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..,�. <br /> �!�: <br /> .t;� <br /> •rr:;,��i <br /> � � � 97. TYAt18}@� 0� 1P18 PPAp��1�1 Of Q DOR0119I8) Ifl48PE81 (fi DOPPOWCP. If All Ct nny putt of Ih0 PtppE�rty Or • <br /> any Intors3t In it Is oold or trQnptCrrod(or If a bcnotbial Intoroot In BonoHOr �s oold or trpnalOrrpd ar�d E3orrowct tp not u nnturnl <br /> person)wfthout Lundcro prlor vrtlttCn ooneont,LondCr may,nt Ha optlon,roquao Immod4�M paymont In NU ot all numo acrourod by ,, <br /> ' thls 3ccurily instrumont. Howovor, 4hls optlon ehpit not ba oxeroisod by Lendor if oxoroioc� ia prohm4od by fodorut Iav� na ot tf+o � <br /> date of this Soourity Instrumant. ' <br /> If Lender exerolsos thls opllon,londer shaN gNo 8orcowor notbo of accolemtlon. Tho notbo ahsft provldo n porlod of not � <br /> lesa than 30 days from the dato the �ot�o Is dolNOrod or malbd �vithln whbh 8onowor muat pny nll aums 8ocurctd by thls : <br /> Seauriry Insaumont. If Bortower fails to pay these aums prior to tho exphntlon ot thla pc�rlod, Londer mey �nvoke any romudlos � <br /> permitted by this Security Instrume�nt wi2hout further nottce or domand on Bortowur. S�4 <br /> 18. Bdr�ower's Rfght to Relnstete. If Bortower moeta certatn oonditlons, 8ortower shall hcwe the right ta hovo ccs �.. . . <br /> � enforcement ot thta Securqy Instrumer►t dlsoontlnued at any time prior to the oarller oh (a) 5 days (or auoh other period t�e � h., <br /> •' applbab�e 1aw may apoaity tor ralnstalement)beforo sale of the Proporty pursunnt to uny power ot sais oontaNed in this Seourtty � .. ' <br /> • • Instrument;or(b)entry of a Judgment onlor�ctng this Security (nstrument.Those oondftlons are that Borcower:(a)paye Lender ali ► , � <br /> ,�.�%��:' suma whbh then wouid be due under this Sscurfty Inatrument and the Note as M no accelerstlon had occurred; (b) cures any ,� <br /> � EeteuR of any other covenant a agrsemonts; (c) pays ali expenses tnaurrod In enforoing this Socurtty Inatrument, Inawding, but „ . <br /> ' not Iimfted to,roauonnbt3 aqomeys'lees;and(d) tekes such actlon na Lender mny reasonaby require to assure that the Ilen of <br /> thls 3eourity Inetrument. Lendars �ghts In the Property end Bortower's obllgetion to pay the sums socumd by thb 3eourity � ,,�.::.��, <br /> Inatrument �shali eontlnue unehsnged. Upon relnstalement by Bortower, thls Seourity inswment and the obllgations securod ���•!,-n�i;;_ <br /> � horeby shfllt remain fully effoatbe as M no eacebratbn had occurred. However,this rlght to retnstete shalt not appN�the e�se • �°�-=;;+„-;,�; <br /> of aoeeteretion under paragr�ph 17. .' �^:°' - <br /> 1 g. Sele of Note; Change oi Loan Servioer. The Note or 8 8 p8RI8i inl8rest h the Note (togethet wRh thb ._,��.• <br /> ; � Seourtty Inetrument)may be soid one or more timos without prbr rmtbe to Bortower.A sale may resuh in a changa In the entity :a;.`.' <br />- {known ea the'l.oan Serv�er")that oo0eots monthry paymants due under the Note and this Seaur4y instrument. There aiso mny _ - _ <br /> � � be one ar more ohangua of the loan Servker unrelated to a seis ef the Note. It there Is a ahange of the Loan Servber, �:- <br /> ' r Borrower wlll be gNen wdtten notbe of the ohango In acoordenoe wfth paregraph 14 above nnd epplicabla Iaw. The not�ce wul ,,.