4 �
<br /> . .. � . ,/ ! .,
<br /> , 1> .. " . ' „ .. ... _�._. a� �
<br /> � � 17. T�aneter of the P�operly or a BeneHelai IntePee4 in Borrav�ee. tf nti or any part of lho Proparty or • .
<br /> nny Intorost tn C 13 ooia or trMaforted (or B a banetblal intureat in Bortower is sokl or tranBSorrod nnd BoROwor Is not a natural ^ ,
<br /> poraon) viithout Landoru prior a�rltten oonaent, Lender may.al Its optlon,roquUe lmmodlato pnymont In iull ot au oume ocaurod by .
<br /> this 8caurlty Inatrumant. Howovor, this optbn ohnii not be oxoroi9od by Londor M oxoroi9e Is prohibitod by ledorat I�w n6 ot tho
<br /> dato of thls 800urity In�trument.
<br /> ' If LGndar oxarclsos thls optlon, Londor shaA gNO BoRO�ver not�o ot acceleretiun. Tho notko ohnll provlde n periqd of nat � �
<br /> leso than 30 dnyR from the dato tho notbo is dolivored or malled wlthin whbh Borrowor muat pny atl ouma aecurod by thls
<br /> Suourity Inst►umont. If Bortov�ot folis to pay theso suma prbr to the oxpiratlon ot thls porlod, Londer mny Invoke eny remodles �
<br /> • pormiitod by thls Securtty Inetrument without tuAhsr not�o or dcmand on Ho�rawsr.
<br /> 1�. Borrower'o RIflh4 to Reinetete• If BoROwer meeta csrtain oondftlona, Borcowor s�atl have the right to have � �
<br /> entoraement of thls 8ftcurity Instrument disoontinued et a�y time prior to the earlier ot (a) b days (or suoh othsr psrfod as � • _�,�, ,
<br /> -• applbabie law mey apooly tor refnatatement)bafore sale of the Properry pursuant to any power of seta contalned N fhb Seourity � .. ,
<br /> � Instrument; or(b)antry of a Judgment enforcing this Seourfty Instmment.Thoso condltions are that Bortower.(a)paYS Lender ali � ,
<br /> sums whbh then wouid be due under thb Socurity Instrument and tho Note as R no acceletation had occurred; (b)aures any �
<br /> deffiuft of any other oovenant or agreements; (o)pay8 ali e�enses Incurted in entoroing thts Seaurfty �nsWment, tnofuding, but _ r,:�
<br /> not Iimited to,reasonabte attomeys'tees; and (d)takes suoh actlon ae Lendsr may reasonably require to assuro that the Iien ot , �ti'_
<br /> thls 3ocurity Instrurtsent, Lenders rlghts In the PropeHy and 8ortowe�s obligatbn to pay the sums seoured by th�s 3eaurity , ry;
<br /> insuume�s'sreali�cNO�N�eNeattve as if op acce�atlon had ocaurred.WHawover$thls ri�ht to refnatelenshat!n tbapply in the�case • `._,��^--:
<br /> , heroby e �Y �a ��_'�
<br /> ;�� .,
<br /> ' ' af sccabratton under paragreph 17. �'-
<br /> . •'Y_=,,:..
<br /> 98. 5818 Of NOIQ� Change ot Loan Servicer. The Note or 6 8 p8rtlal Inteteet In the Note (together wfth 1hIS `l',_ _
<br /> ..1« Security Instrument)may be sold one or more timas wBhout prior notice to Bottower.A sale may resuft In a ahange In the enttty . _
<br /> (known as the"Loan 8ervber")that aolfeota monthy payments due under the Noto and thls 5ecurity Instrument. There also may :.:;r:��._
<br /> be one or more ohen�es of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a seb of the Nate. If there �s a ohange ot the loan 3ervicer, ': 'Y2�-
<br /> Bortov�or w1U bo gNen wrilton notbe of the ohange N acoardssnce with paragraph 14 abavo and spplbabi9 iaw. Tho notbe w11i �,��•_CS,:
<br /> stnte the nam9 end address of the new Loan Servfcer and tho addreae to whbh paymenta ahouid be made. The notfae wlll a�so ��'l�-•
<br /> contafn any other Mformatbn requlrad by applbable law• '�--
<br /> ,��r��r.;
<br /> , M : Z0. He�rdoua 5ubstanaoo. BoROwor ohall not anuso or permlt tho proaanoo, uee, disposai, ator8go, or roba8o of �t L��
<br /> � •t any Herardouo 8ubstancoa on or h tha Property. 9oROwer ehnll not do, nor oUow anyono etae to do,anythinp aHeothp the ��•
<br /> ��.
