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<br /> - ° "��-- -='-= A�IGNMENT Of IIBNT'a IIIOLR • -
<br /> .. �:;,-
<br /> �s—�='°�-,'"`-"� � TMIB A8810fdMBNT OF RENTB RID�R it m�cN�nd�x�cut�d this�I�i____d�y of �ANUARY _,1p...�_,�nd i�
<br /> ��� Incorpor�t�d Ipto�nd�tl M QNm�d ta�m�nd��d suppt�rn�nt tM Matpsp�or DNd ol Trud,her�lndt�r nl��d lu�t tM _
<br /> ��.;.,�� . ��S�ou�ity Insteum«nt���of IM�d�t�piwn by 1h� undwslpn�d, MrNnNtK rd�md to a�11N�'6orrow�r".to srau�e
<br /> � " � Botroww'a IndMbdn�,f�NnNlsr ni�d to��tIN"Not�",to HOMH FEDEMI.SAVINOB AND LOAN A880CUTiON OR �"i"
<br /> _ - � �"7� GAAi�fO fst�+l3D�R-retnaltet ret4rred to ae the"Lendet,��M tlw s�daaand oowdn9�P�M�Y d�aaHb�d in th�S�ow�ty �
<br /> ,"�'. . Nt�fru�11�M�nd locat�d a� r.T�
<br /> � 2317 NORTH KRUS�. GRANU ISI.AND NE9RASKA 689D3 ""'.
<br /> (PrapMry Add�aq — —
<br /> - "'�""'""" WITNCSSETH: �_-_
<br /> �+4 �r
<br /> '`�/r,�?�:3�r;, ' ° WHEpEAS� 8orrowK and l.endsr luiw apn�d thaf aoy rents�nd profite atlribut�bl�b th�prop�Nr shoutd aan�tllut� �
<br /> =���'`'?'��'`�f �ddltla�l wcu►ity to th�L�nd�r fa tM p�ym�nt of th�Notr.
<br />.___:'i ;`s}"S�� -_
<br /> r':• � t ---
<br /> w�+� `"' �►° �-F NOW.THEREFOR�.It h apreed thd tM S�aurlt�r Instruen�nt ah�ll b�artwirMd h�nby and dwmwl to inetude th�followlnp ��-
<br /> - � .��+;,�{,,.,..�.t���" �.�_
<br /> ��i �I ,y�+� qroYldonr.
<br /> --? � kU' �-�:`-.
<br /> �.. �f,� ..� .y,�
<br /> ?��` �'��'=:,'i�i�j�-`a:�.� , 1. Aselanment of Rente and L�rwMr�iental CoMaetlon,�teMn_Bonow�r Mr�by+absolubty a�aid unconditioniliy aasigns r�l l � �
<br /> ;_�, 'g�l..;��;:`�����:i'f`:,'�i• aMa, I�su�s and proflb of th� prop�rty to Ben�ficiary. Lende►shNl haw th�Npht, power �ad �uthoriry dudng te� �;�,;:
<br /> t,,.��:, r) '' .
<br /> — "•�`��s� �� eontlnuancs of tM S�curit�r Inslrum�M to eollect ths raMs,issuea and prolits ot ths property and ot any p�rsonal propertr
<br /> _ :4,��;�,':;'� . �_�.
<br />_ �:� ;�,{�t ' locat�d th�rwn with a wlthoul UkNq posssasion of ths propKtq aN�ct�d f�sby. ��ndor, however.hsreb�r coesarMS to �•, ,
<br /> ' ' � �" ` �, " 8onoww's coll�cilon aed nt�ntlon of such�enta,itsues and protiW�s thsr accroe and MconN payaWe,so lonp as Borraw�r -
<br /> ,�',�F'e�'j`'� t�.
<br /> . ,, ;�;r,�.��y�,i, ��,�, Is not.at auch tim�.In d�faplt wlth nsqct to p�ymsnt of�rqr inWbt�dn�ss a�cu►ad h�reby,a In tlw pertorman�ol any
<br /> 'G;�" a� �. ;{`� �pr�nqnt hsr�urwNr_ ��"'
<br />'`,ai_ � '� �. A�Infine�t t►f R�,AIwn If anY awnt of d�fault In r�speCt to iha SocuritM In9humeM ehall fwra occuned and be =`''°`��"
<br /> -,;.,�.�. -
<br />:j�';ti;� ;��es:���5i: jr..,;',,;,,_, coMinul�p,Lende►,�s�mAtter of rlpht and witliout notics to Borcower or anyome elafminp uoder Bona�csr,and wphout
<br />°�;/ h �1(,�r�'•:v,r, �r. ;�
<br />;,;,.,, ,� t,.,� -�; ;�'1� � �rd to th�value of the trust eatate or ths Intaraat of the Bortow�r ilwroin,aP�all have the NpM to apply to any coun havinp •'�°�`
<br /> •��;t �r�`;,'�;�! , ' �tlf�if�I01I011 l0 M!(101fl1 a fAC�IVlf O�!h!pf0�►ly. �
<br />-i..i;;-. ' F ���:;:ti;.s� , --�
<br />':�; '•'' b .�;,;! 3. RIaM to Poasaselon.ln case ot de,fault M the payment of tUaa sald princlpal Note or Intereat,or aRy pan thereof,as it �_,
<br />,.::��;;•,;`
<br /> �;:Y�,r` �,1�. �� � 1� ''� ahall matun,or In the case pf fallure t�kMp or perfcnn any of the covenanta ar a�reamenta contained In the Securit�Inslru• a�
<br /> -� ,r Y� • ��;t ` W;t•,ti.�:, mant, then ths Lende►,ita soc�ceasas or assipne, shall be and la hereby authorized and empowered to take Immediste �r.,:;-
<br /> f���`l�.h •,,�}��:�.k�: �.". •:�.. • � g►aaaeulon of the eaid pre�r►�ses fnerefn d�acrlbad and to collect the rento tfwralrom,and to apply th�proceeda thY�aof!o the -
<br /> �``;� �'�` '�•'� , � ' 'paym�nt of tha Note. �r
<br />,;;��:r.;� '.°.
