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<br /> of HoiTOwer's covenants and aBreemente urtder this Securiry lastcuinent nnd the Notc. Far this purawsc. Bornower
<br /> iri�vurably grant�and conveys�o thc Trustce,ia tcvst.tivitb po�vcr of sale.the follo�iing descrih€�i�mpeny I�nted
<br /> in H��� Counry. Nebrnska: *._
<br /> � Lot 2, �lock 15, South Grand Island Addition, City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> :.,:�:;� County, Nebraska.
<br /> ,� �-
<br /> �:�
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<br /> �����;� ° whtch has cne aaaress ot912 5 Pi ne,Grand I s1 and ts�,c��yl. =��"
<br /> , � Nebraska 68$Ol iZip Caeel ('Property Addcess'):
<br /> �• fi• TOGEfHF.4i WITH all the impmvements now or hereafter erected on the p�opeity. and siU easemeats. �'�
<br /> ; �:_==
<br /> appurtenauoes aad futures now or kereafter a part of the pmpetty. All replacxments aad addidoas shall also be
<br /> , �°•+� covered by thla Security Im4m�ment. All of thv fore�oing is ccfemed to�n cb�Lg�¢c.zeriry Insnument as the•Froperty° a.`-'
<br />^ BO�tIItOWER COVEPiAhTTS e4es.t Bornnwer is lawfully seized of the estate Aereby oon�syed and ha9 We cight to �.
<br /> - . `� grant anfl oaavey the Property and t8►�t the Property�S unenwmbPres9.excepi for eacumbrauoes of reconf. Borrow�r `.
<br /> , ,. warreuts and �vUl defend generally the tttle to the Property �sinst all clai�s and deu�ands. subjea to any —
<br />�.��� encumbzances of cprord.
<br /> ;1�:; --
<br />�;�";' • TH1S SECURITTI URISTRUMENT oombiaes unlfocm covenants for nataanal use attd non-unifom� oovenants
<br />_,�ti�-5 ..
<br /> r' � wlth limitefl varIadons fiy jurisdicden co oonsdtute a unfform secur(ty instnament oovering reai pmperty.
<br />' Borrower and l�2Qar covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �
<br />;;�iY; ..
<br />=�;K: ", UNIF�ORMCOV�l�d1NTS.
<br /> • _ 1. Any�nP.nt oi Prfnripul. Interest nnd �.nte Chsrge. Borrower shaU gay when due the principal of. and
<br /> �� � interest om,the debt ev[denced by the Note and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> .-.�,,;��.,, � 2. Mont6ly P�yment of Taxes, Insureace uad Qt�ker �harges. Bornu�ver sha11 iaclude ia each monthly
<br />���Y� �� payraent,together wtth tke ptiacipai aad interest es set forth in the Note and any late cbarges.a sum for(a)taaces and
<br /> � special assesstaents leoi�i or to be levied against the Property, (b)IeaseF.t�9d nayments or g�ound rents on the =
<br /> -;��a14w propeny,aud(c)Piemiums for iasuraace required uader paragaph 4. Ia any year in wh�cb the Ixnder mast pay a
<br />-�"'" :..�:" �, martgage�ias�uranoe premium to t�e Scacretary of Housing and U�an Developm�ent("Se�etary'),or in any year in
<br />_.'� '� ��''�:��+'� which sur,��remium would have beea re�ufred if Leader sdU held the Securtty Instc�+caens,c�sh monthly payment
<br /> r`��, •-;�;'� . sheU also iaclude eithar:(i)a sum for the annual mortgage iasuranoe premium w be paid by i,eader to the Secretary.
<br /> .�,.,,,,� �,:.,.
<br /> +:;�'"��• `.. or(ii)a monthly chacgr�c�stead ot a mongage tasuranoe premium 1i thja SeeurIty Insccumenc Is held by ihe Secretazy,
<br />�.,��4.�; ,
<br /> •:�;g�'�" � ia a masonab2e amouat to be determiaed by the Secc�etary. Fa�cept for the mont61y c6arge by the Sea.*�:¢ary. Wese
<br />�;.,;,:.__ '' i:, [tems u;e�aite�'Bscinw[tems"and the sums paid to[xnder nne called'Escrow Fuuds.' --
<br /> .°•� �� , Lenti�t may.at any tlme�aollect and hold aiaouats for Fscrow Items in an aggc�eegate amount«ot to exc�ed eht
<br />�i��_.�:--:., .
<br />.1 m�ucimum nmount thut may be required for 8ormwer a escrow acanuat aadrs n3se Real Estate Settte�nent Proadun�
<br />-�a���J�',� Act oT 1974. 12 U.S.C. 5estion'1.001 tt seq. and implementing c�egWutiuns. 24 C,rR F�art�i00� as t3�y utiiy� -_
<br /> �`�,'�-. �a.Yi�t!�oca t�te to tlr�e{•�S�A'),c:zc�pt t2t�t the ctsehlon or re�erve gern�itte�d by R�S�A fcn emanticipatc+d --:-
<br /> ^'_�.�*'— disbuis�m2nta ot Q�sbursements Oei�re tite isorrowei t►paywcuta w� u.aua,,:. :��:.a�;�,i s'�� .-.o:�:.�w� ,
<br />' �� '� � amounsa�ue for the mort�age insu�ce premtum.
<br /> _ l. . �,
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