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<br /> __ —.�-���--�'a�Y1YYib�
<br /> ..� __:=:'a �
<br /> � , �: � - .r ADrTUBTABLE RA�TC RIDER 193" l t'�C� 3.q c�—
<br /> =� (I Yeu 1YawrY ladet•Raa 4ipl
<br /> �'� 'M18ADlUS�AW�MTBRIOERbm�de�ai� 6TM d�yot JANUARY --- -19A3 __
<br /> — — — • IYM���tMyU��10,(iilJ liti�i�G:�CwiC�t0 Alfldld YiiO iU�fii1Ei11 (b'► �OT(�'.Q'i'w�Of Mtfi� Of sl1111�1y QECd(t�IQ��![IM�fr -
<br /> --- - �Mtrwne�t•q of t6�w�e d�tt dra by�d�u*da�i�nod(Ibe•�Bortower•�)to�n Bortu�•s Aq�utt�bb RNe Nae(�Me"Nak")w 1�
<br /> :� eens■u 4WINf�S i�,O!�A�iOCiAT10N OF ORAND IaLAMIf.Nq11AfKA�t10"t.awle►,•!oi th�wmo d�te�ad ooreri�W
<br /> -�— popplydrafb�dUtb�S�cwiq'I�tnua�rcaidkateda:
<br /> . i —��Y��= 2317 NORTH KFiUSE� GRAND ISLAN� NEBRpSKA 68803 `
<br /> .__.—
<br /> -.:���.�------— -- =�
<br /> ,;r�: l�Y Add1�1 `_,
<br />-,_c:�� . II 711M�M�c�M�ln N�'���M 1iM�wl�fo►dpi� Mi �0'� f�k �M �7 �M�1'
<br />�+,:�' +
<br /> _�,•;,- ° Mi�ts.'IMs�Me Y�Il�la!M��e+��t.�1■t�t eaa a�cM�p�1�l or 1NM�M
<br /> __,o��: .i�:a, , �MIM�IY��N�1�l�hN1�IrINl.
<br /> °M� -.P... t i .
<br /> aT.•,
<br /> �''� _ :==°,�_� I1pDiTtoN/U.COVBNAN'�dditioo a tdt ooKa4lon�ed aptemeat+made ta�6e Security I4stn�mem.Bonowa�ad La�der --
<br /> _ ���;,'�� iWtberoovennu.uawee..ra�ows:
<br />=- �, ,.��
<br />-�` �+ A. INTF�tFg1'RA78 AN1111fONi1�.Y�A� —
<br /> x .:.
<br /> "'•�, 71e[�iot�pruvides far an Wtid iatxesl r�te of •2 �Ib.Sectio�4 d 1�e Naie provida far�es i�W ioRetest�t�te�pd tbe —
<br /> . -,�.;: i�r.� roM�bO�Y��.rtolODws: .
<br /> n ..,. -
<br /> _ + ,r, i. iN7ER�S7'RATEANDAfQNPPI6YPAYMENFCffANGFS . --
<br /> -- •"i, .. IA1 ��MD�Iw �,..
<br />_ ���- ��_= FEBRUARY �,�9 94 ��,,wo uww�,r�evay
<br /> `" ,�c�.'�'�'' Tae tncerea ra�e�.�a a.y u�ar�c�e on�ne r�s�a.y ot
<br /> �;,;;,,N<;..- __]2 0�u�aa.�tiate on wpich my iaterpR atecowW canLe is alk�d a'•cn�ak•� �_
<br /> ' '�'� '{:�4� m �n.w� --
<br /> ';'' .i;:g U �; • ' Bcsiaain�w�lh tL�r�e ii�st C1�an�e interc��rate wfll be bued on aa I�deR.l'he"Indac"i�the wakly ave�e ykid on United SUtes v
<br /> ' �'�';�`.''..,^�r'. 9Yawry cecurities adjusted to�ca�aat maturiry of I made avafhble by lAe Federal Raave BoWd.TUe mat receac ladw fisum
<br />��,=��;,� �--
<br />`�'�?r ..r��•:;`�'„r.•. �vail�bk as at the date 4S days Oefvre ach Chu�e Due is alled the"Cl�Rent Iadex." ;'
<br />:`�`�i. ' • � �;.' It Ihe lada�Is no lon�avaiubk.tba Note 1loider wW ohoae a aew indea�'�ich i�bued upon comparable 1Morm�tion.Ths Alote , �;..
<br /> :L�•„ _; d,.,,�s M.i�.�;..�
<br /> '••a4, .
