<br /> . � � .
<br /> .� .'��. , ..
<br /> �� . .%r: ���� �
<br /> .' . •'•;_,-'.,-ti`,,j' . , ' ' ; _ „ . ... ... _..�.. .., . ..._ . .. . . . .. .. ... . ..........._.�...._
<br /> �......�..t�.._���..'�.;_�l�.NL-�.....�..__.. .. _ . . � r
<br /> � 8ortower mey oure euoh a dotautl nnd rolnatoto, un provtdad In puru8raph 18, by onuoNp tho aotlon or prxecsdtng to be
<br /> � dl�mt�ood wlih u rolnp thal,h Lendo�b po�d talth dutermNatton, preoludea IoAoituro ot the Bortower't�tntoro3t In iho PropoAy or .,
<br /> othcr mstorlal impabmont of tho Ikn or�stod b�thts BaauNlyr Inbtrurtient or Lende�e saourity IntoreUt. 8orrowor ohnA pl90 bo In
<br /> ddtult It Donower.Aurhp Ihe loan applbatlnn prpooae,povo motnrin�y tni�o or inacaurato tnlormatan or atntcmcnto to l.cndcr(or � � p
<br /> talted to provtd� 4on@a wllb any mnto�hl mPOrmntton) m oonnc�atton vdth tho tonn avld�nccd by iho Note. Inok�dtng, but nat �
<br /> tmltoei to, repreaenteltone ooncernlnp 0orrowafo caoupanoY of !he Ptoporty ao o prhalpnt resldanoe. If this 800urily
<br /> ►n►�;n��rzUnt la on a ta�aehotd, Bonrowar ohnll comply w8h aU tho provls�ns of tho loaao. II Bortawor aoqutroo too titb to tho �
<br /> pmtfFriy.the tBYS�hotd and the fee llib ahpli nol merQe unl090 landar aproo�to tho mcrgar In v�ritlnp. .�
<br /> �'.Rroleation ot Lendor's Rll�ht�In the Pre��erty.i� eonower �ai►s to peAOrm tho aovenanta and agraamnete �y � �,}��
<br /> � auntntr+Cd (n thi� S�curfry inntrumCnR �r there Is o lepat pror,aoding that mny olgnlfiountry nifcot lAnaor'o rtghte in tho PropoRy � .
<br /> (GUOh ea a proc0odlnp i�bankruptor,prabate,tor ocndemnetlon ot 1oAelture or to entorco ta�ve or rsgulatione),thon Londm may � �.�w
<br /> • do und pay fat whutever is nneoaonry to pr�teo!tho valuo of tho Propedy ctnd lendefe►i8hte M th�Property. Londors aotluna �__
<br /> -• may inop�do paylnp any suma aooured by a �bn whbh hna prtorqy ove� thls &eour�y InsWm�u+t, a�ppenrhp In oourt, pnyln0 n
<br /> �--Y"'""�� ro8eon8bb ettOmeye'fees 8nd entering on thp PropeRy to mako �apulre.Allhouph Lender mny tako aotion under thi3 pt►ragmph �;Sa.;
<br /> �• 7,londw doo�not huvo to do oo. ,���_�
<br /> Any amounto dtsbursod by Lendnr undor pnntgreph 7 ahutt b000mo addklonal dobt of Bortowor seourod by this Seourityr
<br /> �ns7ument. Unt�ao Borc�vlor und l.end9r aqree to oth�r mrma of pnymnnt,theso nmoun4o Bhn1i benr intorast hom the dato of "
<br /> dlsbureomont at the Notu mto and shali be payabia,wfth Intorest, up�n notico hom Laider to Bortowa requoatln8 pnyrt►ent• __',r_-
<br /> � 8. Mongege In�urettce. �� �endm requlrod mortgapo insurunco ao a aondftlon of makhg tha loan aooured by thls __
<br /> ' Seaurity Instrumont,Bortowor shail pay the premiuma requtred to malnWin tho mortgago hsurenao In eKect.If,for uny roason,tho __
<br /> � mortgngo Inaumnce aoverage requked by Lender lapseu or „oaaoa to bo tn oNeat, Borro�XOr ahall pey the promiuma requaod to _
<br /> �; obtain covorage aubstantialy equNatent to the mortgufle inuuranoe proviousy In eHeat,at a aost subatantiniy oquNabnt to the `�':-
<br /> aoat to Bortower of the moRgage Insurance previousy �n eHeat, hom en altemate martgagu Insurer approvod by Londer. If �_�
<br /> ' : substent4►Uy equMalent mortgage Insurance coverage Is not avellabie, Borrower shali pay to Londer eaoh mpnth a sum equel to
<br /> `� � on�twertth o}the yeariy mortguga Msutan�se premium beNg pakf by Bortorra x�hen the lnaurence oovem�e mpsnd ar cosaed ro -
<br /> ' � be irf etteat. Lender will acaopt,uae and retain theso paymants as a bsa resonre in Ilsu of mortpagu inauranco. Loae reserve @,�-
<br /> ,�'�s�'�f;�'., pnymeats may no bngnr ba roqutred,at the option ot ltmdar,N mortgaga inaurence ooverago (h the amount and for the period k'-�'
<br /> �.�,�?..�, that Lender roqufres)provldod by nn Nsurer uppraved�y Lendet agBN becomes avaiieble flnd is obtalnod. 8orrowor efiufl p8y Y-
<br /> ;�',i the premtums�squhed to maintab mortgage inourenaa In eNeot, or to provtda e bsa raserve, untN the requtrement tor mortgago . -
<br /> �.,��.�. y; Insuranoe ends tn aceordsnce wkh any wrtiton agreement betwesn Borrower end Londor or epplioabte tew.
