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<br /> " �, � •11. Mlaaotlan�au� Previslona. �a+ ����-�li `-
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<br /> :��; , (n)QqII,ay�eLn�i�ic�y. Cxtrnston of tho tfmo lar payr�icnt or rnodCcatton ol anzodirattnn ol tho aums oc�urad by Ihts DecA al [�-T_
<br /> . � TNOt prunkd by Lcmdcr to any auccQS�cr In tntcraat ol Bonuwcr BhaD nat opcmto!o rotcaee,h any manncr,tho iIcla:'.1y ot tho -v
<br /> f artpinni Oonowcr nnd Dortower'e suecessara ln Intera�l, lendar shoN t�ot fse rotsulmd to commsnco procetdinp�aQ�ir�t tuch =
<br /> , ,�� sueea�aor or �otuso lo oxtend timo for pnyment or olherwiso madity nrnaAt�tton o1 tho cums aeeured by Ih►s Deed ot Truat by ____.
<br /> reaaon ol ony demand mado by tho od{�tnal Oartower and 8orrawer's aucceasora(n fnlaosL
<br /> . �--
<br /> , ' (b) �nR_e,r'� Pm+�q. Vlfitho�t aticctMp the AaDiGti ot any alher puraon flnbie for Ihe payment of sny oblt4itlon bercin mmlton¢d,
<br /> �r'=.,° and�vlihout af(r.etlnp tho Hen or chns�o ol thl�Oacd ol Ttusl ttpon nny Rorilon ot tho Propcaty not then or lhcretotoro rcic�sad ao
<br /> � . aeeurtly tor the tu8 imount al aA unpatd ob➢pattona. lender may. trom Ume to ltmo and Nltho�t nottco p) �eteaeo any peraon o0
<br />.,,,.,�_.-_� I�iDta,(iq tuAend tho mstudly or aticr cny of tho term�01 any auch ebBpsitons, p�gra�t olhar IndulQeneos, (h)reteneo or reconray.
<br /> :,�,� o►cauoe lo bo releaaed ot rec�nveyed et any c�:s�al Lendci'e opUnna nny parcel,poAiun ot nH at tha Propmriy,(v)taka ar retease
<br /> ;�,,t�.�,; � any other or add'.ilot►mt eeeurtry tor any obl►gat!an hcretn mentlanod, or N� m�ko eomposhtahs or othar artanflements wilh deb4aro tn --
<br /> Qela�tot►thercto.
<br /> .�.�F�- :
<br /> �'"`J' (c� �orbepraneo bv Lender_NaLa�1Y,e►. Any torbenrenee by Lender tn eu�cising any dght or ren��ji heraunder,or othenvise
<br />�°��'� a]icxdcd by appll�abl�taw, she!�nol ba a watver ol or pradude the cxcrola+n ol any auch tight ar rama�9y The�roc�xem�nt ol
<br /> ;�=`;_�,� Insumnae of the psymenl o! lcxus or other Ome or charflas by Lender ahd noi be m rzalver oS Lendera �i�l►1 fo ace[krate the
<br />-R,t��;,;� maturtty a!ihe Inde�ledneas aoaured by this Qeed ot Tnia6
<br />__-::��� �
<br /> ���j-h`?� � . (� �,�ce�yora nrtd A��1 a Bound• olnten�9 erai I.In6NfM Cnattona. The ccvenanta and agrcemnnts h�rain conlahed�hd
<br /> - ;_;`�,ur`.�
<br /> binQ, and the dphle hercunder dhail Inuro to� Ihe rospeethre atccceoeoro and aedlQna ot I.ender atd 0orrowat.euDject to the
<br /> y�ua`''� provislnna ol pampraph 8(e) horaot. A1 eovRn�nts ana! apraetnenta o! 8om�wer nha11 bo Jolnt nnd several. Th�u.tp0ona�nd
<br /> _�5��_�� headtrtfla ot the pantpraphs o� thia OeM of Tn�at are !or aonrenlmce any artd ara not to be uaed to tnlorpret or:derne the
<br /> - provislona hcrmat.
