,., ,.;; ,�:.f
<br /> ..,. ,,�
<br /> �
<br /> '.����,;�,�,�.
<br /> � :�,::.,1,` '
<br /> . . . `"' �>'v
<br /> �r.
<br /> , ' .. ' � ii � ' . • . .
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<br /> �
<br /> .. ,- ... . ......-'•---
<br /> ... _w�,,..i_�....._._.,.._.Ii_...... .. .
<br /> _._...----- }
<br /> ' 17. Yrensfor Af tho PrAperQy or a Qoneficial Interest In �orroevor. II nit or any putt ot iho PropCrty or •
<br /> any bterost in It is soid or trnnaforted (or It a bonotbiu�intoro�t in 8orrowctr Is eold or Uana�errad and Bonowcr I� not n nnturai
<br /> pereon) without Londo�s prWr writton oonaent,Londor may,at fts opttpn,roquao tmmodl�to parrt►ont In NII ot ott o�mu acnurod by
<br /> , �, thts Seourity InoUumont. Howover, this option ahuil not bo ottoralaod by Lcndcr it oucrcbo Ip prohlbit�d by tod�ral I�v�ao o}tho �
<br /> date ot this gttcurity Inettumont.
<br /> � If Lender oxoralsos this optlon,Lctndar ehali gko Bortowar notico af uceot�rutlon. Tho npttCO nhall pro�lAo o porlpd ot not � .,
<br /> gas than 3Q days hom ihe duto the notico Ia dolNOrod or mnlbd withln whbh 9orrow[sr muat pay all aum� ocourod by thl� ;��
<br /> Seourqy Ineuumont. If Barrowar tails ta pay thoso sumo prlor !o tho oxplrntlon of thl�pestod, LCndcr mny Invoko nny romadlou �
<br /> . pem�qted by this Ssourlty instrument without Iurther notice or demand on 8ortawer,
<br /> ' 933. Q�vrawoe'a Pitght 40 �teinatate. It BoRO�1Cr m��tt3 CCrt(11n eanditiane, E?orrowor ohGll haro Iho tlpht t0 hnvo �
<br /> • � enforcement at thls Seeurity Inatrument discontinuod at any time prtar to the earllnr ol: (0) 6 day0 (Ot ouOh olhor pOrtod n0 M�
<br /> applbable taw may specNy tor reln3tatemont)bofore enle ot tho PropeRy purounnt to any powor of aub oontnU�od tn thls S�curlty � '�;•
<br /> .. -- InsUumont;or(b)ontry ot n judgment entorohg thl9 Soourily InBtrumont.ThOOO oondllbnG tuo thnt 8orrawor: (t1)pnya Londor all , .
<br /> „t� eums whloh then wouid be due undor this S�curtty Inatrumont and tho Nete ae If no eoeoloratton had 000urrod; Ib)ouroa nnY N':
<br /> defeuk of any other oovenant or agreemonte; (e)pays sll axponso� Inoutrod In anfproln tl�l� SQOUrIty inetrument, lnotudlnp, but I4
<br /> not IYnfted to,reaeonabb attomcys't�s; and(d)tskes suoh aotlon ns Londor may roo onaby requko to uoouro thAt tho uan ot `� ,., �����.
<br /> :,i ��'�° thia Securfty Instrument, Lenders �Ights in the Property and Bonowers obllgetlon to pay ihe sumo acaurod by thl� 8�urlty , �,
<br /> Instnimant shall continue unohengad. Upon reinsU►tement by 8orrowor, this Soau�Qy InsWrttqnl and the obllpeliona ooauBd ,�ti�,�
<br /> � hereby shall remain tully offeotive as if no acceleratlon had ocourrod. Mowever,thla rqht to rotnatatv ohall npt nppry 1n the oaoo �1, .