•..i.� <br /> '''"�-. stato the nnme and addreas of the new Loan Servtcer and the address to whbh payments shouid be made. T'he noHce wlit atso ' �T <br /> :.; ,.N' aontain any other intormelbn requUed by appilcable law. ��`"��:1`,�_': <br /> ,`I.,,�'"" 20. H8Z8rd0U8 SUb8t8�f0@O.Borrower shall not osuso or pertnk the presenco,use,dlsposai, storage, or release of •;.;;5�?:`K,: <br /> ,�;}•,�i t any Hazardou8 Substortcea on o� In the Property. Bortowor ahsU not do, nor allow anyono else to du, anything afteattng the <br /> .;,,;V��,;�.. <br /> , ";�, Property that Is In vloiation ot any Envtonmentat taw. The preceding two sentenees ahalt not eppy to the presence, use, or �:s�'�'` <br /> �. atorego on the Property of amatl quantNles ot Ha�ardous Substances that are generelly recpgntied to be approprtate ro nortnel . .;;kE.'' <br /> ,,. . �,:} resfdenttal uses and to malntenanae ot tho Proporty. '���' °-- <br /> ,. <br /> Borrower shell prom[�ty ghre Lo�der written notice ot any Investigation, claim, damand, tawsuk or othor action by any ';,.4'�}.___ <br /> :'•.,a ., ., <br /> `-�' .1'�c` )t govemmentai or regulstory ag6noy a prNate party hvoNlnB the Property and any Hp�erdous Substenoe or Envtonmental Law o <br /> _ Y 1.. �! Y.. <br /> . �, �hlCh BoRew� h9^ 9Rt!u.!1 knnwiadoa. If 8o(fowe� teams, or is notitled by Any govemrtantat or �egul�tory authority, that eny � <br /> '� F removai or ather remediatb� ot any Haaerdoua 3ubstance aftecttng Property is nece$sary. 8orcower ehstl promptry taka an ��,,= <br /> :;'-�°, necessary remedlal eotlona in aaaordanee wRh Envaonmantat <br /> •,,.,.�.. . �:�.`.;.;`r:�: <br /> As used in thla paragraph 20,'Hamrdoua Substancas"aro thoee subatanoes dath►ed as toxb or hotardous 8ubstaneos by <br /> •� Environmentat law and the toilowln8 substanees: gasolhe, keroseno, othaz ftammabie or tonio peuok�um produots, toxb <br /> � : parapraph 20a Envbnmentat�taw'moa s�federal taw8 and InwB ot the Jut dbteonewhere he P o'PoAy Is looated that reintd o =__ <br /> " �r hElafth,safaty or envkonmental proteotton. =-- <br /> • ? NON•UNIFOAM COVENANT8.Bor►ower and Lunder turther aovenant and aproe es tollOws: ��--� <br /> '�� 21. Ac�etereUon; Remedlea. Lender sheii give noUae Lo �orrower pNor to ecaeteratton "�� <br /> �. bltowing eorrower'8 breaoh ot any covenent or e�reemant In thla Seeurity InsVument (but noQ — <br /> � �, prtor to ecaeleretlon unde� peragreph 17 unleaa epplieabto lew provides otherwlae). The �otice __� <br /> eheit apecit�: �e) 4ha detautt; (b) the actton roqutred to eure the detault;(aD a dnte. not less tha� ____ <br /> � �� 30 deys iram the date the noUae Is gtven to eor�ower� by whiah the doteuli mus! be cured; and -�. <br /> (dj that tniture to cu�e the defeuit on or before the dste epeaifiQd tn tho eoUco moy result In c_--- <br /> � eeceteration of the eums seaurad by this Secu�ity Inatrument nnd aale ot the Froperty. The �ntlae _ -- <br /> shall turther inform Bor�ower o t t fie r ig h t t o r e i n a t�t e e i t o� e c c e t e r a rt l o n e n d t h e e1 gM to brin g e R�:;_=- <br /> ... -:---�—_. <br /> �„ '. court aetton to �ssen the non-eximtence of e detnult or nny other defense of Borro�r�r to �;-�.