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1 . <br /> :y <br /> ir <br /> �� . U <br /> :i ' <br /> � . <br /> '� n - ' . . � .. n ,. . i <br /> �� .. �� � ' " .. . . . ......... . .... . <br /> � ... .. .�� .......�......—...... <br /> ''.� . <br /> � 6arro,nc-r mt�y curo auoh 6 dofauR and reinateto, ns provided in para8ruph 18, by cuustng tho actton or prooeodtnp to bo <br /> m <br /> �: d�sml3acd whh a ruttng that,b�endera good tarih datertnNation,prvotudon to�totturo ot tho Borto►vo�s intcroat tn tho ropo or <br /> '� cthor mntorlal ImpaYment of Iho Ibn orctated by thts 8aaurity inetrumcnt or Londara sceurity Intarout. Bortovrar ehail ni90 bo In <br /> p�t�futt M BoROrva,during tho tonn cippibntian pr000so,gnvo matcr►nly tatse or Inecoumto intormat�on or atatemonts to t,.enaer�or <br /> 1�IIad to providc�Londer with nny mat�rlal Infarmntion) In oonnoatlon with thv lonn wf�oncod by tho Noto, tnaiuding,but not <br /> Iimltod to, roprosenWtlona ooncoming BoROwors occupanoy of the Proporty as n p►Inoipul residenco. if thls Soourlty � <br /> ' 6�atrument I� on a laaeahold,Borrowar oNall eompN with uli tho provlslono of tho lonao. If 8onowot uequlros fao titb to tho � <br /> PropCrty,tho faueehold and Ihe tea tftie ahaU not morgA unie8a Londer 8grees to the merger In wrlting. '�'4•�� <br /> ���;�� 7. PratQatios�ot Lenc9or'o Righta In tho Property. n eoROwor �sris to peRorm tho aavenant3 nnd a9�omonta . ' <br /> cantainod i� this 8eeurity Inetrument, or there 1a a bgai prooeoding thet may slgnilbantty aHect Lcndcr's riphts ln tho ProPeAy � � <br /> (tuch ea o procoodtng in bankruptay,probnt�,for oondamnatlon or forteiNre or to enloroe Iawa or regutationa). ��ndo sdaotono Y�1 �''��•ti'.:;;� <br /> do und poy lor whetovor Is neCOSBary to proteot the vnlue of the Property 8nd Lertders righto in the Ptoperty. w <br /> � m8y Inotude pt3yhp any sums aoaured by a Ilen whbh hus ptiority ovet this Secu�ity instrument, appearing In oourt, payN9 ��� . <br /> _ � ��ip . <br /> rs�poonct►bb attomeyo'fCe� ond entering on the Property to make repaUs.Ahhough Lender may take sation under this para9fePh ;;;,� <br /> � ';s.... <br /> ��`��� 7,LGndCr doos not hnve to do so. ' <br /> My amo�nts disbur�ed by Lcsnder under paregraph 7 shaN beaome addiHona�debt ot Borrower eecured by this Stjaudty � ..;�.`*� <br /> �natrumont. Unleas Bonowsr end Lendar agroe to other terens of payment, these amounta shat{bear interost kom the date of • �:f}� <br /> i:`u;=.i;: <br /> dJnbursoment at the Notu �ate r�nd shalt 6e payable,wRh Interest,upon not�e trom Lender to BoROwer request1ng payment. r t:.=� <br /> '"p� d. Mar4gege Insurance. If Lender required mortgage lnsurance as a conditton of making the tomn seoured by �o ��.i-_:__� <br /> ?'•�••• Bortower shall pay the premtums requUed to malntain the moRgage tnsurance in efteoL If,tor any reaeon, '� �;r;'. <br /> +�••,� S+�,ourity InsWmont, .. <br /> ���`�' moRgnpa Insurance covorege requtred by Lender lapses or ceaees to be tn eHeat.Bortowor sAall pay the prom4�ms requlred to �F�:�.�_; <br /> .�,5, r�.,� <br /> '„�}�; obtein ooverage su bstan t t a l Y equ l v a l e n t t o t h e m o rt g a g e I n s u r a n c e p r e v i a u s l y In efleot, at a Cost substflntlally equlv8lent to the ',;,•`l,,�`_;��=� <br /> :s i� coat to BoROwur of the moRgage inourance prevbusly In ettect, frcm an a4emate mortgage Inaurer approvod by Lender. If ,,��y-y,;,-� <br /> �'v es+bstanim4y equbstent mortgaga Inau�anco ooverage fs not avallabla, Borcower shAN pay to Londer eaoh month a aum equal to ?;�}C���F�ti,i;;T <br /> onedwalRh of the yeerly matgu8e insurance premium being paid by Bortovrer when tho Nsu►ance oovetag9 lapasd or cesaed ta r�S�� <br /> :�, ' ho in of(aot. Lender wili aoaept,use and reteln thas� payments es a Iose reserve 6� tiau ot mo�tgege tnsurar�ce. LOBB �08B1V6 ,���.