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<br /> . S. Wlnintonpnao Repairs and Cumpllance wlth l.aws. Bor�ower shatl kogp the PropeAy tn flood coadiUon nnd rapnir; �'
<br /> .. ahn0 pramplty repalr.ar�epinen any insptovement vrnlch mny bo domnpQd or daatroycd; ohnd eot rcmovu,demolish ot oubatnnUally aiter nny --
<br /> ol thn tmprovcmcnta on Iho Proporty; ohnU not eommtt, aut(u or permit any ast fo bo dono In or upon iho Property In vtotatton ot uny tnw. --
<br /> , erBlnnnco. or►eputntlon; .nnd ahafl pry and promply dischur4o ot 8onotivcr'n eonl and oxpenoa ati Itcns. encumbmneas and cl�arpoa tavled, ��
<br /> . Imposed or aeaoased npalnst Iho Praperiy or any pnri lhcreol.
<br /> �=,
<br /> 6. �minon4 �om8in. tcndcr is herchy aasignod wtl eompenaotton, uworda, dumngos and olhnr paymente ot reilai(harclnahor `
<br /> � 'Praeoeds')U connoclton wilh condemnnllon or other tatcing er lhe PtopeAy ot pnri lhereot. o� tor convaynnea In fleu ot oondemrtaUon.
<br /> lender shatl bo enitltnd at Its opUon to commcnce,nppen�N und prosccuta tn [ls ovrn namo any uctlun mr proc�dingo.and aMp a�sa ba
<br /> ;���k entttted to mnkm nny comprorrJso or ae3Uement k►eonnactIon rerith auah taWnp er damiDe. In tho avent eny poritao ol Ihe�oppry Is ao
<br /> , ,��, taken or damaQed,le�der shati hnve iho optlpn,in Its solo and ubaoissie dfsaotEon,to appty aEl such Procncda,attcr daduolNp ihercirom a!
<br /> . s. coote and axpenaes incurrod by it In connoetion w[th auah Proceeds. apon eny tndabtodnoss a�curad hemAy and In sueh order ma Lertder
<br /> 5 may detem�lne, or to nppfy aU auch Praceeds,aitm sueh dedueitone,to ihe reatomtlon of tho Property upon sucA condttlone as Laraler may `
<br /> • � i, d�tem�ine. My eppffeut[on ot Proceeds to indebtedna�s shef not extend or postpone tha due dnto al any pnymenta unda th�Note,or cum
<br /> °F ar►y detautt fheraunda or hereunder.
<br /> ,..;1: .
<br /> � '':,t�i'• 7. Performanca by Londor. In tha avont of BoROtivc�� fnlluro to pedorm eny ot tho covrnants hereJn or mnko any peyments
<br /> • �:�� � requked bcrcby.or It any acl is tnkan or IQgW proaeadtng eommeneed whiet�tnaterialy ntlects Lender's inlerest In the Ptoperty, Lrndar may h
<br /> .. +�. Its own dlsaotton,bu1 witha�d oblipa4lon lo do oo,aad wltAaut�otico to or damand upon Bartor�er and wMeui�aixnaln4 8orrower hom any
<br /> ,�• abUpaUon. do any act wfilch tho Bortower haa e�read but t�Vs to do and may Wao do any other Re! il daema necesaary to prele�t the `
<br /> � aeaudly bctcot. Bottower shaY, 4nmcdintety upon demand tharetaro by Lendet. pay to Lendat al coats and exprnaas (ncuRed an4 auma -
<br /> �:,� oxpendad by Lendcr In connadton wtth lhe excrslse by Lcnder o1 tho torogoinp dphte.toQelhe►wilb intcmat thaoon at tho mto pr�ovld�d(n _
<br /> „ Ihe Note,vrhfsh ehaN be added to tho tndebtedness sewr�hereby. Lender eheU noi tnatr any petaonW IfabS4ty bacauao of anythinp It may
<br /> do or omit to do hnruunder.
