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�:1 . ;,,. . <br /> . �� <br /> ,. .,�„ . V .. <br /> , . .. _ . . ..._ , <br /> _.., � _.. . __ _.. � <br /> .„. ..'�'"v'-��.--.- ._. . .... . . <br /> � ' • BoRawor may auro ouch a datauh and roinst�te, As pra�ldod In pnrngraph 18, by aauaing !ho notlon or procoodNg to bo <br /> dlsmisaed r+ith a ru11n0 that. In Lendure good tn�th doterminetlon,preoNdea}oRelwro of tho BoROwera Intorost In tho Propctrry or <br /> othor mnte►la�Unpalm►ant of the Ilen croated by this Soourity Inotrumant or Lcnda�s aQOUrlty Intorast. BOROW�f BhUfl UI30 bo tn <br /> defaup If 8orrower.durtng the tonn eppltcetlon procoso,guvo mt►toria�ry fntoo or tnnccurnto intormntion or sWtcmunts!o Londcr(or � <br /> tuil�d to provtdo Lunder with any mnterl3t Informotlon) In oonncotton with tho toan evldenoed by tho Noto, Moludinp, but not C� <br /> tlmitod to, r�presontntiono oonaeming Borrowars oeoupanoy ot tho Propariy as a prtnolpa� reatdenco. It thb fioaurity o <br /> �naWmont W on �t basehold, Bortower ahntl oompty wkh en the provislons of !ho Ieuae. If Bortov�er aoquiroa ieo tflte to tho <br /> PropaAy.the lensohold and the teo tHls ehall not mergs unlass Londcr ugreos to tho mergor tn v�rlting. � <br /> ' 7. Protection ot Lendvr's Righte in the P�operty.�f eortowdr ta11� to pmtortn thq oovenents and apreamento � ,• <br /> . contoinod M thla Seourity instrument, or thoro is a �et procosding thnt mRy EilgnifiCantly t1tt(iot LondCra rlphts in tho P�opmty <br /> (suoh as a proceedin8 In bankruptoy,probate,tor aondemnption or tortoituro or to ontorco tnw8 or roeu4sttons),thon lender maY �;,�y <br /> da and psy tor whntwer Is n�aossary to protoat the vatue ot tho PropeRy and Lendera rlghts In the PropeAy. Len6e�'s aolbns � ... <br /> ��, may Natude paytng anY suma seoured by a Ibn whbh has prlorily over this Seaurity Instrumont, appaaring tn aourt, pnrin8 <br /> " � reu8onnble ottomaya'feas end entoring on the Properiy to make repaira.Atthough Lander may tekA aotton undor this paregreph <br /> 7,Lender do�s not have to do ao. <br /> My amounts dlsburspd by Lender under ptuagraph 7 ahall beoome addktonat debt of Bortower soourod by thb Soeurity <br /> Instrument. Unt�sa 8onov�or nnd Londer agroe to othor terms of payment, theso nmounta ehall bsar Intereat ham tha dote of <br /> dlsbursemont at tho Note rete and ahall be payable,with interest,upon noti�e from Lender to 8orrowar requesthg prsyment. . <br /> � 8. M�rtgago Insur�nce. If Londor required mortgago haurance ae u oonditton o} maktng the toan suaured by this •_�ti <br /> ;f SeourHy Instrument,Bortower shall pay the premtums requfred to malntain the mortgage tnsurance In offoot.It,for eny reason,the <br /> moRgape inaurance aoverage r�qutred by Lender lepses or eeasos to be In eHeot,8onower shnU pny tho premlums roqulred to �. <br /> obtaln ooveraga substandally equivalsnt to the mortgago Insurcinca prevlousy in effeat, at a oost subatantlaly equivalent to the „ <br /> �A• <br /> ' oost to Bortower at the mortgepe Nsurance provlousty tn eHeot, trom an oRemate mortgage Insurer approvad by Lender. If <br /> substanttaliy equMalent mortgage fnaumnce oova►ago Is oot svallable, 8orrower shall pay to Lender eaoh month a sum equal to • <br /> one�twoffth ot tfle yea�ly martgaps 1nRUmnec►premlum botnQ pakl by sortower when tho Naurence aoverape tapsed or ceased to _ . <br /> pe in efFent. Lender wm acCept, use and retatn these payments a3 a toss reserve N Ileu of mortgage inauranco. Losa resorve <br /> � paymenta may no tonger bo�equlred,at tha aptlon of Lender, H mortgege Insurance cavera8e(In the amount and tcr the perEod �� ;*�.;: <br /> - •1 thet Lendor require3) provided by an inaurar approvod by Lendor agaln beoomes svaliabl�end Is obtatned. Bortower al�nt pey �"�- <br /> '<:i.,�,:.