`'c'? <br />-��' �, �,i�," +� p�ymonts mey no loneer be requlred,at the optlon ot Lender,H mortgage insursnce ccvers8e(In the amount and for the porbd !i � �r <br /> �,•s : •.�;., .' qtipt Lendgr roqulres)provlded by an insurer approved by Lendu again beoomes aveilabls end is obtatnsd. Borrower ahali poy �,�,.`u.;;.� <br /> ;� , Cip promluma �aquUed ta mafntain mortgage insurence In effeat,or to provide a toas reserve�until the requlrement for moRgaSe �_ <br /> I' �, � insurance ands h acoordance wQh any written e9reemant betweon Borrower and Lendor or applbable Iaw• �dBr shall gke �,,,a{„rc°= <br /> i 9. inspeotion.Lemder ar Ita agent aiay make reasonabie entrlas upon and Inopeodor�s of the Property. _..._ <br /> ,� ' ' ' Flartowet notice at the dme of or prtor to an Inspoollon speoHyln9 reaeonebte cause tor the Inspeatton. 3��;t��"•� <br /> �i�_.��� <br /> 1� � 10. C6nd0�11DaU0D. TAa proceedo of any awerd or o�alm tur damages, dYeot or aonsequentint,h oonneotion wtth any ��,__ <br /> ���'�` con0omnatlon a other taMlnn ot any part ot the propeRy, or tor canveyance in lieu of aondemnation, are horeby aselpnod and �j;�,�,�h <br /> �+ ` �hall be paid to Lender. _ --_ <br /> ��_y'L:� �n the evant of a tout t�kln0 of the Propertf►. the prooe�da ehall bo ap011ed to the sume eeoure� by thls 8eoutky _=_ <br /> MOtrumMt,wnithst or�ot ti�en due,wRn any o+�as psld ta 8ossa��. !n�he�?�t of 4�ortt�t tsichp of ths PraD��whbh =—__ <br /> :1. q, =- ` <br /> ���� , the tat meAeet value of the Properiy immed�stoy betora the ffiklrtp is equal to or greater thM the amount of the eums s�nura0 _ _ <br /> ,� � by thls 8eou�riy IneWrnent kr►medlate►Y before the takhp, untesa 8ortower end Lendor othawise npreo in wrNh9�tht aums _---_ <br /> beaurod by thb Security Metrument ohatt be reduced by the tmount ot the proeeeds mu4lplMd by ths tolbwlnp htotton; (a�th� <br /> �� � Iotat amount ot the eunns seaured knrtredlatey betore the talcinp, dHided by(b) the fak market veae of t�ewhbh�trthi f��ndu�rke2 <br /> � beforo the takbQ. MY beience ahali be patd to 8ortower.In the event ot a partlat taklno of the PropeRy <br /> � : �. immadlatey belare the mking ts less than the amount ot the sums aeaured immediatery betore the takhg, <br /> value of the Properh ��� �w otherwtse provides, tha procoeds ahoY b� <br /> �f, unbsa 8orrowor end Lendor otherwise agree in w►ftin9 cr unless app =-_ <br /> }: • Appitad to the suma seaured by this 3ecurity�n�t�ument whether or not the suma ere thon due. <br /> ��- If tho Property Is abandoned by Barrower, or R, after natke by Lender to Barower that the condemnor oNera to mek0 an ____ <br /> " award or scritle a otatm �a dema6es. BoROwer falls to respond to Lender wfthln 30 dnys s8er the dato the notbe ia qken� __ <br /> ' c.ender 13 authorized to coileat and appy the proceeds,at ka optlao,etther to restoration or ropaM of tho PropeRy or to the -_- <br /> �" aums eocurod by thb Securfty�nstrument,wh�ther or not then due. ��tbn ot ptocesda to prhoqat shatl not exWnd or - <br /> Unbss lender and BoROwer otherwise agres in wr(tin6� anY gPP <br />� ` •�!(• Aoatpone the due date of the monthry payments reterred to in parapraPho t and 4 or ohange the amount of suoh paymante• -__ <br /> �•,%•-T�� ���� �►'. 11.Borrowor Not Releaseel; Forbenrenee By Lender Nm4 a W�tver.Extenaton ot th0 Nme tor peyment or _ <br /> f.._ .,S � 3 modiflcatbn ot amortimtion of tho sums securod by thls SeourNY Instrument grentod by Lender to any auccesaot h kstarest of -_---- <br /> Dorrowor sheA no2 opornto to releaee the It9bURy ot the ori8lnai Borrower or Borrowo�s succosaore h Interes4 Lende► shell not __ <br /> • l� ���, bo roquYed to commence proceed�gs against any suaaesaor In Intorest or retuse to extend tMne (or paymer►t or otheiwiso �Y�` <br /> modHy emoRtmdon ot ths sum� sooured by this 3eaurity Insuument by reason ot any demand made by the a�iglnal 8orrovrar or �.., ,: <br /> y 8orrovrora auccossars In interest. My torbearance by L e n der I n oxe ro l s i n 8 e n Y�i 9 h t o r re m e d y afiail not bo a walver of or �:-,......