<br /> Proporty thal i� In vbtation ot any Env4onmontni Law. The precadinp two sa�tencea ohaii not appy to the prosence, usa,or ���--R,
<br /> � stora$e on Ihe Propetty ot amatt 4unntRiea o} Hamrdous Subetanees that oro penom►y r000gniaod to be appropriate to normat *��
<br /> � ' ��t�-::
<br /> � � rosldentint uaes end to mnlntenanae of the Property --
<br /> Borcowa ehnA prompty plve L.ender written notlae of enY hvestipttton, ota�►, domAnd, tawsuit or other eotlan by nnY _____
<br /> Q�yor,monal or reautaton e0enoy or private party InvoNinp the PtopeRf�and eny Harardous Subatanae ot Hnvirpnmental Law of ��
<br /> T � whbh Bortownr has notuat knowledpe. If Borrowar taame, or�s notiiad by nnr �i+ao�'��sts=a�'s�ss�lQ►Y �1�"try= lhat any _
<br /> � removat or other remediatton ot any Harardoue bbbstance atfeotNp P�opeRy Is nocroseary� Borrower ohatl prompty take ati
<br /> i' neaeneary remodlel aettons In a000rdance with Envbonm�ntat Law.
<br /> � As uaed M thb para9rnPt► 20� 'Hemrdous 8ubotanoos' are those subatances defhsed ss toxb or hemrdoue substanees by
<br /> � � Environmenta� Law end the toAowinp subatances; gneotlno, kerosone, other fL�mmebb or toxb peUOleum produate, toxb
<br /> P pestialdas end herbbldes,vak+tlie soNESnts, materlal�conmin�8 esb�stos or fortnsldohydo,und redloaotive materlats. Aa uaed In =--
<br /> _ paragraph Z6, 'Fnvironmentat Law' meana tedeml bw� wd bws ot thv Jurisdbtfon whom the PropeAy b�ooatod that reiete to
<br /> . r health,safst�r or onvironmental proteotlon. �_
<br /> � �• NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bortower and lnndot NAhsr oovenant and agroe as foaows: �•��;
<br /> � �` Zt. AceQlereUon; Remediaa. Lender ahaet give notloe to Borrower prior to acceieredon ��f;;y;�_
<br /> ,,. � � ot�:,�.-�---
<br /> .. , tottowtng Borrower's breaoh ot nny cova+�rant or egrc�ment In 4hlo Security InsVument (but not __�
<br /> �' pefor to aeeeleration undar paragraph 18 unlese e(opliaebie law providoa otherwise)• The notiee
<br /> ahnit specity: (s)tPoe detauit; @) tho actlon requtred to curo tPoe defnult; (c)a dMa, not leas than �},�_-
<br /> • , :�`� 30 daya trom the deta tho noticv i8 givsn to Borrower,by which the det�ult muet be ourad; end �;..
