<br /> `J , s,r� .. .. ' . ' ' .. , . � . . .. �. _.__. �.. . .. .: ..` ..:::._
<br /> , ,� . - _ .. ._ '
<br /> L_..� _:�..�.�`�..__ ----_..._. .. . � �
<br /> .�
<br /> „ 11. lEt+tOER•S At�HT YOCOAMNFNC6 OR OI�FENQ LEGAL ACTlOPtB. Qrantor chaR$rt�mcd�r�6�°u tomoy�in�leettt com4iran.�tMOrvana in and .�.� .
<br /> throatoned nation,eult,or otROt procccdrtg nlfcalinp tho P�og^riy. Q►nmQ`hccA�oY�ey��or aonirovoray oTN���B��g�a roQUn�O�harofrom �Nothing�
<br /> dotond auch uctlono.oulta,a olho►la�t�racscdtngs end to oe�remtc �
<br /> �;� c�omc�nadhor��oy'�ri�ipic oniLcndor�rromia�IdRpihous9onendo�acrlbod1inthin'R�ffi�nUoownnn�na��� y .,
<br /> undor � -
<br /> 12(N61EM�iiFICAYtOM. Londar nhnll nat asaum�ot bo rosponatbto tor tho pnrtomnrsao et c�n a1 aontot'a obugatlona with rospce►!�tho ProDcrry •
<br /> . ' uny elrcumstana�. (irantor ohall ir�nodl�tely provldo LAna II�aW Blos tlnGuding atrorteoY°�f�ry��0��°4)d�ueo ot aetlon.uetions�sui o ancl �
<br /> enpicyoae nnd egonts hartnioas(rom cUl dNrtq.danugo , g
<br /> olhor log:d Prqxodlnps(canitutivoty'CI¢ims'1 poANn to tho PropaM(Ineluding.but not�tho ttomoy�a$f�oa logal oxp�o�IIt� oiher oostalncurrod In
<br /> Iho rcquast o?lcrt�let,eitnA hiro loptlt councot to dotandl.ondot trom cuch Ctalms,cnd p3y t �
<br /> " wnn¢eiton Ihorawill�. In tho alimm�iNo,Landor a�h��o tho tort�nn tan��oloasfl o�r forcda�ro of ht��ood of Trust. �r�ntor'o eost. arcinlor's �'
<br /> ohtlgnttontolndomnlryrlondorundorthlap�ra�aph q.__
<br /> ��:;�. 13.TAl{E£i AND ASS�SSAAEtJTt). Grantor ehfili pay all lmcoa and aososcmomu rolating to Propemy whon duo and irtvmdiatciy proNdo Lcndor ovidaneo ,-^-
<br /> lod to tho paYmQm ot taxon. �.:-
<br /> of paymcnt ot�arrm.Upon tho roquost ol lortdor, Gtmtto►ah�dttpo�w��ro la n�o dota 16 ih�so�emouMe s t/12�o1�ostlmatccl tannuat inauranw
<br /> ' �^ ��� prortium tnacos end enQOeamQnto potta1Nng to tho PropaAy. 9 tho funds ao hcld to a;r�
<br /> Qasoaumcnto eod inaurc�nw aa rcguirod on tho Proporry. In tho o�rmn at dofault.Londsir ahutl havo�ho right.st lta cole optlon.to eAp►Y `:
<br /> ., pay any wuo�a aAainat tiro Obtigattana. Any lunda eippl�od maY,at Londor's optton,tso ePp�ked In�owrro ordc�r of tho duo dato thcrcof. �-
<br /> �r pec �..�
<br /> 14.INSPE0110Pf Of i�AOPEHTY�BOOKB�RECOiiQB AS�D REP�A�Q��o����timo to11mo8Qrantoriehall provtdo any a aictn�noyo _.
<br /> � end uxa�no.I��nd end malw coptas ot Qrnnlofu booko Fu�d rocatds PQ Addltlonally.
