<br /> � ..,
<br /> , „ . _ �, .
<br /> , . ., .... ._..---_....._..__
<br /> .....�..,.,.. • . . . . . ._ .
<br /> � .
<br /> �a� qg appticablo It�v�a and to8ulsttons.induding,�yBhoul IlrNtatNn.tho Amodcano vtlth Olsnbflitloa Ad.42 U.S C.9ectlon 12�01 ot soq (nnd nll �
<br /> � � ,, rogulatlanu prortuigatcd thcroundor)and nIi tonin�m d��►�d��I bo ab�so�ea�nd col�r�ed 9t,n�i�a�i m�co��a►ros�cia�ana aii1e�iR,I�conns'oa! � ,
<br /> � authodty with jurir,diction ovor iho Proporry,pro ly
<br /> ' pomdty,and coniltcatoa ot ocwpartey(ins�uding but not Ilmitcd to zoning vadancoa,spoclat az�ecpnio Property,prasomhr arosand shallnbo ob�alnod, � ---
<br /> • approva�o),vrhothor tom�orary or pom�anom,rfilch aro rratoriel to ihe uco and oaupanoY � ,,
<br /> prosorvad ond,whoro neoossary,ronov�ed; �
<br /> conillct�wilh ho4a viato�no any t��ilulo rogul�attbn,or�nonoo,n�ilo ot mlvs Obl18ati or o f��agrcamont whlch rtuy botdndtng of n Ora�rda nteny t�rra,�� ...
<br /> (o) No actian or prooQading la ar ahall be ponding or throatonod whkh might maladNly attoct tho Proporty:end �uant to this Doad ot
<br /> . (itro��vom 8 Ht�ozardo a Matorials)�vhlchami9hi rr�lcrlallY uHcct�tho Pro��ty aiuLondor'a�rl�isr or ntom tri�o Pronporty pu i�g.but not ilmitod to.
<br /> Trust. ozaopt as sot tonh ==
<br /> 3. PRIOR OEBD8 OF TRUST. arantat ropressnts and wartents ihat thoro aro no ptior doods of trust etlxting anY PaR d tho Proporty
<br /> ,;:��.Y' o n S o h e d ute B attnched to ihia Dood ot Trust,whkh drentor agreas to pay and portorm In a 1lmoty mannor. It lhero aro any pr�w doeda ol truat thon �� `;
<br /> ' ,T Orantor agreo s t o p�un�e m o�m o w v vp�,�of tr�ust�s�hall be s�fauft un udot e his Q o t�Trus t den dtc h a l l o midt l e l.a n d ebrtt o a NQ�I S Ms�n n d r o m edboa co M a i n�d _��--
<br /> agraos that e dotau Y P� ''K
<br /> horain or in the Ol�ligatlons to vrhich l�endur wouid bo enlNied In ths evont of any othor defeuR. �,.�.__-
<br /> �.-,,..'
<br /> . 4. TRANSFER9 OF 7HE PAOPER4Y�A BEW�tC1A�{of ho�o��aPO���b�cjd In�SSdQieRdulo AEo e�i�rost t�htereln or�af e�l or a�Y b�eneeual —
<br /> oor.trad tor deed or trensfer to an r�perscn a1 el�or eny pan ershi trust,or —
<br /> , irAerost h Bortawa�n�ta�y�at ita option�dadare the outstamm�g prindpai�balenoo ot tho Obligatio�plus aocrued in�t�n�lm�rediately due and --
<br /> other Iegai omity).
<br /> � paYablo. At londeta►equost.Grer�or or 8orrower,as tho caso may be,sneil h,mish a compto�o statomoM eening fonh au ot hs s�ocidrotd�rs.mo►ri�era.or �-
<br /> ,; .. ,� p,Anc�s,as eppropriato,and the axlQnt of thaU rospoctive ownurship irrtort�sts.
<br /> . � B. ASStRNAtHNT OF RENTS. in eonslebration of tho OWigatlons,which aro sowred by lhia Dead of Trust.t3rantor ebsoluteb a s s l�s to L c�n d e r e l l o.
<br /> K � tirazrtofc eatate.rkdn.tit{a.Intnrost. dalm and domand naw ownod or hs ot tho Pro�pc;Ay tall su�ch Inases and�ayreert�c�rrts whethor��wittpen o�oral�ere �..
