.} � ;.(,r • .
<br /> �.� . . . ., " ..
<br /> �i .
<br /> _._..—._�_.—.J._"Y"""__"....... . ' .. ' .
<br /> , xa�nv u cRar�A �oaaia o�/oi/i�9�
<br /> ' 9. s�' zn;�tlon.'(rhhe pmceedx of any avvard ar claim fin dnnmgea.dlrcct or c�m�yucittlal. in amnsctlau with uny
<br /> condeawatIou :►r other mkina of the Pro��ty. or Pa�t there��f• or fi�r c�+nvcya�KU in lieu of coudem�utltan. arc hercAy ,
<br /> w ,.
<br /> assig�d nnd sWaJt be paid to Leader.subject ta tde temis af uay mortgAge.deed o4'tn�st or other seiuriry ageazmcnt w t a
<br /> Uen which bAS priority over thls Qeed of Tnast. ° .
<br /> 10. Tdore+ower Not Iteleased; Fcrbea*e�oe BY �►dsr Nat a Watver. SatetLqinn af the tinu for payment or ,
<br /> modificadon of aaiorti�ntioa of the sums secnred by this Deed of Tn�st arunted by Lertd�r to nny succeasor ia interest of � ,
<br /> : , Bo:rowec shaU not opetate to cclease. tn any manaer,tbe liabilIty of the odgiaul Bocrower nud Hamower's saccessors in `:' . ,. , .
<br /> ' l Wterest.I.ender st�sdl not tsg required to commerue praceedings ugatnst such sucees.u►r or rePose to extend du�for puy�nent � . .
<br /> t .
<br /> or othern�se naodlfy amord�atioa of the s�ms secured by tUis Deed af Tcust by reASOn of cwy demund made by the origtaa! � ,
<br /> � Bairower autl Borrowe:'s stxcessors in lntecest. Any forhear�nce by L.ender in eaercising aay dght or remedy bereunder. a ,
<br /> ' . or othenvise afforded by applicable law.shail not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any sucb dght or remedy. .,
<br /> a
<br /> . - 11.Succ�sors and Asslgav Bo��li�oint and Severnl Uablltty;Co-slgners. 77te cavenanYs attd agreements hereia �i
<br /> cnntained shu11 bind. And tbe rights hereunder shall inure to.the respecdve s�cccess�rs aaid sissig�of Leader aad Bo�wer. �
<br /> subject to the provisions of paragraph l6 hereof. All cavenants and agre�menta af 8orrower sb�ll be joina and severel• `
<br /> Any Botrower who co-slgns tlds Oeed of Trust.but does uot eaecutc the Nate.(a)Is co-slgt�»g this Deed af Ttust anly to • • ,;,�, _
<br /> .�;;: ., � ta Trustee under the tenas of this Deed af Tn�st.(b)Is not � ,,;���;:�:
<br /> ,,,��., , g�am attd convey that Borrower s Interest iu tde Pmperty , , .•._--
<br /> persoaally liabte on the Notc ar under this Deed af Trust. and(c)agrees that Leuder aud any otder Bon+ower i�reuaAer . ;�,:::'n,�__,__-
<br /> . taay agree to extend. madify.forbeat.or make any other accommodadons w1W re8ard w We tern�s af this Deed of Trust or -.::��,V`-_-
<br /> the Notc. without tUat Bc�rrowrer's consem and wlthout releasing tiwt Borrower ar madlfying tWs Deed of Trust as co tUut ', N `:___
<br /> Borcower's iuterest la the PropercY• „'.�-_--_--
<br /> �.,•<;t'�� 12. t►7atkc. Bxcept for any tu+dce reciuired uBder applicable law to be given ia another manuer.(a) aay nodce to �•.�%:�x:;_-
<br /> , .. "�'==f`•'-�---
<br /> ,,`} ' -.,--
<br /> ,.'�...ti;�,`• ��wer pmvided for in thfs Deed of Tcust shail be given by delivering it or by meiling such �dce by cerdfied mn I ..�
<br /> , ;:�..- addtessed to Bormwer at the PcoPertY Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notiee to I.ender us , —
<br /> � provldod herein.and (b)anY nadce co 1�ender shall be given by cerdfled m+�il to Leader's address stated herein or to such t;�`' ,�``�,
<br /> � .�. other address as Lender may deslgnate by aodce to Borrower es pmvided herein.Any nodce provtded far in thla Dea1 of ;ti n ,`
<br /> ' ;:�•�<<.° Trust shall be deemed ta have be�n given to Borrower or Leuder when giveu In thc manner designated hereIu. �_
<br /> ,�;.�_��.
<br /> ,`.:r.. 13.Governing Lawi 8everabillty.The state aad locat laws applicabie to tWs Deecl of Ttust shall be the laws of tbe �,., ;.,-,.,.:l:----
<br /> .� �\• jurisdicdon in wt►ich the PropertY is located. The foregoing sencence sda11 not limit the applicability of Federal l�►w to this � .-.���--
<br /> ±��' 15.1' `�._l��_'_.'_--
<br /> ` �,'�.; Deed of Tnist. In the eveat that any pmvlslon ar cluusQ of this Dced af Trust or tbe Note conflicts with applicable law. `'�� �� �_
<br /> ' ' such canfltct shall not affat other provlstoas of thfs Deed of Tiust ar the Note whlch can be given offest without the _ry�_� �__ _
<br /> '�` � contlicting pmvision.amd to tbis ead the provistons af this Daecl of Tcusc aud the Note are declared to be severabie. As . _�: -_
<br /> ';_,;r�
<br /> _ �-� � ���. "��", •exQenses" and 'attomeya' fees" iBCtude all sums w tbe eatent not praWbited by applicabl�1aw oT _ �A
<br /> ,�;- ° _ __
<br /> :;.t��.: limited hereln. _
<br /> "."' �'.
<br /> , , 14.�Berrower's Copy. Borrower shall be fi�rnlshed a conforn�ed capy of the Note aad of tdis Dced of Tmst at -- -
<br /> �'� dme of eaecudon or aRec recordi►tlon hereof. - -
<br /> .. � ls. Rehabilttatton Loan Agr�neat. 9orrower shall fulRU all of Borrower's obli�do� uuder any home ��v
<br /> •� rehabilttatioa�improvement. repnic or other loan agroement whieh Bomc�wer enters iato wltt�I.e�er. Lender�at Lender•u �--
<br /> • � opiton� maY re4uice Borrower to eaocutc and deliver w L,eader.la a form acceptable to Lender. an asslgnment of any
<br /> �� dghts�claims or defenses wh€ch 8orrower roay have agalnst pardes who supply labor,mateduls or seYVices in coanecdon .��_:.
<br /> ,. with impmvem�ents�de ro the PropertY• -
<br /> '' 16.Tnutsfer of the Prap�ety or a Benetidat U�t�r�t tn Borrower. If ail or aay Pact oi the Property or�ny inurest m.,�
<br /> � ln it is sold or naasfen+ed(or if a beneRcisl intenst ln eonowar ia sold or aannsfemed end Borrow�r is aot a aatutal �
<br /> .. ` p�tson�ivithottt I�tder's prior wcitten wnsent. Lender may.at its option. require tmmediata paYment iu Poll of all sums
<br /> sccurcd by thte Deed of'l'nist. Hawever.t6is opttou shnll aot be a�erciscd by Le�dar tf�acerclse is pmh46�tad by foderal
<br /> .' �, iaw as of the dute of t6ia Deed of Tcust. -
<br />