<br /> ` �aqulrodpy 6.adc*r!a t hoao pu r p o s e s. A l l o f t h o s t�a turos and intormatlon oot�talned N Qrentar'�books and recetds shall be P�►wlne.truo.aaurato ond
<br /> Cirerrtot'o Martdai oonditfon or tho Proporiy. fio
<br /> conptoto(n al rospoctsa. t�rantu shatl noto 1t►e o x f s tenoo of 4endors bcnufldel imorest in its 6 o o k s an d r a o o r d s p o rt a l n i n g to tho ProPam•
<br /> �
<br /> �rentor shailropa�,In a(otm saticfaatory to Lundor.such intomntion na Lendor may � qr� as L�ndor rtny dosl�ato. At� -
<br /> �� intomcatbn stial bo lor suah Por to�l.�on Esr shali bo�truot aawrate and aompleto t�aN respoete.and aqpcsd by Q or i1 Lcnydor roquests. �.=
<br /> � inforrrc�tbn fwdshedby� �- -
<br /> ' �` 19.ESTOPpEI CEAi1FICATEB. Within ten(10)days ahor eny ro4?tamom spodyine fa t ro o�e�nd[ng balarro�on�h tOb►I�qntionasf cu,d(b)�wtwihasr w
<br /> � •� �ighla wMh�spe�t to tho Obiigationa,a si�ed and adotow►ad9°d ���.-
<br /> Qrerrtorpo�euos auy daUro.ebfenses.setofta or�Merdei s�e tn al1lonih�Londor may rt�ako t�Ure Imo�ndad trensferee vu�a esPeet toet ose srt�ttore pn _
<br /> � ��rrtQ�dalrm3 Cr�allor vAll bo wndusNety bound by Y P�°
<br /> � � the ev4m thatQrrsnta faiis to provldo tho requestcd e1atartant in e timety mannc�r. �,� -
<br /> 18.DEFALl��Carmi�i sh Qnb�In dofeuft undar thls Deod of Tn►st end the Tnisteo's powsr shatl bcoom°operativa In tho�rcnt thal Q�ar�t°r.8°rrow°r or a'.-
<br /> � enY 8uersnt A� ---
<br /> �e�faUsqpaymty ObUgation to Lendor whan due; or aavsnent to Lt�ndor eontained�^thia Doed of TNat at any othar presam ar hrture �.�.
<br /> (b)(a11s b podarm eny Obllgation or IxoAChvs any wertenty '-""
<br /> agro�rneal; �
<br /> (c)dosmys.lasea or dama,9c�s the Properiy in arry material rospect or cubjoda o�n���to colsuro.oonflscatton,or oondemnattan:
<br /> (d�seeluto ravoicn,terrtinate a►oihatwlsc�Umh tta Itabt6ty undor eny gueramY �m for tta benoflt of croditore.fals to pay
<br /> s
<br /> : (e)�oa,bQCanoa�ogally inoo�etent,fs diaso���te��rml IwFt�Y�s►K+s�Ir�i�vohrntarya�pot�W°�banlwPlcY fiied In which Qrarrtor.Bartowor
<br /> , .._ :� �npte sa�a]f bo�i��a�.�'°'a�!1!!�s tsn!�t otcotut�
<br /> ora�y gar,ar�a is nert�csd.or haa property t�icen urtder erry writ or prooass rt�,or usc�of whid�.�s iqogat• _
<br /> ict the ssasslon.trartsPo
<br /> a�lmy�ag�oda to bo used.unnsportod or etond on ihe Property. P� wiyq��o writton conEOm ot L,cndor,o►
<br /> `` (g�ellows pr�y parYy other than d►afdor a 8orro�war to assurta or undertm)se ony 0611Satbn �it Lendar.In 9ood t�aith.to►any rc'as°n.bollavos
<br /> -� �':�•is''•, �' (h ea.usoa Lend�r to daom itsalf insew►e due to a eignifteart dodine in tbu vahm ot tha Praperly:
<br /> 3' �•{•f,��: thNth�pospoct of paymem or perfom�snce is Impaired•
<br /> :,�,;�c e,5��+• -
<br /> r� ..