� <br /> � the prsmiums requked to rtahtain mort9a8e Insurance M eHeat,or to provide a bss roserva, untll the requlrement for mongnge ; ;:: <br /> ��;,�.';.� �,.�; insurance ends in accordanae wkh any w►pten agreament between eortower and Londer or applbabte law. ''^_'"��" <br /> " �.t.� 9. ItIBp8C110[I.Lendnt or ita a8ent may mako resoonabie enMas upon and inapeotlons ot tAo Property. Lcsnder shalgNe .:,,� <br /> Boaower notiae at the ttrna of or prlor to an inspeotton speoiPying�asanabb aause for the inepeation. . +„� <br /> ' 1Q. C�ndemnatton.The proceeda of any award or o�atm tor damages,dir�ot ar aonsequential, In oonnectlon wAA any �,�, <br /> 0 <br /> �• oondemnatlon or othar taking ot any part ot the Property,or tor oonvoyance in Ileu of oondemnntion, are hereby asslgned and ;y�,,rv <br /> shell be paid to IAndar. �"-_ <br /> � in tho svent ot a tctst takhg of the PropoRy, the proceeds shalt be eppUed to the sums seoured by thls 5iau�iry � <br /> . ,. InaWment,whether or not thon dus,wilh any exoesa paid to BoROwer. In the mrent ot a partiai taking ot the Property in whfch <br /> �,{ the faV mf►rket value ot tne Nropemr immadiaEeiy�ion+ro ih6 iaklcttg � squ&!2o Or attsisx th8s!!�+ amotsn!�f th9 Byms ascur�d _ <br /> ? by this 3eourfty Instrumont Immedlately before tho taking, uniess Bortower and Londor otherwiso agree tn writtng, the sumo � <br /> • neourcid by this Seau�Inatiument shall be reduood by the amount of the proeeeda muiNplied by!he totlowinq fraotbn: (e) the _ <br /> ' ' total amount of tho suma sacured Immediatey betore tho tskhp, dN�dod by(b)th4 fa�merket value of the Propartp Imme�atoy �,:, <br /> betore tho telcing.My bal3nce ehali be patd ro BoROV+er.In the event ot a parttel tuking ot the Property h whbh the fafr marlcet �,,,,<,_. <br /> valus of tha Ptoporiy Mmudlately betore tho taking is Iesa then the smount of tho sums seoured Immedlatery bofore the taktng, � <br /> . . �� unt�sa BoROwor end Londer otheiwise agroe N w�tin0 ot unless applbabte law o4hwwfse provides, the proaeeds ahnll bo <br /> epplied to tho sums soourod by thf�&aoudry InsWmont whethor or not the sumo ero then due. <br /> ,� It tho Proporty is nbandoned by 8ortowe�,or If,afte�notke by Lender to Bortowor that the eondemnor oHere to meke an �- <br /> award or settb n olsiim for dumRpes, BoROwer tails to rospond to Lencler wkhh 30 dnys ufter the date the notieo b pMen, e�;,� <br /> � ! _� <br /> <�w Lender fs autho�xad to colteot and appry the proee�eds,at Its optton,oithor to rostoreUon or ropah ef tho Properry or to tho �:;, <br /> � � sums securod by this Seaurfty Uatrumant,�vhether or not then duo. � <br /> Unlese Lender end Borrower othe�wisa agree In wdting, eny epplbeGbn ot procooda to p�lnolpal shall not extend or — <br />-�.• _��',:• postpone the due date o4 the monthly paym:nts rn}emid to in pnr�rmFhs t itnd E or ohange the emount of suoh peym[iMe. <br />=<����•-• _��• 11. Borrowea i��t Reloased; Forbearaence By Lender Not e Waiver.Extenston of the tlme far paymant or __.__._ <br /> _;'�i} . . *�? modMb�tbn of emortimtinn ot the sums seoured by tPota SoourRy Instrument granted by Leader to any auccessor h Intaest of �r.s� <br /> !