<br />—.� - (a) a,c�est tor Noticcs. irie pantas hereby��quest that� copy ot any notlae ol detauit hcrounder and � eopy ot ar�y notic0 0!
<br /> -� sate hmeunda be maBed to aaah.pailY to thb Dee6 oi Trusl�1 lhs addrasa ad torih betnw h the rtu�er Rrosertb�d 6ry�ppie�bte
<br /> -= , - �. ���;.��Q��nw�sqWred nu+der�g�ilr�We Inw to De plven In anotha manner,iny notice ptoytGed tor h IMs Cetd i
<br /> --- � ot Trt�st ah�A,be qMen by m�AnO suoh nottae by aritlled ma�e adQreaaed ts tollaws. or at nuoh otha �ddfeas a�s!W b�
<br /> � , • doaSgnated in Nir�Urty to the olAet�a�11as,aa�pt,mAdad herein:
<br /> �an�,�,� Starostka Gr�p Co. 4tarostka Gsc�up Co.
<br /> ;��� Z Biauharn Fa�ot. Inc. a07 Weat Gth St.
<br /> ,s.�� . � "..'-'°""'_
<br /> . 686 U Road ' Gr��d x��A.,a-� 6_ &B�l .:_.r...-...-
<br /> Palmer, NE 68864 •
<br /> __.� -
<br /> �;',�,� lmdev , Archer Cooper�ative Credit Unioa � � �
<br /> ��:�� 2121 Archez. :Rorsd ,
<br /> P.O. Box 246' �
<br /> � Archer, I3E 68816 ,
<br /> � '��ltatee Archet CooBe�Cative•Credit Ifnioa ,
<br /> . :::�� 2121 Arch�r:'Aoad .
<br /> `�� � �.o. s4� a�s � , . . �
<br /> -- �
<br /> .-. �_, 11�cher, NL 68816 , . . .
<br /> :;�---�-� . ' �
<br /> My notke prorided tot N ihb Oced o1 Trost ehd bs deert�sd to havs b��rer+ta•fJ.ottownt a Lendar�ylten Oh►ee Irt lhe mor+nK
<br /> desipru�ted h�tetn.
<br /> - - - (q s .� . lend€r a�wy raa�ka as ceuae to be made rcasortgbb entrM� upon artd hspectbris ot tbe Propa�ty� IxO�ded lhz�
<br /> - Lenda ahaY{�vo Qarrozvur natir,o prlor to eny saeh Inapectton apedlyih� -t�(1�"�}ii1�;11�reSore retated to Lend[�Intereat in
<br /> ----- lhR[kopCt�y. �...!F,,J,. ,:
<br /> ••--..—°� r ' .� '..iC1•"i:l9i.i-. -'��+
<br /> --------- � r.•r_.�tc�liWNt+�'.a:•....�
<br /> •;:T� F. 19)Rccamr�nna�. Upen�aymmt oi e!sum�seRxeed by in'�W�ed,a1 Y�nb irriSda shal!repuest'ftualel�to reconrey tpa PropMyr . .
<br /> -�_??'�`'.•"� end shd stxrenrw thb�ar¢J yt Trust e�411 note� e�ldendnp bdebtcclise�a seaxc�2rj thte Ocad ol Tas1 to 1Yusie�. Tn�sle�
<br />-:-��::i� ahal rcca+vey tM Proper�w]thout warrnnry nnd witrtout cfiatga to lhe person or per�an�1tg�y enll�ef tner�to. s�eh P�ati a =
<br /> �-���� persona a!►a1 pa�a1 coslm ot rccordnricn,8 eny.
<br /> . .'":-.SS�F}E���
<br /> "-—=�= �___. o - ,....r...� e...lxum�.t..n�tn.rnr u,e na�xnt af the Note �11 Q1Qitra9.castbr�+�L atsd ather
<br /> ,,,--�.i:�_:m� R►t rc.av.....�.o..�.::� - - -- . . .
<br />--�'°'""�`t*"`� Pcraonal propcYty used In ¢o�cctten wtth the rent eatsia�or In�prrneme�►ts locet�d thar�aon.and rtot othmtv4se eteckrtA ur daenxd
<br />�':J�����','� . ___
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