<br /> � �1��.�t����.j
<br /> "t�c,,�-.. 17. Rl4HT:r OF LEt10EN ON OCFAULT. If there h e dotautt under t►►ls Dead of Tn�st,Londer ahall be arAldcsd to ozordc+>ono a mom o o n9
<br /> �,+. .,,,'�i;,;k" reme�es wfVaut notloo or demand(ozcapt as requtrod by taw):
<br /> . (a)to da�latv rio Obilgationa irm�edatoty duo end pafre6te in fu�l;
<br /> -- (b)to coEarn thoa�latun�ngObligatlonawhh awithout rosaR�ngto judidal process, � �o1s aonsUtWng tho Properry at a ptaoe roasoruibtY
<br />_ -�: >. (o)to requtro Qrc�nMr to dnlivor fu�d m�iw ava�aWo to lendor arhr Pe�'earu�i ProPBm
<br />>•"'��Y' '_' ean+eniaot to(aasnia end Lender, for or ob�lnln8 qta ep�(Mmom ot a rooehasr and.sfi 4ontior'a opt'.ai.to
<br /> _ (d�to eber upon end teke Poscc►ssfon of 1ho Proporry w�thout epPM�9 oondittona rog�rdin9
<br /> �,�;;�,�... sufl on tho ObllgaUons end wflhovl othcirwise mooting any ou�tutaY
<br /> -.,�,:c:��•`"7''�! appolnl a r�saoNar wrihout bond�without flrst brin�ng rtareeeNor.
<br /> ' -. •��� roceiven�U�e�ng Imondod that Londor chdl have thSs aotrttactual d�t to eppd
<br /> y-'��'�� (a)to a�loy a manag4n8 egQ�n of tho Proyoriy and let tho san�►.elther In Trustoo's own nartn,tn ttm namo of�ndor�o�ses,on e�caurrt of „
<br />��'���
<br /> �000h�o ia►c3me.tnoomos.israws or�d proflts ot tiro Prope�y end apply tho esmo.aftor payrriom ot all noocs8eq 2�tla
<br /> -_--- ��;
<br /> :=::;;x z . �0���°n8� od ttee soe�rry of this Doad of Tniat or to wro eny dofauh other t
<br /> ���5i n__-;_ ��p ��y wrns In arry 7arm or manner deormd oxD°d�M bY�°nder to prot m �aT�e ot tho powor ot salo aa rois�ranoed in
<br /> %;, � � � payrt�oNOT IMorc;:,t or�Indpat on tho OMigAtiais: `-
<br /> =a�v:;° ' (91 to taectoto thla Dosd ot Truat ju�clalry or nonJudldaily and to�tea trie eato ot tho proporry ra� �
<br /> '�`A�'� �20 horaot in aooeardartoo whh applieabto taw�
<br />;;�i�.-:' ... (h)to sq�oH OrordoPs Obitg..�tiona egalnstarry artnunts owod Grantorpy Lcnder induding,but rtot Iinitod to.manion.in�trurmrrts,arsd doposft ---
<br /> a:���p�,••� eaooisnummfMaio�od wfth Londor ot nny wrrontly oxisting or futuro affiIiffio ot L�mder.end
<br /> •_.�;.,c.a,,.o�
<br />- - -- p►to oxazci:oaA othor d�►tsevaile6leto Lenderunderanyothorwdtton�t����;�o mraR thffi lat�drx tnuiitutss an h�orb�����
<br /> -^ F LanekT'e s'.�'o �a w��va�sd rtny!�s ozotd.�d tog�+ther.sep�atanY:�►��=ia.C-�+tu rraives���°��r�li tm
<br /> =-r aj� rooavaY��e�Y ot U►u Pr��.BY by atay of e pmJudBr�d r�tt�P�c�nl�Fat eny ca;o. !°rooea�o'.:.rr;T+! �:--
<br /> s"="-��::.. othcsrwko bo re4ulrod. I.endor a tA►Kler's dos7�oo�mypu __
