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.i .-o'r; . . <br /> V y •t �. <br /> lC ' . } .. _`�, "". _ <br /> , ;r�. ' .�. - . ,, t:._ <br /> � � '' '� -- _ _ _ _ _ <br /> .. ��. - --�:�::�i _... - __ .� --- --- <br /> 3 93- �.o��z� <br /> S. H�a�+d or Pr+upaty la�uraace. Bamnwer �II kxp tho impmvematta naw cxicting ar her�afler erocted on �he <br /> PropeAy inwrod�ainu las by Ore. Iwzarda includod wlthin Iho tetm 'eztetdod rnvetwge"wx!any Mher hapaM�, inciudin� <br /> _� `--- --�' floadr ar 8oaiin�.far whic{� i�ender nequircs inwranoe.`Thi�incuranae Rhall be maintanod in�he amaunl�and tar�he pe�iadc <br /> that Lende�roqui�. 71�e insurance curder providing d�e insura�ee shall he ch��sen by Barrawer subject io I.ender's appmval <br /> which shA11 not I�a unreason�bly withheld. If Bomowcr fpilR te mamtpin rnvernge described+�buve. I.ea�dcr may, at Lcn�ier's <br /> aption.obwin eoverage to proteet Lende�'s�ighta in the Prapany in accc�rdanue wiih parngrnph 7. <br /> - - .-.. Atl insuta� Icies arjd r�w+�la aiwll t� • <br /> - pal waepwbtn iu lxi�lar w�t �twtl i�ktwle a s�wriani mnngage clpusa. l.erwkr � - <br /> "�" shall havc the right to hold the policies and renewals.If l.ender rcqui�es.Bamawer shull promptly givc�o I..ender all receipts of <br /> .: ..-�=n�---_T-,-._-,_-----_.� <br /> - paid Prcmiwns and rcnewal the event of loss.Bc�rtawer Ahall glve prompt notioe to 1he inrurwu�carrle�and Le�der. <br /> - I.erider mwy make praaf of Mss ff twt made promp�ly by Borrower. <br />-;i�� Unless Lender ard Borrowcr dherwlse agroe in writing,insura�ce procroeds shall M►upplied to r+csloratian or repuir af the <br />'''`"" Pmperty danwgod,if tho rcuoration or�epai�is economically feasible und L.ande�'s ssecu�lty is not les�enod. If tho restoration�r <br /> �`"z tep�ir is not xanomically fesisiblo or I.cndcr's secu�ity would bc lessene4, thc inxurunce prcxeods shull bo appliod to thc sums <br /> - secured by this Socu�iry InsmumaN, whether or ncN then due. wlth any excess paid ta Bc�mower. lf Bnrrower ubandons the ---- <br />-_— - P�ope�ty.or dces nat�rer wilhin 30 days A notice from I.ender thal the insurnnce cuRier hos otfered w seitle a cluim, then �= <br />'�:�::- � I.render may collect the insurance pnoceeds. Lender may uce �he�naceeds to repui� or reseore �he Property or ta puy sums <br /> i_��.,-�,� se�ured by t�is Security I�ument,whei�her or not then due.The'�CFday periad will bcgin wAen tM ndice is given. <br /> �;�. -- = � Unless Lendcr and Borrowcr otherwlse agrce in writing, urey �plic�tion of pt�aceeas to principul shall not catend or = <br /> ^''' '� postpone thc due d�te of ithe anonthly p�+meats referred to in,}wmgra�hs 1 und 2 or change the amount pf the payments. It <br />-=z ' � _ <br /> -- 'a:�"� �ander paragmph 21 1he Ptoperay is at�uired by I.ender� Barraa,�e�s right to any insairance policies and proceeds resuUing from <br /> _.- x'yt. -- <br />-`:�r-- ---_-- - �.!"�r; datnaAe to tMe ProQerty pdar[a�1�e uc�ni:�i�n s,hall paaa to�l.en�7er tn tbe extenr of the Mim�c r,tct�secl by Ihia&eudty It�strumeat -- <br /> i� - �t�.�,°j fmnkdfatcly prior to the stcquds9zion. -.... <br /> ��, � .�f,�,;�,r,s ' 6.Oocuponcy.P�+eserv+W��,JMaintenance ardd 4'arut�ec¢i�a�of the PmpeKy;Borrower's I.oan AppG�ei�ai l.ease6oldo. � <br />==':�::� .�����r� � ��"� �c,rrower shall accupy,e9unblish.and usse the Propertc.a,8+nrrower's principal residence within sixry days aQi-er the eaecution oP =-- <br />�;�— ',�`., th�s Security Instrume�u a�ul ahall oontinue to occupy thP Property ns Borrower's principal reaidence for at least ane yeAr atter =_� <br /> - <br />