<br />`•'";, r ' M ''-�'Z�:t�;�1' 4. Anolicatlon of R4ys.lseuea�n�6 tPZOfite.All ronte eollectecl by�Lender or the recelve�s�vafl be appllad first to Ra�v�nt
<br /> .:' . ��'_=•. { ;'�.', '� , o}ihe c�ete�f maneQement�f thi��fro�wrtY ond collnctlon of renra.l�cluding.but not Ilrpited to.recelver'a fees,prertllurns�an `Y'"
<br /> �,- w•...
<br />- ;,'�n.� �_y•
<br />�^��'"'. . �� ��'�'f• 4? rocslver's bonde and roasonable attomey's fees,and then to trt�e suma eecured by the Securlty I�strunNnt.l.erwlar a�aaa9 Vhe
<br />�-:�+��� , '�' },.j'rlryl��r
<br />!=7� . r; .,�,. ! � recdvsr eholl bs Ilabla to account only for those�ents actua�9�raae0ved.
<br />`"�,;1k.• �" '���.:t;i�.�"r.��� ., =
<br /> iL S, n�tncuotlon oi Provlelone.Each af t6ee provlaians co�aad�aed In 4d�is Asad�n m�nt��fieats Rider a�d the SecuriRy Im�iru•
<br />�'::�:�:f'� �� ' • •� �_,:� .�1�,;�:..� Se.2
<br /> �i. `:%�. �+•ti;'���' ment a11i�91,v��lssa otharwlss speolficaa��v�eqvlred, 0e oona�eue�d �re axcordan�e w++��+ N�e�b�aska iaw, and in the evertn2 any �,�_
<br />-r.:�� ' •• �.,. � ,�:��,�.
<br />�� • -' ���"�'•''•,�` pr�vialon hareln or thereln contelned ahaN�e detpr+nlogd by e ct��r1 at corn�►el�ent Jvr1s¢OocCuon to be unenforceable,the same �'
<br /> �..�.,�u.�...�:t1"`:,;c„� _
<br />;•—� �.��;,::,_;��•`���..,�� ghai)be const►usd as thouph such unentaceable pr�ovlaion were rmi a par�he�eol o�1heJ�eof.
<br /> ••��r��'`°'':'��ln�°'� 8. Effeot of Rider.Exce t aa�peciticall modNled b or Incons�stenl w19�A 1 h�a Asal nment of Rents Rider or by any other
<br /> • , ��.� ,-�: l�,1'�.� D Y Y 9
<br /> G-• •' •r±'�!v_;?`.j� ' ��, a p pllaable rldor,all of the tenne 3nd provislona contalned in the Securlty Ina4aurtaent siwll continua in full force and ettect.
<br /> • • :.�v,i:;i.:,��+�Ki:+;il:,y'
<br /> '�� •w' . "��`•„�.,i��}:t�"';`. • � IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,Bortower hoa exoeutal thlo Aee mont ot Ren s Rideron Itee date firot noted above.
<br /> � ��;;�.(�;_,,;•� :,, �.:� � t_
<br /> s A��a��� ��h'�,�
<br /> , r�f�'a��(�ti t'� _..____
<br /> '%�J�� DAVID J. GL ecrrowar
<br /> �, �,,w.<.,..1'�, , � �-
<br /> a. :' ` 'd!,.���' ;� 1:` A�cL� .
<br /> r , �. r��r,,5} —
<br /> � ;a �,`.;,;`..t _
<br /> . ,a , �_•. TERESA K. GLENN Baiawar --
<br /> � . .. , ��y�;�� � _
<br /> �� STATE OF NEBRASKA) r.�-�
<br /> X � y�'"'... ., �es:
<br /> . � t �*:�r��,: . COUNTY OF HALL ► �'
<br /> .,�':;': ...
<br /> '` ' .'���'�,. sn� JaruuARY 93
<br />' �,, �..;.. On thls d�y of ,19 ,before rroe,the underelyned,a Not�Qy Pab9ds dsa0y commisalonay amd i,.�-
<br /> 1�. .;��; ..;; `�," ,�' '�� �w11fNd fo►sald aounry,ps►aonallyoanw DA11LD_7. GLENN ANO TER��� K. GLEN�V. .HJS8A1:D.9NQ WIFE ,f?:;
<br /> '�w ' ' � ,to be the Identical person�s)whoae narna(s)INare aubscdbed '.t�
<br /> . ,�., •. . . ..
<br /> . �., ';;;;;;�'�' to tlw fenpOinp imtrum�nt,and helahelthey acknowledpe the executfon theroof to be hdslherAhelr voluntay act and desd.
<br /> ��i�� ���'��tt� GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA ��'Y
<br /> � ��t...., . Witness mr hand end Nota�ial Soal at �j;;;;;
<br /> --_,- �.�r.., '+` .
<br /> • �•��:�•.,.. • _ in aaid county,the date ator�said. '�''�
<br /> •�:��_,; ., , . ���
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