-�r•,•;. <br />�.;•. '�1" � Bonower shall not opemte to rolease the Ilnbliily of tfio orlpinai BorrowHr or Borrower's sueeesaor8 0� InteresG Lender shau not �__ <br /> � bo requhed to oommonce ptoceedings against any suaessor M Interest or reNse to extend time for payment or otharwisp <br />- modty amoRlmtton ot lhu auma seourod by this Seourity Inohument by resson ot any demand mfldo by the odpinal Borrower or _ <br />":"° . BOROYlM'B BIICC8380I8 !11 41WT48t• MY forboaranco by Londer In exerolslrtg any ripht or remedy ehall not bo a wahrer ot or __ <br /> ... i. Prootudo thm wcacisc►ot any�18ht or romedy. �,-_ <br />-'' � 42. �ucc�arc� end Aa�igns 13oand; Jolnt and Severei Ll�blllty; Co-signera. rne corenams and <br />�"'"~r���.�• sgroomanls of thi3 Soourfty InsWmont sAnll bind and benefit the euacossors Md sssl0na ot Lendar end Borrower.subfcotlo the ryA <br /> -?:,,�r.v... <br /> �-• ,.,�:= • provbi�ns of parapraph 17. Borrowafs aovenanta end apreomonts anall be Joht and soverat. My Borrower who oo-slpnB M• _ <br /> 't" ,_' fioour�ty InaWmont but slooa not oxecute the Noto: (a)Is oas�gning thls Seourriy Instrument ony to mort0ape,grant nnd oorrvey <br />-. �•�•. <br />�. ' that BoROV�or's htQrest h tho PropoRy undor tho terms of thia SeeurIIy InaNument; (b) ia not porsansll�►obtipaitsd to pe}r t o _ <br /> oums aQau� by thta Soourily Instrument; und (o)agroes thut Lender and sny other Borrower mny agree to eutend,modly, �,A�:., <br />- s• tprb2nr ar mntca any acoommodatlonu wkh regerd to the terma of thla Seauriry Inatrument or the Note wtthout that 6o�rowoPs _ <br /> , � oonsent. - <br /> ,� 1�. Lonn CO�argea. u eno �osn seeured br th� Sc��uelty inatrumont fs aub}oot to n taw wNi¢h seta meximum ioan __. <br /> ` = ChCrges,and th9t U1w is Maity IntFUpretod oo thut tho Intnreat or alher ben ahtugps aolboted or to bo oolbotad in eomeCFon = <br /> • w�h !he loan oxoeod tho pormittod Ilmits,then: (o)any auoh loan cAarge ahali be reduaed by the amount necossary to rcsduce __ <br /> the oharge to tha pam►Itted Imix und (b)nny sum�etready aotbatod trom Bonower whfoh exceoded pormittod Ilm(ta wiA ke �„m� <br /> � retunded to 8aaower•Le��dor may oh0000 to mako this retund by reduoing tha prinelpat ovrad unQcr tha Noto or by moktng a 151�� <br /> Ct�e: <br /> d�sc.-t paYn�cn! !0 9Crro�v�r. It e �nd roduces prinobal, tho reduotlon wlll be troatod t�a a pnRk�t prepayrteont without eny �-- <br /> •�' x propayment ah(upa undot tho Note. ` <br /> (u/ <br /> ° 94. NOtIQC8.Any notfco to Bortowor provldod for tn thhs SoGUdty Instrument shnll be gben by dolNering It a by mnfling it <br /> �� " by tirest abso ma0 aabss aPP�►oabb law roquMe� use ot enothor mothod. Trio nottce ohnU bo dtrootod ro the Rroporty Addroas :: <br /> ------_ ___ '� or nny othcu adGroso Bortowar dssfpnates by noHce to Ltmdasr. My notico�to_Londor aAalt bo gNon.�by�fM� ���� �: <br /> -------- � .• - •--�--�--�-- <br /> _.__ .. <br /> Landers uddrosa offi:00 horotn or any omer edaresaa ��� vaaqp�ntw v� ..v�.w ��............. ...i ..�..���._.___ ._ - <br /> rt <br /> � � Soauriry Inatrumnnt ohnq bo dnomod to have beon pkon to 8orrowur ar Londor when plvan aa providod In tAts pruegraph. <br /> 96. eovereing Lew; 5evera9liity. Thhs SocuNb �notrumont sholt bo�ovomod by bdoral t�w und tho tsw ot the <br /> � Judsdbtfon In whbh tho PropcMy Ns tooatod. in tho ovont thnt nny provlsion or ctauae ot thts Soau�ity inabumont or Iho Noto <br /> conftict3 wRh applks�bis law, suaA conilict ehatl not nth�ot othor provislona of this Soouriry lnatrumcmt or the Noto whbh aun bu <br /> ' ., gNon c�ifeot wtt�out tho confllating prov�slon•To thb and tho provisiona of this&eourity insUUmcnt und tho Noto aro deo4ired to <br /> bo ccs�rre►nbb. <br /> • 18. �01�0Yii�i'8�iOpj►.Borrowar ahaC bo gtvcm ono conto�nod oopy of tho Noto nnd of this Soaurity Inawmant. <br /> � � L��, <br /> .. F1�10.1M0(t/9fl) P�p�8 ot 6 G/�_,i� <br /> 040�1 <br />