<br /> ;. �• 8. Cvents ot Detaul4. Tho to9owinfl shall consqtuio an avc�,nt ot dclauil undor thls Daed at 7ruaL
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> . .
<br /> (a�Falluro to pny any Instailment oi pdncipul or tnterest or any olhor aum oea�rcd hercby when due,or taiture ta pay whc� duo any
<br /> olhcr InAebtedness ol9orrawer to Lcndnr.
<br /> ;.�'�:.. .
<br /> „.,� (b)A brcacb o1 0�dcfnult under any pmvision eontatrted tn the Noto, this Dned ot Tast, eny document whtch �eturoa the No1o,
<br /> ., -��x-� u►d any othd enaimbmnco upon the Properiy; -
<br /> , . .
<br /> '�'����4 ,,;�,�, (o)Ajwrlt ot exacutton ar nttacAment or any ehnilnr proersa aAatl�ba entaed apaha'► Bortower whlcA nhaA bacomo a Net�aR 1he
<br /> :;,:��;;"TF Fropzriy or u►y porUon IhereoJ ar Intereat thereln;
<br /> -:.�,�_:�.,
<br />_-_uxs�,,::��
<br />-;�,�.�.��r�� (�itE2re ehno be fited by or epsfnat Borrowa�n acllon uneer�ny preaent nv tuture teQeral.�t�te or alher atatute,(aw��eg�+tatian
<br /> _:,�;�;�,�::;� te4ting to aaniwptcy, InsoNency or other teCN tor dabtora; a thae ah�� be �ppe9nted reny Iraeetee, roeaher or kqulditor ot
<br /> -4�`" _ 8arower or ot a!or any paA ot the Ptoperiy.or tha�ente,[saues or pmAb thaeot,ot Borrawer ahe�make nny peneral aaalpnment
<br /> �;;:��� ta the bertefil 01 croditoro;
<br /> . �.a,�� , ,
<br />- ---- (e)Tfte eato,trsnafer.a$elgnment, eonveyance or tuAha encumbmrtea a�ap ot ct►y paA ot ot �ny hterest In Iha Property,eithn
<br />--: vofuntar➢y or hvotuntady,vrithout thu expresa wdtten oonsent oi Lender.
<br /> •— -__,�,� 9. Fiemedtee; Aaaeteratton Upon Del�tult. tn Iho ovml ol any Ev�nt ot Detault landar may dedu��1 Ind�biadn�s�
<br /> -.,��::,�,�,�,. aecured hsreby!o be c�ca and payable and tho eeme ahal� thereupon bocomo due and paynblo wtlhout�ny Nresentmm4 dmiatQ,ptoteal or
<br /> .___-_-�� nolice ot any kirtd. Thcrcafler Lcnder may:
<br />____ -----_ (�)OartNnd thRt T�ustse exrrotse the POYYER OF :�ALE pneited har�in,mA YNSte��hat tharsaitar aaui�8arowere Mtaast h tU�
<br /> --�µ=Qr�� Propaiiy to 6e aotd end the pmcecda to be dtstdbuted.at ht tho manner provtded In the NeLttsk�Tmat Oeed�Ad;
<br /> _ _--�:�
<br /> W.�.:�Y���
<br /> - ..�� (b)�Eihcr M P�aon ot by apmt, wilA or wlthout brhpinfl any sctlan a ptoaeadhp. ot br� rccefror appohted by�court and
<br />--- - �_� v�dthout�esynrd to tha adequ�cy of It secudiy.atter upon u�d ake asession ot the Pra "
<br /> ---- Po pert�►.or�ny Dart iheraol.!n Rs awt�name
<br /> ____ ��� or tn the neme of Trustee,and do any act�wAkfi t1 deans naesaary or EeaYabie to prasave the r�e.awicdtabily ar renlsbWy
<br /> ..;�,,,����� ot the Proparty. or RaA theraof ot Interesl therdn.hcreaee the tncomo thereiram or pmtaq!ho seouaRy heraoT sna rr8ti er vfitwu!