<br /> �.���. 9. 11f ection.Lende�or fls egent may meke reasonebie enutea upon and Inspoattons of tha Property. Lendor ahuU gNa !"�
<br /> , 'r(;;':;;�`• �P
<br /> ;�;`.,,�t •�;� 8orrawor notice at t?�e tkme of or p�tor to an Inspeodon apoolrying reasonnbte oause(or the Inspeot►on. '_
<br /> ..,�;1;,,r ;. 10. Condamnatio�t.'the proeeeds ot any award or ctaim for damagea,direot o�eonsequentlai, In eonneoUon wBh any �,".__-
<br /> �'�' , condemnation or other taking ot any paR of the Properly, or tor conveysnce In fieu ot aondemnation, ere horeby ass�ned and l;,;�
<br /> ' �� � shait be pald to Lender. _—
<br /> . r.<< ;t, ---
<br /> �•;::� in tha event of a totai taking ot the Prope�ty, the proceeds shatt be apptiad to the eums s0aured by Mis 3eourlty
<br /> ; >:
<br /> .:..1•;''6= �f
<br /> �t( +'e� :.f,_ Instrument,whether or not then due,with any excoss pald to Bortower. In the event of a paRial taking ot the Property In whbh --
<br /> �'"'%��•�i5;t!�:° the taP market value of tho PropeAy Ynmedlatey before tho taktng is equai to or greaiar inen ii�a ar�iuni af i�a asr..a�cuctd °
<br />-.j`.-;;:r,..::.r.�,l,���;
<br /> �!:•i:%;'�'';�;•�'�r by thls Seaurity InsWment 6nmedi�tey botore the taking, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise apree h wrRl�p, tho sum3
<br />:i:�,,i�E�,:,,sr).;•. _
<br />:t�c.,,;;+���yl!, aoau►ed by thta Seaudty Instrument shall b�reducod by the emount of the proceeds muttip9ed by tho folbwlnp hnotlon: (a) o
<br />_.,, �,,f ti,�t . totat amount ot tho sums seaured Immediatoy bofore the takhg. dHided by(b)the talr merket value ot tho PrapeAy immedifltely
<br />. : ��`+;±�;,. betore the takhd.My buianae shali bo paid to 8orrower.M the ever►t ot a partlal tekinp ot the PropoAy h whbh the ffltr me�lcei
<br /> '� •' valuo ot the Proporty hm►edfatery bofore Yhe tnkin8 �s bae tha^ thB emount of the sums seoured Immedlately betoro tha fakhg.
<br /> uniBas Bortower and lender othetwlso aproe in wrkhG or unleas appitoabte taw otheiwbe provMes, the proceeda ahnll bo
<br />- appiied W the sums seaured by 4his SeourUy Innbument whether or�ot tho eums erc►then due.
<br /> � If the Prop�y is abandoned by BoROwe�,ar if,aRer nntico by Lender to Bor►ower that tho aondemnor otferu to mNce an
<br /> � ` award or settle a ot�im tor damepes, Bortower tait� to rospond to tendar wkhln 30 deya elta tho date the not�e fs giren.
<br /> Lender Fs authoriaed to colbot end appy the proasada,at Ra optbn,elther to �estoratton or repaM ot the Property or to tho
<br /> sums oeaured by this Securtly Inatrument.whether or not then due.
<br /> �,,. . � Unleas Lender and Bonoww otherwlse epcee in wrtdn0� anY ePP�icatbn of proceeda to pnc�ipat sAail not extend or
<br /> - postpone the due date ot the monthy paymanta retaned to in paraq►�Dhs 1 and 2 or chenpe th0 amount of auoA pnymento.