<br /> � extcnslans.mnovraCs or�d sublearas.d!�grcert�a tor i�su end oxuPar►aY =--
<br /> , � horeaftar referred to as tha'leasea� en�e�gu e t,�revonuas,is�sues��fl1��s e�nd otherdi rrroonw af a�r►�nad�irohmw a horeako�e t�nd 9 any in�of =--
<br /> . � eolied anci�eceke ell at iho rems,inoorre.reoeipt rty ��-
<br /> any n�uro aomtng due du o 9comnon�malPnt�anoo oorrtd6utfo sstax and Insurano8o ooMdhuL'ons.�daNde n�cy�►eremstl I quldated�°��rar���yitts fotl winA ,.,
<br /> ' � porconmgo rorrts.Parfdn8 �Q �`-
<br /> defautt in any Lease,ell procseds payebte undr�r any poticy of insuranoo covering loss of ronts rosdtirtg hom untc+nemebllity causgd b £lNG1IUfl Oi
<br /> damago to tho Prop,sny.all pr000eds Payebla ea n rosuit of a Iesseo's exeerdse of an option to purehare tho a������td�htitairter `
<br /> temdnmlon or rojection ot�ny Leaso In a banlwptey or oih�tnsoivonay odi�8•�nd A�� �ds ir°m enyl�tgtd
<br /> pe �'>'
<br /> '� may hav���nst any lasses urtder th ef,e�d�r�_Y��u�the L�andor to ernoilect end s�ply tho Rohms. This�aaalgnm rt i�r�eoo�rded �ordanw wiih
<br /> asot�mis subjact to thn dgM,pow mY =-
<br /> °pp�`�lp stato ia�wblo st�atv I w as�r�rended(rom Urre togifmo.�As ton cjs t�o�isPno dafe it under t�F►o u igatlons�Ia Daed of�p�dor�grama -
<br /> provtdcd bynpp� pe
<br /> L i r a m a a ro v o e a 6 1 o I i e Qrea�nio�io�depos�it at Rams imo a�n a�oaium m a t r rt a l rte d t r/C i►a n t o o r len d o r a W�e Irtstl��n.�U p o n default tn thu payrt�ont ---
<br /> � .. ; rtny et any tlrm requh' rty
<br /> ° p.or m n��dpj oe�rt d of th�na�t�hat tond�or�dezmsyProPo►�Lander�rre�prooeod to�t cPid��d re ehro ail Rema�r�m�he1eproperty.and Londer
<br /> a�e t(se Property as Lendor rtny dean isroPar. lander may epply e11 Roms In
<br /> - � - sh�I hava tull pawar to noim aitwanims raiav�s,rs�ak:or��tho oost o}suoh altc;ratlons.rono�rattons.ropvrs m�3 ropotlwn"�r+Y a�d asrf °
<br /> •�'t;� Lcnda's solo dlsaetton to paymant of t�o Obllgationa or to ihe payrr� r�
<br /> rl¢dfrafly and tho m9naporram and opvratbn oi 1he Proporry. Lander may keop tho
<br /> ��''�' " expenso3 t�uidom to teidng end retainlng poasession ot the Properry pe r Itone whtch m�ay�a�eaue• 7tse expo�se a�►d°°st ot ihoso
<br />: Prop�erty Propedy insured and may�eu►a►9a any texos.charges�c�aims,assescrtioms and othe
<br /> aetions rtray bc+ d fiom tho�t��i e����Y��8 Deod of T�et.�added to tho prfndpal ot iha ad�gaUo�s. 'these e�rt�+"ts.t°8°1�er with
<br /> . , b+pal
<br /> ``, othor oosts,shall beaome parl 9�
<br /> -.r,.�;�,-, in oondittoa
<br /> E. U8H AND MAIN'TEP�ANCE OF PROPERTY.Graniar shsll talce eil actiona ertd mak��u�y renairaon�u���ropeflriy Eo�1Y �!an°Q wifn
<br /> � Gr�r�im sfiall not oom�it nr pemit�►we�e to bc�oomdtted wlth mspect to tho PrapeA�r C�rant w�
<br />-„�•a�'•�. •� appicaato law arid insuranoo pak�s. Cirantor shali not mako any efta�rtx�m�mado to tho ProYpa�N shail�uu subj�G t�e bo ftdal��toros�t bolonging
<br /> T,-R'•,; 'ti.�, wnsant. Wilhoul frtiting the torogotng.elt artemtions,addittons end Urprc
<br /> to Londer.chatl not ho removod withad Londors prtor wdtten oonsen►�erM cheli be m3d°at arat►to�s colo e�enso.
<br /> 7. �gg ap Dp�pQk, prarrtor yha11 bo�rthc�emiro dsk of any Ioss.thoft,dostn�ction or damago(w►�+latirey'Losa a Dart�ga)to iho PropoAy or any
<br />- LencWr,ropatr tha attedod Propeny to Its
<br />_�"��' ' portton t}ieroof hom any caur�'►whatsoavor.In tho mrem of eny Lor,�s or Osunaflo,Qrantor chall,at ihe optbn o1
<br /> ,.. u
<br />-. .,: _.:: �tq�s oon�Ytlon or pay or eauc�to bo pa►dto lonr�r fho docrease in the falr moriwt velao ot tho aHcetcd Properry.