<br />.,. ;:-Sj,.n ,-� • . .%� H011kf WUI�Vt IRt IIOI�OC O`lA�f CIIOICl. � . —
<br /> ��,. ::�: � .��t'��� , =
<br /> 1 r�.;.-_f' -. �C� �q1�1�M10/� ,
<br /> =%� Tli�fl AND ONE-HALF ;�rarxage
<br /> <.;,;;r.`z�ti ,.� .,:, .. �etcmca�cfi t,pnw�e Daio,d�e 81ote Hoida+viii wkulate ny�inturrt rite Oy:ddir� _
<br /> ��,���`;►� :- �y! 2•�' �)tv teht(.lnrrat lodea�od raundin�to U�e narat 1/�b of'1�fi.subJect to tde Iimiu wted ia Seciioa 4a�J De9ow. �,
<br /> t
<br /> 1��'�1�' Th4�owtded amquw wil!be mp new interat nte unt9 the naet Chaa�e Dste. ._._
<br /> ' ':r' ^�S �� The Note tl��r w1p S?xa aktcQmlae Ihe amount of the monthlY paytnent that would be sufficimt to rep�y in fdl the principl 1 am °'
<br /> �' .�.,. . . y's•1ti•,'� {r�r r'_.
<br />_=s'�`��, � .'��``��°`;"'"�:� `.f�'s aRpected to mve on atiai Ch�nae pase im eubetamiaJlP a9ud Wya�ea�s b�Ihe maturi�y d�te at my aaw interest nte.7be rault ot U�ia calcul�liaa �
<br /> -�lj�cr,.,•�;.• �h
<br /> - _ �'�:�a:•'i,'+i�i�.. �� vrlHSetlxneramountofmyman�M}��rment. �:.
<br />.��;+,�5�, `_�,��,��, • �) WIno�INenslWtrfA�ansa =_
<br /> 11ie iatuat rate I am required to pny �t the Bnt ChanQe Dste will na be Qmter than �•25 � or lecs th�n
<br /> ti.',:�' �_!�t',"�! ..::. ' ' . �1�
<br /> u:i:.,�y5� �,<,,j�,5,:.v�� .,,.�'•'�, 3.25 � interat rate will never be incrased or decreased on any sin�k Chanae Date by more thrn --
<br /> � ��� � •,'^•- �•� ` ' ��_fraa the nte of intercst 1 Fuve bocm p�yfnQ for�he precedin�twdve months.The minimum intercsi rau oa 16is lau will aova be --
<br /> .�t�'"`f � •�; :� , �- ,'�;:;;;;� .. �ka�b�a s.2s � the ma�imwa intae.t nte wiu nev«be�rata tam 10.zs y�. ,
<br /> � •y"����� ' �
<br /> )?f�y'. •,' '.r�l�i �
<br />.-�;;,�;.` ,y�y� ,•;,�� (q �ffecdnDUto/Ch�q
<br /> i7.r•�� '.�.I��'�:�.•,d.��w
<br /> a<t�•� `-,.r.• .`t�:,!•. My nnv iaterat nte will beoome etfective on cuh Chanae Date.l will pay the amount of my new taar+t0fy pAymeat be�lmint uu the ti�at
<br /> �.. i �•�:. a�.
<br />'. ',�;s!;� ",�;`:, monthlY W!'�t da+e aQer the Ctw�e Due wa3]:he atnouat of my monthlY DaYrneac:�an�es aQain. '
<br /> '.1�` ��4:,.f C,.hS{rj.. ,.. n;:(r) .. �, t
<br />-�P%+,.;(�',,• , �'x,,; tf.�•'-.,,;+; /Fl NoUlee aY�a � .
<br /> � '�".'.�� .�) 'if�e Note�iokkr vNU mal��r deliver to me a noUce before aich ChanQe Date.The notia wfll stdvl9t me o!:
<br /> -;�:�`j.'`�, .,.''�",�'�.�-•`�`,'.,:t'::'.'�. (i) �Ihe t�ew interat tau on my loan u of tMe ChanQe Date;
<br />�-=�r.S�i � ���.."� � (Ba) t'he amount of my monthlY paymrnl idlowin��he ChanQe D�te;
<br />:.4_.;.3�. � ' . .�.
<br />��!S. ,..,.,: � �: ;;:.. J"; (uiY anry uddiUonal ma�tera which the Nate Hdder is required to disclose:�nd '
<br />.,,,i.;�{i�yt: -� ,.. (iv) t�e addras of 1he�ssod�doo you eouW contttt rc�atdfoY a�Y 9uatiom about 1he adjuaunent notia. _
<br />:tr�,��l�,,{� r;$, :., ,
<br /> . , .