- <br /> rr!�=:=-_ <br />� �__i(:..�� prooludo the exeroise of any rght or romedy. ���" <br /> - 1�. sucee�aora end Assigna Bound; Joint and Severat Llabtliry; Co-slgnera Tno aovenants ena _ __ <br />����?'�''°jt•a •�_ II(�tFL`l►12R19 0�this Seeur4�/ inaWmant ehati bad end benefit the auecessors end asai�ns ot Lendet and BoROwar,aubJoat to the =_=YV. <br />-'.'-�=�[: �. prov�lons ot PnrapmAh 17. 8orrowora aovenants and agreements shatl be joMt and severat. My Barower who co-algna thi3 ��-_ <br /> . ..�.�., t �w.r�wnwen.arant and conveV •-`�v- <br />_ .• -i � Seourky Instrument but doos not exoaute the Note: (a)is casignin9 thb Secu�iiy L�o.:w..M..-':•;•- ��- �,��- <br />- � that 8orcoweto lntorost in the Proporty under thd terms ot this 3ea�rfty Instrument; (b) I9 not personalty obligated to pay the ���. <br /> aumo soourod by thts Sc�aur4y Instrument and (o)agroea that Lender end any othor Bortower may aQroe to oxtond,modity, �;�,,:.:-• <br /> - Sa <br /> � �prpoar ar moko any c►ccommodations with rogcud to the tertns ot this Seaurity instrument or the Noto wkhout that 8orrowora �i;,`q;;,<. <br /> • ,M-, <br /> '; "' � conaont. <br /> . ��, • 13. Loen Charyes. It the �oan soeured by thts Saou�ity InsWmnnt is subJeot t4 u Iaw whbh ec�ta maximum loan ����: <br /> � _ � ohnrgos,nnd that Inw b Hnaly lnterpreted eo that the Intereat or other ban ohar�gea oolteated or to b0 eolleoted h aonneotEon �!;,;�- <br /> " " with the bt��excend the Pertnttted�h►ks� then: (a)anY suoh toen oherQe ahatl be roduCed by the umoy�+t nseo�sery to�duc� ' r,� <br /> ce }•:'..� <br /> , ';S ' tho oharqo to tho�A4ed��r►It; end (b)uny sums akoady coUeoted hom 8orro�rer whloh exueoded perm�tted pmko wUl be r,';;,;.. <br /> ,i •,�..�,,. <br /> rotundod to Bonower. lend�r may choose to make this relund by reduoing the prino�al owed under the Note or by making e �,;,. <br /> dlroot pnymont ta Borrower. If a retund reducos prinotpa�, the reductlon witl be t�eated as a pMlat prepaymont wkhout any ;,ti;;4 <br /> _ -_ « Qropnyment ohorgs under ths Note. _ �� <br /> .. •��.�i�r� <br /> - •� `. 1 14. NOUCCL. An)�otko to Borrower provided Por in thia 3eourity Inatrument shatl be yNen by detNorl���or bY maU�tfl�� ;ti;_,,,, <br />-� _ ;i_ I by tYot Ck►89 mnq unless applbabb ktw requires uoe of another mothod. Tho notiae eheit bo dlreotod to the Propnrty Addrosa l <br /> -_-� ,� -_--- <br /> .. _�_ .� �....w e.... ��trnn te i�nder shnV be oNen bY 11f8t Ol48ti t11411 t0 ��'�:•�ii'. <br /> - . or nny othor adorosg eorrvwer oosy�4oa b� ��....,o ... ...,....... ._., .._.__ .. „ <br /> Lendor's adaroso atatod horein or any other addresa Lendor dosignates by notbe to eorrower. My notico providod tor in this i;.,�;. <br /> �� Soourtty Insbumont ohntbc�deemed to have besn ghmn to Borrower or LenQer whon gken es provtdod h thb paragraph. ,�;;..4��� <br /> b <br /> � 1$. �►overning�aw; Sevorability.This Soourfty Inatrument ahall be gov8rned by fedetal iaw and tho Inw of tho �,.r� •, <br /> � Jurlsdbtl¢� h whbh tho ProperiY Is loaated. In the event that eny provlsbn or clauso ot this Soourity Inatn�ment or !ho Note .i:,: <br /> ' contibts wtth aRplf�cibis 1aw�suoh oonNbt ahatl not efi�t othor provlstons ot thin So��rky Inatrumctnt or 4ho Noto�vhbh oan be <br /> "- '�� eNon effcct�ykhout the contlfcting provistan.To thfs and tho provlsions ot thts Soaurfty instrumont ond th6 Noto ere doolnred to �,�`��1.: <br /> ;, bo aovombb. 3' <br /> ' 18. �OP�T'DWQP'8 COp�I. Bortower shaN be gben one oonfortnsd copy of the Note and ot this Sscurky Instrumont. �r< . <br /> , ��1 <br /> � Pap��ol 6 �� <br /> _ :.. . .,,, a�o�a�.��a��roe) - �ll. <br /> - „ � ;;. . <br /> , . <br /> i! <br /> .. ; � '. <br /> - � flAS00 '. �- <br />