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<br /> ..
<br /> _.:_.,,� ..�:...._._...._. : .._.. . . ..
<br /> � aoaaia 03/01/1999 .
<br /> : tt���rta � ct�t+B�
<br /> � UNIPOEtM COVaNANTB. Bat��►wrr and l.ender cuve�wnt mtJ oBne F►s f�ltoern: ..
<br /> . D. F�ymettt �f i�lnct�l and latcn�i. R�ieniwcr s1ia11 �+mmptly pay v�hen dug the prGuip�l artd Interest
<br /> h�deble0ne�'��evldensed by the Nnte ai�d tatc charaE�x nx pruvi�ted in ehe Nute. .
<br /> a. F�nds�or'f�ucc+end I�uraenw. S�bJKt cu appitcable law��r a earfttcn wnlver by Lender. Borro►vtt shcill pay ta
<br /> � L,endet an ti�s day�tonthly p�y�enta ot prin�;ipal nnd Mtecest are puyoble uader the Note.untii th� Nate is patd in fuU,n
<br /> sum(henin 'Funds")equal to one•twelfth af the yeurly te��.w a�td st�ses.�mente(inclu�ling ccmdaminlum and plann�unit , . .
<br /> QRVelopn�nt c�.�smente. if any)wi�ich mny attnln pdority over this Deed of Truat.und ground rents ap the Propeny,if �
<br /> any.plus one-twelf�h af yearlq prea�um instatinients far h�rd insurunse.plus oue-twclRh of yearly premium in�tailmenw , ., ._
<br /> �
<br /> for rnortga8e insueance, tf nny. ull as renson�+bly esMmnted inidally and from time ta drae by Leadst an We basis of � ,-.,k,
<br /> � a�sments und hllls c�nnd rensannble esti�naces thcreof. Borrower shAU not be abligated to make sucd payments af Funds �
<br /> d
<br /> "�" to I.eeader to the exteni tbat Bornower mpkes such paYa►eats to the holder af a prlor martguge or deed of uust lf such holder � ,
<br /> is aa insdtudonal lender. ,.
<br /> lf Borrower pays Funds to I.ender. the Fuads st�ll b$heid in an inst�tudon the deposlta or sccouata of wdIcb are ...
<br /> . insured or guataiueed by a Federal or stute ageacy(including Leader if Leader is s�nh an iastlwdoa). Lender sbAU uPPIY ,
<br /> the Funds w pay said ta�ces�assessmeats.iasurunce Premiums aad grow►d renta. I.eader may not churge for so holdlnp aa��, , �,"".: . , -
<br /> 1 -� `j',_��
<br /> a p p l y i a g t h e F u n d s, a A U l Yr1 n 8 said accouat or vedfying and com�iliaa snid as.sesscuents+u�d biils, ualess Lendet pays .. . , .,v
<br /> Borcower interest ou the Funds an�applicable law pernilts Lender ta muke sucb a charge.Barrower u n d I xa d e r m e►y u B re e � ;. . • :T�°
<br /> in wridng at che dme of exe�:udon of this Aeed of Trust that interest on the Funds shull be paid ta Burrower. ��ess �-
<br /> such agreement is made or applicable law cequires such inte.esc co be paid. L.ender shall aat be reyuiced to PaY � _
<br /> ' '-' �IIy jptCYCBt pp�SiiAltig&8i1 fltt FYR{I3. Lender slinil give to Borrower,without charge.an anauunl aacoundp8 Qf the Fumis
<br /> , �o�����b���� g�� �e purpose for which each debit to the Fuads w�made. the Fwuis are ` ,;
<br /> ,•,,t;;,,;. -
<br /> :,:.�.:,�.. ..
<br /> pledged as addidanul securlty for the sums secured by this Deed of Ttust. . ,L..
<br /> ;. . .
<br /> � � If the au�ount of the Funds hetd by Lender.together witb the future manthlY tastollments of Fuads puyabte p ar to �
<br /> au o
<br /> : �; ' :...�.•:y
<br /> the aue dates of taxes.a�ts. iasurance pnmiums and grauad rent�. siu�ll exseed the amount r�equired m pay d
<br /> t r, toxes� assessn�ents, jngurance Premtums and Sroand rea�s as they faU due. sucd eacess shall be,at 9orrower's opdon. '`":;`;"+;
<br /> � " '' eitUer prompdy cepa�td to Harrower or credited to Hocmwer an�uont4ly iastNirr�ats of Fuads. If the amuunt of ttte F�ndv � =?'�,At,:l.,_;:
<br /> „•�:�. remiums nnd gmand cents As they full due� : . �.,,:,::..