<br />-�°•����^� 11. @or�ower Not Reteased; Foebeerence ey Lender Not d Wa(ver.Extonsbn of the time tor payment or
<br />°'"'�""""`�?k modiflcatbn of emorthatbn of the sums seaured Dy thb Securfty�noWment granted by Lander to any su¢aossor in htere�t oP
<br /> Borrower ohail not operate to release tho NablUty ot the oripinal BoROwcv vr Bortowors aucco�ttoro in Intaos� LendOt ehail not
<br />,: �+ � bo roquirod to eommvncs procoodin8o e8alnat enY guceosaor h hterest or retuse to exWnd time tor pnymant or athaawlsa �
<br /> modHy amortlratbn o}tho auma senured by thb Security MsUument by roason ot ony d�+nand made by the oriyhat 8orrawer or _
<br /> y,�:.• DortowBfa auccasaom In M�erea4 My forbearance by lender h axeraisine any �ipht ar r8m9dy 3hatl not be o waAier ot or �-
<br /> -�;_._,_- preoludo the exaoise of any dght 9r remedy. °_'
<br /> 12. Sueeeaaora and �lgr�e S�r�r��, J�i�t sn� �:�t !.!!�!!tl�; ��r!�l�ne�e.�na eorenen�s end -
<br />°=~'-�?yi� c�nts of thts Secu�ty inshument shall bad end benef�tha euccesso�s and assi�ns ot lAnder and Bortower,subJeot to the _-
<br /> ""�� ' - . � �� a,.+m�a rtnvannntts end&o18orr1snte eDOQ b0 tOtnt and a�verai. Fifiy sa+rawa zrho co-s'�3tto ih«
<br /> 4 � ..�- MIV�qM�a v�M�r�D'rl.. . . —
<br /> ��.�Y;r. . Soaurity InaWmCnt but does not excicute tho Noto: (a)Is caslgnlrtg thl�89cu►Uy Inatrument ony to mortpspe,gront enp oonvep _
<br /> �;-� 4 .,�
<br /> �,;;r;l. � that 9oaoworo hterest h tAo PropeAy under the terma of this Seour�r Usdurt�en� (b1 b �ot pe�soeely obllputed to pay the
<br />�,._:.:I,�, :_.
<br /> � sums secured by thls Soaudty Mshttmont; and(o)agr000 that Lsndar end eny othor 8orrowa may asree to o�ctend,modity. ��.
<br />-' �� IorOoar or make any eceommodattono wkh regaM 4o the tem�s of thb Seourity inshument or the Noto wkhout that 8ortowe�s =-=—
<br /> . :.��;::; . s. conaont. �r__...
<br /> I..,.t,:, . �
<br /> 13. I.�oan Chargea It fAe loan eecurod by thta Socurity Inutrumnnt Ia 8ubj�nct to o k�w whbh set8 rtsauknum loan
<br /> � ' chergos, end thnt t�w Is ihalt�r Intorp�d so that tho bterest or other loan ohargos caL'oc2fl0 or to ba aoilectee fn eonneotbn ��'
<br /> wRi�the loan acceod tho pe�mittod IYnks,thun: (a)any such tonn ohargo shnit bo reducod by tho amount necesflu�y to reduco �;
<br /> „ = tho oherge to tha ponntttad Ikni� and @)�tny suma ateady aolleotod irom Borrower whiah u�ccooded permkfod �h►Re w8f be
<br /> retundod to 8ortowor. Lender may chooso to mnke thls reNnd by reduoing the prinaipal owod undor the Note or Dy makhg a �
<br /> � �� dkeot paymont to Borrower. it e retund reducas prinolpat, tho roduotlon w11i be troatod as n partlnl propaymcnt without a�y
<br /> �.:
<br /> _._..---- - Freptlyment eharga under the Nota. �' ;
<br /> � 14. NstICCS.My notice to Borrower provtdod far h thts SeeurUy Instrumont shaQ bo ghron by dolNerinp it or Ly mat��g ii - •-
<br /> ' '• � by tiret otaas rt�ti untoss epp0oabte Inw requkes uso of anothor mothod. The eotbe shan be dlrootod to tho Proporty Addross
<br /> -__ --'=__ _ oc eny other addrese Borrowa dosignatoa by notlCO to Londor. My notloo t0 Londor BhaY be gtvun by flr8t olass ma0 to
<br /> �-_-.___'__.-"___ _ .. r_�...�
<br /> ��.����..W/tw�M��.le
<br /> . lender'8 &ddross BtetOd h0�oln ot t{ny ottlot aCtlto3tt I.onoor oosignaies or noiico cv o�n�v..o,. .,�.�.....�.,o�.....�,.o,..... .....� -:
<br /> SecurHy Instruma�t ohatl Co deemod to hmo boon qlva►to Bortower a Lnnder whon gtuon ao provtdnd h this pamgm,on•
<br /> • ib. �ove�eing L,c,�; $CVOTCblll4y. This St�uritl� Inatrument sheli be govemor3 by fadorat t�w and tRo f�w ot tho '
<br /> juri3dbtion t� whbh the Properry i� loaatod. In tho ev�mt thot any provblon or otau��ot tfib Soaurity inatrumoet or the Note -
<br /> � cooPdots wRh appilcabb Inw,suoh confpot shaU not atioat othor provbtono of this Secu�ty insUumcx�t or tho Note whbh can bo � �
<br /> gtvan otteet wRhout the eonflkthg provk�lon.To this ond tho provtslona of this Socurity inatrumont nnd tho Note ttro dselarcd to
<br /> bo sovarabb.
<br /> ` 1�. BO�POWCf�B CQ�y.Bnrrowor 8halt bo gHon ono conformod copy ot tho Nato nnd of thts Socurtty 1 trument.
<br /> .. Pap�9 ot 6
<br /> Ft�t0.LM�(t/00)
<br /> 00501 '�
<br />