�_ <br /> �• saceteratlon and eate. It thv default Is not cured on or betore the dete s�eeifled In the rtotico� - - <br />= � �en�er =t!ir Q�*_�on ener rp���tre Immedlate �a�rment In full of nll aume seeured by this Soeurity �:�=�_� <br /> � �� In�ument vrithout turthar demend end mey invoke the power ot eaie end eny othor remedies � __ <br />-_-° �T,�,'�.-:_.� s.wlNmri i��s�ww1IMMlA p�+_ �.�.+��r �hwn t�w Rntitimd to ct�iteC4 sit sXps�:a Inasm�d 1r. �:t�r s!a$ �°-_��,:�.,. <br />-__„_ Y ����N�� � <br /> , � 4he remedies provided fn tQ�1s peregraph 21� tnaluding. bat not timitod to, reaaonebte ettorneys' c.; r <br /> � teea and coste ot Utte evidence. = <br /> � If the power ot sate id tnvoked, Truatee ahaQ �ecord e rtoUce of detauit le� eaeh county in ��,.� : <br /> . • t whloh any pert of the Pro�aerry la located end aheii eneit coplea ot auc4� rtoUco in the menner •t°';�-�;:�;�_,:;,:. <br /> �..:�i:::,,.....�,;,, <br /> .:�.._t'r�' <br /> �� p preacribed by epplicabto too�,�t� Borrower and to the other peraons p�eacribad by appticel�te ew. , ��; <br /> � Atter the ttone requl��d 6y�ppticeble taw, Trustee ahall give public rtotice of eale to the persons "�``"".'""'�" <br />� , � .., .,,...� =- <br /> and In tAe m�nner pveecribed by e�ppti�eble taw. T�ustee� wit�ut demand on Borrower�nh�il aell `•��" -- �` <br /> the Property as �s�blic auotton t�the htgheat bidder e4 the tferte and piece end wRdQY the terms <br /> .z.,,,;: <br /> F deWgnaRed In the noUce ot eale In one or more perecia and In any ord�r Tr�s4ev determinea <br /> T�ustee mey poatpone �ule af at� or eny parcet oi the Property by pubila ennouncemont et 4he :.� <br /> - -. . _ t�ms as�d ��°ce o! $ns� pre�le�e�y echec�c.�!!+d este. Lendcr or ite dealgnee mey purehnae the •_'�, -� <br /> Prop�rty et eny aate. -- � <br /> _ _ :_ _____ ___ Upon raceipt ot peyment of the priae bid, T�uetee ehell detWer to tha purahaaer Truatee'o ,. • <br /> --�-- �_._ ���__�... <br /> --- - - - - • --• -- . <br />- deeaf conveying tho Proporty� Th@ 1'@QIt�18 I11 U18 TfUaLCO'8 OCeo ettetn oa prtrria �w�o v.�..v.....+... - - , .. . <br /> �;>:.�� the 4-�nth ot the statementm mede therotn. Trudoe shatl appty tho pQCaeedo oi the sate In the <br /> :��'���:�` tol� �ng order: (a) to a'JU �ste end expena�s ot exorcl�Jng tha p�w�� of eale� and tho sute, <br /> •:1�r1 '.`. <br /> ,.,.� , including the peyment ef che Trusteo's tocs eotueliy i�auned, not to e�cce�� three , . <br /> 96 of the prtneip�l amount of tho �� <br /> ..' ���� note a4 4htt tiow� of tha alccleration of detault,�nd �Qasanmbic attornoy's tEes as permitted by law; �;'',.' <br /> __ • .r,s°;;. �bj �ali sums secured by this Seeurity instrumceu�t;end (e) any exces$tm the perao or per�cus <br /> ,�,:"�,. tega�iy entitlod to It ' <br /> .��.�. <br /> U <br /> - �` .�. ' ' F1St6.1M0(tlB9) Pep�1 of 6 -- .. <br /> ' 90507 " • <br /> �. � <br /> r ._ . . ^ �"'^ <br />