<br /> ot seCelemtlon under paregtaph 17. ,� -
<br /> 19. SAIO 04 NOtO; Change ot Loao Senrleer. The Note or n a p�Alul interest In the Noto (to�ether wlth this ,:,,�°
<br /> z;;,;��;, '�" Sseurlty�nstrument)may be aold one or more timos wRhout ptlor notbe to 8onowor.A aaie mmy re8uft�+a ohltnpe in tHe endty :'`t?;;�:
<br /> ,� (kv�own as the'LOan Sarvlaer')that ool(sota monthy paymoMS due undor tAO Note snd thtg Ssaurlty Inatrum�nt. Thete nlao mAy � �-�.�a:
<br /> � 6e one nr moro ohanges ot the 4.00n 3ervber unrefated to a eate ol the Nota. Jt thcro la a ohan�s of the Loen BeNber, - -•---
<br /> � Bortower►v1li be gNan v�rkter►notke of the ohange In accordance wQh paragreph 14 ebovo and appUC¢ble ktw. Tho notbe wUl •�
<br /> atata the name and address ot the new Loan Servber and tho addresa to whbh pnymenta ehouid ba mad0. Ths nottae wll�alao ..{V.:�;
<br /> `%•�f: oontaln any other Informatlon required by applioabte Iaw. .
<br /> •�lt''''� z Z0. He:ardoua Substeneee. earower snau not oauae or permR the presanco,use,dbposai, etortp�,or qNiso of •��:-=
<br /> ,��+.,�.
<br /> `����, t any HaraMoua Substanaes on or In the Proparty. Borrov�er shall not do,nor altaw anyone otao to do,flnythlnp attaotlnp Ihe .,-,'�
<br /> Property that Is In vtoiatlon of any EnvUOnment8i Law. The proCeding two eentencoa ehan not epply to the pressnc�,ut�, or •,.r_.___
<br /> ,,, ;,�y� 4 storcge on the PropeRy of email quentities ot Hazardous Substancos thut uro generay �ocoanlied to be appropriate to normmi ;.r
<br /> ,?�;,,"'� � resldential uses end to mafntonance of the Property. M—°`—
<br /> ' `� Borrower ehall pram!�tly gMe Lender wrilten notbe of any investlgatbn, oialm,d0mend. I�wault or othor aotbn by nny ;•__
<br /> ,�r;�� :;<__-
<br /> ` govemmental or regutatory agenay a� �rNate party InvoNing 4he Properiy end any Fiaserdous&ubatanco a►F.nvkonmont4l Law of __
<br /> �'�. whbh BoROwar hes eatuat know�edge. It Bor►ower leams, or is �otNled by any govammentat ur ropulutory nuthortq, that any �.`—"�
<br /> � _ .- _„
<br /> z removal or otner remed�at�on ot any Haierdous Subutrence 6�tb�8 F'iap6siy 16 rsx�a�;. 9oao:"� =h�!! ���+1!'r'!!y 4!�! Qu =_-
<br /> � nacessary romedial aotbnu In accordence wqh Envlronmentei Law. _-``'°�°
<br /> '�' " A8 ueed h thb pamgrapN 20�"Harardous Subatanoeo• are those subetanees dellnad ns toxb or h�erdous substane�0 by �
<br /> •!:.. �� � p
<br /> ` �:':'��' �� Envlronrrtentat I.aw and tho folbwing subetanees: gaso�lne, kerosen�, othw itammabb or toxb p�trol9um produot�, tOxb
<br /> ,� pestbldos and herbbides,volatlte solventa,materiats oontahing asbestos or tortnnldehyde.�nd ndlotottw mat�kia. M utaf In
<br /> ,. paresrciph 20, "EnvUonmontai La�v" means foderal laws 8nd It�we of the Jutl3dbtlOn wAr�ih�PtOp6Ay I� IOCQtOd thtt�Yltto l0
<br /> �' heaAh,safety or env(ronmental proteotlon.