<br />�_=r,%�i-u:,`- aaemem ooat)agolnsl a0 herards Induding loss or derrng�raused blr
<br /> -;..<,i.,_r a INSU{iAttCE.'f'he Proporry wpi ba tu3pt Insurad fot Ita tuii insural�.b velue(►ePl LAnder. t#ranta may a6teln Insura�we on the Propurty from suc6
<br />=.-,�.�;..• ta�r�ado arid 1Uo.thuft a othor essuatty to tho oxtmit tequired bY to Londor with at tcast --
<br /> ,��••v ., Ilood.earlhquaka• shell ro the Insurenoe aonpanY D�'� —
<br />-��,„�w ��pan►o8 as ero��optablo to Isnder in Ile colo dlccruUon. Tho InEUrenoo pclidas re4�d
<br />�,.�:��:�::;: �
<br /> 30 dnps wRitton notioa before suafi poikiea ero aitore9 a►cenoelied in an rt�nnor. Tho Insuranoo poqdos t,Mli neno LunA�a[ni^g to�tho
<br /> .14;_>,. �.�,�, y� �'o thzn nn aet or omissbn of(3ranter rr ar,y othetper�on cha11 allocl Ue�dp of I�or�dor to bo patd Iho t�urenae P��Pa
<br /> -;Xr' y �, ss or daimgo of tho Property.In tho ovem Qrantor isdla�o aoqulre or rtatnta(n Insurer+om,lar►dat(°fter pro�tdng nolioe as rt�y�d�����ere�st as
<br />;�,�,.:: a, .:.. o
<br /> in tis disae0on prawroep�o ptlato Insuranoe aavor upon the Propny ond thc�lnsuranoe oost shall bo en sdvanoo paYode
<br />_` ': doscribad N tho'AEIMBURSEMEM OF AMOUN7�EXPENDEG BY LHNDER•�e��►� ��'. ��ar shstl Nmish ndor with
<br /> �~�,,x:�.. .� ovtdenoo of insuranoo Indlcattng tho roquUad wveragp. Landor n�r e:1 es aftort�nstrumom�ey eny�in�wro.NI 5uch Insurmcoa�o0eies$shall be ----
<br />���,�4 '�;.,- p�t tabs.qnxSling anY Po�Y or ondorcin8 Orantors r►Pmo on eny drait ar nogmiohto Grentor nhaii irts��►�dy ghro l�onder
<br />-= -�' � �' Iimrx�atetY ascig�c�l�aa�od�1�Nsted to Londor�a lurlher aeatdtY ta tho ObiigaUona. In tho ovent o!tosa. �r,�dN to ls►�der tnataad of to
<br /> ta�itten�otfoe end Lendor�s aulho�od to mataa proo4 a1 bss. Eeoh Insuronoo oortpanY ta droctod to rt�ak�pafm�s
<br /> ;,se. _� _ �
<br /> l'�:'��.�_ ��er end Qrantor. Lendet shN1 havo lho rtgM t+t ha sob oplton,to eu�mon�03 t01Al8Td 1hD�l$a11on�or toward t6B oost of rebuiiding
<br /> -��-'+T' `�"�1 �osta�dw P�operir• �Y smounis rray�{usnk7'a v��t(�n Sxs a�En��e►�r of 1hA�datos lhorooi.
<br /> S=.��R,-.I`� ,' 9. IODliNO MID PRIVATfi COY�d�PSi�i. t3ra�ner c,t►eU not Initiate or carteaM to arry�at�go�n tno aanfR9 P�stone ur pr��ato ccwnant:�.�!es!�r±!e :.-._
<br />:d;';•.:. .'ehf"'.
<br /> �":�',;,.,•..`-� usu ot tho Property without LondQr's�f:cr wdrion aonscnt. �f Gramots uso of tho PropoAy beaones a r+ortoadoming use undot any zaMng slon,
<br /> r. �.�`. `. Grc�rrtor thall not cause or pomdt cu�usa to bo dioeorNnuod or ebandanod wilhout tho pdor w�Itton consoM ot tasndar. tirarrtor wiU Unrr�dlato Provldo --
<br /> . t�cnder wUh wr(tton notioD at anY ProPosc�d changoa to!ho zoning provistona a privato oevananto aftading tho Proporry. _-
<br /> � 10. CONO[,M�nl'!ro���7ty�Al�tllDnl�o9 P�ey tiat to tRram�hom auch anondarma�ioo o t kn9 are horoby u�^:gr+�d t lan�ar e�nd 6ha116o apDltaa �
<br /> praAecdn�f P� 9
<br />- ;: tirst to tho paymarrt ot Land�r's aitumsya'teos.�og�1 e�ansos and oUim oo�ta pndud�ng eypratr+il(oos�in oonnoetton whH iho oon�tion or an(nent �"
<br /> donnin�ox�rtgs artd than,n tt�e vpiion ot Lem�.ir,to tho paymcm ot mo Obl�gatlor�s or tho rostoretton a�apar o!ttre Proporiy.
<br /> � ��..
<br /> E-:•:
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