<br /> _�=:;'�'Yi°, .�;; ' lirct„to tho a�fa and ozpcmsea of oxardrtnp ihapo w�er of sela m�d ot tho s�lo�Endudln��p�ons c�ea7�re�d h fE aeh�y tt�(r�d,W�tho pay�mar�A odf iunior
<br /> ._ ,:,.F.� � oxcaad tfto�whbf►may bo providad tor In thla Qacd ot Tnts1.:,c�oond.to PaYmenl ontiticd thereto. fio ar any�rl tteacol rtny _ _
<br /> � ' �u�t dooda,mort�gos,or�Uonholdore.ond iho batanoo.lf any.to tho percon or ��Y
<br />�.�, ... ,� be�aldln ano P�c1.orin suoA�aroois,rt�nr►ar at ordor as Lendor In ko coto dsrxo��+���.ar�d one a rtato a ces ot o pawon c�reSn gFmtcd _-
<br /> • shall nm a�6nguich or o�au�t th�power untusa tho aMiro proportY Is sotd ar tho obiigstion�a�a�sd in tuA. e':,:
<br /> ,� � , oxordco oi ttu�powar of
<br /> • �'�;;4. ° 18. TRQ3TEE�EX�FCI8E OF P�Ifi��OF S�LE ON DEFAULT: If Londer ofc�ete to coU tirmuoi"s trtte�o�t in tho PtopertY tiY {��' :
<br /> • �• salo hcrofn car►tainod.lortdFx s1s�9 notity TruffJOn in 1ho rtnnncr th�n toquirt:d bp law. G,�r P.
<br /> 7; � .�, Diishcd tnd��Mnrod sud�rtcltass of doSaul! i.�....'
<br /> Uparf mo¢ztpof cuoh rto�3ov ot lAndnr end et tho dfroetlon ot tortdor.Tnistoo ehail ceuso ro bo��rocord�.� ot Lender ond wtlhout dar�nd on Grantar, n,�:
<br />'' end oo�asy d�nloaa maY thor+►�o ro��cod tiY Iaw and by this Cecd of Trust. Trustao steaA�otilD/ n aa roqutrod by law, i�_
<br /> �� efta�wd�tlm9�a mny fien bo n�qulrod b�r Iaw sred after r000rdsdon o}sueh esotbo ot dota�dl assd�tot nottee��o��a�itetrs��Let�der rha0 dciom _
<br /> n._..
<br /> : cnu�no RFOp�ty at tho tlrtto ertd plaaj af aa;o flxad by ft in suoh aotioo ot cab.o��es w�o ar h� �aa u�c�a suuespayac��uw u�oi
<br /> ' ,� o���d�-,�ni aod fn wt�t or�ir ns tt rtny detem�tno.cit P�to auetlon to the ht�est btdd�er tor aash N mD��',.,�ot Fts�xd cnd sutttdor►t doed a doods It'-='
<br />. ..F:.:• � or t��oCtorwlco may thon bo roqutrcd bY law. Ttustao 6hai1 dulHor to sud�Purds�c°r a,r�P�����ot any rtnttaro or f�ta ch�If bo °-
<br /> .,.-
<br /> —. -_ __�.. - �..�ee wlthait am avenant or wartatit�l�o?Rx!ass a�r��e�.m t�mrhr rtrnt p��at cud�sr�in. T�uatoo�y @!r�
<br /> � • �apoaf thonuthtuinosstl�moot. Anyperson.mauang,am�w+«.�•••.-�..�... ----- ,:
<br /> • In thom�sma�bY�P�o c�io oTett a any ponion of Mo Property �:��
<br /> � 19. RE�![8T FOIi N O 1 l C E 8: t i r a rt o r r o q u o t R$t h a t a a o p y at a n)r no11a�o!defau't and a ooO11 ot any notlon ot oata h�reund:r bo rtnUod to each�raof
<br /> 11a
<br /> ,� who Isa p�ry hcrot�atUw addre�'.�s o!cuch po►san cat tarih horotn at tt�o sturro Urne mid tn 1ho smn��n�r r a�q u U e d a a i R o u g h o tie�s r a to�e q u e
<br /> . nad ab� r��y cacT wa,coraon.
<br /> . .. vcQosaa '+
<br /> � KEDOTG M.�v91 `�4
<br />,y . . __
<br /> • �• .
<br />