<br /> NON•UNIFOAM COVENAtJT3.8ortower and Lender (urther aovenant end epree ae totlovm:
<br /> l�; Z1. AccelcraUon; Remedtea Lender shfltl gtve notico to �orrower prtor to soeeleratton
<br /> f�liowine Bor�ower'a brenoh ot any covenent or agreemont In thitt Soeu�ity IneVumont (but not
<br /> prio� to acaetereUon under psregraph 17 unleas a�plieebla tew providea otherwtao). The nottos
<br />�•� � ahnll apeeiy: (e) tho defeutt; (b)the noUon requi�ed to oure tMe dotnult� (c)e dete� not lew then
<br /> ' 30 cieys 4rom She date the noUce Is gtven to 8or�ower. by whioh the deteutt must b� oured; �nd
<br /> • (d) thet tailure W cur� 4�e detault on or betore the date ap�otitod Ir� the rtotioe may rawit In
<br /> � aeaeleretlan of the suens soeurod by thte 3eeurity instrument e�d aate of the Property.The notto� _
<br /> � ahati turther Inform Barrower ot 4h� �Igl�t 4o retnM�ate etter eeaeleratlon and the rlQht to brinp � _—
<br /> r, court actlon tn esssrt the non�extsteneo 04 A deMutt o� any other detonee of Borrow�r to -
<br /> aooeleratton and sat�. Et the dotautt ia rtot cur�ed on or before the� deto spaeNlod In the rt�tioe� �- -
<br /> �� �I` �'` �� Londer at tte op4Jon mey requt�e U�emedtate peyment in tutt ot all �uma aecured by thl� 8eaurity �'� �
<br /> .::��`��. '� r�strument �t4iwu# 4urthar de�a�d end �say i»��re tE�o p�;��r et c�1�a end ony otl�er remedles �' - -
<br /> �� `� :�; permitted by eppiicabte tew. Lander ahett be enti4led to coiteet eit expenaes Incurred in purwlnp !
<br /> the remedlea provided in thls paragreph 21, Inel�eding, but not Ilmitod to� reesondble etQOrneys'
<br /> ' ices and coata o4 title evidenaa. -�--
<br /> ���;\� ;. If the power of aale is invaked. T�ustae shatl reeord a noUam of dofault In eaoh aounty In ���--
<br /> �- whieh any pnrt ot the Property ia loceted and ehall meil aoplea of suoh notice in the menner :=_
<br /> � presoribed by epplicable lew to Borrower end to the other pereona preacribvd by appllaebte law. F�A_
<br /> • Aiter the� time required by appifoabte law. T�uetee ahnll gtve publle nottae of sale to the per�on� _
<br /> �.,,;;� and in tho manner preao�ibed by epplicab�e lew. Trusteo� wittl8ut deme�d on Borrower� sheti selt �.____
<br /> -� ��>,��}� the Proporby et pubilc auction to the hlgheat bidder at the timo a�d picco and u�der tlho terms .,,;�;__-
<br /> ,.;.; ..- . ..
<br /> ���;;.s���� deaignetod in tho notice ot eale fn ono or more parcets aad In �any ordor Truetoo dotcrminee. �':;.�_�:
<br /> ---= - -=-; :ruatec �:ay po�pons s°!e o4 c!! ^r sn; ��rQQ! ot tho Properiy by publie anrtauneement at the __ ,_-
<br /> � timo and plaae ot any prevtously saheduted sale. Londor or ILo doatgnoe mey purchase the --� _-
<br /> w-
<br /> Property at eny eale. _ __
<br /> �L.'���', -. _= Upon reeetpt�of paymarnt T�the priee�bid�T�u.ate�Qh�ii��oll�'��Q�pe Mchte ev d`nee of .
<br />=="2-'----�-�'-�- �1P@�1 WltvOytn� UfQ rlv�/W ay. ...v .v�..wm... .�..� ...�.���— ---- `.
<br /> � tho truth of the otatemente mede therein. T�uatee ehall eppty tho praeeedo of tho aale In the �� � ,
<br /> toltowing order: (a) to alt cnsta anr expenaes of exerciolnfl tho po�ver ot anlo� and tho aato, ,
<br /> � includtng the payment of the Truatee's tees aetuatty(neurrod, r�ot to exaood three . ,
<br /> �,6 ot tho prinotpni amount of the
<br /> aotc at ths Uma of the dectaratfon ot datauit� and reaeonttlbta attorney'a foe8 ea pormittod by taw; , _
<br /> •• (b) to all suma securod by thia Security lastrument; and (c)any exaoas to tho poraar� or po�sona .�
<br /> , " legnity entitled to IL
<br /> ' , vao.e oi a %___ �I� �
<br /> Ft�tO.lM�(t/90) �����%�� •
<br /> " " 860P1
<br /> . �
<br />