuruty bond Iumishod in lho contesl procoodln8s. <br /> r nutlidia�i0lhe app oprlsto gove nmontnl oti'.cint to delNer to Le der at nty Urn e wdtdten etntement�ot tt+���ze and tttsseasme t�Wtmllh� � <br /> ,. . •°i� PropoA�t. _� <br /> ..���•"� '• Nott�s of Construotton. T�ustar ahnli nollty Lendor at lo�t 6tteen(16)doys bofore any work is commencod,any servtcas ero lumtshed,or nny --- <br /> . � j matettals are BuppCod to ihe PtopBrly.H any mochnn!o'u Iton,muteASlmonb C3n,or olh3r tten cou►d bo aESerted on socount ot tho woAc, _ _ <br /> ,' , , aQMCes,or matoflals. T�ustor vnil u¢an roquost of londor lurnlah ta LcnQa ndvnnco&asumncos anttstaatory to Londor thnt Truslor ean an�wtit _'^_ <br /> .. 1 puy Ihe eost ot eueh Improvement�. __ <br /> 7 PROPERT�OAMAQE INSIJRANCE. Tha lotlow�ng provislon9 retutlny tp Insurinp Ih9 PtopaRy aro a part of thta Oe3d o!Tnisb <br /> � Mefntenanc0 0!Inwrance. Tnl�tor 9hali procuro and mnlntnin potfdos of Iiro Insurunca with stAndnrd oMOndod cov�rago ondo�rements on e <br /> replacemant bns�3 for tho tuil inuurabto vatuo covehng all Improvomants on tho Real Prpporty tn an amounlBUNictent to avdd app!lcalon ot any <br /> colnsuraneo claurs,pnd�vlih a nWndnrd mortgagee u►auso In}avo�of Lemder�togoth:�wllh euch other htuerd nnd Ila6lury In3urartco as I.endE► <br /> msy reasonabty roquiro. Polioiea shnll bu wdtlan in form,amounta,coveragcs Qed bnsls roasonsbry aecoptabto to Lendor and issued by a <br /> + company or eompantes reasonnbiy aacoptabio to Lender. Trustor.upon requosl ot Lendo►,�viq del►ver to lendor hom tlme to Bmo Ihe pa�ctc� <br /> or qortldcates of insumnce in fotm 8atistectory to Lender,Including sUputadons that covarepes wL'1 not be cancefted ar dirtrinsRed wlthout at <br /> �,' �� IEwst tnn(10)days'prior written notice to lender. Eaah insumnce p�lay also sliatllnciude an endorsement providing thet cove+aye ln fava o! <br /> r:� Lendctr will not be Impaired In any way by any act,omisston or detautt ol Trustor a any othorp�rson. Shouid!he Reel PiraFer�►e1 e�Y dme .. <br /> �ecome Iocnted In an nren dosignated by the Dtrector of the Federat Emergsnoy Managoment Agenoy na u spoc�ot Bccd hasard aroa,TnisSCr <br /> ��.•� ngrees to obtafn and malntnln Federal Flood Irtsurance br the(uil unpaid pdndpat batance ot the loan,up to the ma�dmum poticy Itmtb set - <br />, _ .,, under the NaUOnN Flood insurana}P�ogrnm,or as othorv�tso requtred by Lender,and to mnintotn auoh Insurance far tho torm ot the Ioan. -.- <br />_ �. Appltcetlon of ProCCeda Tnistor shatl promptly noAry Lendcr ot any bss or damnge to the Propody. Lendor may mnke proa}ot tass It Trustor <br /> � fsiis to do 3o w4thin tittaon(1S)days of Iho aasually. WhathEr or not Lenders secudry ks tmpratred,Lendor may,at tts elecNon.�extve and retain - <br /> ,� the proceeds of any insurance and appty the procoods to th�►��uelbn af the Indob!edness,paymant o!uny Iian affc�cUrq tha Property.or tho <br /> restoratton nnd repatr ot tha PropeAy. It Lendst eiacts to flppTy ihe praeeds to testoretton and repair,Trusta shati repair or reptaoe lAe <br /> damaged or desUoyed Improvomenis in a manner satislactory to Londer. I.,�ndor ahaY,upon satlst�ctory proaf of sucA oxpon0lturo,pay ar <br /> ^ • refmDwse Trustot hom tho praceods for ths reasonable cost of repe�ot restcratlon If Trustot ts not in datauit undor thb Deed a!Tnut Any <br /> procseds whloh have not been disburssd wlthin 18D days aft�r M+air recofpt and whfch Lande�has rtot commlttnd b tho repslt or rostor�tlJn m't <br /> •• tho Property ahaU b9 usud fltat to pay any amount owing to Loader under thts Oetsd of Trust,thon to pay acauod inte�est,8rtd 1h9 rematnder.11 <br /> ' �� •'' • 8ny,shall be appllsd to the pdneipat baiance ot!ho Indebtodnass. If lender holds any proceeds atter paymont tn tuU of the Indebtedness,cttaA <br /> � �;. pracc�eds sheil be paid to Trustor as Trustors tnterests may ppp�u. <br /> tinexpire�Inaurance nt 8ate. Any unexpirea insurance r,nan�nure io fhe banafii oi,aRd yaa�to,ths pur�ts�at tl:s 4rcp�lY r�'-�!"