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<br /> � ..
<br /> . �
<br /> � , .� �a o f3(yl - .. �• n �.
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<br /> ' 0�-24-1999 DEED OF TRUST gg„ ����� �ese a �
<br /> LOan No 899302 (ConUnued)
<br /> � Lendtsr. The word'Lende�'menns UNITEO NEBRASKA BANK,Its 9uccessors and assigns.
<br /> Nofe. Tho word"tlote"rrt3�n8 tho Note deted F�bruAry a4,tOflO,in the principel camount of SG9,800.00 from Trustor to Londar,
<br /> �;� togothor with ail ronowats,oxtenstons,modiflcatlons, �e�naneln8s,artd aub9Ulutl�ns fW tho Note. Tho matudty dnto o!lhh►Oc;sd ot 7rust is
<br /> Septembar 2,1999.
<br /> ` Per&onnt P�operty. The words"Per��nnl Properry" mean aN oqulpmont, iBcluros,and olher artldos of pe�aonat properly nov� or hemaftor
<br /> o�vnod by TruStor,n�d now ot herenflot atlnchod or nMizod to Ih0 Rool Proporfy;togflthCr w8h ull uOCeaslons, paAs,and addlUOns t0,ull
<br /> • repincomeots of,and all subaUtutto�for,nny ot sueh properly;nnd Iogeiher wiih alt proc:.�ds ii�duding�riMaut Umunt►on ntl Irguranco
<br /> procaods and retunda ot promfums)hom uny sa[o a othm dlspositlon ot trie PropeAy. �.,_�
<br /> . -:. P�oparh►• Tho word"Prope�ly'moans colloctively the Roal Proporry and Iho POrsonal Propsrt�.
<br /> ': � Ronl Propetty. 7he words'Reai F'ropertY mnttn the ptoporty�Intorosts and rtghts dsscdbod nbovo tn th0'Conwynnco nn0 OranY soCtlon.
<br /> � Reteted Danurnenta Tho words"Rotatod Doaumontb"moon and i�+c�udo wtlhout Ilmitntlon ait proMU►ory natas,crodit agroomonto,loan
<br /> aooumonta,wholhor now or h3roa or oxl�titsg,oxaCU od In cannracilon�wllh tho0nd bt d�a�f trusl,nnd ail olhor instrumont�.nproumcrnla ond ::_
<br /> �.�.
<br /> Rento. Tho word"Aonts"moens all prosent and tuturo rant9,rovenuog,Incomo,i3�uG9.royullln�,prohU,c+nd otAor bono6ty dedve0 hom the �--
<br /> PropoAy. .__
<br /> ,�..,
<br /> ; Ttudtee. T�9 word"Truatao"means UNITED NEOMSKA DANK end uny aub�tltute or euccws�or t�ustc�I. ,i,
<br /> � Tru�tor. Tho wurd"fru9lar"moana any and atl poreone and antttlss oxooutinp ihlp Daed of Trust,tncluQnp wdho►�1 Ilmltntton aN Trustab nimod .,�:�•
<br /> .. ' ..� above. !��..u
<br /> � pii@P�'RqY,f0 tiiVEH TO 6�CUiiii jii 9QYHE!!Y OP TlR.{IN9F,�TEDHE88 AND (!)PERFCRMANCBOt�AkY AND A61.0811�iAT10N8 OF .-:__--
<br /> ! PAYMENT AND PEiiFORMAWCE. Except na olhonwlao proNdad In thls Cood of Trust,Trustor shall poy to Lendflr n0 omounta saeured by thb Ooed _
<br /> � ot Trust as thqy become duu,und sha0 strlatty and tn o dmery manru�r peAom�alf ot Trustofa ootlgaQons urMor tho Noto,�hts Deed ot Yrust,and th� -- ��
<br /> , Rotatod Oocumonts.
<br /> � pp3SE881pN ANQ MAINTENAAIGE:OF THE PRORERTY. Tru�tot a9reas lhat Trustors possession ond use of the Propeity shall ba govamed by �r-,^-_
<br /> • � � tho followfng provlslons: -_.�-
<br /> �`,
<br /> Possosston and Use. UntO the occurcence ot an EveM of Oefuull,Trustor may (a)remain tn possssslon and controi ot Ihe Ptop6Ay, uso, ,,_
<br /> , �� operate or manape the PropeAy,and (a)colleat any Rents Nom the Propsrtyr. �r:_.
<br /> Duty to NlNntain. Trustor shall mafntain the Properly In tenantabte aonditlon and promptry pedo►m all repalre,repleoumenta,and matntenaRCe :'-
<br />''� � nocossary to presenro its v<11ua. �`.
<br /> .� �' ,,.r�,�,Subslencea Thu terms"hamrdous waste,'"harardous substunoo"dlsposat,'"relears."���m�nsaUore��d t�ablGty�ACt o ==-
<br />-� ' � Daed of Yrust,shall hav0 the eume meanings as sot torin in the Cvmp�nia3rqiv�a En�'�n���.- --i � _
<br /> 1980,As amanded,42 U.S.C.Soctlon 9801,et seq.("CERCLA',fhe SupeAund Amondmonts and Renuihoriza8on Act ot 1988,Pub.L.No.