<br /> .;, iield by I.enQer shait not be s��ffictent ta pay tases, assessments. iusu[a�Ce P � �y,
<br /> ���� ,,,... <:.,
<br /> Borrnwer shatl pay to Lander any amouat netesssry to make up the deflciensy iu one or raore payutents as Lender unay rL.
<br /> � : requlre.. �„�
<br /> Upon payment ln fuU of aft sums secured by this Deed of Tcust.Lender shall pramptly retbnd to�ocmwer any Punda �;��
<br /> • Z�` ts 17 tu�f she Pso�rsy i�cotd or the Property is othe7wise accluired by I.ender.Leuder �. -
<br /> ,..`,�::..' 4 held by Lender.Ii undci��raP or tts acquisldon T.ender.aay Fwu�s held by �� .-
<br /> ;;:•::�':;r;' slmtl apply. �later thaa immediataly pdor W the sale of the Praperty �►Y
<br /> �'��:.�'
<br />.i.'1;,;:',�',;,' ; Lender at the duie of applic�tdon ns a credit againct the sums secuced by this Dced of Tcust.
<br /> �°:",,;;� 3.A p pIIcetton of Aaymenis. Unless upplicable law pravides othEnvise.uli paycaents�eceived by Lxnder undsr the
<br /> .,.,,;,��".. " ha 1 aud 2 hereof sLail be applted by Lender first ia paymeat of awouate pa y n b le ro L e n d er by�a�wor
<br /> .;:}•t;.: �. Note and pac�gcap o of the Note.
<br /> �, under puage�ph 2 deroof�thea ta interest payable oa the Note.ead then W th,,principal
<br /> ` �, 4. Prlor Mortga�es and Dceds ot Trust; Chargesi L1�• ��wee s6a11 perform e11 of Bo:cower's abl�Badons
<br /> . A y�er auy mortgage. deed of teust or other security a8reeatent with a uen wUtch has prlodry over thts De�cd of Tn�st.
<br /> �' inctudia8lBomower's covenxnts co make payroews wteen due.���w�shn11 p�ay atmin prio ty o er�this�Dcod of�TNe� — _.
<br /> �. �d other charges�fines a�innposldons attcibutable to ttie Pmperty _
<br /> , , , uid leasehold pay�ents ot ground teals.tf any.
<br /> . .. „� �. RnraM L�n�ae�ae. Borrower she111ceeP tt►e ImPmvements �w exisdn8 or hereafter erecud on ttio Frogarty –
<br /> iasured epinst toss by�re.ha�+rds i�luded within the teim'exte�ed coverage".and such oth�r daurds ag I�udt►r muy
<br />- � .. � tequire emd in such anwvnts aad for such periods as Lender mny re4uire. rnvat by L�nder.pmvided. �_.l,a.,._
<br /> Tbe iasurance can�Ier pcoviding the insuraase sbalt be chosen by Borrower subject to ePP -
<br /> . that sucL npPrnval shaDl not be nnreasonably withhald. A1t insuzance policies end ren�wals thereof etutll be ta a fac�
<br /> table to Lender ead sbuii include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and ia a form acceplable to Lendar. l.e°�er ----
<br /> . �P
<br /> � shall have th=cight to hold the poltcies aad senswals theroof,subject w che terros of auy mortgage�doed of e�uat ur ar ---_ _
<br /> " socuritN eSccement with a Uon w6ich has prtodty over tDls Deed of Tn�st. - __ --
<br /> � .. In the event of loss.Borrower shalt give pmmpt nodce ro the iosurance carrter and LeBdOr.Lender mny m�lcc pmof �
<br /> , ,.,,.... of loss if�Y a�ade pnompdy by Borcower. ,_
<br />_ .s.�,.."'�'�:....;:�i If the P�ouedr is 8b,ludostsd by Bot:mrcr.ur if Borrov�r faiis t�i�ad to Len@er wit0*in 30 dnys Etam tlte duEe
<br /> ...��,,.:�----.._.., �
<br /> ,�`:�3� _ noitce is mailed by I.ender to Bomower that the lmsvrance caccier offe�w ascita u�ia:�t'ac tss.,;.sr,.�e���ts.LPnru�+A _�_ -::__-
<br /> authorised to collxt xud epply tho insurs+aoe P�occeds e�Lender's option either to cestoratlon or cep�ir of the R�opertY or �;��—
<br /> to the sums secured by tWs Deed of Ttust. p�Unit Ds�v��• 4 F" �
<br /> `�;�,:.� of Fro , II�ehol�f Conda�tnlu�st - .