�!'r c� �' <br /> Ooed of Trust at any trustoe's sate or atRer sate held under the provlcbns of th►s Daed ef Trust,or ut uny toreelosur0 eate of sueh P�rop�r9y. <br />��, . .,�r..• �. p�p�qp�T�Eg gy�pgq. !f Ttustor taits to oompty with any provision ot ihis Dead of Trust,ot It nny aotfon or proaooding is commenqd that <br /> �'`���• would matedatry attect lendors intarosts in the Ptoperty,Lender on Trusbrs behalf iney,but shNt not be required tq,take 8n tCUon thut Lender <br />,':i"'•.'T'�. .. S <br />-�.�,,;}�,i�, daerns appropdato. Any amount that Lsnder ex�oands In so doing v,ill bear Interest at the rate provfdod tor U the Noto hom tAe to Incurred or patd <br /> •����•' by Lendm to the date of repaymen!by Trustor. Atl auoA expenses,at L9nder's optton,wW (a)be payabl.�on demand, )be sdbod to th0 balanoo <br /> ,�t.rt.,� . <br /> J �4;�. of the Note aed be t►ppoAloned emong and ba payable wilh eny i�tailment payments lo become due during oithor p lhe tmrh ot a►ry epp4cable <br />�:'; <br /> �,�:��_,7 .� Insurooce pWicy or pl)!he remalNng term o!the Note,or (c)be hoatAd as a balloon paymont whloh wiU bo due end peyabla at tti0 Notea rt►a�;ur�,�j. <br />"�'ri t�"'. `�t�. Tnp Geed ot T�ust atso wilt secure payment ot these amounts. The dghts providecl tor fn thb peragraph ehall be In eddidor+to any other dght3 or a►ny <br />���`4'''''•`� romedias to whloh lender may ba entiued on account of ihe def�uit, Any such actfon by Lender shell not be construod as cudn�thg c4ofau;t�o i�ta <br />•1c:'-=��•.• bar tander irom any remedy that It otherwlse would hevp hod. <br />:.�... -���.. <br />���. •� �� �r� WA�RAN?Y;OEFEN8E OF TI71.E. Tho foqowing provisions asiptinp to a+rrtprship ot the PrOperty ere e pnrl ot this 08ed o!Tn�s1. <br /> f,.<;;;�a <br /> r`.4,. <br /> smr��t�a__ _ Title. Trustar warc8nts ihet: (a)Trustor hotds good and ma;katable�Us of record to the Proporty in fee simpip,Uee and C1ee�of dl Itens art <br /> —'__��`�^p oneumbr�noa9 olhor than those set foRh in tho Reat Proper!`/d�crfptlon a tn any UU9lnsuranoe pollay.UU0 roport,or flnol UtaD Opinlon tssued tn <br />-�'.���"�r� favot of,end acceptod by,lvnder tn conneotlon�vlth this Oeed of Trust.and (b)Trusta has tho tull�ht,power,tnd oulhbrlly to�oocuta and <br />==:�•n,;:�^'�7�".,� dolivor this Oectd of Truat b Lendor. _ <br />-���,i;,� petenae of Titte. 3ubJvct to the exceprion ln ihe pamgraph ebovo,Truslor warre�s and wtU forever defond lhe tllb to th�Prop.erly t�alnst 1fw <br /> �:'��� H� Wwtul ctaims ot ell persons. In tho evant any naHOn a prcr,eedinp fs commertcsd thnt p�e�sllo�Trusla.'s Utie or the tntar6st ot Tnastoo or <br /> -�;�a�r�'"�.■ lender undm this Deod ot Trust,'fn►stor shell duf�nd lhe ciatlon et Trustofs c�xpense. Trustor may bo tho nominaf party In sucii p►ooewdina,but <br />�.;}.:'ti+f,,•"4,� lender ehNl bo ontltled to parfielpate In the proCe0dln8 and to bo rapmsentod in the prcoeeding by eounse!ot Lvndera own ehakm,.qnd <br />�.,��,f� 'Frusta wltt dettv�,or cause to bc+daifvorod,to Londar such In9humonts as lender may request trom tlme to time to perMt Guch peAk4Ft'ian. <br /> ��.