<br /> .. ;�Y'i�. ' �. c.wAecES:t,��nts
<br />�� _.j..;�f p�4"����4•� • .e :�
<br />�' ,��;4� +;r tyy;'�; . Uaiform Covenant 1 ot the Secudty Instrumem is amended to read as follows: _
<br /> �'t;:�:,. .+'%r��'.e,' .. _
<br /> < I,f, - ���'�;r`� 4.Ci�r�es;IJe�.Bonower shall pay all wca,assessments,and o�her chargcv,tt��rs,and impositions attribuable to the Propetty which may r
<br />�4.,. ;;•' � �;: .. � �ttain a priodty ova this Securily Instrumrnt,and leauhold payments of ground ren;,,if any,in Ihe mmna provided under paragaph 2 hereof !.
<br />��� ` �'�' � 4�(� �..�"•'� 'Y �' or,it not paid in:uch manner,by 8orrower m��ing payment,when due,directl�•�o r1e paya thertof.Borrower shnll promptly futni:h Lmder
<br /> — .��.::.`�•L' . �:.
<br /> � -' - , � aY ewynias of amounts due unckr�lhis paray�aph,and m the erent Ibrrower shall make payrt�em:v.imtly,Uortowa shaU prompcl! ntumish to
<br /> . , = �" . Q.mar�receipts evidencing sueC: v a�.rnm�s. Borrower shail prompdy dischuQe ony lien wh�ck c:,.�priority over this SecuR�t}: i:ti:romem; �
<br /> � �' ,� � '� An�evar. Borrow/e►ahaU not be requircd to discharge any wch lien so IonQ as &+rtower: �al eP��7 agrce in wr9tin�to the pa;+.�nent of the �
<br /> , � � � ob7zgYiton ucured E�•s.::R iien in tAe manner acceptabk�o Lender,(bl shall in gc*nri fanh rnntesl such lim bp,or�tc`e+�against enfor•�ement of �
<br /> ' �(�;' 'y seeh 6kn in,k�af prsaadin�s which fn the opinion o(Lender opc rale lo pre�eat the ertfotament ot lht I�en or f�m!'e.c z;t of the ProptttY or an}
<br /> � • ' ��. ' '� ; pvx cl�h,ut tr�eb�11 securc tiram the holder of such lien an a��remen�in a (am sa�isfa�tiorv to Leudet sulardina�in�su:h lirn to ihis ;
<br /> . ,. t �,•. .� - . Y Secuaity I,c�tturtlenr,. j
<br /> ' ��'. It I.endrr de:e�ea�.ines�Aa�aCl rx�ny part of the Propett}�.�ur�tc���s I�en rhich may a�lam a priont}mu this Secunry tnstrument.
<br /> --�_u_ Y....:.a��_....0 u.� u......��..�.11.�...f.�.�..•h ILn.v ut�..,�.r m..r nr�he anfons set(orth abo�r �.
<br /> - - VRw�c�a�w�V.a u..-...w:i.............•....�..y�r.....«.......___� ��.� . ._""'"""'" "_'" '
<br /> �
<br /> ti... wiU�it1 lat dayt of tIK QiWnQ u(lhe tatice.
<br /> _ . .. *. , , l r
<br /> ... •. sf'� C. N077CE I
<br /> �� � 1 .. „'�- �v�� Uni(orm Covrnant 14 of tlrc Security Instrummt is amendtd�o rpd as foifowti: �
<br /> . � ,�s�,y� U. NWoe.E�tcept for any notice required under appliubk lar lo be w�m�a ae�o�het manner.lal any nawe co 8awwer pro.ded fot in�hn
<br /> , ; L Seeutiry I�Wn+ment shall be Qiven bY ddi�erina i[or by maiGn�il by fitu class mail lo Bortorer at tht Propen�AJ�kes+or u w.'h alrcr addrss
<br /> # . . -;�"• as Borrowu may desip►ate by notice to Lrnder as pro.•ided herdn.and(bl�nY no�ice to Lrnder shall t�e�i.•rn E+ti frrsr c►r•mai�rn Lender'+ �
<br /> � w '..,� y�„r
<br /> addtess uated herein or to such other AJJias a�Lender may desieo+�e b�•notice�o Borrower as pro.ided hcrnn.An}naKC pra�.Led tor ae rRs.
<br /> � ti� Seeutity lastrumeat�baU be detmed to hnr ban�f.m to Bortoret or Lender when p�en io the manna des�Wisted hernn. :
<br /> �„ � ,' �✓ `
<br /> , b y."-;''�'•�•' i
<br /> ��� I�
<br /> " • -
<br />