<br /> ;1� '� 99-499('SATtA7,1Ma Ha�rdous Materlals Tran&poRallon Act,49 U.S,C.SecUon 1801,ot seq.,tho Resourco ConsGrvation flnd R9eovery Ac4
<br /> " 42 U.5.C.Ssctlon 69Dt,et saq.�or other appitceble state or Foderat taws,ruies,or reputntlons adopted pureuent to any ot the torapoinp 7tie
<br />��` tarms'haaudous wasto'and"hazardous suDatance"she��eisc�nc�ude,wlthout Ilmltation,petraleum and potroieum by�producb a cny 1r4e11on
<br /> s::� � thoroo!dnd osbostos. Trustw represents and warta�b lo Lendor tfuit: (a)Gudnp the per�od of Trustots ownorship of 1ho Propedy.lh9re has
<br /> beon no use,generatlon,mnnutaclure,atorage,treatmont,disposn��retesse or threatened rele9sa d am harerdous waste w substtnce by any
<br /> poraon on,under,about or hom the Properry; (b)T�usbr has�o knowiodgo of,ar reason to boHeve Yiat thae hw bean,
<br /> oxcspt as provlousy
<br /> disctosed to and acknowWdged by Lendor tn w�lung, 11)any u�e,eeneratton,manufaature,storage. treatntont,dispa^.�af,reiease,or threttenxl
<br /> roteasa of any hamrdoL�s wasto or substanco on,undor,about or from the P►opedy by any prior owner4 or oocupants of fhe Propsdy or pq rury -
<br /> ,, • ttctual or Ihroutened iftlpatlon or c�alms ot uny klnd by any person relatinp to auch matters;and (a)Excopt es prevtously OlsCtosed to and _
<br /> � aG�novdodged by 4ender In wdtin8, (t)noithor Trustor�o►anY tertent,eantraator.agent or othor aull►orizod user of iho Proptuly shell use, __
<br /> genereto,manutacturo,storo,troat,dispose ot,or releaso uny horardous waste or substenae on,under,ebout or hom the Ptoporly and pq aoY re:�.
<br /> such�ctl�ily shall bo oonducted In oompYance with eG oppNcabio federa►,stete,nnd looal lawa,regNetlon9 and ordfnanofla.inctudinq without --
<br /> Ilmitation t�ose taws,reputadons,nnd ordinnnoos Oescrlbed above. Trustor euthorft0a Londor and ds apents to enter upon the Proparryr to
<br /> mnke 8txh Inspeotiwns and tests,ut TruatoPs oxpense,as Lendcr mey deem aPprop�lala to dotermine compltance of tha ProAe�j wllh Ihis
<br /> seatian ot 1he Ceed a�4 Truat. Any inspc�ations u tosts made by LenQer shatl be tor Londer'e purp�es oNY and ahatl rtot ba consirued io craate
<br /> at °
<br /> any responsiblUty or IIubIAry on tho paR of Lendor to T�ustor or to any other peraon. The representaUOns and warraniie�cont9lned horkln uo .(
<br /> � btuod on Trustor's duo dlllgerw�e in Investl8attng tho Properry for herardous waste and hamrdoua aubslances. Trustor heroby(e)roteates and h., _
<br /> ' � wa►ves s�ny future elaims egalnst Lendor for indamnity or eonhibutlon in the event Trustor beeamos Iabto ta eloanup a other�osts under any .p,,,,.
<br /> auch f�w�,and (b)agreos to IndemNty snd hold hermtess Lm�der agalnst sny and all ctaims, lossa�,UeblltUes, damaqes, penattles,and ,�t„_
<br /> " exppristis wh►ah Lendsr mny dlrsotly a indlroctty eustn�n or suHor resulUnp from o breaoh of thb seotlon of Ihs Deed at Trus!or na a -
<br /> � congoquenee ot any use,gonerntlon,manufacturo,stora9e,dtsposnl,releasA or threatoned reiauso of a harerdous waate or substanoe on tho
<br /> -s�� ,� proper�es. Tho p�a�+s�ons of thls seouon ot tho Dosd of Trust, inctuding iho obttpaflon to Indomnity,shatl suMve tha papnaM o!tho _
<br /> • Indebtedness und tha seHSfnctlon and reconveyancr�o11he Ilen ot th�Ooed of Trust and ahali not be atteotud by Lender's acquisitton of any
<br />,y,x' -. tnt�rast in Ihe F�ropony,whaiher by tcrcclasure or othonvlse. in o!or waste an or to tho �f
<br /> � ��±�= Nul�aaoa,Westa. Trustor shatl not causo,conduct or pormit any nulsanoe nor commU,permit,or 3�let any stripp p
<br />'��� ���'� , pro�erty or anY Pation o f t he Pr o p e r t y. W l t h o ut Nmltl n g tho ganoralily ot the toregotng,Uustor wiit not remove,a arant to any other Onrt1►tho
<br />_ ��. . '� dght lo removo.any tlmber,minernls(including oll and gas),soii,qrevel or rxk produc t s without th0 pdor wdtten consen t o t L en der.