� Comptlance With Law�. Ttustot weRflnts thal the Ptopotry and Trustor's uGe ot tho Proptstly eompUOS with aN Wdsltria e�lQikibpf l�ws. <br /> -- •_--�-�-� ordtns�os,nnd rogutatloris ot governmental authultles. <br /> --� QOli0E1V�NAYION. The folto�vinp provisions rolnUng to eondemnnll�in praaeodingtf are a paA of thts Oeed ot Tnis� _ <br /> -..�_�=.-���a Appflratton of Net Proceeda �t all or any pad ot the Flroperiy b condomned by eminont domain prooeedinps a by orry proceoDlc�i¢r <br /> -•��'° "�°' purcheso In tiau ot condomnatlon,Lendor muy at Its eteotton require that NI a an�R�on ot lhe rtat proa�eds ot the�wa�d bo sp0��t�the <br /> ��--==�"� Indobtednoss or tho repalr or resbratlon of Ihe Property. The ne!pNCeeds of the award shall m4an the flwerd fl11er Oaymsnt o!�9 ro9sonable <br />--,-���'`'__�.�i �b,oxponses,and uttorneys'toes ir�eurrod by T�ustee or Lender In cannnc8on with!ho condemntitlon. <br /> ��- <br />�`��`r''.'•:�'`` - • ptoc�edinp3, If any proeociding in eondemnallon is fliod,Tn�stor shatl promptly noflty Lnndor In wAitnp,and Tnntot sMi)yrortpyl take CuC <br />—"' `-'� � stopa as mey be necessary to detond tho uetlon and ob4aln tt+a awerd. Trustor mny bo tho aomir�al party in such praceec,�i;�,{�tR l�nda shUf <br /> -`"�,u'��'"'�'. bo onTttod to p�rltcfpaW In tho pmceedirtg and to bo reprosantc;d h thu procaodinp by counsol ot 14s own choM�.and TNStw wU CrYv�r a _ <br />�., :_ �. ..' causo to bo dotivarod to Londor such tnstruments as mny bo req�ested by it hom Umo to Hmo to parmft sueh paAidputton. __ <br /> lb7RaSITlOJ10F TA1(H8,FEES AND CHARLiEB 8Y GOVERNMETITAL AIiTFtOA1TlE&. TRO foliowinp prov�lons rd�atlnp to QovMn:ninial�cOS. _ <br /> •�• teos and Chnrgos are a part ot thls Qsad of Trust: . <br />- ' �` Current�exea,FCaa ertd Cf►eraos. Upon request by Lender,Tnnlor shNl oxocNo sucA doCwrtenb in addUton to tht�D¢►nd Of Tnut flnd take _ <br /> - - whgtdven othor a�ton�rc�q�stsd bY Lend�r fe p�!�nnd contlnue�eM�e ll�n on Ihe Reat ProporiY• Yrusta et�li ra�t+blrso Lender tot ad = <br /> _ ., Iimit�etionn n taxes tt3ns,doCUm6ntary atamps'and other c�hIIrgOS tu�eeording or t�eg�n np thb Doad o9Ttust�� �7ur3i,l�u��.��i�t = <br /> . •,�y. - <br /> T�xss. Th9 tollowing ahntl eoa3litute�xes to whfch ihis seetlon appiic�: (a)u cAeeltla tou upon this type ot Oaed of Tntst a upon e8 cr nny =. <br /> -��-� e�n et f1�Indebtodness seeurod bY this Desd of Trus� (b)e spodtto tax on Tnrator whioh Yrustor b eutAoriaed or a9uirod 4o O�duct trom <br /> �0...� - - - ��1��M1�Y N <br />_ y . � pho hotdor of tha�Noto;nnd�(d�spcebfla 4ix o^g��a R� ot tho ndabtodne^�or or►payments O!pAnc�lp�l a d interest nud�by _ <br /> = c� Trustor. _ <br /> - � Subae�uoM TNtea It any tnx to whkh thts coctton epplios Is onactt3d subscquont to tho dnto of fhfs Cood of Trusb Ws evem shQil l�va the <br /> samo oftoc!as nn Hvont of Ootault(na dotfnod baow),and Londa may wcaml,o anY a Nl af Its nvaf�abb romediag ta an Evont of Cotnutt as <br /> N,,,,-� provldod below untoss Trostor olthm (u)p�1rs lho tex befae It bo�omss dallnq�ani,m(b)contests!ho tex as prorlck0 abavo lo tlw Te�ces and � <br /> - -�4;'.,,. Uons socUOn and dupnsit3 wlih Lander cash a a sufP.NQnt corpornto staoty bond or aiher cocurity 6atlstactory to ler►der. <br /> -. SECUfi1TY AQREEMENT;FtNANCiNti STATEMENT6. Tho fotlowirtp provUons rolIIUnp to this Qesd ot Trust ns m 6octufty t4t60mer►1 Yro a paA o! - <br /> INs Dcc►d of Trust. <br /> -. .,, . �rsona pro�srty$and londor sha►18have ull oi thetrtghts o o�sa�partptundcu tt�Unitorm Commerd��Code asUamentled m� Urtro�to M <br /> � , Umo. _ <br /> - � 8ceudly Intttrent. Upon raquasl by landar,Trustor ohall oxeeutu(tnanclag stnMmctnb and tako whatuv¢r oihor actlon t�roquested br Lmtd�x . <br /> � g :e . : . _. <br />