<br /> i;E'i� 6. Pr�ervatton and Ibd�9ntennnoe Pert3'' ��"`'`
<br /> � 7.,.�.�...u:��
<br /> ��:.�"�' � Bonower s4in11 kcep the Pmpe�l+�D IIood rePatr and sha�]not commlt w�ste or permit impaicment ord�tet+�Qmtdoa of the "�,+,r•;;.
<br /> ,�a�.-..
<br /> . pe�perty pnd shali comply with the pmvisions of twy lease if this Deed of Tn�st is on a leasehold.I�tUio Dedl og Tn�st i� ,;;ti:�4q-
<br /> � � on c�urdt in a condominium or a Qlannetl unft develap�ent.Botrower sl�lt perforn�all of Bomnwar'sobligadons under the ' ::�,h
<br /> �.:�`t declaradon or covenants creat[ng or grnernlmenteand constiarent�rdocumen�t d�velopment.t�e bylaws and regulsttons . .-. :
<br /> of thc condominium or plauned unic dev p cantained in this _ .
<br /> 7. Pe�otectton of Lestder's Secudty. If Horrower falls to petform the covenn�ts und ogrcer�ents
<br /> - y B�d af Tn�.^t.or if aay acdon or p��ediag is commenced whtsh muterially uffects Lender's interest in the Propecty.then ^_- -
<br /> `:�4:;;� Lendec. at Gender's opdon, upon �a►tice t�o Borrowe. c.�may��n,r� at�der'�rest.I�wder req iu rad• awrt�ge .
<br /> ' ` - _`�" reaso�bie attorneys: -
<br /> tces.ano iaae eu�u atiu�u.n •o:-�--�-�-, --.-----� - .
<br /> • ,. ' in�uanoe as a condtdon of making the loan secured by this Dced of Ttust. Bonrowxr shuil pay the premiu�t'alWted W .. •
<br /> :: nd
<br /> ,�`�'�. r�a�►intain such ia4urance iu e�iFecc undl such dme as the requirement for such inrwr�uxe cernolaltes in aacorfl�ke with .ti,.,
<br /> f,t,i:.�.���
<br /> . . or a licabte law. �?�.;si�% .
<br /> :•'.,�:' ., garrower's at�d Lender's wris¢�n agce�ent PP
<br /> � pny amaunm disbwsed by I.ender parsuant to d►is paraB�Ph 7. with interest ehereon.ut tme Note cate.sttall berotme ,;
<br /> eddidonal indebted�ss nf Bor�o��I��n nutice fcom LEnder to Bonuwar t�questiu8 Poy�e ta theceof Nothin8 ` .:'
<br /> � -':�r� payment. sttch atnow�fs s3� P Y�` �s'�:`'.
<br /> : t;;�=��,
<br /> , � .. rantniusd in this ptuagraph 9 shalt roquire Leader to it�u aay eApense Qr t�ice a�►ac¢eaa he[eunder. �,�i.
<br /> '��,t•:,,.,.,
<br /> "�„:
<br /> 8• t�baP�L�nder shati gtv�e 9nrrower�nod pdor o sny stech inspectton specifyi»gxireasonuble cause theiefor Inted to .
<br /> pmvidod
<br /> �� Lepder's intemst in the Property. ,
<br /> ' Pngs 2 ot! '
<br /> � SVcbr�sL2687641/98 Origiaal�itocosdodl CopY(Hrattch) CoDYfCuatom�s') ,
<br /> � ----- — - .--�--"------- - _ _ -- . _
<br />