<br /> __`_"�y_. , taktn�,poasosatm of tha Property. auo tor or othe�wise colled the�enta,leaues and prortt9 thereof.hdu�ing those p�at due and
<br /> -____�_,,,J�� unpatd,tnd appty the enme.taaa aosla nnd oxprnaoa ol opcmtlon�nd eolleeUon Ineludinp aRomqn•tees.upon sny hdebitdn.es�
<br /> ��,.�•� aecw�ed herMy. a1 M sush oMor ea Lenda m�j dalmMne. The rntaMp upon �nd tefdng posaesalon ol the PropcAy, the
<br /> '' '�=°� coAectlon of suol�rcnte.tesuc�nnd prefits and t!�appAaUan lhcraof aa aleresntd,chay aol wto or walver am►dctauri or noUce ot
<br />,_ ,-,•i�:�;.::
<br />-- :. � �t datoul�haeunder a inraBdato eny acl duno fn roapansa 1Q oueh detauil ar puteuanl tn euct►rtpUoo o!dxfatd!¢nd,nohY:lhatan�nfl
<br /> `y�'�"� thn coMlnuanco In o9sesslon of the�Rro !
<br />_:"'' � Q',�.',`?�;�:; p Aerty or tho co�at.lon,racdp!and appYcs!on oJ rrnta.Ieaue�or pcofita.9'nestes a lantitur
<br /> , . . • ehd�u enUUcd to excrolse wery dpht prwldcd for In u►y ol the �.oan InaWmente or by law upari oceurrcnco oi eny ares�i ot
<br /> �, :r,• . � dcinu�l.InctudGtp tho dpAt to axcrdso Ihe pawat mS�nlo:artd • �
<br /> • ��� (o) Commonee an a�tlan to totecioso Ihls Oaect ot VruU aa a moApapo, oppolr�9 a teecPrcr. ar apedttcntly xnlorcn nny ot Iho
<br /> ' . .. • :..s_� eovcrennts herool; —
<br /> - , -,1,•,;,:.�5{;. .. �. ---
<br /> _+���1,�,-;}t_ Nu rcmcdy hcrcin wntcrred upen or�aacnc8lo TNStan at Lender ts htmd�to ba exclualve ot Lr�oth�:femay hcmin or by law piprWat
<br /> ' ' ot pam��[t�¢d 6u1 cech ahn0 ba cumulnWe,aAnA Ca d�mddltton to arc�/olhcr rcmcdy flfirrn hua(�tder or now or RercaRcr e�dsitnp at.{iw or
<br /> � ° ��•; In equNy ar bq atntut��'�d�h�iy A��eitcrdscd conc�rrunity,iadcpendcnUy or aucccssNcy. . , �,�
<br /> 1Q. Tt6�stoa. Tho Tn�steo�,y�aalpn at any llmo wtlhoul causo, and Lcnda may nt an�y IMe itld w(lhoul e�mo�gpoht�
<br />- � succosaw or euOstUuto Tnrstea. Taslee aAa9 no!be Il�ibto tor o.ny loss or damsge unTesa dton W acUnnable aegIlg�mco a w�IWt' -
<br /> mtsco�duel. and shNi nol bo raquked to taku any actlon 4► connectton rdtb the entorcemrnt o!ltds Oeed o! Trusl untc�s ' �
<br /> � Inde��teed. h wdtln4, tor aN coate. campensetlon or e�enaea whlch mny �o aesodate�tAerowilh.I fn addRlon. Yrusta mry
<br />_ ' become e purchaacr�t any eate o!the Propaty Qudldat ot unEa tho powa et snte pranted heretn};pest�oRe Iho eate of nti a any
<br />- ., porilo»of Mo Pro�erty.ea provlded Dy lati+r or adl the PropeAy as s rfiole,or N scparato pa�cada yt I�ts, � -
<br /> , � • • -
<br /> ... . R1t�Ep,LMO (O�JS) Wpe�o!1 . •
<br /> '„ ,. _
<br />� �._ r .
<br /> ' .� • '
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