<br /> � - Remnrat ot imptnvmment8. Trustor shnY not demoJSh or romova any Improwom�nb 1mm�no Rea�ProP�Y w��out the pria wAKen cont�ent
<br />_ R o!Isnntlor• As a conditlon to tno romovat of any Improvomonb,�ender may requlro Truator to meke nrtengoments eatlsfaetory to Lenda to
<br /> - - replaca euch Improvements with improvements of at least oquat value.
<br /> lbnder's Right to Entor. Lendor and Ita agents and repmsoMUtivos may enter upon the Reai ProPertY at a��reasonnbto tlmoa to nttond to ----
<br /> ' Lentler'8 Interasb and to inspect the Praperty tor purposes of Ttustor's complianCC►wHh fhe tsrms and ConditlOns of fhis Dood ot Trust. ` --
<br /> , �.�.. ..
<br /> Compltonce�vith tiovemmontul Requlremonte. Trustor shall promptly comply wlth NI Inwa,ardlnancc+s,and rogulaHOna.notiv a htmeaflor In _
<br /> oHoct,ot all governmontat authodties apPUeub�e to Il�e use or acaupnnay ot 9he PropoAy. Trustor mny contest In goad idith a�ty suah law,
<br /> wdlnanco,or rogulntton end withhold compltnnco durina eny procovdinp,Including appropdato eppoals.so long aa Ttustcr haS notlHad londor
<br /> in wAling prior to doing so and so Iong us��n lo�der's soio oplNoain�o d�oeLend ,��to p�otoat lortd�eten no�'opardimd. lenda may reqwro ,r
<br /> Trustor to post adoquuta ae�urity or a surstY band,rca.onebiY-- � �' T�gtor s h t�C do G I I o t hor c►C b,i n a d d i fl on to tho*..o flets �� t�
<br />_ , ,� C �
<br /> 1 Oub to Ptoteat. T�usta agreus neiq�er fo abandon nor leave unE►ttondod the PropE�rty
<br /> .� = �- sot�orth nbovo in thls sootlon,whloh trom tho chamclor und uso ot tho Propefty aro roasanub(y nocessary tc Prottrot and D�e the Proporly. �;:�`
<br /> • _. :
<br /> ___ ___ _____� OUE ON$AS.E-CQHSEHT L[NOER. Londor mny,at Its opUon,dodare Immadlatc�y dtto flnd pnyabb flU eums c�ocamd by thts Ooado�TNSt ���=
<br />- .. . .---•-- ...�..���...wev..,.w W,�e�cn eansont of eli or eny purt ot th0 Ront PrOpeAf!�ar an�l intoto3l I...n t.ltz Roa►.Ptop�My}A �,i;
<br /> upOn ma sare or tw�rr�rn.....��........o.....�._�.._.
<br /> - w bate or transte�'moans the conveyanco of Roa1 P�operty a oay r�ghf,Utto a Intarsst tneroin;wno�rmr re�m�oo►a��M w��°•�--�•^�—,
<br />-. � or Involuntary;whothor by ouhtght ststo,dood,Instell�m 9^�o���a�tar�of en b iu)1tdN Int ferost in�at lo uny Iand trust hotdLlg U�e�t��R�eal
<br /> - �' throo(3)years��onso-oP��on contrnct,or by sale, �
<br /> ' p�ppprty,or by any other method of convoyanco ot Rc�al P►operly M�ertr3L �f uny Ttustw Is n eapon�tlon�Purtnotshlp or Umtted Uabilily eomp3nr,
<br /> = transtor also Inciudos any chango tn ownarship o}moro Ihan lw�nty-tivo Deroo�t(2696)of tho vottng slock. padnsxeMp intt�b o►Umitod tl8bility
<br /> - company Intarests,as the case moy bu,ol7rustor. Ho►vovor,this opUon shcin not bo oxercls¢d by Londsr if such exoreiso Is prohtbitod by todurat
<br /> - - � law or by Nebruska taw.
<br /> TAX�S ANO UHM4. The lollowing proWSlons reltsUng to Ilro tt�xxes ued lions on tho Propurty ero a paA ollhis 080d of TtuSt.
<br /> � Poymcnt. Trustor shall pay when due(and In a{i evants prio�to deAnquency)a�i texos,spednl to�ws. asst�3nt0�b�ahar0as p�cludlnp wata
<br /> ' and sowor),8nes and impositlons IpNed against or on Tu sta halhmalntn nr th�o Prop rfy�eo of WnReno hs�vt g p ority�a�equnl a h
<br /> ' sorvfces renderod or mnteti8i furnfshod to tho Propctdy
<br />- Interest of Lender undctr this OseO o t Trus t,exoep t t o r t h e Ilen of taxes and assessm6nts not due a�d�Dt�a���Provtdod in thi3 QoCed
<br /> . of Trust,
<br /> . , ;
<br />