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<br /> It the antouats heid by Leader for Escrow Items exceed the mnnunts permltted to be held by RESPA. Lender __
<br /> ' ahall accouat to Borrower for the excess fiinds�s required by RESPA. If the amounta of funds beld by Lender at uny
<br /> " titn�are aot sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may notify the Bocrower and require Horrower to
<br /> mat�ce up tbe shor[age as permit�ed by RFSPA.
<br /> . _ Th�Escmw Fuads are plodgr,i as addidonal securlty for all swns secured by this Securiry Insuument. If
<br /> :�°��-�� Borrower tenders to Lender the it�ll payment of all such aums,Borrower's nccouat shall be credited with the balance =
<br /> `'� remalatng for atl inataUmeat ttems (a). (b),and(c)and any moetgage insw�ance premium installm�nt that Lender has
<br /> not be�ome obiigated to pay to the Secretary, aad I.cnder sball pmiapdy refund any excess funds to BQrrower.
<br /> Immediately pdor to a foreclosure sale of the Prope�ty or its acquisition by l.endet. Borrower's axount shall be
<br /> ; credited �vlrh aay balance remaining for all installments for items(a),(b).and(c). _��
<br /> ' 3. Appiicntlon af Poymea�ta. All paymenta under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as followa:
<br /> , � �.a,to U►e mortgage iasurance premium w be Paid by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthly charge by the �._-"`
<br /> . Secretary instead of the moathly martga$e insarance preml�nm: 1__i�:.
<br /> �:�
<br /> . Sec:ond. to any taxes.special assessments,leasehold payaients or ground rents.and fire.flood aad other haznrd e_
<br /> la�usaace premiu:�s.as requ3rr�l; °•
<br /> ' r �,=-
<br /> , • � �i ,to in4�rest due�nder the Note;
<br /> u , to amorti�ation of the principal of the Note;and ��
<br /> �i,to lat�charges due under the Note. �t,;:;-
<br /> � 4. �lre,Ftoad s�nd Othez Hccs�$rd Ia,�rauce.Borrower shall ins�+rc all Improvementa oa the Property.whether ..
<br /> . now!n eaistence or subsequeatly erected.against auy hazards,casualties,and contingencies.iacluding fue.for vjrhicl� _,
<br />- . +�' Leader �equices iasurance. 'd�ais insuraace ahall be mai�ta{ned in t6e aaaounts and for the pertods that Leadrar �,
<br /> requires.Bosrower ahall also insure all impzuvecuents on ehe Propeny, whether now ia existence or aubsequently =
<br /> � et+ected. again�t loss tiy flcw�s to the extent required by the Secretary. All Insurauce shall be carri�l wlth companies _.
<br /> • � � apPmved by Leader. '(t►e InRUrance policies;ind any reaewala shall be held by Leader aud shell inr�u�te loss payable
<br /> clauses in favot of,and in a form acceptable to,Lender.
<br />- In �he�vent oi losa.Bon+ower shaU give Lender immediate nadce by mail.Lereder naay make proof of tags if not
<br />' ' "' b made promptly by Borrower. Each insurane¢wmpAny aoacemed Is hereby autttotized and dfre�teA to matce paym�e►t _
<br /> . fo3 euc�loss dircctly to Lender. iastead off to Borrower and to Leader joindy. All or any patt mf the inaurance
<br />'_"���� pr�oc�s may be applied by Lend$r,at its a�tion,either(a)to the res�uction of the indebtedness un�rr the Note aad
<br /> � . thts Security Iastrument.first to eny deliaquent amounts applied in the order in paragraph 3.and thrn to prepaym.-at
<br />=a: ',. 'r'':. of prirtclpul, or (b) w the cestoration or repair of the damaged Property. AnY aPPlication of the pmceeds to t�ve
<br />'.� •.,•. .
<br />-: ' ?.''°.` princlpal shall aot eauead or�stpone the due date of the pnonWly payoaents wLich are refen�ed to in paragreph 2,�:r
<br />�- ..K, •.. change tbc aawunt of such paymenta. Any eAcess Insuraace proc�eds over an amount mquired co p�►aU outstandim�q
<br /> ' ;;". , iadebtedness under the Note and this Securlry Insuument ah�ll bc paid to thc endty legally entitled tt�ra�o.
<br />"�''" in the event o!forecIosuce of this Secudty l+�sstswn.ent or other transfer of dde to the Property uTiat exting�ist�es
<br /> --- , .� .. the Indebtedness. all right. title aad laterest of Bomo�ver in ead to insuraace policies in force sh�ll pa.�.� Bm t1�e
<br /> �:,��:� .a� purcheser.
<br />�� ,
<br /> ..;-.-;:.�,•,��•, , S_ Oxupstacy. prrsezvetEon,Metntenance and Frotedtoa of the PropertYi Bore+nNa's 9,rnan Appllcs oni
<br />,�.;_��.-TT;r-� I.easeholds. Bo:rower sDall oocupy.establdsh. and use tt:e Pc+operty as Borrower's principal resideuce vv�ilda sS�ty
<br />�??�'� daya e�er the a�ecutioa of thia Ser,�rlty Insuumeot(or within sixty days of a teter sale or transfer of the Property)
<br />_==���''�,'� and eh�ll aondnue to occ�py the Pro�ny sis Bomower's principai restdeace for at L¢ast one year uRer ths date of
<br /> =�= ��
<br />��s;�-��::.; o�upancy� e�atess Lendet deterwines that requirement a119 cause uadus hnniship for Bonrower.or unless extenuuting
<br />_�:�,�� :�' circum�stances e-�ist whtch are beyond Bonower's tonuul. Borrower shuil aodfy Ixnder of nny exteauming
<br /> -:.,...�.. _
<br /> o;rcumstences.Borrower shall aot oum�t�+aste or desuuy.damage or substantinlly change the Property or aliow t�e
<br /> 1.�'=:�":.'`T. peoper�y to daerIorate,m,asonable wear un�d tear exce�tal. Las�er may inspeec the Propeaty ff the PrepertS►is vaennt
<br /> °`�'"�;,�:_.•' vr aha�+Anned or the loan ia �ln default. Leadcr may catce reasonable actton ta pmtect and presetve sur,h va�u►t ot
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