<br /> � � * (d) that talluro to curo tho defeult on or betore the d�to c�ecifled in +ii�e +notice m�y reaul! In ��_
<br /> �ceelert�tton of tho auma secured by thiti 3eeurity In�ument end aaie Bf the P�operty. The notiee
<br /> � � �' ahatl f�erther Intorm Borrower of the riql�4 to reln�tate attar aeeeteret�on and the right to brinp e �-_
<br /> Qo�K QQ�on � ��r� �o non-exi�m�c� ot e defeuit or eny other detenaa ot Borrower 40 �_ _
<br /> °. _�� eceeleretton end sale. If the det�uit Ix not cured on or before the deto apeoitied in the rtotiae, �r_
<br /> Lendor et ito vption may rayutfe t�+nsa�adl�le payment In tuii of ell sums aeeurod by this Seeurity W
<br /> ��� InrArument without fur9her deman� se�d me�y Invoke the Nower of eale and any other remedies
<br /> .' --' �-`��7 pter�iiiiiai+ •`r;oY�:�C:.�:- !=.•, �e�Am cb�ple ho oh���B� ��^ ��!!__�gt� ��wnaaa itt6UPi6�' Ist r3:lP�'34[!Q 4_ --- _
<br /> � �` the �omedioa provid0d In thla paragraph 21� inoluding, but not Itmitad to� reaaonable ettArneye` �� --�
<br />_" ` � _--__-
<br /> teea nnd coals of Utio evidence. `��=°-;�v_.
<br /> � � If tho �ower ot sale ta Invaked� Trustee ahall record a noUce af deMult in eaah couMy in •-'�:_��i�y_�-,
<br /> � t whloh anv pnrt of the Proporty Is lo�2ed and ohett mail aopiea of suah notlae �� ���ble I�w. -�� _
<br /> prescribod by appllccbiQ lew to Borrower end to the other poraons p�eacribod by epp ;�,;�._;,__
<br /> , �.� Atter tho Umo Pequired by applicebt� Ia�r,Tru�ee ahell gtvo publis noUeo of ealo t� 46�o Pernona ' ��s�-�,;:-i
<br /> :vi+4Y;ilF"-�
<br /> and In the mannor pr�seribed by appli�Gote tew• Tru:►'toe,without domand o� Baroo�+�,e7�att sell , e.y�:�:M_
<br /> the P�operly et publto euatlon to th� hi�heat biddor at tNe time and ptaao and under tha terme ";ti;�: :F�
<br /> ° �� desigriatod in tho noUce ot aato in ono or more parcota end Ir� any ordcr Yrunteo doterminea. ';�`��
<br /> �� ' Truetee may poatpono sale of elt or any pnravl at tho Proporty by public nnnouncement at the --<-;�.__�
<br /> --. .. . _._ �me and ptaeo ot eny previoualy sci�oaiut�d �ale. Lend�� ar tts de�ignee m�Y peroh�e the - -`.--_.�;;;'
<br /> ., • Proporty at ony oalo. � � "�
<br />_ _ _-_��_____� � . a .�_ ....... ..�a Tru�en �n aetiver to the �urohasor Truateoa
<br /> °_-_-- ._�r;
<br /> - --------- ppon �caeipi o� pay--- – r . � �
<br /> mv�w v� u�v . ... ...�, .. _ -
<br /> doed condeying thQ Prapvrty.T'Ne rocitalo in th� TruMee's doed shall bo prime feole evidonco ot ;�°;,
<br /> : thc truth ot tho atator�fen4o mado th�reln. Tru�teo shnll apply thc proceede ot the eate In the
<br /> follvwing drdor: (u) to ell costs eoasi �xpensos oi exerciotng tho power of eato, a�d the sote, ;
<br /> inetuding the pnymont ot tho Truote�'�4.eea ac4ually ineurrod, not�f�e R`^he1F���mount of the
<br /> ' � not@ mt tho time of tho dealaratton of de4autt,and reesonnblv attornoy'a tees es permittedl by law;
<br /> „ (b)to nll e►umo aeeured by this Seca��iry Instrumen4; and (e) any oxeosa to the persan or qorsons .
<br /> legatly enUttvd to it �;;'
<br /> �
<br /> Pape a ol 6 ... .,
<br /> Ft310.1M0(t/9B)
<br /> u '
<br />� ., � ------, 00500 . . _ - —_ — _ - _ .._,,.,���
<br />